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Soy Bluepilled incel grovels and begs Redditcucks for sympathy, gets relentlessly attacked anyway



cope and seethe
Oct 1, 2018

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/l8x335/this_subreddit_actually_made_me_more_sympathetic/

It's interesting how he feels the need to shit on us even though he actually makes one or two good points, even if they're not as well-articulated as they could be.

Of course, many things posted in the subreddit document toxic and despicable behavior (misogyny:soy: , homophobia, pedophilia apologia). And the people posting this deserve to be called out and ridiculed.
Another thing that really irks me is a simplistic "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" mentality that many users have. This kind of ideology is both unrealistic and impractical, ignores the constraints and complexities of the human experience and confuses the possible with the feasible. It is almost as if Ayn Rand would be giving dating advice.
Reddit ought to be purged. Only the most mentally deranged individuals spend their time on that massive circle-jerking soyhole.
Comment from the thread:
Incels are no different than neo-nazis or white supremacists. If you call yourself a KKK member, it doesn't matter whether or not you personally engage in bad behavior- you're still a piece of shit.

And if you are a shy, timid, a little bit awkward dude like me, it become incredibly hard to find someone.
And you do understand this applies for women as well, right?

--This guy says if you belong to a group I don't like even if you don't do anything wrong you're a peice of shit. . . That's the kind of reasoning that could easily be used to justify racism or other frowned upon acts. @foidologist , this is what you meant by they see us as one thing, right?

Also look at how they go 'you know that also applies for women, right:soy:' as though they're fucking expected to approach. As always, the focus is on women, women, women.
Inceltear is mostly soys, trannies and whalefoids. JFL @ this cuck for posting there.
idk why you would want to try to change peoples opinions online
lol the subreddit with confirmed pedophiles (some of which are now in prison) is trying to take the moral high ground
There's a reason even reddit makes fun of IT.
" I know that companionship or sex is not a basic human need". Yeah sex and companionship may not be the same as needing food, water, and shelter.However sex and companionship is very needed for your mental health.There have been experiments done on monkeys where they isolated the monkeys from the others for months and even years and then they tried to put the monkey back into the enclosure with the rest of the monkeys and the monkey was extremely nervous and mentally damaged.Another experiment that was done on a horse and after a while of isolation the horse started to mutilate itself. We need sex and love if we don't get it two things will happen
Aaaaaaaaaand this is what causes people to join .co and hate these faggots even more. Case in point being myself. I did the exact same shit like four years back on the original soybreddit and got nothing from them except them lashing out at me and telling me I deserved to be bullied. These copers are far from being "successful" IMHO.
Aaaaaaaaaand this is what causes people to join .co and hate these faggots even more. Case in point being myself. I did the exact same shit like four years back on the original soybreddit and got nothing from them except them lashing out at me and telling me I deserved to be bullied. These copers are far from being "successful" IMHO.
CuckTears is unironically one of our community's biggest sources of recruitment, the more tone-deaf platitudes and useless advice they give, the better.

The same is true for IncelExit on a smaller scale.
this is what you meant by they see us as one thing, right?
To some extent. Especially I think their idea of inceldom as an ideology or even an actual organization like the KKK which one is a "member" of is indicative of this, but I think it even goes beyond this. They seem to think of incels as an actual hivemind. They are confused by simply seeing two incels hold different opinions from one another.
To some extent. Especially I think their idea of inceldom as an ideology or even an actual organization like the KKK which one is a "member" of is indicative of this, but I think it even goes beyond this. They seem to think of incels as an actual hivemind. They are confused by simply seeing two incels hold different opinions from one another.
Poor guy, I'm gonna send him a link to join here.
idk why you would want to try to change peoples opinions online
This is advice more people need to see and remember. Most people online are willfully ignorant of the truth and are just looking for validation of their existing beliefs, not facts.
a lot of users here care way too much about it and reddit in general.
Incels are no different than neo-nazis or white supremacists.
I see the word cumskin here like 50 times per day what the fuck are these retards talking about

Incels might unironically be the most diverse group on the internet
Didnt they also made another incel commit suicide ?
Aaaaaaaaaand this is what causes people to join .co and hate these faggots even more. Case in point being myself. I did the exact same shit like four years back on the original soybreddit and got nothing from them except them lashing out at me and telling me I deserved to be bullied. These copers are far from being "successful" IMHO.

Poor guy, I'm gonna send him a link to join here.
give an inch and get called a neo nazi white national supremicist incel loser terrorist.

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