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Discussion Breaking Badcels, Who Do You Feel Most Bad For?



Incel Powerϟϟ
Nov 20, 2022
Out of all the main characters in both Breaking Bad & Better Call Saul, I would have to say that I feel kinda bad for some of them, even if they did do objectively shit things, fucked others over bad, and ofc both being shows about the criminal underworld does indicate that their actions on a larger-scale were detrimental to society. I sometimes wonder just how many people died of ODs from "blue crystal."

One thing both shows do really well imo, is that they set it up to where you can both feel bad for a character while also clearly seeing what they're doing is "wrong" in some way, alongside creating a charter who may be in the right, but who you actually dislike. An example is:

Chuck was 100% spot-on about Jimmy/Saul never changin; forever "slippin jimmy" yet Chuck was such a self-centered, arrogant, self-righteous, conceited asshole you rooted for Jimmy. Who in a way, is an "underdog" similar to us

The show does a good job at making us relate to these characters & feel pity for them, even though objectively they are awful people. This is essentially why both shows are highly regarded- both push us to critical thought & constant discussion about the morality of characters & actions.

I would say when it comes down to it, I feel the most bad for Mike, Jimmy/Saul, and Howard.

Mike & Saul/Jimmy were pretty shit people when it come down to it, and I find both of them somewhat relatable in a way.

Both men also, in a way, tried to remain somewhat "moral" in such a dangerous & ruthless business that is organized crime. Mike seemed to try & somewhat tame Gus & Walts more "darker" instincts & sides, while Saul/Jimmy still in a way tried to come up with solutions which were mutually beneficial & helped others early on in his legal career before getting his hands dirty.

Howard came across as a snobbish prick early on, but as the story progressed, we saw he was actually a somewhat decent guy who even tried to make peace with Jimmy & offered him a job, which ofc Jimmy turned down because lighting bolts shoot from Jimmy's fingertips. What Jimmy & Kim did to him was awful, and although I feel bad for Jimmy/Saul, what he did & the fate he led Howard to was just sickening.
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@based_meme @Castaway @Grodd @Diddy @AtrociousCitizen @Karakol96 @Corvus @psyop @Acorn @SupremeAutist @Sewer Sloth @Skyrim
I felt the most sympathy for howard. He was already posting in r/deadbedrooms and then the sexhavers, jimmy and kim, decided to beat him down even more and ruin his career.
Howard >.<

For the record I actually liked Chuck too, lol
To me it's either Walter or Jessie. Man where the fuck do I even begin with these 2? In short Jessie was screwed up by his parents, they didn't help him at all with his drug addictions and they've pretty much set him on the current path he takes in the show.
I know this is an entire generalization on his character, but tbh I don't feel like writing an entire essay. Not when I barely remember the show.

As for Walt, he was diagnosed with cancer and he wants to leave behind $$$ for his family to live happy with the money while he's gone. His own daughter wouldn't really remember him when died, his entire family didn't take him seriously as an idividual until his DEA normie agent brother-in-law discovered he's THE GUY. His family at the end hates him, he got cucked by his own wife, Jesus fucking Christ, there's so much on Walt's list. Brutal mang. :feelsbadman:
As for Walt, he was diagnosed with cancer and he wants to leave behind $$$ for his family to live happy with the money while he's gone. His own daughter wouldn't really remember him when died, his entire family didn't take him seriously as an idividual until his DEA normie agent brother-in-law discovered he's THE GUY. His family at the end hates him, he got cucked by his own wife, Jesus fucking Christ, there's so much on Walt's list. Brutal mang. :feelsbadman:
Most of what happened to Walter was of his own doing. Should've swallowed his pride and accepted the job his wealthy friend offered him.
Most of what happened to Walter was of his own doing. Should've swallowed his pride and accepted the job his wealthy friend offered him.
Didn't his friend steal Walt's former chick and company? Maybe that why he hates him and rejected the offer. I don't even remember that much, I watched the show 4 or 5 years ago.
Didn't his friend steal Walt's former chick and company? Maybe that why he hates him and rejected the offer. I don't even remember that much, I watched the show 4 or 5 years ago.
Walter left because of his former gf's wealthy parents. He felt inferior around them, from the beginning he was extremely egotistical. He rejected their offer literally because he felt they were taking pity on him and he couldn't handle it
Most of what happened to Walter was of his own doing. Should've swallowed his pride and accepted the job his wealthy friend offered him.
Yeah exactly, Jimmy & Mikes stories were a lot more nuanced with more depth & they didn't have this "get out of jail free card" which Walt had. I mean, his friend who was a millionaire literally offered to pay for his treatment and give him a job which could have at least given him something to leave behind for his family.
Walter left because of his former gf's wealthy parents. He felt inferior around them, from the beginning he was extremely egotistical. He rejected their offer literally because he felt they were taking pity on him and he couldn't handle it
Yeah Walt always was very egotistical, it's visible kinda early on though it's not as bold if that makes sense.

I mean him refusing help when it showed up on a silver platter was egotistical on its own, anyone with any sense in that situation would have taken that offer in a nanosecond.
I mean him refusing help when it showed up on a silver platter was egotistical on its own, anyone with any sense in that situation would have taken that offer in a nanosecond.
When exactly was he offered the money? Before or after he got into the drug business?
Yea, after rewatching that scene when he was offerend money and a job at his former company, I have to agree he shot himself in the foot there. :feelskek:
Out of all the characters, probably Werner or Gale. As of the more major ones, maybe Nacho.
Howard, by a long shot
It was brutal even for that guy. His reputation gets ruined by 2 sexhavers and then gets whacked by a narco spic for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Brutal.
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Howard, his wife left him and he got buried next to his killer.
Out of all the main characters in both Breaking Bad & Better Call Saul, I would have to say that I feel kinda bad for some of them, even if they did do objectively shit things, fucked others over bad, and ofc both being shows about the criminal underworld does indicate that their actions on a larger-scale were detrimental to society. I sometimes wonder just how many people died of ODs from "blue crystal."

One thing both shows do really well imo, is that they set it up to where you can both feel bad for a character while also clearly seeing what they're doing is "wrong" in some way, alongside creating a charter who may be in the right, but who you actually dislike. An example is:

Chuck was 100% spot-on about Jimmy/Saul never changin; forever "slippin jimmy" yet Chuck was such a self-centered, arrogant, self-righteous, conceited asshole you rooted for Jimmy. Who in a way, is an "underdog" similar to us

The show does a good job at making us relate to these characters & feel pity for them, even though objectively they are awful people. This is essentially why both shows are highly regarded- both push us to critical thought & constant discussion about the morality of characters & actions.

I would say when it comes down to it, I feel the most bad for Mike, Jimmy/Saul, and Howard.

Mike & Saul/Jimmy were pretty shit people when it come down to it, and I find both of them somewhat relatable in a way.

Both men also, in a way, tried to remain somewhat "moral" in such a dangerous & ruthless business that is organized crime. Mike seemed to try & somewhat tame Gus & Walts more "darker" instincts & sides, while Saul/Jimmy still in a way tried to come up with solutions which were mutually beneficial & helped others early on in his legal career before getting his hands dirty.

Howard came across as a snobbish prick early on, but as the story progressed, we saw he was actually a somewhat decent guy who even tried to make peace with Jimmy & offered him a job, which ofc Jimmy turned down because lighting bolts shoot from Jimmy's fingertips. What Jimmy & Kim did to him was awful, and although I feel bad for Jimmy/Saul, what he did & the fate he led Howard to was just sickening.
Kim Wexler's feet :feelsUgh: :feelsUgh: :feelsUgh: they were emotionally neglected by not having my cum on them.
Out of all the main characters in both Breaking Bad & Better Call Saul, I would have to say that I feel kinda bad for some of them, even if they did do objectively shit things, fucked others over bad, and ofc both being shows about the criminal underworld does indicate that their actions on a larger-scale were detrimental to society. I sometimes wonder just how many people died of ODs from "blue crystal."

One thing both shows do really well imo, is that they set it up to where you can both feel bad for a character while also clearly seeing what they're doing is "wrong" in some way, alongside creating a charter who may be in the right, but who you actually dislike. An example is:

Chuck was 100% spot-on about Jimmy/Saul never changin; forever "slippin jimmy" yet Chuck was such a self-centered, arrogant, self-righteous, conceited asshole you rooted for Jimmy. Who in a way, is an "underdog" similar to us

The show does a good job at making us relate to these characters & feel pity for them, even though objectively they are awful people. This is essentially why both shows are highly regarded- both push us to critical thought & constant discussion about the morality of characters & actions.

I would say when it comes down to it, I feel the most bad for Mike, Jimmy/Saul, and Howard.

Mike & Saul/Jimmy were pretty shit people when it come down to it, and I find both of them somewhat relatable in a way.

Both men also, in a way, tried to remain somewhat "moral" in such a dangerous & ruthless business that is organized crime. Mike seemed to try & somewhat tame Gus & Walts more "darker" instincts & sides, while Saul/Jimmy still in a way tried to come up with solutions which were mutually beneficial & helped others early on in his legal career before getting his hands dirty.

Howard came across as a snobbish prick early on, but as the story progressed, we saw he was actually a somewhat decent guy who even tried to make peace with Jimmy & offered him a job, which ofc Jimmy turned down because lighting bolts shoot from Jimmy's fingertips. What Jimmy & Kim did to him was awful, and although I feel bad for Jimmy/Saul, what he did & the fate he led Howard to was just sickening.
Ok you deserve actual reply jfl - I like Saul more than Walter and Mike. Saul is more relatable. Walter was basically an idiot savant. His skill set was highly advanced in chemistry and manipulation somewhat, but he had the self awareness of a fucking banana. Narcissist basically, couldnt stop while he was ahead. This made watching Breaking Bad kinda torturous for me, because it feels like watching an insane person self-sabotage on the brink of success over and over. Most cortisol inducing shit ver.

I could relate more to Saul as a character, he seems more like a looser, which I can identify with. He is not narc, clearly displays guilt and so on. Also deliberately takes the L in the end, which Walter would never do. I can heavily relate to shit like this. I would often rather take the hit, and have done so before. I am basically IRL bullet sponge, more comfortable in negative situation than positive.
That one chemist that Jessy shot who’s name I forgot
Mike was such a hypocrite though. It has been a while, maybe I'm misremembering, but I swear he was like "Walt you ruined everything because of your pride. You should've just let the gay black guy kill you, your partner and possibly your family so we can continue to produce meth in peace".
chuck and walt nobody else maybe todd a little bit
Howard was the only one who got completely fucked over that wasn't caused by his own actions. 2nd is tied with Werner and Gale since they probably didn't really realize how dangerous the people they associated with really were
Hank got it dirty. The character was a good guy and was doing the right thing, regardless of his job or his allegiances or family ties or what have you. The criminal forces simply overpowered him and it cost him.

I sympathize with Jesse's character as well. Dude was a hair's breath away from giving blowjobs for his next hit. Then fate smiled upon him (or frowned upon him, depending on your perspective) when he encountered Walt and got into that strange business relationship where he was more like a strict, judgmental uncle and a manager than a partner, though Walt was very fair with him in their business dealings and stood up for him on a number of occasions.

Everyone else can eat a dick.

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