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Brutal blackpill: being aspie is worse than being ugly



Nov 28, 2017
Controversial blackpill If you are an aspie/autistic/sperg and 5-6/10 you will have a worse social and romantic life than a 3-4/10 who has good social skills. A lot of you dont want to admit this because its easy to just say "8+ or death" and just give up or "looks is everything" and although looks do play an important role being socially awkward and high inhib is a huge death sentence that no one brings up very often. The good thing is unless you are actually mentally retarded a 4-6/10 incel can immerse himself with normies and eventually become NT
i am aspie and socially awkward as fuck and i dont know how to function in soceity. my looks are no where near death tier, urs are not either, and yet we are here, so that pretty much explains it.

Most people here mog normies I see everyday irl, but yes, it's easier to just say "bruh sub8 is death lol" (which is actually true, but not to such a fatalistic extent)

Having social skills and knowing how to act with people is literally everything
The problem is that 90% of men who claim they are incel because of aspie are actually just ugly. This is why we say it’s a cope. You have to be very autistic to be if incel you’re decent looking. Most men would rather think they’re aspie, not ugly, but it takes a strong person to admit they are just fucking UGLY. And the vast majority of incels are downright ugly.
>immerse yourself with normies and just become NT

It doesn't work that fucking easy lmao, if it did none of us would even be here.
Legit post. Being NT is very important, not acting normie enough is a death sentence unless you're Chad. The aspies here act like it doesn't matter at all, but that's because they're aspies
i hear ice poseidon has aspergers but he comes off as highly NT so idfk
shadowninya said:
Controversial blackpill If you are an aspie/autistic/sperg and 5-6/10 you will have a worse social and romantic life than a 3-4/10 who has good social skills. 

What is this fucking nonsense, I see everytime more and more massive bluepilled posts disguised as a blackpill. The life of a 4/10 and a 6/10 (or a 3/10 and a 5/10) is NIGHT AND DAY, no amount of NT, personality or SHIT will do anything with 2 fucking looks points of difference. A 2 points looks rating difference is MASSIVE, and the effects in general life qualituy with each increase in looks rating are EXPONENTIAL.

There is NO FUCKING WAY a 3-4/10 would get better romantic life than a 5-6/10, even if the first one if social butterfly incarnate and the latter one is an aspie nerd riddled with social anxiety and BDD, its NOT EVEN CLOSE.
Where aspies/introverts/etc... struggle is that we never want to be around people and when we do it's usually painful, a circle of rejection that leads to dying alone.

Social skills do not mean a fucking thing beyond that. Stop this bluepill thinking. You will NEVER talk your way into fucking a girl.
This is probably somewhat truthful. Both ass burgers and uggos have it hard. I'm both.
most people with aspergers are ugly as sin. ugliness is a major cause of autism or social anxiety(which is just self-awareness)
mikepence said:
most people with aspergers are ugly as sin. ugliness is a major cause of autism or social anxiety(which is just self-awareness)

Very true.
To get fucked as an aspie you have to be at least 9/10 in looks... to get fucked with good social skills/confidence you have to be at least 6/10 in looks.
justforlulzandkeks said:
The aspies here act like it doesn't matter at all, but that's because they're aspies
legit as fuck, people here cope to oblivion with the personality doesn't matter stuff, of course it fucking matters alongside with looks. takes a aspie to not understand that
Zyros said:
What is this fucking nonsense, I see everytime more and more massive bluepilled posts disguised as a blackpill. The life of a 4/10 and a 6/10 (or a 3/10 and a 5/10) is NIGHT AND DAY, no amount of NT, personality or SHIT will do anything with 2 fucking looks points of difference. A 2 points looks rating difference is MASSIVE, and the effects in general life qualituy with each increase in looks rating are EXPONENTIAL.

There is NO FUCKING WAY a 3-4/10 would get better romantic life than a 5-6/10, even if the first one if social butterfly incarnate and the latter one is an aspie nerd riddled with social anxiety and BDD, its NOT EVEN CLOSE.
Prove that to me because I don't believe a 5-6/10 is necessarily going to have a better dating life than a 3-4/10. You can still be 5-6/10 and be incel.
And I am both. Just end me now boyos.
shadowninya said:
Controversial blackpill If you are an aspie/autistic/sperg and 5-6/10 you will have a worse social and romantic life than a 3-4/10 who has good social skills.

Almost all of the sub 4 guys I've known were truecel. Many had great social skills.
NeverSubmit said:
Prove that to me because I don't believe a 5-6/10 is necessarily going to have a better dating life than a 3-4/10. You can still be 5-6/10 and be incel.

I was mega incel as a 4/10, my life is completely different now as a 6/10. I am actually way less NT now than back then, including dressing in a much much weirder style instead of being trendy like in the past, or sperging and talking about obscure shit including blackpill now.

2 points of difference in looks is AUTOMATICALLY equal to better dating life even if the lesser looking male is hyper NT and the better looking male is a D&D aspie nerd player. The only way for the better looking male to have a worse dating life would be to be literally mentally disabled or retarded.
Zyros said:
What is this fucking nonsense, I see everytime more and more massive bluepilled posts disguised as a blackpill. The life of a 4/10 and a 6/10 (or a 3/10 and a 5/10) is NIGHT AND DAY, no amount of NT, personality or SHIT will do anything with 2 fucking looks points of difference. A 2 points looks rating difference is MASSIVE, and the effects in general life qualituy with each increase in looks rating are EXPONENTIAL.

There is NO FUCKING WAY a 3-4/10 would get better romantic life than a 5-6/10, even if the first one if social butterfly incarnate and the latter one is an aspie nerd riddled with social anxiety and BDD, its NOT EVEN CLOSE.

A lot of aspies don't even talk to girls and are usually at the bottom of whatever social circle they are in. Even if you are 5-6/10, people respect you at first and you might get iois but once they realize you are an aspie they wont respect you anymore and girls will be turned off. Where as a 3-4/10 with good social skills can get laid through social circle game. I myself consider myself to be 5-6/10 and these are my experiences
this is true and i stand by it. im not chad my no means but mentalcel is a reality
I used to think that this is false, but then I got acquainted with Incelman.

Social anxiety, skills, etc. can be managed through medication and trained with appropriate counselors. The solution for uglycels is surgery. One of these is more expensive and harder to obtain than the other.
I'm 9/10 aesthetics, overall 6/10 face and 0 smv due to schizophrenia alone.
The amount of copers in this thread is trough the roof.
Zyros said:
The amount of copers in this thread is trough the roof.


Yes, daddy.
have ass burgers and i agree with this 100 fucking percent.
I agree with you even if it's a controversial statement here.
mikepence said:
most people with aspergers are ugly as sin. ugliness is a major cause of autism or social anxiety(which is just self-awareness)

Isn't autism congenital though?

Even if an aspie tried to be NT, nobody would take the time to accommodate an aspie. They're just too selfish.
Being on the spectrum is a death sentence

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