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Venting Brutal hypothesis - The blackpill is real, but most here are mentalcels



Eat the bat kill the west
Feb 13, 2018
Truthfully I believe actual ugly people would not be able to expose themselves to the blackpill like you would be on this forum. You would have just roped and stopped posting.

Most here is mental masturbation because people don't want to risk approaching, are extremely shy from watching hentai when they were 13 when other guys were with girls and just generally fucked up.

Although the dating scene is getting tougher it's still not impossible to betabux yourself as a normie tier looks, even if you don't get tinder matches, but you have to run numbers and exposure game, which you could say is not fair as holes just have to make a tinder -_-
some of us have severe mental conditions like autism @Insomniac
I might've been a 4.5/10 autist mentalcel when I was 16, but years later my looks have deteriorated a lot. Baldness, fatness, my teeth, my acne scars, they all add up.

Plus, even when I was a teen I was unattractive, I didn't know it back then, but I realize it now. Girls really had 0 interest in me, 0. They used to call me perverted too.
some of us have severe mental conditions
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Just the fact that nobody ever makes attempts to talk to people here and the fact that nobody gets positive reinforcement is already enough proof that it's more than just shyness
Just the fact that nobody ever makes attempts to talk to people here and the fact that nobody gets positive reinforcement is already enough proof that it's more than just shyness
Lack of social application?
I’m sorry to hear that bro. :feelsbadman:
Its pretty much over for me starting from the brain. Even if I was Giga Chad tbh, actually probs not gigachad cause tinder but chad
I'm not saying that I'm not a mentalcel, but I could be as NT and outgoing as is possible, and I'd still be incel. So it's really just that my lack of communication skills make my situation even worse, not so much that they're the true culprit.

even when I was a teen I was unattractive, I didn't know it back then, but I realize it now.
This. I was clueless as a teen, thought I just didn't understand girls. Looking back now, I suppose I was right, just not in the way I expected.
What if you are a teetotalercel?

I'm not saying that I'm not a mentalcel, but I could be as NT and outgoing as is possible, and I'd still be incel. So it's really just that my lack of communication skills make my situation even worse, not so much that they're the true culprit.

This fits me somewhat.

12 Guests think we just have toxic personalities and can’t step out our shells. :forcedsmile::feels:
from watching hentai when they were 13
I started with hentais at 10, not 13.

I like this thread, because it is true. A true ugly male cannot bear the blackpill. Disabled guys have mental coaches teaching them the bluepill, ugly guys start coping from a young age, most normies copes thinking they just have to overcompensate in some areas, Chads overcompensate into thinking they are chosen because they have a great personality.

Just look at cucktears, they are afraid of the blackpill, most of them are worse than us in look, but they want to be bluepilled, they don't want to know that they are genetic scum, and for them living in a cucked marriage is a preferable option than being incel and blackpilled.

A disabled ugly male do not want to know he is genetic garbage, because otherwise he would instantly kill himself. The same apply to an ugly overcompensating man, they don't want to hear the truth, that they are ugly, and foids only look for LMS values, they want to remain ignorant, because knowing the truth would shatter their entire worldview.

This is the reason cucktears is attacking us, because they are uglier than us, and they prefer the bluepill to the blackpill.
Even though I'm an autist it's not that that's the problem. It never has been. Without autism I would still be ugly with no physique whatsoever and a small dick (the most crippling thing of all), and be generally fucked in life, at least when it came to dating and sex anyway.

So I don't qualify as a mentalcel and never have done.
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people turn you away when you want to make friends

and you're supposed to do better with courting pretentious women?
I'm ugly, it's over
I'm without a doubt the ugliest male here - and anywhere else.
i am pretty fucking ugly man. I agree a lot of faggots here are (((mentalcel))) which is unfair AND a joke to us truecels. See we know from experience we are fucking ugly but a lot of (((mentalcels))) just don’t approach women at all taking a giant dump on the rest of us
truecel check in

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