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Blackpill Brutal japanpill on why men went volcel there

Is it over for Japs?

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Transcended Trucel

Transcended Trucel

Peace & Dharma ; Vishwaguru India!
Feb 16, 2019
Japanese men gave up on women because it was simply not worth it any more. They were expected to make the first move, pay for things even when the woman earned a good living, be the active part in love making, work double jobs and hardly be home just to meet expectations, give grandiose gifts at many, many days similar to Valentines day around the year, and so on.

The women had grown away from the old ways of being considerate, supportive, warm, and kind and were now instead generally much more cold, distant, career driven, demanding, and selfish - but still held up all the demands on men which men had previously filled as a balance. Not 'I scratch your back - you taunt me for not making as much as my brother'.

They found that they could just put their foot down and say no. No more. Sex could be replaced through masturbation with VR and other tools and an advanced pornographic culture, or prostitution. Deep personal conversations, blowing off steam about your manager or best friend could be had through special business who cater to specifically this with trained hostess staff who have regulars. Having your head on someone's lap while watching a movie - also available. Etc., etc.

The Japanese culture turned out to be very good at figuring out what little details in a relationship is actually important to us on a deep level, like having someone hold your hand while you are doing this or listening to you explain how you feel about that, and then making a business of exactly that little niche.

So it happened. The Japanese men at a quite extreme and alarming rate started saying no to marriage. No to girlfriends. No to girls. They did not go into situational homosexuality as a cultural prison sexuality either, at least not in any major scale. Instead they found that with all that free time and available money to spend on anything that made them happy they could have the worlds most extreme entertainment culture at the tip of their fingers. Games galore! Interactive movies, perverse comics, cool neo-sports, and so on.

So. How did the women react? Did they say "Oh, no. We done messed up now… Let's show the men that we are worth it. That we are actually really nice and warm too even if we are more independent than before. That we are loving and kind." No. They started using the term "Sōshoku(-kei) danshi", herbivore or grass-eating men, to condescendingly refer to those who reject the pleasure of the female flesh.

They started large scale mocking all these men who refuse them. Claiming that they are not real men , that they are gentle, mild, sissy, closet gay, small boys, etc. This, er, did not get the men to come back. It made other men who saw how the women in large scale culture acted join the herbivores.

And now it just spins like this, with the women pushing away the men further instead of chasing after the men.

As of now more than 60% of all men in their 20s are Sōshoku danshi. Over 70% of men in their 30s. And already nearly 40% of boys in their teens have decided to completely abandon women, sex, and relationships, and that number is likely to increase as they get older.

From the Reddit thread:
Jap foids are the meanest two-faced bitches you'll ever find
Over for ricecels
If it weren't for the decay of Japanese society, I wouldn't have my weeb copes to consume while the west heads in a similar direction. Japan is fucked, and the west is fucked. To add to my future social colonial resident credits, I will praise China. All hail China
Recently read that 35% under 30 never had sex.
Jap noodleshit ruined their men and abandoned them for white guys jfl
Didn’t read!

Plus the rice jap whore made the men go Incel! The men got shut down they didn’t quit trying
yeah, they're gonna end up extinct unless they rise up and enslave their foids
Jap foids are the meanest two-faced bitches you'll ever find
They are the most entitled whores on planet. Too bad USA didn't Nuke Japan thrice (in civilization IV)
Too bad they lost ww2!

(Just like everyone else)
Japan will have problems with his birth rate since its this low -2 that is necessary to maintain a stable population, their population is getting old and they are dying alone more and more frequently. This video talks about of hervibore men.

They can cope FAR more better than most of us. The more over it is the better they can cope.
Japanese noodles are sinking their entire country because they refuse to date their men. How can you see this happening and believe that women still deserve rights when they are so destructive.
when ww2 ended ,japan died
Won't matter because they will import chads and chad sperm via international sperm banks. They will breed their own men out of existence.
It's over for japs yes,but at least their youth is turning to based 2D waifus,VR and robot engineering to cope instead of the cucked west that would rather betabuxx a landwhale or become a male feminist in exchange for sum fuck.
So. How did the women react? Did they say "Oh, no. We done messed up now… Let's show the men that we are worth it. That we are actually really nice and warm too even if we are more independent than before. That we are loving and kind." No. They started using the term "Sōshoku(-kei) danshi", herbivore or grass-eating men, to condescendingly refer to those who reject the pleasure of the female flesh.

They started large scale mocking all these men who refuse them. Claiming that they are not real men , that they are gentle, mild, sissy, closet gay, small boys, etc. This, er, did not get the men to come back. It made other men who saw how the women in large scale culture acted join the herbivores.
Well yeah. Can you imagine holes ever having the introspection to realize they can be wrong, or have any sense of personal responsibility whatsoever? I sure can't.
It's over for japs yes,but at least their youth is turning to based 2D waifus,VR and robot engineering to cope instead of the cucked west that would rather betabuxx a landwhale or become a male feminist in exchange for sum fuck.
Well yeah. Can you imagine holes ever having the introspection to realize they can be wrong, or have any sense of personal responsibility whatsoever? I sure can't.
women completely incapable of ever imagining life as ab ugly Male. they can't fathom the distrust and suffering we have to go thru. It's why every past major civilization had to rein them in
Every noodlewhore wants a 8+ inch white dick so they are migrating to North America and Europe and hooking up with white Chads to improve their genetics. I really bad for Asia men.
Their economy has been stagnant since the 90s, men opt out from the 80-hour working week salaryman life because it's no longer worth it, yet women's expectations of what a man should be stay the same. They refuse to compromise and birth rates plummet.

The Japanese have made an art form out of coping, but I'd never want to live there in a million years.
Doesn't sound too different from the west. Japs are just more high-IQ and low-T than westerners and because of that find it easier to statisfy their primal desires with copes than we do. I wouldn't say they are truly volcel, as they never had a chance to begin with. They're as much volcel as MGTOW'ers.
Japan may be for living only with waifu found elsewhere, Or very special japanses loli of culture
They found that they could just put their foot down and say no. No more. Sex could be replaced through masturbation with VR and other tools and an advanced pornographic culture, or prostitution. Deep personal conversations, blowing off steam about your manager or best friend could be had through special business who cater to specifically this with trained hostess staff who have regulars. Having your head on someone's lap while watching a movie - also available. Etc., etc.

The Japanese culture turned out to be very good at figuring out what little details in a relationship is actually important to us on a deep level, like having someone hold your hand while you are doing this or listening to you explain how you feel about that, and then making a business of exactly that little niche.

So it happened. The Japanese men at a quite extreme and alarming rate started saying no to marriage. No to girlfriends. No to girls. They did not go into situational homosexuality as a cultural prison sexuality either, at least not in any major scale. Instead they found that with all that free time and available money to spend on anything that made them happy they could have the worlds most extreme entertainment culture at the tip of their fingers. Games galore! Interactive movies, perverse comics, cool neo-sports, and so on.
While i wouldn't like live in that hell that is Japanese society, i still would like to understand their language and be able to fully play their copes like untranslated galge, Hentai, VN, VR girlfriend and all that shit ngl.I really hope they will invent some dope virtual 2d world shit that feels real so i can fuck my waifu.I've great hopes in them, they're the only ones who can do it since China banned pornography other ricecel don't seem so interested in this.Sad i probably won't live enough to experience this, fuck this shitty world.

Regarding their society i have to admit i like how they have maintained their culture beside US influence and rejected feminism and all that cucked shit we have in the west
While i wouldn't like live in that hell that is Japanese society, i still would like to understand their language and be able to fully play their copes like untranslated galge, Hentai, VN, VR girlfriend and all that shit ngl.I really hope they will invent some dope virtual 2d world shit that feels real so i can fuck my waifu.I've great hopes in them, they're the only ones who can do it since China banned pornography other ricecel don't seem so interested in this.Sad i probably won't live enough to experience this, fuck this shitty world.

Regarding their society i have to admit i like how they have maintained their culture beside US influence and rejected feminism and all that cucked shit we have in the west
same. I would never live there. but understanding the language would allow me to cope harder
Japanese men are based, while Western men turn into faggots and soy boys. Japan’s decline started before ours, but I bet the West collapses completely first just from the shear degeneracy and overwhelmingly liberal culture.

Japan is still somewhat conservative, their women aren’t getting fucked by Changs, they are just not having sex at all. Virginity rates for men and women are both in the 30% range. Finding a virgin woman in the West is nearly impossible.
japan has the 95/5 rule
It's over for japs yes,but at least their youth is turning to based 2D waifus,VR and robot engineering to cope instead of the cucked west that would rather betabuxx a landwhale or become a male feminist in exchange for sum fuck.
Completelt over for them, but at leat they hace good copes
Japan is a projection of the West in a few years
Based japanese men, foids are diabolical creatures.
just more fun for the top 20% , while the rest just LDAR . good job Satan , good job anti Christ , good jobs Zionist .

Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas: The Prophet said: I was shown the Hell-fire and that the majority of its dwellers were women who were ungrateful.” It was asked, “Do they disbelieve in Allah?” (or are they ungrateful to Allah?) He replied, “They are ungrateful to their husbands and are ungrateful for the favors and the good (charitable deeds) done to them. If you have always been good (benevolent) to one of them and then she sees something in you (not of her liking), she will say, ‘I have never received any good from you.

this is the new world order of satan ,and the anti Christ or false messiah , well most women will love and follow the anti Christ

Ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The False Messiah will come upon this marsh of Marriqanat (near Medina). Most of those who go out to him will be women, until a man goes back to his wife, his mother, his daughter, his sister, and his aunt to shackle them tightly, fearing they would go out to him.

Source: Musnad Aḥmad 5330

so they will get what they fucking deserve because of they become more more cold, distant, career driven, demanding, and selfish

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