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It's Over Brutally fake number story



Jun 25, 2022
Back in college (home country) ,spring 2022.
After I realized how hard the game was in freshman year. I gave up and embraced the path of studymax. While I was at this classroom working stats. I saw this girl with nice skin color,nice feet ,huge ass. She was working with her friends. I noticed she didn't talk much . I tought she was introverted. While she was leaving I wanted to run and approached her but I was too coward .

I saw her multiple times on the campus ,I couldn't stop watching her. I still didn't have the courage to approach her.

One day I was working at this classroom (for the whole day) . I went outside to grab something to eat .It was raining. I saw her . I wanted to talk to her so bad . I finally went outside I stood next to her. I pretended I was surprised about the intensity of the rain . She told me I could go buy something and asked me if I was afraid my crush would see me . I wanted to say "that's you my crush" . After we talked for about 15mins. Her class was about to start. I left and didn't ask her number . I felt so bad . When I got home I was daydreaming ,I fell in love. It was a random conversation for her ,for me it was a mind-blowing lifefuel moment for me.

-Incel trait you're too sensitive,any random interaction you think you had a chance -

I promise myself I'd ask her number before the semester ends.

While I went to the restroom ,she always has this class on Tuesday at 9:00am . We saw each other in the staircases. I greeted her and asked her number . It was quite fast and awkward (I should have prepared my speech). I took her number . I couldn't wait the end of the day to call her when I got home. Unfortunately I found out it was a fake number . I tried multiple times to be sure. There was no sounds/nuisance when I was taking her number I assumed I didn't make any mistake. I was so devastated. Probably the first time I got a fake number.

On the campus ,multiple times I'd see her with a guy . One day I was studymaxing at this classroom. She was about to have a recitation at this classroom. I didn't leave to watch her . She was with the same guy ( he wasn't in the course) but he kept trolling the teacher pretending/participating like he was in the class . There's no way it wasn't her bf . They were talking , playing ..etc .

Another day I was searching a free classroom to studymax ,I entered this classroom. He was there playing, talking with her. My heart was tearing apart,I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't leave ,I pretended I didn't care.

Another day I saw her sad , walking fast . And I heard her friend talking. It was surely the bad boy playing with her emotions.

One random early morning. I saw her ,we talked for a long time. We exchanged TikTok account. I was about to do some programming. I felt so fulfilled I didn't want to do anything. I thought I was on the right track. I messaged her ,we exchanged about 5 messaged .After she never answered. I remember a friend of mine told me about a guy she was lusting for (it never began)

One day I saw her on campus,I just greeted her . My friend taught I should have talked to her . I didn't stand a chance .Why losing my time. They taught I acted antisociallly.

I was trying to build an android app (related to the schedule of the campus) . I wanted to send her the apk so she could test it. She gave me her number. I sent her a demo of the app. She didn't save my number ( on Whatsapp if the person save your number you could see their story ,they could see your story) . It was game over .I truly gave up.

This week she texted me on TikTok. Wanted to know how I was .(I moved to USA last Summer).She thought I forgot her . Lmao she left me on delivered since October 2023.
She told me she had a surgery...etc After she gave me her number. We exchanged about 5 msg . I don't have energy to force conversation anymore. I don't even see her profile picture (proof she didn't save my number)

But I wish I had her . She's Gemini like me . She's calm , Christian,big ass ,nice feet/nails But I wasn't attractive/bad boy enough.

#no_just_be_first_for_four _face ( it was her third semester)

#intelligence_isnt_attractive ( I am sure she thought I was a lonely studentcel that has nothing to do )

@Cayden Zhang
@K1ng N0th1ng
@Ci Jey
Move back to original country bro.

You're Beckie is waiting
This is what sets apart 5'6 manlet cels from tallfags, had it been the former she wouldn't have cared enough to dm you
This is what sets apart 5'6 manlet cels from tallfags, had it been the former she wouldn't have cared enough to dm you
I am 6'0 but he framemog me and is taller or same height as me.
I am 6'0 but he framemog me and is taller or same height as me.
Read again what I said. Had you been a manlet she wouldn't be checking in on you regardless of how apathetic she is to you
Read again what I said. Had you been a manlet she wouldn't be checking in on you regardless of how apathetic she is to you
Yeah you're right .
She's short too btw
Getting cucked live
Man I can't imagine that happening to me, I'd rage out and unleash my anger onto them both. (irl in video game)

You seem to have patience and emotions in control.
Man I can't imagine that happening to me, I'd rage out and unleash my anger onto them both. (irl in video game)

You seem to have patience and emotions in control.
Yeah bro.
But I felt an insane weather, I'm pretty sure I was sweating.
This is what sets apart 5'6 manlet cels from tallfags, had it been the former she wouldn't have cared enough to dm you
Very astute. OP mogs me for having a woman go out of her way to text him.

Total tallfag death. Kill your local tallnigger fakecel.
Back in college (home country) ,spring 2022.
After I realized how hard the game was in freshman year. I gave up and embraced the path of studymax. While I was at this classroom working stats. I saw this girl with nice skin color,nice feet ,huge ass. She was working with her friends. I noticed she didn't talk much . I tought she was introverted. While she was leaving I wanted to run and approached her but I was too coward .

I saw her multiple times on the campus ,I couldn't stop watching her. I still didn't have the courage to approach her.

One day I was working at this classroom (for the whole day) . I went outside to grab something to eat .It was raining. I saw her . I wanted to talk to her so bad . I finally went outside I stood next to her. I pretended I was surprised about the intensity of the rain . She told me I could go buy something and asked me if I was afraid my crush would see me . I wanted to say "that's you my crush" . After we talked for about 15mins. Her class was about to start. I left and didn't ask her number . I felt so bad . When I got home I was daydreaming ,I fell in love. It was a random conversation for her ,for me it was a mind-blowing lifefuel moment for me.

-Incel trait you're too sensitive,any random interaction you think you had a chance -

I promise myself I'd ask her number before the semester ends.

While I went to the restroom ,she always has this class on Tuesday at 9:00am . We saw each other in the staircases. I greeted her and asked her number . It was quite fast and awkward (I should have prepared my speech). I took her number . I couldn't wait the end of the day to call her when I got home. Unfortunately I found out it was a fake number . I tried multiple times to be sure. There was no sounds/nuisance when I was taking her number I assumed I didn't make any mistake. I was so devastated. Probably the first time I got a fake number.

On the campus ,multiple times I'd see her with a guy . One day I was studymaxing at this classroom. She was about to have a recitation at this classroom. I didn't leave to watch her . She was with the same guy ( he wasn't in the course) but he kept trolling the teacher pretending/participating like he was in the class . There's no way it wasn't her bf . They were talking , playing ..etc .

Another day I was searching a free classroom to studymax ,I entered this classroom. He was there playing, talking with her. My heart was tearing apart,I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't leave ,I pretended I didn't care.

Another day I saw her sad , walking fast . And I heard her friend talking. It was surely the bad boy playing with her emotions.

One random early morning. I saw her ,we talked for a long time. We exchanged TikTok account. I was about to do some programming. I felt so fulfilled I didn't want to do anything. I thought I was on the right track. I messaged her ,we exchanged about 5 messaged .After she never answered. I remember a friend of mine told me about a guy she was lusting for (it never began)

One day I saw her on campus,I just greeted her . My friend taught I should have talked to her . I didn't stand a chance .Why losing my time. They taught I acted antisociallly.

I was trying to build an android app (related to the schedule of the campus) . I wanted to send her the apk so she could test it. She gave me her number. I sent her a demo of the app. She didn't save my number ( on Whatsapp if the person save your number you could see their story ,they could see your story) . It was game over .I truly gave up.

This week she texted me on TikTok. Wanted to know how I was .(I moved to USA last Summer).She thought I forgot her . Lmao she left me on delivered since October 2023.
She told me she had a surgery...etc After she gave me her number. We exchanged about 5 msg . I don't have energy to force conversation anymore. I don't even see her profile picture (proof she didn't save my number)

But I wish I had her . She's Gemini like me . She's calm , Christian,big ass ,nice feet/nails But I wasn't attractive/bad boy enough.

#no_just_be_first_for_four _face ( it was her third semester)

#intelligence_isnt_attractive ( I am sure she thought I was a lonely studentcel that has nothing to do )

@Cayden Zhang
@K1ng N0th1ng
@Ci Jey
You should have asked her for a number a second time and made it seem like she “accidentally entered it wrong last time”. Just to guilt trip her and make her feel bad. Foid whore
:chad: :chad:

She probably doesn't even use Whatsapp. She talked to you, messaged you and gave you her number. Seems like you friendzoned yourself, but that's easy to do in modern world, with social media and a lack of proper dates.
:chad: :chad:

She probably doesn't even use Whatsapp. She talked to you, messaged you and gave you her number. Seems like you friendzoned yourself, but that's easy to do in modern world, with social media and a lack of proper dates.
She used Whatsapp

I didn't friendzone myself, she was not interested .
You should have asked her for a number a second time and made it seem like she “accidentally entered it wrong last time”. Just to guilt trip her and make her feel bad. Foid whore
I didn't want to.I accepted she gave me a fake number of purpose.
You didn't make a move or express your interest in any way. You kept talking to her, AS A FRIEND. You Friendzoned yourself.
But I'm sure she saw how I was interested to her, wanted to be with her, tried to flirt with her.

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