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SuicideFuel Boomer boss keeps asking me about my sex life



Spirits and Such
Sep 15, 2018
I have been telling him for months that I don't have anything going on that front, but after each weekend he asks me if I banged someone. I don't know if he's genuinely curious or just wants to mocks me because he knows I'm a permavirgin.
Just ignore him. He will get bored eventually :feelstrash:
He's afraid you're gonna go ER if you don't get laid.
say to him I'm fucking your daughter for over 1 year
Its inappropriate for anyone to ask that question in a workplace ngl.
Its inappropriate for anyone to ask that question in a workplace ngl.
maybe if I were woman I could denounce him for harassment or something
He's afraid you're gonna go ER if you don't get laid.
I think he wants to live vicariously through me because he's a divorced 50 something old man who probably wants to fuck younger girls
I think he wants to live vicariously through me because he's a divorced 50 something old man who probably wants to fuck younger girls
Are you attractive? Or maybe you kind of look like him when he was younger.
You should make it clear to him that you're not getting any action, ever. Maybe he'll stop then.
He is definitely mocking you, punch him in the face if he asks again
Are you attractive? Or maybe you kind of look like him when he was younger.
You should make it clear to him that you're not getting any action, ever. Maybe he'll stop then.
If I were attractive I wouldn't be here tbh, but yeah I should just be more direct next time
Just say the same corny joke or something everytime. He will get bored and move on.
That's unprofessional.
he he cares so much why doesn't' he find a foid for u to fuck each week
Fuck boomers.
That's unprofessional.
My workplace is unprofessional as fuck tbh, everyone just shoots the shit because its mostly an easy job. One of my co-workers used to spend hours reading Inuyasha on the office computer.
My workplace is unprofessional as fuck tbh, everyone just shoots the shit because its mostly an easy job. One of my co-workers used to spend hours reading Inuyasha on the office computer.

That was you wasn't it?

I sometimes got asked by normies but thats typical since normies are uninteresting faggots
Lie to him and say you did
Its inappropriate for anyone to ask that question in a workplace ngl.

If his boss has any higher ups at all it's grounds for immediate replacement. I guaran-damn-tee there are other people on his tier in the org chart that could replace him tomorrow.

Sometimes I think you people live in a different world than I do. Your co-workers and managers are just talking to you about your sex lives as if this wasn't the MeToo Era. But most puzzling of all, you people are just shrugging at it like there's nothing you can do. This isn't the first thread I've seen around here like this. This cannot be real.
I don't know if he's genuinely curious or just wants to mocks me because he knows I'm a permavirgin.

He is mocking you. Next time just ask him if he is a faggot, your getting laid has nothing to do with him. He is probably a faggot tbh ngl.
I have been telling him for months that I don't have anything going on that front, but after each weekend he asks me if I banged someone. I don't know if he's genuinely curious or just wants to mocks me because he knows I'm a permavirgin.
maybe he's a homo and wants you to go prison gay
Just lie and say you have a girlfriend, give a name, and shut down any talk of details so he moves on
Poke his car's tires

Cunt deserves it
Imagine if men had the same rights as foids? Lawsuitbuxx would be yours.
He's probably mocking you. Tell him that you're gay or something, maybe he'll fuck off
My workplace is unprofessional as fuck tbh, everyone just shoots the shit because its mostly an easy job. One of my co-workers used to spend hours reading Inuyasha on the office computer.
Based and weebpilled. Whats you job?
that's how it was at my old job full of fucking cavemen
how non-NT do you have to be to just randomly blurt out "hurr durr did u baNg anYonE lAst nIghT" to an employee.

maybe he's a fag or something. maybe he likes u .
Based and weebpilled. Whats you job?
I don't know what the name in english is, but I have to take attendance in college and notify the students who are skipping to many classes, sometimes also tell them if they failed a class
I don't know what the name in english is, but I have to take attendance in college and notify the students who are skipping to many classes, sometimes also tell them if they failed a class
That looks like a really chill job ngl.
one time i stayed out till 4 am drinking despite having to work the next day, went into work looking and smelling a little rough and everyone assumed i had gotten laid, was legit suifuel
That shit would drive me crazy.

If he seems understanding, and not evil. Perhaps you can black pill him and tell him that, that shit bothers you?

Or ask him to set you up with someone.

I really get tired of folks thinking it's easy to hook up. Clueless... Even in the 1980's it was impossible if you weren't a Chad.

It's better to keep your job and put up with it, than to live under a bridge.
Say "no need to ask because I will tell you when I do" which he won't live long enough for that.

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