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News California Public Schools Now Teaching Pedophilia As Just Another ‘Sexual Orientation’

But ephebophilia is bad, teen girls just for teenie fuckboys
wtf, attraction to prepubescent kids is a fetish like gayness etc.
@Mainländer , start working on that greencard.
But it's not just another sexual orientation, it's harmful. They should teach that it's an problem, albeit one that pedos don't choose to have.

Of course by the American definition, all males are basically "ephebophiles", so who knows?
Am I a pedophile because I think jailbait girls are prime girls?
That is the next natural step after accepting homosexuality
Her Name is Kerrie Torres, she works as the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services for Brea Olinda USD and you can Email her here:

Here's her Twitter:



And a video of her confession:

and a bio:

LinkedIn page:

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Her Name is Kerrie Torres, she works as the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services for Brea Olinda USD and you can Email her here:

Here's her Twitter:

View attachment 108777
View attachment 108778

And a video of her confession:

and a bio:

Thanks man I will do something to her..
But ephebophilia is bad
teen girls are hot, idgaf.
Anyway, technically pedophilia is a type of "sexual orientation" but it's one that involves ACTUAL children, we're not talking 15 year olds, we're talking children 3 to 11 roughly. I could go into more detail, but i'm sure you already know why it's bad to fuck little kids.
that was very predictable sodomy > homosexualism > transgender > pedophilia this motherfuckers trying to normalize this just put a bullet through their head
Lifefuel for accelerationists.
Back in the days when I was in school, we wouldn't even have sex education as it was considered a private matter, and not morally acceptable to be taught in school.

Nowadays, we have it all, children have an introduction to homosexualism, transsexualism, "gender equality", "third gender", "gay adoption", and now pedophilia. Wow, it's incredible how this society has evolved in less than a generation. I guess it's considered "progress". What's next, zoophilia, necrophilia, guess? Well, you can put it deep in your a... Disgusting.

I make fun of Sweden "gender equality" in snow removal, but this is much worse. It's animalism, nothing more. I noticed that the most degenerate things no longer come from Europe, since the last two decades, but from USA/Canada. Yes, US the country we considered "conservative" even 15-20 years ago in Europe. These "conservatives" turned out to be the biggest Liberals, sorry the biggest degenerates in the world.
If only this shit was confined to California
What's next, zoophilia, necrophilia, guess?
That and much more. Too bad WW3 will never happen
Most pedophiles aren't exclusive, but some are.

I guess it's just like gays, some people are irredeemably gay from birth, others are somewhere "in the middle" and influenced towards it.

In our current societies, on one hand you're harshly discouraged from pedophilia because of the laws galore against it and public reaction to it, but on the other, teen and adult girls are so shitty nowadays a lots of men who normally wouldn't be pedos (or at least not that much) must end up with a higher interest on it.

Not to mention how pedophilia is pretty much a normie-and-below man's only chance of ever touching a quality female nowadays.

All of that said, I'm not for sex with actual kids though.
I predicted this months ago, that bestiality and pedophilia will be the next thing they begin to normalise. Seems that it is beginning to happen.
If they mean "pedo" as in being attracted to teen girls then thats normal, very legit

Prepubescent kids tho thats just wrong imo
I predicted this months ago, that bestiality and pedophilia will be the next thing they begin to normalise. Seems that it is beginning to happen.

Clown world.

Most pedophiles aren't exclusive, but some are.

I guess it's just like gays, some people are irredeemably gay from birth, others are somewhere "in the middle" and influenced towards it.

In our current societies, on one hand you're harshly discouraged from pedophilia because of the laws galore against it and public reaction to it, but on the other, teen and adult girls are so shitty nowadays a lots of men who normally wouldn't be pedos (or at least not that much) must end up with a higher interest on it.

Not to mention how pedophilia is pretty much a normie-and-below man's only chance of ever touching a quality female nowadays.

All of that said, I'm not for sex with actual kids though.
Well, at a time, per example in Spain, even a few years ago age of conscent was fixed at 13 years old, and before WWII, it was the case in many European countries.

The idea behind it is that if you can't drive a vehicle/vote/sign legally official documents, you can't have sex consent. Fair enough, we live much longer than 80 years ago, in general. Childhood and teenagerhood should be protected.

Now, with all the differences of aprehension, which depend on the country, it is difficult to say what should be the age of sexual conscent. At what age does a teenager have the right to decide what he wants to do with his sex life? IMO, it should be at least 16yo.

And in Europe to be called a pedophile and sentenced for years in prison, doesn't necessarily translate that in another you would be worried at all (see the map below).



"Gore" pedophile movements emerged after WWII, and culminated during May 1968, and the 1970's, creating big scandals, even inside the Far-Left. Many supporters were writtesr/artists such as Henry de Montherlant or André Gide, or commie agitator Daniel Cohn-Bendit. It was never accepted in Europe, and always treated with total reject, disdain and disgust, yet even inside the most "progressive" movements. These "pedophile movements" were extremely minoritary, in addition.

Well, now we see it has been fully accepted and institutionalized in the US. What are they waiting for releasing the big pedophiles from prisons (since is now seen as "unjust")?
i live in cali i wish i was still in high school to verify this
Not surprised tbh
Well, at a time, per example in Spain, even a few years ago age of conscent was fixed at 13 years old, and before WWII, it was the case in many European countries.

The idea behind it is that if you can't drive a vehicle/vote/sign legally official documents, you can't have sex consent. Fair enough, we live much longer than 80 years ago, in general. Childhood and teenagerhood should be protected.

Now, with all the differences of aprehension, which depend on the country, it is difficult to say what should be the age of sexual conscent. At what age does a teenager have the right to decide what he wants to do with his sex life? IMO, it should be at least 16yo.

And in Europe to be called a pedophile and sentenced for years in prison, doesn't necessarily translate that in another you would be worried at all (see the map below).

View attachment 108822

"Gore" pedophile movements emerged after WWII, and culminated during May 1968, and the 1970's, creating big scandals, even inside the Far-Left. Many supporters were writtesr/artists such as Henry de Montherlant or André Gide, or commie agitator Daniel Cohn-Bendit. It was never accepted in Europe, and always treated with total reject, disdain and disgust, yet even inside the most "progressive" movements. These "pedophile movements" were extremely minoritary, in addition.

Well, now we see it has been fully accepted and institutionalized in the US. What are they waiting for releasing the big pedophiles from prisons (since is now seen as "unjust")?
I think non-violent, non-coercive sex with people past puberty isn't even worth discussing. It obviously should be allowed. They forbid it based on extrapolations of researches that show some correlation between violent sexual abuse at (usually young) childhood and trauma. How does the fact being violently raped at 5 yo for example correlates with trauma prove that having non-coercive, non-violent sex with a, for example, 14 yo girl will traumatize her?

It's 100% bullshit.

What's really worth discussing is how we prevent degeneracy, single motherhood, STDs, feminism, inceldom, unsustainable birth rates and many other problems. And I tell you how: marry women as soon as possible after puberty to good men chosen by the girl's father, make adultery severely punishable and make divorce either impossible or only possible if something really fucked up happened.

About sex with kids, I don't think it traumatizes or hurts kids in all instances (in fact, there isn't a reason to think this is the case when even cherrypicked violent abuse, like aforementioned, generates correlations of about 40% with trauma in those researches), but I agree that it's better to protect ACTUAL KIDS (not post-pubescent people) from sex, especially with adults, since they're so fragile, both physically and mentally (especially physically in the case of rough penetration, something that will actually damage them in most cases).
I think non-violent, non-coercive sex with people past puberty isn't even worth discussing. It obviously should be allowed. They forbid it based on extrapolations of researches that show some correlation between violent sexual abuse at (usually young) childhood and trauma. How does the fact being violently raped at 5 yo for example correlates with trauma prove that having non-coercive, non-violent sex with a, for example, 14 yo girl will traumatize her?

It's 100% bullshit.

What's really worth discussing is how we prevent degeneracy, single motherhood, STDs, feminism, inceldom, unsustainable birth rates and many other problems. And I tell you how: marry women as soon as possible after puberty to good men chosen by the girl's father, make adultery severely punishable and make divorce either impossible or only possible if something really fucked up happened.

About sex with kids, I don't think it traumatizes or hurts kids in all instances (in fact, there isn't a reason to think this is the case when even cherrypicked violent abuse, like aforementioned, generates correlations of about 40% with trauma in those researches), but I agree that it's better to protect ACTUAL KIDS (not post-pubescent people) from sex, especially with adults, since they're so fragile, both physically and mentally (especially physically in the case of rough penetration, something that will actually damage them in most cases).
I don't think it's bullshit, and many girls "were" still kids at 15 yo (in their behavior, dressing, and face), at least when I was a teenager. Nowadays, we see kids as low as 10 yo dressing and acting like sluts. This should be forbidden to prevent degeneracy. The problem lies that marriage institution is totally neglected and discouraged, in many WE countries there is more divorce than marriage. Parental authority is also an important factor for the good developement of a society, and is as well totally neglected and discouraged, even making it a crime in some case.

I don't consider that allowing a girl directly post-puberty to be allowed sex with an adult a good thing. She must mature a bit, to be married, as you propose. It is absolutely necessary to encourage celibacy and virginity, not to bring even more sex to younger age, in order to change things. Which, I consider the way things should be, reading you further, anyway.

In the conservative WE countries and Poland, a girl would usually be married between 18-20 yo, a generation ago (legal age of marriage is and used to be 18, and for a reason!). Arranged marriage is not an European tradition, but some parents would arrange a meeting with a potential husband, to help, as well as the Church.
I don't think it's bullshit, and many girls "were" still kids at 15 yo (in their behavior, dressing, and face), at least when I was a teenager. Nowadays, we see kids as low as 10 yo dressing and acting like sluts. This should be forbidden to prevent degeneracy. The problem lies that marriage institution is totally neglected and discouraged, in many WE countries there is more divorce than marriage. Parental authority is also an important factor for the good developement of a society, and is as well totally neglected and discouraged, even making it a crime in some case.

I don't consider that allowing a girl directly post-puberty to be allowed sex with an adult a good thing. She must mature a bit, to be married, as you propose. It is absolutely necessary to encourage celibacy and virginity, not to bring even more sex to younger age, in order to change things. Which, I consider the way things should be, reading you further, anyway.

In the conservative WE countries and Poland, a girl would usually be married between 18-20 yo, a generation ago (legal age of marriage is and used to be 18, and for a reason!). Arranged marriage is not an European tradition, but some parents would arrange a meeting with a potential husband, to help, as well as the Church.
Why waste some of the girl's prime years with celibacy? Girls are only really fertile between roughly 14 and 30, it's not advisable to impregnate them before or after that.

A girl's facial prime is a at 12-13. A girl's bodily prime is at 14-21. If you marry her only at 18, you already wasted a good 4-6 years of her prime. I don't see the point, really.

At 14 a girl is both sexually mature (or, at the very least, about to finish puberty; it's very rare to see some girl who still haven't finished it at that age nowadays) and already thinking about having sex. It's just a matter of channeling this in a positive way for both her, men, and society, through marriage with a stable guy. It mustn't be with a 40 yo dude, he can be 40, 30, 20, as long as he works and possesses the qualities for a stable, good husband. But a significant age difference is actually good in the long run. No man is satisfied with a 40 yo infertile, saggy woman when he's 40 as well, still horny as fuck as still fertile. It's better to have your wife be 20-25 while you're 40.

About the girl's mind, girls play with dolls since childhood, their sole purpose in this world is reproduction and raising small children, men mog them at fucking everything besides that. Anything else they can do is merely an optional bonus. It's not something extremely complicated, traumatizing and stressful either, it's easy and instinctive. Open your fucking legs to your husband, pleasure him sexually, eat healthily during pregnancy and then take care of your fucking baby, for God's sake. Can't you even do your fucking job, stupid woman?
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Why waste some of the girl's prime years with celibacy? Girls are only really fertile between roughly 14 and 30, it's not advisable to impregnate them before or after that.

A girl's facial prime is a at 12-13. A girl's bodily prime is at 14-21. If you marry her only at 18, you already wasted a good 4-6 years of her prime. I don't see the point, really.

At 14 a girl is both sexually mature (or, at the very least, about to finish puberty; it's very rare to see some girl who still haven't finished it at that age nowadays) and already thinking about having sex. It's just a matter of channeling this in a positive way for both her, men, and society, through marriage with a stable guy. It mustn't be with a 40 yo dude, he can be 40, 30, 20, as long as he works and possesses the qualities for a stable, good husband. But a significant age difference is actually good in the long run. No man is satisfied with a 40 yo infertile, saggy woman when he's 40 as well, still horny as fuck as still fertile. It's better to have your wife be 20-25 while you're 40.

About the girl's mind, girls play with dolls since childhood, their sole purpose in this world is reproduction and raising small children, men mog them at fucking everything besides that. Anything else they can do is merely an optional bonus. It's not something extremely complicated, traumatizing and stressful either, it's easy and instinctive. Open your fucking legs to your husband, pleasure him sexually, eat healthily during pregnancy and then take care of your fucking baby, for God's sake. Can't you even do your fucking job, stupid woman?

Well, before about 100 years ago, the average lifespan was about 40-50 yo in Europe, so it does make a bit more sense in that context. It bothers me too honestly. And no, honestly, I don’t think people were more mature when they were younger back then, but when you had such a short life, and all kinds of diseases, wars, people tend to lose their childhood earlier.
For what it’s worth, it’s probably not something that is put into practice that much.

Furthermore, there is a reason to think that it is not the age of marriage that is key but rather pushing against the current trend of adolescence continuing into the late 20s.

However, in a time when the majority of first births are to unmarried women, and cohabitation or single motherhood is becoming a more popular option than marriage among Europeans, it might be a good idea at least to prepare children for the possibility of early marriage, and encourage them if they are clearly called to it, but not 14, it's too young.

One thing seems to be certain, and that is our culture has changed. In the past, people were getting support from family and friends in married life. The focus was also on being good spouses in a family-centered world. We don’t live in that world anymore. Today? Well, you see.

Christians, however, have always been called to be countercultural, and perhaps now is the time to focus on creating the type of community that encourages and nurtures young marriages.

Canon law allows for the minimum age of marriage to be 16 for girls and 16 for boys.
This isn't bad. It's actually a step in the right direction.

I'm not attracted to females who are underage, but individuals who are shouldn't be shamed for it. It's an attraction that can't be controlled, and should rather be focused on educating between what's right and wrong.
This isn't bad. It's actually a step in the right direction.

I'm not attracted to females who are underage, but individuals who are shouldn't be shamed for it. It's an attraction that can't be controlled, and should rather be focused on educating between what's right and wrong.
No, it isn't a good step, do you know what pedophilia means? It's adult having sex with children, that's fucking disgusting.

California is targeting a false problem, instead of reducing the age of sex consent, which is actually 18 yo, to European levels, as I showed above - 14-16 yo, ang get rid of vast majority of the problem, they normalize a thing that shouldn't be.

Anyway, many posters here seems to believe that when reducing the age of sex majority to 12, they're going to have more chance with foids. Do you really believe a 12-14 yo will go for a late 20's-30-40 yo Incel? But, of course not! All these will going to satisfy even more adult creepy chads, thyrones, models, you know the "idols" of adolescents, corrupting and harming a lots more the teenagers. It seems you want more degeneracy. I would get more satisfaction seeing a chad/thyrone behind bars for having sex with an adolescent, then seeing him French kissing in public, in total impunity.
that shit is already happening. Older chads (+20yo) are the ones who deflower more girls or convert into whores more girls nowadays. Maybe this shit can help some incels to ascend. If that shit is legal I can make a try. Always rejected by adult females so Im talking about +13yo or something And the best is that this shit is acelerating the destruction of the west.
Let me guess, this will apply to all pedophillia except for attraction to teenage girls from adult men :feelsseriously:
Incels: show clear disgust against pedophilia
IT: B-b-but muh incels are pedophilez!

The Z was a typo but I’m keeping it because it was funny.
Not really, id say more under 8
what the fuck is wrong with you?
This isn't bad. It's actually a step in the right direction.

I'm not attracted to females who are underage, but individuals who are shouldn't be shamed for it. It's an attraction that can't be controlled, and should rather be focused on educating between what's right and wrong.
the desire to kill in some people cannot be controlled. does that mean we shouldn't prevent it and should normalize it within society?

fucking moron.
i need it. this is against my human rights
none in your state? not even medical? getting a medical card is easy i got two before it became fully legal.
none in your state? not even medical? getting a medical card is easy i got two before it became fully legal.
Medical card in florida is expensive as fuck and the weed is expensive as fuck too $55 eighths
what the fuck is wrong with you?

the desire to kill in some people cannot be controlled. does that mean we shouldn't prevent it and should normalize it within society?

fucking moron.
Hey buddy don't insult @Michael15651 again or you will regret it ok

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