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Experiment Bluepilled shit you used to believe in



Jan 9, 2018
Before embracing the blackpill, what memes / myths / bluepilled horseshit did you believe in ?

For me, it's a bunch of things:

- Social anxiety: I used to think that I couldn't get girls, or be somebody in society, because of my "social anxiety". I thought I was awkward and socially inept, and that was the cause of my woes. Turns out I just didn't have the right look in order to be considered as a human being.

- "Nerdy" foids are different than other foids: I used to think that "nerdy" foids (tee hee) were different from other roasties. I used to fantasize about an evening of pizza and videogames with a cute nerdy girl, followed by cuddles and sex. The damndest thing is that I eventually met chicks with similar interests, but they only went for the Chads.

- Confidence: I tried acting confident for a while, but people can't take seriously an ugly confident person. If you're ugly society wants you to shut the fuck up and keep your head down.
1.looks doesn't matter much it's about personality
2.be a nice guy
3.male female brain are wired the same
4.Males can deliver IOI by stating autistically (me)
5.mass shooters are evil and kill without reason
Never been bluepilled, closest i've been is redpilled.
I used to believe in cognitive equality between the races until I was 14-15
belief i had in middle school
huh these bad bullies will never have gfs if i get a gf i will treat her like a princesses and she will love me
I didn't think most women were chad dick chasing whores and gold diggers.
None, i was so autistic i didn't believe in anything.
None, i was so autistic i didn't believe in anything.
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belief i had in middle school
huh these bad bullies will never have gfs if i get a gf i will treat her like a princesses and she will love me

Foids will never appreciate a Supreme Gentleman like you.
belief i had in middle school
huh these bad bullies will never have gfs if i get a gf i will treat her like a princesses and she will love me
Plenty of full grown normie cucks still have this mindset.
that average guys can get hot girls and live the rockstar life if they have good game.
Foids will never appreciate a Supreme Gentleman like you.
thats what pisses me off in these "huh you are an incel because of your personality TEEHEE" i fucking wanted to treat women like princesses and love them back in that days fucking cucktears are the most retarded people i have seen

The worst thing about bluepill is that it will make you think you are the who is wrong and everyone else is right.
The worst thing about bluepill is that it will make you think you are the who is wrong and everyone else is right.
its more socially acceptable to hate/blame yourself than others didnt you know that?
I used to believe improving my `game` lol
1). girls like guys who play guitars that enough to impress them
2). girls like all shapes and sizes height doesn't matter much (nope they like tall chads)
3). she made eye contact with you = she likes you
4). its all about how you present yourself, your wit and your "CoNfIdEnCe"
5). women will pity the bullied boys, and hate bullies
6). your dress sense makes a big difference

and number 5 is a complete and utter load of crap, they like brutes and cream themselves over bullies while fake feeling bad for the bullied incel…
1). girls like guys who play guitars that enough to impress them
2). girls like all shapes and sizes height doesn't matter much (nope they like tall chads)
3). she made eye contact with you = she likes you
4). its all about how you present yourself, your wit and your "CoNfIdEnCe"
5). women will pity the bullied boys, and hate bullies
6). your dress sense makes a big difference

and number 5 is a complete and utter load of crap, they like brutes and cream themselves over bullies while fake feeling bad for the bullied incel…
women will actually feel bad and pity the bullied incel and they will gladly collect him as their orbiter
women being sexually attracted to money
thats what pisses me off in these "huh you are an incel because of your personality TEEHEE" i fucking wanted to treat women like princesses and love them back in that days fucking cucktears are the most retarded people i have seen


Chad's facial bone structure oozes personality.
women will actually feel bad and pity the bullied incel and they will gladly collect him as their orbiter

we don't get orbiter privileges, we aren't NORMIE tier! we are the type the girl goes EWW! to
we don't get orbiter privileges, we aren't NORMIE tier! we are the type the girl goes EWW! to
yeah to be honest i said that because i have seen other people becoming that for me of course women didnt even look at me
yeah to be honest i said that because i have seen other people becoming that for me of course women didnt even look at me

They looks at me then subtly look away, they aren't checking me out, they are just acknowledging my existence!
another blackpill fact !
They looks at me then subtly look away, they aren't checking me out, they are just acknowledging my existence!
another blackpill fact !
yeah bro thats totally an indicator of interest you should totally aproach her LMAO
I believed in nofap. I believed that women should have rights and that in the past they were oppressed.
yeah bro thats totally an indicator of interest you should totally aproach her LMAO

Yea she will be 5ft9 and I will 5ft5 and she will think I'm cute and lovely and me and my normie friend's will have a giant wedding
"There's someone out there for everyone"
Personality matters
i really thought that men and women match by looks and personality, and that women appreciate a man having loving feelings for them and count it as a 'plus'
Women aren't as visual as men, it's more about being confident, alpha and loud.
True true true
>It's a numbers game. You have to keep trying.
All 3 of yours were big ones of mine.

Another big blue pill was that “women have hard lives”. This is a joke. Foids literally glide along on tutorial mode with all the cheats enabled.

A massive blue pill for me was juggernaut law. I used to feel sorry for ugly and/or fat foids. Turns out they get even more sex and social validation than anyone else.

The “foids like wealthy/intelligent/successful men” bluepill only finally burst for me when I was in my late 20s. Foids don’t give a fuck about rich men, they want good looking, tall men.

The most painful bluepill for me was “it gets better when you’re older”. IT GETS WORSE. Foids NEVER find you attractive, if you’re not chad in your 20s then your 30s and onwards will be even worse. FOIDS NEVER LOWER THEIR STABDARDS OR BECOME LESS SHALLOW.
Women care about your behavior.

I know now that women are more than willing to have sex with a nazi, pedophile, murdered, rapist, thief etc. as long as it's Chad. Nothing you do truly matters. All that alpha, confidence and other crap is cope.
If you're shy, reserved/introverted and attractive you're seen as mysterious, dark, brooding, interesting etc. If you're not attractive you're seen as a creep and a potential rapist.
Chad doesn't have to be outgoing, happy, alpha etc.
Before embracing the blackpill, what memes / myths / bluepilled horseshit did you believe in ?

For me, it's a bunch of things:

- Social anxiety: I used to think that I couldn't get girls, or be somebody in society, because of my "social anxiety". I thought I was awkward and socially inept, and that was the cause of my woes. Turns out I just didn't have the right look in order to be considered as a human being.

- "Nerdy" foids are different than other foids: I used to think that "nerdy" foids (tee hee) were different from other roasties. I used to fantasize about an evening of pizza and videogames with a cute nerdy girl, followed by cuddles and sex. The damndest thing is that I eventually met chicks with similar interests, but they only went for the Chads.

- Confidence: I tried acting confident for a while, but people can't take seriously an ugly confident person. If you're ugly society wants you to shut the fuck up and keep your head down.
All these plus the gymcope
:woke::feelsree:I used to believe that intelligence meant something to foids:
I noticed that all the chads were dumb AF.. so I tried to impress girls with High IQ conversations.

:feelsree::woke: I used to believe that if you were kind to a foid she would start to like you:
I always did favors for girls that I liked and it NEVER got me anywhere. These demon girls were master manipulators and they would string me along with breadcrumb sized trails of validation.

:woke::feelsree: I used to believe in soul-mates ... you know, there's someone for everyone LOL
Whenever i developed a crush on a foid, i would get warm feelings in my chest and would not be able to stop thinking about her. I somehow thought this was an indicator that she was my soul-mate and we were destined to be together if I just stuck around her long enough.

:feelsree::woke: I used to think that money and success was a fool-proof way of getting a foid to love you.
Becuase of this, I didn't put that much effort or emphasis on my physical appearance...Now i'm FUCKED. I learned about beta buxing wayyy too late in the game (They're attracted to the money and could care less about you)

:bluepill::bluepill: === > :blackpill::blackpill: I was deep in the trenches of bluepill-ville....skipped right over the red-pill... now i'm blackpilled AF and everything makes crystal clear sense.
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I used to think that euro foids were nicer than americans, when i went to uni i thought i may have had a chance with foids from UK, belgium, ukraine, spain etc. Was dead wrong. American foids have always been mean, judgemnetal and cruel, but it turned out that the euro foids were not much different from them :feelscry::feelsrope:
I used to think part of my failure with roasties was due to being considered "nerdy" (I wasn't even one of the types of guys that would loudly scream about anime or shit in the middle of class) but then I realized that didn't even matter, it was just a matter of looks.

I also used to believe that roasties could be good people in general, but now I realize even fewer than 1% of roasties are halfway decent, the rest are slaves to their baseline behavior.

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