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Buzzfeed article: “Girls are sharing things guys think are cool that they actually hate.”



Better incel than jestermaxxing for scraps
Aug 7, 2018
article: https://www.buzzfeed.com/shylawatson/things-guys-do-that-turn-women-off

Translations/rebuttals in bold.

1: smoking: only cool if you’re chad. Also turnoff/sign of neurodivergence if you disclose you’ve never smoked.
2: telling us about how many people you’ve been intimidate with. But virginity dries pussies up, and girls seek out guys that other girls want to have sex with.
3: loud cars/motorcycles: cool if you’re chad and/or fit that archetype
4: being overly competitive. Sperm competition
5: being overly masculine and talking about fighting. Violence is masculinity boiled down into one word. It’s a Sexual strategy. Women have sex with the most violently capable guys.
6: acting disconnected and showing no emotion. Idk. I guess that’s just a male trait?
7: equating anything considered feminine as gay on men (eyeliner example). No explanation needed. Jfl.
8:talking about themselves all the time. True, narcy move. But not a problem at all if you’re chad.
9: catcalling. Translation: ugly men catcalling
10: misogyny: only a problem if you’re not chad
11: complimenting you by putting down other women: but foids paint their faces to look better (and therefore be superior to) than other women. It’s their form of competition for resources.
12: playing devils advocate: translation: committing thought crimes and actually making valid arguments as opposed to ad hominem checkmates and going the ideological path of the least resistance and greatest social status.
13: spitting. K fine I’ll give them this.
14: problems with authority. Male trait. Men hate others in authority, prefer autonomy, and want to be in authority positions. Women need authority figures to function and they have sex with authority figures. Also a guy submitting to authority figures (other men) isn’t making any pussies wet. Unbecoming trait for chads.
15: putting down their friends. Agreed, dick trait.
16: unsolicited dick pic: translation: ugly guy lacking the self awareness to know that he is sexually invisible.

Their worldviews deviate from reality so much that these “water is wet” statements don’t make any sense to them. They think they are expected to have a problem with these traits, and that publicly letting it be known shows how moral and how much of a good person they are.

also daily reminder that men behave the way that they do because women propagated the genes of those kinds of men by rewarding them sex. I.e. men are violent because foids had sex with violent guys since time immemorial.
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Always do the opposite of what holes say, because what they say vs what they do is also the opposite.

All of these truly boil down to "if you're not Chad", which is what it is.

The idea that a woman would be turned off by a Chad bragging about fucking every woman around is pathetically laughable. Especially considering how much women are repulsed by virgin men
Always do the opposite of what holes say, because what they say vs what they do is also the opposite.

All of these truly boil down to "if you're not Chad", which is what it is.

The idea that a woman would be turned off by a Chad bragging about fucking every woman around is pathetically laughable. Especially considering how much women are repulsed by virgin men
Couldn't have said it better.

Surprised animals 31
you actually read a buzzfeed article? wtf was someone paying you??? that shit is feminism cancerland i wouldn't even read an article with a hazmat suit on.
Tldr: women hate when low value men exhibit behaviours reserved for high value men
smoking is trashy meanwhile chad
Marlon brandon main mr
The real problem is you browsing (((Buzzfeed))).
That's a femminist garbage. I'm not going to call it toilette paper media, because they are so cheap they don't even print it.
bullshit bluepilled article tbh
(((Buzzfeed))) = :bluepill::soy:

Nearly all of the listed traits are good and increase your sexual market value, although looks and height are still more important.

The only exceptions are #2, as telling that you are a virgin or have a low body count is an instant turn off for females, and #16.
7. Equating anything considered "feminine" as "gay" on a guy

Buzzfeed moment

don't ever link a buzzfeed article here ever again you retard

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