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Discussion Can deaf girls accept us ??



Verlierer und Jungfrau
Nov 30, 2023
answer the question Brocels
Or any girl with disabilities for me i will prefer a blind foid lmfao u already know why
if they have a heightened sense of smell because of their deafness they'll smell the aura of shit that follows me around because i dont shower
No? Women only want chad disabilities mean nothing
Or any girl with disabilities for me i will prefer a blind foid lmfao u already know why
Maybe quadruple amputee would want inkwells
Deaf and blind girls are chad only
No but blind girls might.
Katawa shoujomaxxing
There is a study that shows blind girls still want chad. It's over, no matter what.
If they can see me its over
They'd still find a way to figure out if you're a voicecel
Reminds me of that cripple foid on a faceandlms livestream who has weak bones and is extremely disabled, but is still yet demanding a 6ft chad.

No AWALT for chads only.
Or any girl with disabilities for me i will prefer a blind foid lmfao u already know why
Unfortunately the Chad detector doesn’t rely on basic human senses perceivable to men.
I'm hard of hearing, wear hearing aids and know american sign language... I can't even find a deaf woman that will give me a chance.
Only blind girls are not discriminating against us.
Or any girl with disabilities for me i will prefer a blind foid lmfao u already know why
Blind girls have higher looks standards than regular girls. I literally saw a thread about this a while ago. If that’s actually true, it’s peak insanity
if they have a heightened sense of smell because of their deafness they'll smell the aura of shit that follows me around because i dont shower
Same bro. I shower once a week tops. Can’t be bothered with it.
blind girl maybe
I would shower only once a week but I gotta wageslave so yeah :feelsbadman:
I gotta wageslave soon too, so I’m gonna have to start showering twice a week
maybe if you convince them enough they could accept us but i doubt it
:feelskek: Based bravecel. Let them feel your animalistic aura.
Lol. I’m also a car guy, so they will probably smell a bit of 1971 big block Camaro exhaust on me too.
Or any girl with disabilities for me i will prefer a blind foid lmfao u already know why
Did you not see that recent post about blind foids having the same standards as nromal ones :feelskek:
Same bro. I shower once a week tops. Can’t be bothered with it.
I barely ever go a day without a shower I just feel like shit If I dont have one

you just need to showermaxx and go to the gym to ascend bro:soy:
I barely ever go a day without a shower I just feel like shit If I dont have one

you just need to showermaxx and go to the gym to ascend bro:soy:
Fr man. I often go a whole week without showering and it doesn’t bother me. I once went a whole month without showering after my major hip surgery because I couldn’t be bothered to get in the shower with the crutches and risk falling. I have to start showering twice a week though once I start my job. I absolutely despise showering.
I once went a whole month without showering after my major hip surgery because I couldn’t be bothered to get in the shower with the crutches and risk falling.
Fair enough I wouldnt want to do that either especially if I already didnt like showermaxxing
The most Ive ever gone without showering is maybe a few weeks because I was very deppressed and barely even got up for anything
I absolutely despise showering.
how come??
Fair enough I wouldnt want to do that either especially if I already didnt like showermaxxing
The most Ive ever gone without showering is maybe a few weeks because I was very deppressed and barely even got up for anything

how come??
I despise showering because I have severe OCD. I will not get into the part of why it bothers me while showering, but let’s just say my brain likes to make certain things very miserable for me. I’ve had bad OCD since age 8 and it’s been relentlessly tormenting me for 11 years now. I also have Asperger’s and am very sensitive to touch. My skin always feels weird and itchy after I shower. I’m also just kinda depressed overall and showering takes so much of my energy. A hard weightlifting session is less mentally taxing for me than taking a shower, as absurd as that sounds.
I despise showering because I have severe OCD. I will not get into the part of why it bothers me while showering, but let’s just say my brain likes to make certain things very miserable for me. I’ve had bad OCD since age 8 and it’s been relentlessly tormenting me for 11 years now. I also have Asperger’s and am very sensitive to touch. My skin always feels weird and itchy after I shower. I’m also just kinda depressed overall and showering takes so much of my energy. A hard weightlifting session is less mentally taxing for me than taking a shower, as absurd as that sounds.
OCD and autism must be a fucking brutal combination to live with
My skin always feels weird and itchy after I shower
That feeling is how I get if I don’t shower I just feel like complete shit

I normally feel more energised after showers too but that might be because I use cold water
OCD and autism must be a fucking brutal combination to live with

That feeling is how I get if I don’t shower I just feel like complete shit

I normally feel more energised after showers too but that might be because I use cold water
Yeah, OCD and autism is a nasty combo, man. OCD alone is so bad it makes you around 10x more likely to kill yourself than average. Couple that with autism and being an incel outcast from society, I'm pretty much guaranteed to rope or die early of health complications. OCD alone can take 10 years off your life just form the added stress, assuming you don't rope. The chronic physical health issues I have also take a lot off my lifespan. The OCD will never go away. When I first realized that as a kid, it was devastating. Funnily enough, it was actually a female teacher that made the OCD come alive in my brain. I had no OCD at all before second grade. This teacher was so cruel and scared me so much that it ignited the spark for the OCD to take hold. Who knows, maybe I wouldn't have had half as bad OCD if it wasn't for her. She made me redo cursive worksheets for the tiniest mistake until my wrists hurt like crazy. She also shouted a lot. She also knew I had red green partial colorblindness and tormented me for it. She made me look through a box of 106 crayons for specific shades of red and green, and enjoyed my struggle. She sent me to the principal's office for 4 hours to sort through the crayons and instructed them not to help me and ignore me. I also had to skip lunch that day because of her. She's also make me wipe down the desks with Clorox wipes so much that my hands would bleed from dried out cracked skin.

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