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Bullying is such a brutal blackpill



Feb 15, 2018
Kids are innocent in that they just follow the ways of mother nature

Incels will never be left alone, we deserve abuse because we are so deformed and unpleasant to look at. Bullies make the world a better place by driving incels to suicide
bullying destroyed my life.
“We” aren’t you a lookism troll
Hambeasts are unpleasant to look at, how come they don't deserve to be bullied?
Kids are innocent in that they just follow the ways of mother nature

Incels will never be left alone, we deserve abuse because we are so deformed and unpleasant to look at. Bullies make the world a better place by driving incels to suicide
True as fuck.
Go back to your chadlite friends tbh buddy boyo just lol at you posting here tbh ngl
But yeah bullying is nature, every species is meant to wheedle out the genetically inferior
Kids are innocent in that they just follow the ways of mother nature

Incels will never be left alone, we deserve abuse because we are so deformed and unpleasant to look at. Bullies make the world a better place by driving incels to suicide
Mother nature is a cunt. Nature is evil. I can't wait until nuclear hellfire renders mother nature into a hopeless ashheep.
We are living in the times as the mice of NIMH.

The stage where the rodents start attacking each other is in full force. You have constant bullying in schools and more and more mass shootings. And at the end of the day it all comes down to vagina.
everything my bullies said was true.
i was bullied from a young age and it persisted until i left education, left with me with permanent distrust for humans and gave me very bad anxiety.

these bullies then go on to become normies with gfs and then blame us for being incel - just lol.
I was bullied all the time, most of my bullies would be considered incel.
Fucking cuck. The scum who bully you need to be destroyed without mercy, subhumans should fight back
Isn't trolling an making fun of us just another form of online bullying?
I was bullied from 5th to 7th grade, it stopped after that
i was bullied from year 7 to year 11, then i left, i wish i acid faced a couple girls before i left tbh
"underbite" then do an underbite impression, lol, so funny XD yeah, im gonna be a neet for the rest of my life cause of that, enjoy working in ur shit jobs you saddos :D
I couldn't imagine a whole school life with bullying
its really bad. i was bullied from the first day of kindergarten until i dropped out when i turned 16
Isn't trolling an making fun of us just another form of online bullying?
Yea it’s funny how sergeant lets people like him back in
Never got bullied :feelsokman::cool:
One of my high school bullies is now a NBL player making millions a year. I won't name him, but he's very very famous. The other bullies are mainly normie tier, but still far far ahead of where I am, or where I'm ever likely to be.
We actively make the world a worse place and cause extra suffering by procreating. The nature has a good way of making sure that we don't. Especially after the feminists and cucks destroyed the old order.
I was bullied from 5-6th grade. I couldn't imagine a whole school life with bullying
I would probably be mentally deranged.

I was bullied year after year, nonstop, starting in 6th grade. That on top of 25 years of rejections has broken me as a person.

I support ER, Cruz, the Columbine shooters, and anybody else who gets their revenge on this evil society in which we live.
I was bullied throughout school life, HS was the worst, even in uni too at some point, don't know about work as I yet to find a job I just hope I don't get bullied, I WILL FIGHT BACK, FUCK MY LIFE

Now they are already living the time of their life, this world is UNFAIR, I would've had rather been born as a starving African kid than get bullied
Being called ugly, being made fun of for having a big nose, looking like a caveman, etc. all contributed to me being black pilled at an early age.

I have ZERO doubt in my mind that the women who called me "creepy" as an adult would have called me UGLY in high school and were only using "creepy" as an insult to disguise their shallowness. Teenagers are just more blunt and direct.
I hate this kind of poster: cucked nature worshipper that thinks incels deserve their suffering.
Go back to your chadlite friends tbh buddy boyo just lol at you posting here tbh ngl

low iq post buddy boyo ngl you know i'm as subhuman as they come tbh imo

Being called ugly, being made fun of for having a big nose, looking like a caveman, etc. all contributed to me being black pilled at an early age.

I have ZERO doubt in my mind that the women who called me "creepy" as an adult would have called me UGLY in high school and were only using "creepy" as an insult to disguise their shallowness. Teenagers are just more blunt and direct.

high school never ends brah, nothings changed they just use different words to convey the same meaning, a pointless exercise that normies somehow use to delude themselves into thinking that they're "maturing" or moving forward in any sense, when in reality people only stand still and stay in the roles they were born for
I hate this kind of poster: cucked nature worshipper that thinks incels deserve their suffering.

i wish everyone who has a recessed maxilla would die
Go back to turtle.net with your gay Chad worshipper buddies, biebercel
i was bullied throughout middle school and beginning of high school till i started gymcelling at 11th grade it stopped. if I wasn't bullied i wouldve had hope
Mother nature is a cunt. Nature is evil. I can't wait until nuclear hellfire renders mother nature into a hopeless ashheep.
yes... it is time to worship Satan. He knows the real truth, the truth that this world is EVIL.
i was bullied from a young age and it persisted until i left education, left with me with permanent distrust for humans and gave me very bad anxiety.

these bullies then go on to become normies with gfs and then blame us for being incel - just lol.
Youre incel because of looks, not because of bullying

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