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Bluepillers aren’t evil, nor is IT — they’re brainwashed



May 13, 2020
Most bluepillers are only a few life experiences away from injecting the black pill. Here was my first dose of the blackpill when I was in middle school, injected into me by my friend, and he said:

“Us boys, we like any girl as long as she’s average looking. But girls only want the best.”

He was so succinct. At that time, I shrugged it off and joked about it. Yet this explains the ENTIRE blackpill in 2 sentences. My nigga, the day the blackpill was revealed to me my respect for you had elevated a thousand times.

But here’s the thing, if you’re above 6 PSL, you may never get to experience the black pill unless a series of catastrophic events happen in a row in your love life.

Bluepillers especially on Reddit are usually either foids or white knights. Foids never experience the black pill unless they’re sub 3. Even a PSL 4 foid has someone crushing on her. Cant say the same for a PSL 4 male.

White knights on the other hand are usually low SMV. We should not be angry at them but instead spread the blackpill. They will argue, disagree and then try to mock us, but here’s when we break the conditioning: when they will at one point interact with foids and see it in operation for themselves. Then the blackpill would hit.

The personalitymeme is shilled by everybody. I remember in my own middle and high school days about how I used to spend time reading websites on how to talk to girls when certain boys my age would do it effortlessly. After consuming the blackpill I realised I could explain it all. That one kid in 9B was 6’3” and looked like a skinny pretty boy, that other kid in 9A who was 5’8” but was jacked and had decent facial bones. The senior from 10th grade who was 5’9 and average looking was statusmaxxed because he was the captain of the school football team. And so on. I could LITERALLY explain all experiences in my life with just the blackpill at my hand.

So remember, keep spreading the message far and wide. They don’t fall on deaf ears. They fall on brainwashed ones. And when they find out reality contradicts what they were told, they WILL come back for greater knowledge. Because the black pill frees you.
But there has to be bluepillers who are doing the brainwashing, and im sure they're evil.

A lot of of them are like this willingly and on purpose. Hell, there's plenty of them that aren't bluepilled but will maintain a bluepilled stance to enable their hatred towards us. A lot of them only have evil motives. Talk of wanting to gun down incels and mocking suicide etc.
Its a war that they started, yeah. One of us will win and one of us will lose. Someday at least. Best we can do is make sure it isnt us who eats dirt
I agree to an extent. A lot of what we say is understandably too much for a normie. We already know women are almost incapable of love yet to tell a normie who's hoping for any reason not to eat a bullet that is to much.
I don't blame them completely. It's difficult to face the coldness of blackpill.

Blackpill is to beat hope, which is tricky. There's nothing left. It's a huge change in mentality.
We will lose tbh. Unless society decides to recategorize us as humans, we can't succeed tbh. So long as society deems ugly low value men as unworthy of life and happiness, they will rob of us happiness and drive us to our deaths. And they will take great ammusement in doing so
Yeah its bleak. Everything is huh. We can at least doggy paddle in the ocean a little while before the tsunami gets here
Bluepillers aren't the way they are because they're brainwashed, it's because they aren't willing to accept reality and face the truth.
Brain washed, no, willfully ignorant, they aren't innocent or victims, its a choice

They choose to ignore all observable reality, all the stats, all we know about biology, everything, that has nothing to do with brain washing, they are quite content getting scraps and choose to ignore the plight of incels because - "at least I get something"

You don't have to call it evil, but it is in fact MALICIOUS and ON PURPOSE, if you actually think these fuckers aren't aware they are complicity in the plight of the average man today you are kidding yourself

Everybody on some level is aware of whats going on, they just don't care
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The question is, "Are men in a vacuum bluepilled or blackpilled?" The answer to that will determine if they are brainwashed or no.

Personally, I think, in older civilizations, men were closer to the blackpill than the bluepill (they valued chastity and separated women from positions of power), and the bluepill is an unnatural, engineered state. So I agree that some brainwashing is happening today. Even bluepilled men unconsciously want to return to their natural state of blackpill, and if they get the right information, they will turn good again. What can't be helped is that foids are still undiluted evil, and can never be redeemed.
Brain washed, no, willfully ignorant, they aren't innocent or victims, its a choice

They choose to ignore all observable reality, all the stats, all we know about biology, everything, that has nothing to do with brain washing, they are quite content getting scraps and choose to ignore the plight of incels because - "at least I get something"

You don't have to call it evil, but it is in fact MALICIOUS and ON PURPOSE, if you actually think these fuckers aren't aware they are complicity in the plight of the average man today you are kidding yourself

Everybody on some level is aware of whats going on, they just don't care

exactly this.

If Normies were to admit the fact that they KNOW WE'RE CORRECT but that they SIMPLY DONT CARE, they would be seen as cold and heartless, which would cause those who have a neutral attitude towards incels to become more sympathetic towards us.

So instead they pretend that they are completely unaware of our plight, so that they can mock us and laugh at our suffering while using the veil of "ignorance" to justify their actions in order to present themselves as holding the moral highground and being innocent victims.
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