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JFL Brutal state of White supremacists who believe they're as capable as their ancient leaders when in the present they aren't even contributing anything.



Sep 11, 2022
The achievements of the collective aren't the achievements of the individual.
Also, contribution to the collective is unequal within a group which means some contribute lot more than others and some nothing at all. Its clear that a good number of far-right White supremacists don't contribute anything. They aren't tech leaders, or industrialists or anything.

The problem is this dick measuring contest of who gets to feel more pride and superiority at the expense of the other. A far better way would be the Chink way: shut your mouth and work, and then everything else will fall in place and take care of themselves. Too many right-winger keyboard warriors from all races want to feel superior in the cheapest way possible: by basking in the glory of other people's achievements and attempting to call those achievements their own. Instead, they should just push themselves and achieve. Their achievements will speak for themselves, but that's too much for these keyboard warriors.
I'm more capable than my ancestors dumb fuck, if you don't see how the system is keeping competent men down then take your head out of your asses
they think their women are pure
At this point, they've given up trying to reform their own women in order to get them to lower their unrealistic standards and start families to up their birth rates. The post-election "your body my choice" era ended VERY quickly, and them backing off of their women's evil behaviors and even coming to their defense and glorification like simps underscores just how difficult it is to uproot the control which women have over dating, relationships, and family dynamics.
At this point, they've given up trying to reform their own women in order to get them to lower their unrealistic standards and start families to up their birth rates. The post-election "your body my choice" era ended VERY quickly, and them backing off of their women's evil behaviors and even coming to their defense and glorification like simps underscores just how difficult it is to uproot the control which women have over dating, relationships, and family dynamics.
also they act like all ethnics are parasites even though a lot of them actually work, and they say "make your own country" good as if that's possible considering all the third world country politicians are ass and don't care about development.
Also, contribution to the collective is unequal within a group which means some contribute lot more than others and some nothing at all. Its clear that a good number of far-right White supremacists don't contribute anything. They aren't tech leaders, or industrialists or anything.
not everyone can be special wtf. the fact that they care about their people and try to spread the message against zog is enough. leftie whites advocate for their own destruction
not everyone can be special wtf.
You don't have to be special but you do have to capable, competent, and contribute majorly if you want to claim glory. These influencers want to claim glory even though they contribute nothing besides their discourse. They don't produce any goods or services.
leftie whites advocate for their own destruction
No need to be soy, but no need to project false glory that's not your to claim either.
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Schopenhauer said something like this, about how national chauvinism is a cope:

I've noticed myself coming to the same conclusion over time. Acknowledging race realism and that multiculturalism doesn't work isn't coping—both are true, but claiming the achievements of other individuals within one's own ethnic or racial group as if they're one's own achievements is definitely a cope (obviously, the nuance should be acknowledged that certain groups have more innovative/inventive individuals due to higher average IQs, but claiming achievements that aren't yours remains a cope regardless).

The interesting thing about leftists is that they don't apply this both ways, though. They'll use this quotation of Schopenhauer's to score on WNs, but they'll also support racial/ethnic pride for non-whites as if the same rule doesn't still apply. Some South Asian curroid being proud that "chicken tikka masala is Breetan nashanal deesh saar":soy: is also a coper, because he/she did not invent that dish. Same goes for a black individual who may brag that hip hop and urban streetwear, black cultural products, are mainstream in the West, because they themselves aren't a big hip hop artist nor a notable streetwear designer
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also they act like all ethnics are parasites even though a lot of them actually work, and they say "make your own country" good
If third world slaves could make their countries good, they wouldn't be migrating illegally or legally. They migrate BECAUSE their countries are shit.
Schopenhauer said something like this, about how national chauvinism is a cope:
OG great.
but claiming the achievements of other individuals within one's own ethnic or racial group as if they're one's own achievements is definitely a cope
Some South Asian curroid being proud that "chicken tikka masala is Breetan nashanal deesh saar":soy: is also a coper, because he/she did not invent that dish. Same goes for a black individual who may brag that hip hop and urban streetwear, black cultural products, are the mainstream in the West, because they themselves aren't a big hip hop artist nor a notable streetwear designer
I'm more capable than my ancestors dumb fuck
Then why are you on an incel forum, a forum that's reserved for genetic trash? Go conquer the world! Go create something instead of rotting here!
if you don't see how the system is keeping competent men down then take your head out of your asses
It DOES INDEED keep competent White men down because the system prioritizes cheapness of its products and services since there's global competition for all of the things they create. I acknowledge that White men produce better quality, and that quality is important, but just that alone is not enough to compete since a cheaper product of poor quality will also find buyers. You can expand market share without reducing costs of your products. The reason why Anglo White men are losing is because their demands aren't competitive, not because they themselves aren't competitive. In fact, they are often more competitive, innovative, and creative than ethnics.
You don't have to be special but you do have to capable, competent, and contribute majorly if you want to claim glory. These influencers want to claim glory even though they contribute nothing besides their discourse. They don't produce any goods or services.

No need to be soy, but no need to project false glory that's not your to claim either.
i'm assuming you refer to "we really are that good" comment in your initial post. i agree the tweet is cope to say that as if he was involved. still whites have a right to take pride in their history without personal involvement and their ancestors would want the same
still whites have a right to take pride in their history without personal involvement and their ancestors would want the same
Its more than that. They want to pretend like they're those great conquerors and founders just because they have Anglo White phenotype when in reality they're peasants. They feel entitled to the same reverence and respect which historical figures like 19th century imperialists get today but they are no where near that capable. They are fearful and intimidated by their dispossession and marginalization which is why use hatred and racism to cope.
Typical fedora argument.

Anyone: "I'm cheering for my sports team" :feelsautistic:
Fedora: "...but how many points have you personally scored last season?" :soy:

--- "I am proud of my religious congregation" :feelsautistic:
--- "...but how many devils have you exorcised personally?":soy:

--- I really enjoy [product] :feelsautistic:
--- But how many [product] have you personally put on the market? :soy:

--- I think [company] offers good stuff. :feelsautistic:
--- But how many companies have you started? :soy:

--- I'm very glad to enjoy open source programs. And I support the open source community.
--- But how many kernels have you personally written from scratch?

--- I am glad I live in a city with clean streets.
--- but how many garbage trucks have you built?

--- I am proud of this beautiful family estate my grandparents built.
--- but how many stately homes have you personally built?

--- I am really proud of the music from my country.
--- but how many albums have you released?

And so on. Typical fedora.
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Its more than that. They want to pretend like they're those great conquerors and founders just because they have Anglo White phenotype when in reality they're peasants. They feel entitled to the same reverence and respect which historical figures like 19th century imperialists get today but they are no where near that capable. They are fearful and intimidated by their dispossession and marginalization which is why use hatred and racism to cope.
if they're delusional enough to believe that sure , they're probably not doing much in life. i am natsoc but never deluded myself into believing i am some great warrior. it's just motivation from history.
i am natsoc but never deluded myself into believing i am some great warrior.
That's because we are blackpilled incels who've undergone ego death after ingesting and disgesting the poison that is the blackpill. We don't compromise or cope with the truth. Normies haven't done that yet and don't have the balls to let go of their copes.
>OH WOWZ our ancestors built the base foundation for the modern day degenerate destructive hellscape we live in and destroyed millennia old traditions and nature .

This western supremacist idea that they are the superior race and they were meant to lead other "inferior nations" is so fucking hilarious , not only is it wrong due to other so called "inferior nations" being more advanced than them when they were living in caves scratching heir asses in the forests of germania , their so called "progress" led to the worst possible consequences (i.e. industrial revolution ,sexual revolution, liberalism ,feminism ....)
>OH WOWZ our ancestors built the base foundation for the modern day degenerate destructive hellscape we live in and destroyed millennia old traditions and nature .

This western supremacist idea that they are the superior race and they were meant to lead other "inferior nations" is so fucking hilarious , not only is it wrong due to other so called "inferior nations" being more advanced than them when they were living in caves scratching heir asses in the forests of germania , their so called "progress" led to the worst possible consequences (i.e. industrial revolution ,sexual revolution, liberalism ,feminism ....)
We also got a lot of benefit from Western civilization and inventions lets not deny that even though its comforts did degrade us quite a bit. I am thankful for White people's contributions towards uplifting all of humanity.
This western supremacist idea that they are the superior race and they were meant to lead other "inferior nations" is so fucking hilarious , not only is it wrong due to other so called "inferior nations" being more advanced than them when they were living in caves scratching heir asses in the forests of germania
Trying to invoke the past to cope with being behind in the present doesn't make any sense. Also, "white" doesn't just include Germanics, it's anyone who's genetically European. Rome and Greece were white civilizations as well.

Germanics also weren't nearly as backwards as you think. The fact that the Romans at their apex still failed to subjugate them says enough. Also, you literally have a Germanic actor as your avi :feelstastyman:
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We also got a lot of benefit from Western civilization and inventions lets not deny that even though its comforts did degrade us quite a bit. I am thankful for White people's contributions towards uplifting all of humanity.
true technologically but i would've preferred if we got stuck in the middle ages , would rather die on a medieval battlefield than rot in my room in the 21st century
Trying to invoke the past to cope with being behind in the future doesn't make any sense. Also, "white" doesn't just include Germanics, it's anyone who's genetically European. Rome and Greece were white civilizations as well.

Germanics also weren't nearly as backwards as you think. The fact that the Romans at their apex still failed to subjugate them says enough. Also, you literally have a Germanic actor as your avi :feelstastyman:
yeah ik with the exception of greece and later rome , Europe was behind pretty much the entire middle east, persia, india, china , rome's failure to subjugate was due to their massive numbers with the empire being already overstretched and no benefit to conquering germania
Schopenhauer said something like this, about how national chauvinism is a cope:
View attachment 1358487

I've noticed myself coming to the same conclusion over time. Acknowledging race realism and that multiculturalism doesn't work isn't coping—both are true, but claiming the achievements of other individuals within one's own ethnic or racial group as if they're one's own achievements is definitely a cope (obviously, the nuance should be acknowledged that certain groups have more innovative/inventive individuals due to higher average IQs, but claiming achievements that aren't yours remains a cope regardless).

The interesting thing about leftists is that they don't apply this both ways, though. They'll use this quotation of Schopenhauer's to score on WNs, but they'll also support racial/ethnic pride for non-whites as if the same rule doesn't still apply. Some South Asian curroid being proud that "chicken tikka masala is Breetan nashanal deesh saar":soy: is also a coper, because he/she did not invent that dish. Same goes for a black individual who may brag that hip hop and urban streetwear, black cultural products, are mainstream in the West, because they themselves aren't a big hip hop artist nor a notable streetwear designer
The point about conflating one's sense of racial/national/individual worth also relates to how non-nationalistic/patriotic ethnics are perceived by society. People call you "self-hating" if you don't like or identify with your race or culture regardless of if you actually view yourself (as an individual) as inferior to others or not
would rather die on a medieval battlefield than rot in my room in the 21st century
Me too. Subhuman rotting is a disease of advanced modern civilizations.
A lot of stormfrontcels here do it, they try to say they are better than you “cause muh white man invented the internet” or some other bs.

You can cope all you want but the accomplishment of others does not mean you are better than me.
A lot of stormfrontcels here do it, they try to say they are better than you “cause muh white man invented the internet” or some other bs.
If a Whitecel claims they're better than currycels, I'll accept it since Whites have better bodies on average, on other things I'd raise eyebrows. To be fair, Whitecels and Stormfrontcels here are much more reasonable and higher IQ than the normie ones on X and MAGA because guys like @DarkStar aren't blind to the vices of their race and culture despite claiming superiority. They know that reformation needs to be brought about but if you tell this to MAGA Stormfront people, they will be outraged and chimp out.
If a Whitecel claims they're better than currycels, I'll accept it since Whites have better bodies on average, on other things I'd raise eyebrows. To be fair, Whitecels and Stormfrontcels here are much more reasonable and higher IQ than the normie ones on X and MAGA because guys like @DarkStar aren't blind to the vices of their race and culture despite claiming superiority. They know that reformation needs to be brought about but if you tell this to MAGA Stormfront people, they will be outraged and chimp out.
Nah, I’m not a cuck that will bow down to a random white just because he is white,
Nah, I’m not a cuck that will bow down to a random white just because he is white,
So do you ignore the reality that Whites have better physical constitutions than ethnics, especially curries? We curries have the worst physical constitution of all.
So do you ignore the reality that Whites have better physical constitutions than ethnics, especially curries? We curries have the worst physical constitution of all.
No, I disagree. Just because foids think whites are better, does not mean I have to. I hate foids, I am certainly not going to agree with them
No, I disagree. Just because foids think whites are better, does not mean I have to. I hate foids, I am certainly not going to agree with them
Foids think Whites are better because Whites are bigger, taller, athletic, strong, have better faces, and rich. This is not foid subjectivity, these are measurable and quantifiable differences which put ethnics on the back-burner.
So do you ignore the reality that Whites have better physical constitutions than ethnics, especially curries? We curries have the worst physical constitution of all.
bro they will hate us anyway tho whats the point of bowing down
Foids think Whites are better because Whites are bigger, taller, athletic, strong, have better faces, and rich. This is not foid subjectivity, these are measurable and quantifiable differences which put ethnics on the back-burner.
Niggers and Pacific Islanders are bigger, taller, more athletic and stronger than whites on average. Whites having better faces is subjective while Jews (if you don’t regard them as white) and currys in the west are richer than whites.

I am not going to worship whites like a foid
bro they will hate us anyway tho whats the point of bowing down
We have to acknowledge reality, regardless of whether its fair to us or not.
We have to acknowledge reality, regardless of whether its fair to us or not.
i guess but its just they will want you gone even if you agree with them so no point
Niggers and Pacific Islanders are bigger, taller, more athletic and stronger than whites on average.
They are not rich or good looking.
Whites having better faces is subjective while Jews (if you don’t regard them as white) and currys in the west are richer than whites.
Beauty is objective not subjective. Its measurable. Bro this is blackpill 101. C'mon now! :feelsseriously: Jews are a minority and did not enjoy global dominance like Whites. Jews are also cowardly and feminine, preferring to avoid situations which require physicality. Not all curries in the West are rich. Curries in Canada are jannies and cab drivers.
i guess but its just they will want you gone even if you agree with them so no point
I don't live in the West. I left long time ago.
They are not rich or good looking.

Beauty is objective not subjective. Its measurable. Bro this is blackpill 101. C'mon now! :feelsseriously: Jews are a minority and did not enjoy global dominance like Whites. Jews are also cowardly and feminine, preferring to avoid situations which require physicality. Not all curries in the West are rich. Curries in Canada are jannies and cab drivers.
Beauty isn’t objective, what foids find attractive is objective. On pure aesthetic I don’t think white chads are pleasant to look at (not being a faggot is probably a factor).

In terms of foids, I find Kashmiri foids (foids of my curry species) more pleasant than white foids. Unfortunately, my species of foid rejects me.

Not all curries in the west are rich like how not all whites are rich, in fact most whites are poor in western countries,
Beauty isn’t objective, what foids find attractive is objective. On pure aesthetic I don’t think white chads are pleasant to look at (not being a faggot is probably a factor).
This is just cope.
in fact most whites are poor in western countries,
Average White is richer than their counterparts in 2nd and 3rd world countries.
This is just cope.
It isn’t, I don’t agree with foids. Foids also like violent men and I hate violent men.
Average White is richer than their counterparts in 2nd and 3rd world countries.
Average curry on average is richer than everyone in western countries compared to their counterparts in 2nd and 3rd world countries
Europe was behind pretty much the entire middle east, persia, india, china
Literally all the regions you brought up also had nomadic tribals. Vast swathes of MENA were occupied by Bedouins, Saharan Berber nomads, and similar groups (who persist there to this day), just as much of South Asia was also made up of nomadic tribes (who also persist to this day), and the ancestors of many people who today contribute to China's population (Mongols, Uyghurs, NW Chinese, etc.) were similarly nomadic with no settled civilization. Even in terms of what percentage of each region's population was made up of nomadic tribes, Europe was likely similar to MENA, South Asia, and what would today be the PRC, as most of its population in antiquity (speaking in terms of total numbers) was concentrated in the South.

So no, most of Europe was not behind the "entirety" of MENA, South Asia, or China, nor was Europe behind any of these regions in an overall sense. Certain European groups were behind certain MENA, South Asian, and Chinese groups, and vice versa
Certain European groups were behind certain MENA, South Asian, and Chinese groups, and vice versa

That's what i meant leaving greek civilization aside , the civilizations of Egypt , levant , iraq ,persia were far more advanced than Celts or germans for example , if it wasn't for rome subjugating the weaker tribes of western Europe they would've remained behind for another 400 years
That's what i meant leaving greek civilization aside , the civilizations of Egypt , levant , iraq ,persia were far more advanced than Celts or germans for example
Ofc, but the same applies the other way around: Med Europeans were far more advanced than groups like Bedouins, Saharan Berbers, Xiongnu, Jats, scheduled tribes, etc.; so it makes no sense to make blanket statements like "most of Europe was behind the entirety of MENA, India, and China" when in truth all of these regions were occupied by a similar mix of advanced settled peoples and nomadic tribes

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