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Venting Brutal venting by a currycel I found on an weird image board



Better to be an incel than a cuck ツ
Oct 2, 2019
If you're below 5'9", have shit facial aesthetics, can't grow decent facial hair, have narrow shoulders, it's over.

Just imagine the kind of social breakdown that will occur when all these bluepilled men who've been told by society that if you're a good man, if you work hard, get into a good college, etc. means you will eventually have a good family life. Those pathetic subhumans at my coaching institute who thought that going into a college like IIT ( top indian engineering institute ) or MIT/Stanford would give them access to pussy, I feel for them. Meanwhile 6'0 jocks didn't even need to try, they caused mayhem, didn't study, didn't give a fuck, yet they went on dates, probably even sexed up some of the good looking girls. And the worst part is, u can't cope by saying they were terrible at studies, a few of them ended up at decent IITs. Parents love to cope by saying jocks don't get good grades. So what do you do when he's 6'2" masculine ubermensch AND scores better than you in every test? That's right, you're fucking SUBhuman.

Indian high schools are like the perfect place to analyze hypergamy. Despite such a conservative culture, you still can't change what is natural. 6'0+ jocks surrounded by girls while the ones a little below on attractiveness scale have girlfriends. And the ones below that, they just don't "exist"! You see them in class talking to each other about tech, PUBG, coding and science and so on. The only time girls ever talk to them is when they need to get their academic shit done.

And the ugly girls? They want the best guys as well. There was a really ugly as fuck girl in my class, I don't know how to describe it, her face was smothered with acne, she had really pale skin, not the attractive type, she looked like she was dead or something, which maximised the effect of acne. And her face was fucken flat. Like someone smashed it with a frying pan. Anyways, I don't hate her, I have never treated people differently because of their attractiveness. She would come up sometimes to me for help and I'd help her out as a friend. She was extremely introverted tho.

Word went around that she had a crush on Jaspreet. Jaspreet was Jatt, 6'4", total fucking caveman, tried to punch a guy once but punched the wall instead and the wall got a dent. He even got into a fight with our physics professor. I wasn't surprised in the slightest, but her best friend was a manlet who she would talk to, he was the only guy she'd talk to so you would assume they were bf/gf. But no. When everybody started cheering for her in class, like "Ankita LOVES Jaspreet!" he sat in a corner silent. You could see the fucking sadness on his face. I fucking felt for him man. I wish I could broadcast all this to him. It's a pain only men can feel.

Worst case scenario, these types of guys end up in Europe or America because the companies there want them for wageslaving, and still haven't realised how the world works and expect blonde Stacy to give up their pussies.

I have more respect for NEET refugees in Europe than I have for any wageslaver there. If I ever got a chance to migrate to Sweden or some Nordic country I'd just get the neetbux and fuck prostitutes all day long till I die of AIDS or police shooting me up because I'm brown.

Fuck the government, fuck hard working, fuck society. Fuck your IIT( top indian engineering institute ). Fuck your JEE( indian entrance exam for University/colleges, a bit similar to SAT ).
Curry foids are gross. I only fuck with bali and thai foids at massage parlors.
Curry foids are gross. I only fuck with bali and thai foids at massage parlors.

bali and thai foids are even worse lmao, many of them arent even actually women but a bunch of ladyboys and mentally ill tranny faggots who should be shot in the head (in call of duty, Modern Warfare 3)
Where did you find this?

I have more respect for NEET refugees in Europe than I have for any wageslaver there. If I ever got a chance to migrate to Sweden or some Nordic country I'd just get the neetbux and fuck prostitutes all day long till I die of AIDS or police shooting me up because I'm brown.

Eh, it's pretty rare for Swedish police to use their firearms.

Shooting brown people for fun is a burgerland thing. It's not really a European thing anymore.
Where did you find this?

Eh, it's pretty rare for Swedish police to use their firearms.

Shooting brown people for fun is a burgerland thing. It's not really a European thing anymore.
Indian version of 4chan lmao
Curry foids are gross. I only fuck with bali and thai foids at massage parlors.

I didn't know what a bali woman was so I googled it.

They look like dudes ngl.️‍

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bali and thai foids are even worse lmao, many of them arent even actually women but a bunch of ladyboys and mentally ill tranny faggots who should be shot in the head (in call of duty, Modern Warfare 3)

The ones ive had here in curryland were good looking.
I didn't know what a bali woman was so I googled it.
View attachment 220397 View attachment 220394
They look like dudes ngl

Just use the first few google image results to judge a whole population :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously:

Also, they mog the average currywhore.
@Indari Analysis.
The ones ive had here in curryland were good looking.

Just use the first few google image results to judge a whole population :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously:

Also, they mog the average currywhore.

Do they bleach their skin a lot and fight dark skins?
The ones ive had here in curryland were good looking.

Just use the first few google image results to judge a whole population :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously:

Also, they mog the average currywhore.

no you retard, you clearly havent been around quality curry women, maybe because you live in an area where only the shit looking ones live, because the good-looking ones migrated to western countries (such as Australia- where I live) in search of Chad dick, or you are just so self-hating that you cant evaluate attractiveness objectively.

Curryfoids look better than bali/thai foids who dont look like "foids" at all, more like dudes, as some other users have pointed out.
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The ones ive had here in curryland were good looking.

Just use the first few google image results to judge a whole population :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously:

Also, they mog the average currywhore.
I've seen the 'attractive' ones bro.

I think you're coping because the Bali and Thai ones are the only ones to give you any attention.
I know the feeling too well :feelsmage:

Please don't share the indian imageboard, do not act like a retard and bring an invasion to them.
Let them have their space of curry expression like we have ours.
I know the feeling too well :feelsmage:

Please don't share the indian imageboard, do not act like a retard and bring an invasion to them.
Let them have their space of curry expression like we have ours.
Exactly. I don't want it to be destroyed specially with so many self hating curries here who just spam " Kill all curries " when they have a bad day as a cope :feelshaha: .
I've seen the 'attractive' ones bro.

I think you're coping because the Bali and Thai ones are the only ones to give you any attention.

lol let the poor fucker cope.

He probably tells himself "curry foids are gross, i never wanted them anyway!" before he cries himself to sleep every night while curry-chad aka Chadpreet is fucking Curry-stacy's brains out.
Daily Reminder that it's better to look for a college in a foreign country that speaks English so you don't get mogged and have to deal with IT cucks when you get your degree.
And the ugly girls? They want the best guys as well.
This idea that foids are attracted to guys close to their own looks level is one of the greatest fallacies in human sexuality.
lol let the poor fucker cope.

He probably tells himself "curry foids are gross, i never wanted them anyway!" before he cries himself to sleep every night while curry-chad aka Chadpreet is fucking Curry-stacy's brains out.

"Curry stacies" JFL.
I've seen the 'attractive' ones bro.

I think you're coping because the Bali and Thai ones are the only ones to give you any attention.

The only kind of attention i need is from foids i find attractive in the slightest. Attraction from hideous monstrosities mean nothing to me.
Exactly. I don't want it to be destroyed specially with so many self hating curries here who just spam " Kill all curries " when they have a bad day as a cope :feelshaha: .

Hey man, would you mind pm'ing me the imageboard? I am curry, but not self hating. I'd like to talk to some Indian incels
"Curry stacies" JFL.

The only kind of attention i need is from foids i find attractive in the slightest. Attraction from hideous monstrosities mean nothing to me.

Cope harder you pathetic curry muncher, your inceldom must've gotten to your head really badly that you try to fool yourself on a CONSCIOUS level by pretending as if you dont find them attractive, yet if even a 4/10 curryfoid opened her legs for you, you'd fuck her quicker than you could eat your butter chicken and Naan. You are on a whole different level of COPE, its just sad. Didnt realise hypergamy was that bad in India to psychologically destroy a person the way its done to you.

I guess this foid is just another "disgusting curry foid" according to your level of cope.

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"Curry stacies" JFL.

The only kind of attention i need is from foids i find attractive in the slightest. Attraction from hideous monstrosities mean nothing to me.
Bro you find literal Traps attractive.

I really wish this site had a pride flag emoji just for you
Cope harder you pathetic curry muncher, your inceldom must've gotten to your head really badly that you try to fool yourself on a CONSCIOUS level by pretending as if you dont find them attractive, yet if even a 4/10 curryfoid opened her legs for you, you'd fuck her quicker than you could eat your butter chicken and Naan. You are on a whole different level of COPE, its just sad. Didnt realise hypergamy was that bad in India to psychologically destroy a person the way its done to you.

I guess this foid is just another "disgusting curry foid" according to your level of cope.

LMAO please dont tell me that tranny looking disgusting creature is attractive to you. I wouldnt touch that with a 20 foot pole.
Bro you find literal Traps attractive.
View attachment 220422

I really wish this site had a pride flag emoji just for you

When did i say i find trannies attractive? Noodlewhores are leagues above disgusting curry foids. Its not just my opinion, currywhores are generally rated as the worst looking species of foid.
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Cope harder you pathetic curry muncher,
Wait he’s Indian but doesn’t like Indian foids? Wtf? Standardcel then? This is like those ethnics that only want white women but claim inceldom like nigga ur not incel if the standards is u don’t want a foid ur race?
This is like those ethnics that only want white women but claim inceldom like nigga ur not incel if the standards is u don’t want a foid ur race?

Foid tier grammar.
Will you not fuck a female ur own race?

sorry it’s 8 am and I haven’t slept

I would fuck a decent curry whore, but i also realize how few of those there are and hence my inceldom. Truth is this; there are good looking foids of every race, but thats pretty much irrelevant. The real question is how fuckable is the average foid of a certain race and the average currywhore is a hairy disgusting entitled beast.
I would fuck a decent curry whore, but i also realize how few of those there are and hence my inceldom. Truth is this; there are good looking foids of every race, but thats pretty much irrelevant. The real question is how fuckable is the average foid of a certain race and the average currywhore is a hairy disgusting entitled beast.
So they do bleach their skin and have a caste system where dark skins get beat up ya proved my hypothesis.
So they do bleach their skin and have a caste system where dark skins get beat up ya proved my hypothesis.

Some of them do bleach their skin, although ive never come across anyone being beaten up for being dark.
Wait he’s Indian but doesn’t like Indian foids? Wtf? Standardcel then? This is like those ethnics that only want white women but claim inceldom like nigga ur not incel if the standards is u don’t want a foid ur race?
I think he's in denial.
I'm guessing he never got attention from chicks of his own race.
Hey man, would you mind pm'ing me the imageboard? I am curry, but not self hating. I'd like to talk to some Indian incels
It doesn't really have much users. The number of users there are very less. Plus that image board's discussion topics isn't inceldom.......
Imagine some guy looking Hrithik Roshan and got to go to IIT.

That is pure suifuel. That shows the world really is unfair
based and blackpilled. especially the part about Chad being intelligent. "dumb jock" is one of the worst copes when these days they're better at everything.
bali and thai foids are even worse lmao, many of them arent even actually women but a bunch of ladyboys and mentally ill tranny faggots who should be shot in the head (in call of duty, Modern Warfare 3)
Call of duty black ops 2 is only way to go, praise be to him
I know the feeling too well :feelsmage:

Please don't share the indian imageboard, do not act like a retard and bring an invasion to them.
Let them have their space of curry expression like we have ours.
What is this curry board? Is it a safe place for us ugly curries?
The ones ive had here in curryland were good looking.

Just use the first few google image results to judge a whole population :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously:

Also, they mog the average currywhore.
Where did u find Bali whores and Thai whores in curryland?? Do you mean escorts??
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at least he can rapemaxx in india
In curryland? I used to live in Thailand and all the girls told me they hated curries (none of them knew I was a curry kek)

Thai foids have treated me better than ugly curry whores.

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