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Venting Can not Stand LGBTQ+ Propaganda, "We were Born this Way!"



Jun 12, 2023
Makes absolutely no sense. No you weren't born that way, yes it's a choice, how the fuck is it not a choice to suck a dick? Do you have no discipline or willpower? I hate it so much because they consider themselves heros for giving into the dark temptations.
Hopefully more gay men means more women single
Hopefully more gay men means more women single
Not how it works, colleges with more women relative to men have more incels due to hieghtened hypergamy.
Makes absolutely no sense. No you weren't born that way, yes it's a choice, how the fuck is it not a choice to suck a dick? Do you have no discipline or willpower? I hate it so much because they consider themselves heros for giving into the dark temptations.
Sucking dick is a choice but being attracted to something is not a choice.
inceldom discussed
It is not a choice in the sense that it is either a mental illness or a genetic defect/mutation. I just rather they did not advertise this shit. It is not a coincidence that gays are ultra degenerate.

Read up on the spread of AIDS. Fags were having orgies even as their bodies started rotting and doctors were screaming at them to stop for their own good. Really blackpilling.
It is quite sad because gays would be normal boys and men if they weren't touched and sexually abused (often by mothers, which is why you have twinks who want a father figure but can only find one through anal rape) the few gays I spoke to all were molested or in some way abused.

Homosexuality not caused by abuse is the ones you should really watch out for though, that is just pure malice / anti-social personality and they are the ones touching kids in preschools etc to spread the homosexuality same people you see in pride parades
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idc let all the normies become fags and fuck each other in the ass, more women left for LVM like us
idc let all the normies become fags and fuck each other in the ass, more women left for LVM like us
More gay guys means more hypergamy. Colleges with higher % of women have more incels.
It is not a choice in the sense that it is either a mental illness or a genetic defect/mutation. I just rather they did not advertise this shit. It is not a coincidence that gays are ultra degenerate.

Read up on the spread of AIDS. Fags were having orgies even as their bodies started rotting and doctors were screaming at them to stop for their own good. Really blackpilling.
What do you mean? You can easily choose to just not have sex.
Ok, so is someone a thief if they want to steal but stop themselves?
You are gay whether you commit homosexual activities or not. Meanwhile a thief is only defined so by his actions.
You are gay whether you commit homosexual activities or not. Meanwhile a thief is only defined so by his actions.
How is someone gay if they never have ever done a gay act in their life?
How is someone gay if they never have ever done a gay act in their life?
Cause they are attracted to the same gender. It’s like how you are straight despite never having touched a woman.
Cause they are attracted to the same gender. It’s like how you are straight despite never having touched a woman.
I am choosing to actively pursue women, I could easily choose to actively pursue men if I wanted.

What do you mean by "attracted", because you could say nearly every straight guy is also """attracted""" to men in the sense they get temptations and desires sometimes, they just refuse to act on that. Some people have stronger temptations than others.

It's like drugs, some people are addicted to drugs, others stay away from them.... but it's universal that we would derive pleasure from them if we consumed them, some just can resist the temptation.
I am choosing to actively pursue women, I could easily choose to actively pursue men if I wanted.
Even if you didn’t actively pursue, your attraction is what determines your sexuality.

What do you mean by "attracted", because you could say nearly every straight guy is also """attracted""" to men in the sense they get temptations and desires sometimes, they just refuse to act on that. Some people have stronger temptations than others.
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The memes write themselves
@Transcended Trucel

It's like drugs, some people are addicted to drugs, others stay away from them.... but it's universal that we would derive pleasure from them if we consumed them, some just can resist the temptation.
If you are straight, you are repulsed by gay sex, not just choosing from free will jfl.
Even if you didn’t actively pursue, your attraction is what determines your sexuality.

View attachment 805698
The memes write themselves
@Transcended Trucel

If you are straight, you are repulsed by gay sex, not just choosing from free will jfl.
Yes, repulsed on a MORAL and RATIONAL level, not an instinctual level. You're fucking retarded.

I'm repulsed by people who steal from the homeless, that doesn't mean if I weren't to steal from the homeless, I could in fact enjoy the money I stole... I would just be morally ashamed of myself. Same with homosexuality, if I were to do it, I may feel physical pleasure but I'd be disgusted with what I have become, a faggot.

You're either playing dumb with me or making some dumb linguistic point.
If these faggots and troons would just keep their degeneracy to themselves, in their bedrooms. I would have no problem with them. I don't need to see them walk around with sex toys and borderline naked in the streets to accept them, in fact it makes me hate them.
Same with homosexuality, if I were to do it, I may feel physical pleasure but I'd be disgusted with what I have become, a faggot.

I don't think much about homosexuality. Not crazy about the fag agenda, but it's not something I concern myself with much. If you're having thoughts of 'possible pleasure' from a homosexual experience, but feeling morally repulsed due to stigma from your family or church, you may actually be on the wrong website. If you feel going fag is something you're choosing not to do, realize that most of us don't even consider it in the first place. It may not be inceldom that is causing you to not have a girlfriend, but your true desire for something else that you're ashamed of and haven't come to terms with yet.

This site is for heterosexual men who want pussy, but can't get it the way Chads and normies do with ease.

I hope you figure yourself out. And I actually do admire one thing about fags - they can fuck anytime they want and don't care about whether or not a foid finds them sexually attractive. I don't believe fagcels exist, because any ugly fuck can find some other dude to fuck him. Fags, on the whole, are nowhere near as picky the way foids are when it comes to fucking men (how else do you think HIV/AIDS spread so quickly among them?)

But I myself can't ignore that biological need to want an actual foid, and why it's so crippling and invalidating being both rejected and hated by foids. The thought of going gay as an alternative never crossed my mind. You're devoting whole threads to it.
I don't think much about homosexuality. Not crazy about the fag agenda, but it's not something I concern myself with much. If you're having thoughts of 'possible pleasure' from a homosexual experience, but feeling morally repulsed due to stigma from your family or church, you may actually be on the wrong website. If you feel going fag is something you're choosing not to do, realize that most of us don't even consider it in the first place. It may not be inceldom that is causing you to not have a girlfriend, but your true desire for something else that you're ashamed of and haven't come to terms with yet.
This is absolute bullshit. I would much rather have a foid, and I've been rejected multiple times from them. I would never consider doing anything homosexual with anyone. I'm disgusted by it.
This site is for heterosexual men who want pussy, but can't get it the way Chads and normies do with ease.
Normies don't get it with ease, Chad does, but I am hetero, I want a wife.
I hope you figure yourself out. And I actually do admire one thing about fags - they can fuck anytime they want and don't care about whether or not a foid finds them sexually attractive. I don't believe fagcels exist, because any ugly fuck can find some other dude to fuck him. Fags, on the whole, are nowhere near as picky the way foids are when it comes to fucking men (how else do you think HIV/AIDS spread so quickly among them?)

But I myself can't ignore that biological need to want an actual foid, and why it's so crippling and invalidating being both rejected and hated by foids. The thought of going gay as an alternative never crossed my mind. You're devoting whole threads to it.
I would never go gay as an alternative either, but I'm saying I can totally see how some people give in to it. I view it the same way i see any other life-destroying vice like meth, heroin, or gambling.
I would much rather have a foid, and I've been rejected multiple times from them. I would never consider doing anything homosexual with anyone. I'm disgusted by it.
I think about fags who were able to get married, but still wanted to fuck men. In some ways, I'm jealous of their ability to get a foid. They were normie enough to pull a foid, but DIDN'T REALLY WANT ONE. Meanwhile, I want one but can't get one. It's unfair. So, those fags weren't ugly, they were able to "get the girl." But they still wanted to fuck men. I don't think they chose it. They fought to force themselves to be normal for society's sake. Irony - those of us here want to be normal and truly desire a foid, but are rejected. Fags with girlfriends/wives have the opposite problem.

Normies don't get it with ease,
Not as easily as a Chad. But from an incel perspective, the fact that normies take having/having had girlfriends for granted would certainly qualify as "with ease" compared to my pathetic truecel situation. I was never even given the opportunity to struggle to KEEP a girlfriend like normies do. I was never able to GET one in the first place. Yes, I say with ease comparatively and stand by it.

I would never go gay as an alternative either, but I'm saying I can totally see how some people give in to it. I view it the same way i see any other life-destroying vice like meth, heroin, or gambling.

Well, I like to drink. So, I have to be careful with alcohol. Whereas, for me, gambling doesn't do anything for me at all. I can put a coin in a slot machine and quickly get bored. Someone who's prone to desire gambling may slip off the rails. Though that same person may be able to have one drink and stop.

Yes, vices can lead to a slippery downhill slope, but only if there's an initial interest there to begin with. For me, one drink can easily turn in to many more. But a slot machine and a lottery ticket are meaningless. Someone may have the opposite problem. Spending hours at the craps table, but still sipping that one beer. Not all vices affect every person the same way.

Sounds to me like you're saying you have the same problem when it comes to your homosexual desires. It's something you have to watch yourself over, or you'll turn full-blown fag. For me, faggotry is on par with a casino = zero interest.
I think about fags who were able to get married, but still wanted to fuck men. In some ways, I'm jealous of their ability to get a foid. They were normie enough to pull a foid, but DIDN'T REALLY WANT ONE. Meanwhile, I want one but can't get one. It's unfair. So, those fags weren't ugly, they were able to "get the girl." But they still wanted to fuck men. I don't think they chose it. They fought to force themselves to be normal for society's sake. Irony - those of us here want to be normal and truly desire a foid, but are rejected. Fags with girlfriends/wives have the opposite problem.

Not as easily as a Chad. But from an incel perspective, the fact that normies take having/having had girlfriends for granted would certainly qualify as "with ease" compared to my pathetic truecel situation. I was never even given the opportunity to struggle to KEEP a girlfriend like normies do. I was never able to GET one in the first place. Yes, I say with ease comparatively and stand by it.

Well, I like to drink. So, I have to be careful with alcohol. Whereas, for me, gambling doesn't do anything for me at all. I can put a coin in a slot machine and quickly get bored. Someone who's prone to desire gambling may slip off the rails. Though that same person may be able to have one drink and stop.

Yes, vices can lead to a slippery downhill slope, but only if there's an initial interest there to begin with. For me, one drink can easily turn in to many more. But a slot machine and a lottery ticket are meaningless. Someone may have the opposite problem. Spending hours at the craps table, but still sipping that one beer. Not all vices affect every person the same way.

Sounds to me like you're saying you have the same problem when it comes to your homosexual desires. It's something you have to watch yourself over, or you'll turn full-blown fag. For me, faggotry is on par with a casino = zero interest.
So you're telling me if you were totally alone and no one would ever find out, and morals didn't exist, you wouldn't even be tempted to do anything remotely homosexual?
So you're telling me if you were totally alone and no one would ever find out, and morals didn't exist, you wouldn't even be tempted to do anything remotely homosexual?

I don't sustain from homosexuality because it's "immoral." I sustain because I have ZERO desire to partake.

Same with gambling. Left alone at a slot machine, I'd lose interest quickly. The gambler, however, is gonna spend the next 10 hours there.

For me, left alone with an unlimited supply of beer, I'm probably gonna drink up as much as I can.

I'd say ethics/morals don't come into play until a DESIRE exists in the first place. Since I have no interest in gambling or homosexuality, I'm not thinking about them at all. The morality of partaking in those acts is meaningless to me, because I don't want to indulge in the first place.

Now, because I'm an alcoholic, I do get that moral guilt when I drink or think about drinking: It's bad too drink so much so often. What if I injure myself or someone else being drunk? This is no way to conduct myself, being drunk around others. I'm less productive when selfishly drunk, and not pulling my weight, etc.

Are you telling me homosexuality is a vice you're actively trying not to partake in?

I don't sustain from homosexuality because it's "immoral." I sustain because I have ZERO desire to partake.

Same with gambling. Left alone at a slot machine, I'd lose interest quickly. The gambler, however, is gonna spend the next 10 hours there.

For me, left alone with an unlimited supply of beer, I'm probably gonna drink up as much as I can.

I'd say ethics/morals don't come into play until a DESIRE exists in the first place. Since I have no interest in gambling or homosexuality, I'm not thinking about them at all. The morality of partaking in those acts is meaningless to me, because I don't want to indulge in the first place.

Now, because I'm an alcoholic, I do get that moral guilt when I drink or think about drinking: It's bad too drink so much so often. What if I injure myself or someone else being drunk? This is no way to conduct myself, being drunk around others. I'm less productive when selfishly drunk, and not pulling my weight, etc.
Interesting, this is alien to me
Are you telling me homosexuality is a vice you're actively trying not to partake in?
Yes, repulsed on a MORAL and RATIONAL level, not an instinctual level. You're fucking retarded.
yes, most dudes are repulsed by it. It doesn’t make me retarded, it’s just how it is. People like you who are not disgusted by it are the ones who can be psyop’d into becoming gay even if you aren’t born gay. That’s why the meme of gays reproducing by targeting kids might have some truth to it. But luckily your ugliness has saved you from being raped as a kid.

I'm repulsed by people who steal from the homeless, that doesn't mean if I weren't to steal from the homeless, I could in fact enjoy the money I stole... I would just be morally ashamed of myself. Same with homosexuality, if I were to do it, I may feel physical pleasure but I'd be disgusted with what I have become, a faggot.
Most people are not morally ashamed tbh. Morality for most people is just a result of reputation control and not trying to damage it. You have to be genetically good for this to be the case (which is rare).

You're either playing dumb with me or making some dumb linguistic point.
No, I’m being serious. If you are truly an intellectual as your name says, then you should know that not everyone feels the same way you do. Most people’s behaviours are heavily biologically hardwired.
I don't think much about homosexuality. Not crazy about the fag agenda, but it's not something I concern myself with much. If you're having thoughts of 'possible pleasure' from a homosexual experience, but feeling morally repulsed due to stigma from your family or church, you may actually be on the wrong website. If you feel going fag is something you're choosing not to do, realize that most of us don't even consider it in the first place. It may not be inceldom that is causing you to not have a girlfriend, but your true desire for something else that you're ashamed of and haven't come to terms with yet.

This site is for heterosexual men who want pussy, but can't get it the way Chads and normies do with ease.

I hope you figure yourself out. And I actually do admire one thing about fags - they can fuck anytime they want and don't care about whether or not a foid finds them sexually attractive. I don't believe fagcels exist, because any ugly fuck can find some other dude to fuck him. Fags, on the whole, are nowhere near as picky the way foids are when it comes to fucking men (how else do you think HIV/AIDS spread so quickly among them?)

But I myself can't ignore that biological need to want an actual foid, and why it's so crippling and invalidating being both rejected and hated by foids. The thought of going gay as an alternative never crossed my mind. You're devoting whole threads to it.

Same with homosexuality, if I were to do it, I may feel physical pleasure but I'd be disgusted with what I have become, a faggot.
That's not disgust, it's shame. You're just bissexual or gay. Address your shame in therapy and be happy.

every straight guy is also """attracted""" to men
Genuinest opinion on straightness from the straightest poster on .is
Peado teachers are getting hold of these kids before they know anything & convincing the confused that they're gay or whatever so that when they do diddle; the kids won't rat them out as they won't perceive something bad has been done to them. Elites push for this shit as it gets birth rates down in Jewed countries, further divides the population & is a perversion or inversion of the natural order which satanists always push for.
kek what did this thread devolve into
Michael Jordan Lol GIF
Even if you didn’t actively pursue, your attraction is what determines your sexuality.

View attachment 805698
The memes write themselves
@Transcended Trucel

If you are straight, you are repulsed by gay sex, not just choosing from free will jfl.
agreed. Probably 70% homos genetic. 30% due to abuse.
Hopefully more gay men means more women single
It would if not for the fact that more women dont need no man and are more likely to also date women.
When I was 20, I was crazy to find some relief to my sexual urges and I tried watching gay porn to see If it would appeal to me in some way, since finding gay men wanting to have sex with me would be away easier.

Then I see a bald guy being fucked in the ass and moaning with that manly voice.

I felt disgusted and almost throw up.

So, there's no possibility of homo action for me.

Although, I wouldn't say no 100% when it comes to transexuals, but a 99% no. There may be some exceptions that are really convincing.

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