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RageFuel Boomers need to be hanged in public

  • Thread starter mentally lost cel 1
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mentally lost cel 1

mentally lost cel 1

A Ghost in Istanbul
Jul 5, 2020
Man I fucking hate boomers with their knowing everything attitude

why does everyone talks like they are the biggest badass in the world? They always tell stories of how they did that and how they did this amazingly

they are really not humble like me :feelzez:

they really can’t say that they lost ,for example I know I’m a fucking loser in literally every way of life but somehow these badass guys are the winners of everything

today some 50 year old guy talked to me like do something with your life what’s your goal? I’m like my goal is to try to finish my degree,he says never give up what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger , I’ll punch you in the nose and break it, it’s easy to break something but building something is way harder and better, do that

he really disrespected me in my home and I did nothing just like a loser,i wish I did something more ,continuing to live the most pathetic life :feelsbadman::cryfeels::feelsbadman: , I tried to explain my situation but he didn’t listen much, the guy was a friend of my father, Man I fucking hate people in general

i wish they knew how to respect someone, they always talk like they are my friends when we just met for the first time and they talk too confrontational
Boomers are a good generation, too bad they are blupilled
Because they're boomers
Boomers are a good generation, too bad they are blupilled
They are the shittiest generation ever lived. Fucking idiots created feminism, cuckservatism, hated Hitler and were constantly manipulated by kikes
They are the shittiest generation ever lived. Fucking idiots created feminism, cuckservatism, hated Hitler and were constantly manipulated by kikes
Exactly. Boomerfags are the biggest cucks.
They are the shittiest generation ever lived. Fucking idiots created feminism, cuckservatism, hated Hitler and were constantly manipulated by kikes
Boomers didn’t create any of it, millennials were the ones who fucked up everything.

Talk with an average boomer and then an average zoomer, you will see who is the best generation, also the one who has the best moral values
my dad is a boomer, but he's kinda based tbh. he thinks that women are inferior and should have no power over a man.
Everything that is boomer is a danger for our generation, it is actually them who block the youth in the society
boomers hired millions of illegals and now the illegals are citizens
Boomers have never realized what they had. Their free love destroyed most men, free things never exist. And free love just largely removed a financial component from relationships and replaced it with a new form of materialism: Looks.
Boomers didn’t create any of it, millennials were the ones who fucked up everything.

Talk with an average boomer and then an average zoomer, you will see who is the best generation, also the one who has the best moral values
And who raised these zoomers and created SOYciety for them ??:feelstastyman:
And who raised these zoomers and created SOYciety for them ??:feelstastyman:

Boomers didn't accept degeneracy as much as other future generations, thats why they are better

Boomers didn't accept degeneracy as much as other future generations, thats why they are better
Hippies were boomers, they infiltrated the education system (which forms the minds of the people and therefore the future of a "democracy"; google "Marsch durch die Institutionen" for the happenings in Germany which are indicative of the global strategy of them), this provided the nutrient medium for millenials which were then the first that were completely raised on that toxic mental soil. Boomers are to blame for doing nothing against it and for laughing about a socially destructive ideology that was about to undermine them in the long-term.
And who raised these zoomers and created SOYciety for them ??:feelstastyman:
Hippies were boomers, they infiltrated the education system (which forms the minds of the people and therefore the future of a "democracy"; google "Marsch durch die Institutionen" for the happenings in Germany which are indicative of the global strategy of them), this provided the nutrient medium for millenials which were then the first that were completely raised on that toxic mental soil. Boomers are to blame for doing nothing against it and for laughing about a socially destructive ideology that was about to undermine them in the long-term.
Most boomers weren't hippies nor supported them as far as I know.

But the boomers from where I live are pretty fine, millenials rejected boomer values and started raising zoomers, fucking up everything.

They aren't to blame, millenials are, because they rejected boomer values, if millenials had the same mentality as boomers, I doubt society would be this fucked up

1. They were born during a time when the world was still recovering from a massive jew-caused second world war.
2. They were born into a country that was 89-88% white (1940-1960)
3. Boomer foids stayed home, while Boomer men went to Vietnam
4. Boomers allowed Edward Kennedy to allow in mongols, slavs, niggers, and sand niggers with the Immigration Act of 1965
5. Boomers don't care about finding the terrorist who are apparently responsible for 9/11 - but we have been fighting the Iraq War since 2003.
6. Boomers don't care about the open border, or that parasites are invading in caravans now.
7. Rent prices have climbed to astronomical amounts, and many young people have been priced out of the cities they were born in.
8. Space exploration has been a joke.
9. Boomers committed an assault on the natural environment.
10. To top everything off, Boomers have left the world with the COVID-19 chaos - ruining the lives of many young people.

Photo 1 the eternal boomer 0
Boomers are a good generation, too bad they are blupilled
cope they are disgusting degenerates
boomers hired millions of illegals and now the illegals are citizens
fuckers were too lazy to do their own crop picking and imported tens of millions of spics and ethnics

1. They were born during a time when the world was still recovering from a massive jew-caused second world war.
2. They were born into a country that was 89-88% white (1940-1960)
3. Boomer foids stayed home, while Boomer men went to Vietnam
4. Boomers allowed Edward Kennedy to allow in mongols, slavs, niggers, and sand niggers with the Immigration Act of 1965
5. Boomers don't care about finding the terrorist who are apparently responsible for 9/11 - but we have been fighting the Iraq War since 2003.
6. Boomers don't care about the open border, or that parasites are invading in caravans now.
7. Rent prices have climbed to astronomical amounts, and many young people have been priced out of the cities they were born in.
8. Space exploration has been a joke.
9. Boomers committed an assault on the natural environment.
10. To top everything off, Boomers have left the world with the COVID-19 chaos - ruining the lives of many young people.

View attachment 465001
high IQ boomers ruined economy for young cause of Corona fears.
Man I fucking hate boomers with their knowing everything attitude

why does everyone talks like they are the biggest badass in the world? They always tell stories of how they did that and how they did this amazingly

they are really not humble like me :feelzez:

they really can’t say that they lost ,for example I know I’m a fucking loser in literally every way of life but somehow these badass guys are the winners of everything

today some 50 year old guy talked to me like do something with your life what’s your goal? I’m like my goal is to try to finish my degree,he says never give up what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger , I’ll punch you in the nose and break it, it’s easy to break something but building something is way harder and better, do that
50 year old guys now are Gen X. Gen X normies actually hate and down talk to younger guys way more than Boomers and see themselves as above both Boomers and Millennials
Boomers are more out of touch with everything to the point where they only occasionally refer to Millennials derisively and can't really tell the difference between Millennials and Gen Z
@Fat Link @Edmund_Kemper
50 year old guys now are Gen X. Gen X normies actually hate and down talk to younger guys way more than Boomers and see themselves as above both Boomers and Millennials
Boomers are more out of touch with everything to the point where they only occasionally refer to Millennials derisively and can't really tell the difference between Millennials and Gen Z
@Fat Link @Edmund_Kemper
As a Gen X’r myself I can tell you that the only Milennials/zoomers that I fucking hate and despise typically have to be some flavor of communist ie SJW’s, cultural Marxists, hipsters, antifa, etc.

If you’re not one of the above or some other flavor of anti white I’m either cool with you or indifferent to you.

As per your boomer criticism? Mostly on point, though the rare cool boomer whose not narcissistic nor has a chip on their shoulder can still be found in the wild and located at times, unfortunately this kind of boomer is rare in relation to the overall boomer population that are the aforementioned in addition to being blowhard sacks of shit and completely ignorant of the grim modern realities facing the nation’s youth.:feelsUgh:
As a Gen X’r myself I can tell you that the only Milennials/zoomers that I fucking hate and despise typically have to be some flavor of communist ie SJW’s, cultural Marxists, hipsters, antifa, etc.

If you’re not one of the above or some other flavor of anti white I’m either cool with you or indifferent to you.
Imo similarly there's also the cohort of more liberal Gen X'ers that tend to outwardly hate on more conservative and antifeminist younger males and paint them as spoiled. Specifically Gen X females.

They make a large part of liberals that support wokeness and intersectionalists and even hate people like Bernie Sanders for not being woke enough and not the right demographic (aka not being a woman of color).

As per your boomer criticism? Mostly on point, though the rare cool boomer whose not narcissistic nor has a chip on their shoulder can still be found in the wild and located at times, unfortunately this kind of boomer is rare in relation to the overall boomer population that are the aforementioned in addition to being blowhard sacks of shit and completely ignorant of the grim modern realities facing the nation’s youth.:feelsUgh:
Imo most boomers as far as the definition goes are mostly out of the limelight except when it comes to things like pension funds, social security and medicare. Imo don't really have a problem with boomer normies that aren't on social media. The music from that time period where they were coming of age isn't bad either.
Gen X. Gen X normies actually hate and down talk to younger g
Yeah, they are like gods who haven’t done a mistake their entire life’s, they are super narcissistic and sociopathic, and truly are evil people in general, all people 45+ are boomers for me
They lived in much easier times,I with I actually lived in their time period. I'm a generation after them I think I'm a millennial, 1982
Boomers didn’t create any of it, millennials were the ones who fucked up everything.

Talk with an average boomer and then an average zoomer, you will see who is the best generation, also the one who has the best moral values
Yes dude millennials were there in 1968. Sure. And millennials just got indoctrinated by themselves
Exactly. Boomerfags are the biggest cucks.
Yes dude millennials were there in 1968. Sure. And millennials just got indoctrinated by themselves
What happened in 1968 that is so bad? At least in my country, a military rule was in enforcement and didn't let much social changes happen in society, they started in mid 80s and 90s with gen X and it got much worse with millenials
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What happened in 1968 that is so bad? At least in my country, a military rule was in enforcement and didn't let much social changes happen in society, they started in mid 80s and 90s, with millenials and gen X
Is this even a question?
Boomers are a good generation, too bad they are blupilled
They were the most privileged generation to ever live, so I'm not surprised that a lot of them are bluepilled. They lived in a time where pretty much every aspect of America was great, and instead of saving it for the later generations, they just straight up shat it down the drain and fucked said aspects up to oblivion. Now they're in their retirement homes all comfy and rich, all the while they never had even 1/8 of a struggle as did their younger peers.
And they act like we are snowflakes and they had it so much harder than us
I hate boomers with a burning passion, believe me.

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