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JFL Boomer and Millennial beta-buxers getting BTFO in Netherlands right now



May 12, 2019
Looks like betabuxing is on its last leg in Netherlands

Screenshot 20191213 060633
damn this sounds deadly
Divorce in Netherlands skyrockets because of change in law

In the Netherlands there is a maximum partner alimony for a period of 12 years. As a result of a recent legislative amendment, a change will be introduced from January 2020 whereby the maximum duration of the partner alimony will be shortened to a maximum of 5 years for the least earning partner. As a result, the number of divorce applications has grown unprecedentedly in this last month of the year. In 90% of all cases, the man earns more. Almost all requests for divorce are made by the female. In addition, almost all deductions for married couples will be abolished by 2020.

Divorce in Netherlands skyrockets because of change in law

In the Netherlands there is a maximum partner alimony for a period of 12 years. As a result of a recent legislative amendment, a change will be introduced from January 2020 whereby the maximum duration of the partner alimony will be shortened to a maximum of 5 years for the least earning partner. As a result, the number of divorce applications has grown unprecedentedly in this last month of the year. In 90% of all cases, the man earns more. Almost all requests for divorce are made by the female. In addition, almost all deductions for married couples will be abolished by 2020.

So it was from 5 years changed to 12?
fuck i will never go to work there fuck this EU neetbux meme just be poor in EE
So it was from 5 years changed to 12?
No, it's currently 12 years, but it's being reduced to 5 years.
Foids know that if they wait, the benefit period will shrink, so they're applying for divorce NOW, while divorce is more profitable.

So this is (rare) good news. Posters aren't picking up on this, so they don't seem to be reading (no surprise).
This news shows that foids don't love, and stops retarded Dutch betabuxxers from losing as much money.

If other countries have more generous alimony laws though, Dutch betabuxxers wouldn't be able to compete as well with betabuxxers in other countries (which is OP's point).
Afterall, why would the mail order wife choose the Dutch husband that can only give 5 years of alimony, when she can choose the British husband that can provide 10 years of alimony?
End the West now.
Mayocels getting cucked by their own women.
Netherlands has to be the single most brutal country for an incel to live. Tallest people on earth full of chads and staceys.
Let's be real, as stated, 90%+ of of people who will pay the alimony are men paying the wife, so then..why is it okay that the man gives the foid money for the next X years for NOTHING in return?

Why doesn't the foid by law, have to give something back, which in this relationship is the woman giving the man sex, so by law, the foid have sex with the ex-husband, clean his house, and cook meals, for the next X years of alimony, while shes getting money from him.

IF she doesn't want to continue having sex with the man for the next 5 years, then she should forfeit the money. Fairs fair.
Doesn't the Netherlands already have a fucked birthrate? I'm enjoying watching the west kill itself in every stupid way imaginable, just wish I was in China gazing down on it from a cyberpunk tower instead of dodging shit while sitting on my midwest porch.
More information about it

From the Netherlands Senate website:

This initiative proposal from the members of the House of Representatives Van Wijngaarden (VVD), Kuiken (PvdA) and Groothuizen (D66) limits the duration of the alimony maintenance. This means that the duration of the partner alimony will be half the duration of the marriage with a maximum of 5 years. There are two legal exceptions: long-term marriages and marriages with young children.

With this proposal, for marriages longer than 15 years, where the age of the maintenance recipient is at most 10 years lower than the state pension age, the duration of the partner alimony will be a maximum of 10 years. Maintenance beneficiaries of 50 years and older who have been married for more than 15 years are entitled to 10 years of maintenance. This extra measure expires after seven years. For marriages with children who have not yet reached the age of 12, the maximum duration of partner maintenance is 12 years.

The proposal includes a hardship clause for distressing cases and provides for transitional law. The calculations of the need and capacity that underlie the decision to provide maintenance are also provided to the applicant and the interested parties who have appeared in the proceedings.

The law is called "Wet herziening partneralimentatie" (Partner Alimony Review Act).

Website for Dutch roasties published an article on it. They have 81 thousands likes on facebook and 127 thousand followers on instagram.

Dutch law firm published an article about it.
Netherlands has to be the single most brutal country for an incel to live. Tallest people on earth full of chads and staceys.
Yup, soon they will crackdown on ugly males that aren't leftist fanatics
Netherlands has to be the single most brutal country for an incel to live. Tallest people on earth full of chads and staceys.
Nah South Sudanese niggers are taller
Netherlands has to be the single most brutal country for an incel to live. Tallest people on earth full of chads and staceys.
I've been there on class trip, all the foids in my class where whorshipping blonde/blue-eyed chads trying to cuck their bfs.Had permanent hard on for their foids also
This is Netherlands, we are talking about a post-incel society where everyone is over 6 foot tall and foids are still chugging along with never ending hypergamy. The men getting divorced are Chad's, Chad lite and high tier normies. I don't even care when I hear about the top 20% getting utterly raped by the courts, at least they got to mate and even have kids. should I feel bad for them?
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This is Netherlands, we are talking about a post-incel society where everyone is over 6 foot tall and foids are still chugging along with never ending hypergamy. The men getting divorced are Chad's, Chad lite and high tier normies. I don't even care when I hear about the top 20% getting utterly raped by the courts, at least they got to mate and even have kids. should I feel bad for them?

Why do you think a foid would want to divorce any of the "Chad's, Chad lite and high tier normies"? Its the low normshits that get divorce raped, doesnt even mean that you have produced offspring with a foid these days if you´re married, hence all the "my wife´s son" meme. After all its not about child support boyo.

I have sympathy for the guys who are getting the divorce treatment, they arent Chad, Chad doesnt get divorced, its the betabuxxers who do, maybe some fellowcels who managed to ascend through an obscene amount of luck, probably will turn MGTOW, even worse fate than us in my opinion, can hardly get more pathetic than that.

No it was 12 years and when the law goes into effect in 2020 they will only get 5 years. Hence mass # of foids are divorcing now before it changes.

OP - This law is GOOD for betabuxxers if they can hold onto their marriage until at least Jan 1, 2020.

Actually didnt understand why there was mass divorce because of the law change at first, will probably never be able to wrap my head around the calculated inhumane nature of so many foids, better this way though, dont want to become like them.
Awww shit someone pin this shit
Netherlands has to be the single most brutal country for an incel to live. Tallest people on earth full of chads and staceys.

I've seen a post on old lookism about a legit 7/10 Chadlet in his 20s who was a virgin in the Netherlands
No, it's currently 12 years, but it's being reduced to 5 years.
Foids know that if they wait, the benefit period will shrink, so they're applying for divorce NOW, while divorce is more profitable.
Alpha Fux BETA BUX.
Memes are real. :feelsLSD:
Cucks on suicide watch right now
netherlands is peak cuckness
JFL at ever getting married in these times
Fuck the netherlands and the dutch, whole country is filled with gigachads.
These divorced cucks should move to SEA with their money. Let the bitch take care of the children while you go live it up in SEA.
These divorced cucks should move to SEA with their money. Let the bitch take care of the children while you go live it up in SEA.
This good for betabux they will have to pay alimoney for 5 years instead of 12

I wonder why foids want divorce now. Maybe they misinterpreted it
Women are whores
Let's be real, as stated, 90%+ of of people who will pay the alimony are men paying the wife, so then..why is it okay that the man gives the foid money for the next X years for NOTHING in return?

Why doesn't the foid by law, have to give something back, which in this relationship is the woman giving the man sex, so by law, the foid have sex with the ex-husband, clean his house, and cook meals, for the next X years of alimony, while shes getting money from him.

IF she doesn't want to continue having sex with the man for the next 5 years, then she should forfeit the money. Fairs fair.
Imagine advancing the schedule on your fucking divorce because you can get a better deal if you do it now. They should start having black friday sales on divorce settlements. Act now for an extra 25%/year for your first four years and NO DOWN PAYMENTS!
This is why I feel like if I was ever in an LTR with a girl I’d rather just stay that way than get officially married. There’s just too much risk. Besides marriage is kinda pointless. My dad and stepmom, after getting back together (they dated in high school actually lol but got back together after my real mom passed away) dated for over a decade and weren’t super interested in getting married until last year. And they only got married for tax benefits. Otherwise they’d still be unmarried but dating.
this is so fucked up soon men will have no say or rights what so ever.
Imagine living in the cuckerlands

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