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RageFuel Bluepilled fags try to argue against me on fstdt



Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019
This bluepilled faggot named Swede reads that I said most people like him only agree with what everyone else believes and how if he lives in a society where society had different values his values would be different

then he says “i aCcEpT hOmOs aNd TrAnNiEs BeCaUsE iT’S rIgHt” no you don’t. And then he says in the 50s people were still pretty live and let live yeah go back to that era and kiss another man in public or kiss a black person and you’d get beaten up or yelled at. If he seriously thinks he would’ve accept homos back then he’s wrong. He would’ve hated them back then. And only 4% of Americans approved to interracial marriage back then. This retard cuck thinks he’d be part of that 4%. He thinks he’d resist Kim jong un if he lived in North Korea or would’ve resisted Hitler if he lived in nazi Germany when only a tiny percent of Germans did that. Then he says marrying jb foids wasn’t common back in Ancient Greece because pederasty happened back then. Just because teen boys fucked adult men back then doesn’t mean adult men didn’t marry jb foids. Several sources say girls usually married in their mid-teens to a man twice their age and then he says they were prolly bad wives back then because they were young teens even though teens grew up faster back then. And the teen brain thing is a myth (look it up)

keep an eye on this bluepilled website
here’s the link
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I hate the openness of the 21st century.
We allow too much degeneracy.
Most likely.
Let’s be honest. The only reason why people approve of trannies with cocks using the women’s room is because we’re gonna be labeled “bigots” and get hassled if we don’t approve of it. 10 years ago nobody would’ve approved of it because they were allowed to disapprove
imagine thinking that trannies are a legit thing
imagine thinking that trannies are a legit thing
Trannies are the most annoying retards online especially that sjw trannyfag Sam Collins
Trannies are the most annoying retards online especially that sjw trannyfag Sam Collins
there is no tranny
trannies are males, even if they think otherwise
Do you go out of your way to find these faggots? I don't encounter them nearly as often.
Do you go out of your way to find these faggots? I don't encounter them nearly as often.
I heard of that forum so I check em once in a while
That place seems just as soy as Reddit. What a nightmare.
This bluepilled faggot named Swede reads that I said most people like him only agree with what everyone else believes and how if he lives in a society where society had different values his values would be different

then he says “i aCcEpT hOmOs aNd TrAnNiEs BeCaUsE iT’S rIgHt” no you don’t. And then he says in the 50s people were still pretty live and let live yeah go back to that era and kiss another man in public or kiss a black person and you’d get beaten up or yelled at. If he seriously thinks he would’ve accept homos back then he’s wrong. He would’ve hated them back then. And only 4% of Americans approved to interracial marriage back then. This retard cuck thinks he’d be part of that 4%. He thinks he’d resist Kim jong un if he lived in North Korea or would’ve resisted Hitler if he lived in nazi Germany when only a tiny percent of Germans did that. Then he says marrying jb foids wasn’t common back in Ancient Greece because pederasty happened back then. Just because teen boys fucked adult men back then doesn’t mean adult men didn’t marry jb foids. Several sources say girls usually married in their mid-teens to a man twice their age and then he says they were prolly bad wives back then because they were young teens even though teens grew up faster back then. And the teen brain thing is a myth (look it up)

keep an eye on this bluepilled website
here’s the link
They are orbiting you so hard that they made a post about this thread five minutes ago.
And he gets mad because I assumed someone’s gender jfl
They assume our sexualities too. They have falsely accused me of being a heterosexual misogynist when I'm a robosexual who hates men and foids.
“Yikes! Oh my… He needs to unpack this at a therapist’s office. This is why that site needs to get shut down and every member needs to be arrested. Due process? Fuck that. Didn’t commit a crime? Their problematic views SHOULD BE crimes. Freedom of Speech is a Nazi concept, only pedos and woman killers believe in free speech. Most of us normal and well functioning members of society don’t have views that would need to be protected by free speech anyway because WE’RE NORMAL.”


jfl at this soyboy faggot. He actually thinks we should be arrested for our beliefs like we’re in George Orwell’s 1984 book. I can’t tell if he’s serious or trolling
Trannies are the most annoying retards online especially that sjw trannyfag Sam Collins
I feel bad for trannies rather then actually outright hate them honestly.
They assume our sexualities too. They have falsely accused me of being a heterosexual misogynist when I'm a robosexual who hates men and foids.
someone there said we should be in jail for our thought crimes
someone there said we should be in jail for our thought crimes
I just saw that. They say that all the time actually. They legit hate wrongthink. Absolute bootlickers tbh.
I am not a tranny or a homo

I just saw that. They say that all the time actually. They legit hate wrongthink. Absolute bootlickers tbh.
Now another says “I ThInK cOnFoRmItY iS bAd sO i WoULd’Ve SupPoRtEd LgBt BaCk ThEn”

Is this bluepiller fucking dumb? Back then, homosexuality was universally seen as evil. If you defended it you were considered a bad person. This same person would probably think a 21 year old dating a 17 year old is “evil” even though it inherently isn’tharmful because society will crucify you if you defend the 21 year old. And that’s how society was towards lgbt back in the 50s. He would’ve been taught over and over that homosexuality is evil and anyone would be vicious towards him if he dared to disagree. Most anti-conformists like him aren’t even anti-conformity. I bet him a billion dollars he would’ve been homophobic back in the 50s
Now another says “I ThInK cOnFoRmItY iS bAd sO i WoULd’Ve SupPoRtEd LgBt BaCk ThEn”

Is this bluepiller fucking dumb? Back then, homosexuality was universally seen as evil. If you defended it you were considered a bad person. This same person would probably think a 21 year old dating a 17 year old is “evil” even though it inherently isn’tharmful because society will crucify you if you defend the 21 year old. And that’s how society was towards lgbt back in the 50s. He would’ve been taught over and over that homosexuality is evil and anyone would be vicious towards him if he dared to disagree. Most anti-conformists like him aren’t even anti-conformity. I bet him a billion dollars he would’ve been homophobic back in the 50s
"Anti-Conformity" is now a branded industry. The soy leftists and the alt lite are basically two brands of corporate backed conformity.
"Anti-Conformity" is now a branded industry. The soy leftists and the alt lite are basically two brands of corporate backed conformity.
Most anti conformists are very big conformists
Ah yes, I wish I were alive in the 50s - 70s. Good times.
I hate the openness of the 21st century.
We allow too much degeneracy.
Things have gotten worse and worse but still somehow they won the war.

this retard thinks he can handle being called a bigot and therefore he supports trannies using the women's room because it's the right thing to do. i'm sure if this fag lived 10 years ago, he would've thought this tranny bathroom thing is insane. he thinks it isn't difficult being called a bigot. well, i dare him to condemn the tranny bathroom thing on twitter, and he will be the victim of a viral call-out culture tweet and be harassed by tons of leftists on there, while if he defends it, he'll be praised on there and maybe only a few right-wingers will attempt to hassle him. he should try condemning the tranny bathroom thing on a viral video and he could get doxxed and cyberbullied to death. also being called by a nigger lover by a few people isn't as bad because most people won't hate you for respecting black people. many people WILL hate you if you oppose this trans bathroom shit. when you're taught by the norm that you're an evil monster if you oppose certain "rights", you're gonna support these "rights" out of fear. i know for a fact he'd oppose this trans bathroom thing 10 years ago. and he claims to have a wife. jfl i bet he doesn't. he's probably just some dumb 20 year old pretending to be in his 30s


this fag says "iT's NoNe oF yOuR BuSiNeSs wHaT BaThRoOm tHeY uSe" yes it is. the reason why trannies with cocks using the women's room or trannies with vaginas using the men's room is controversial is NOT because people are "bigots" it's because we seperate mens room and womens room because of difference in genitals NOT difference in gender/chromosomes. a person with a penis and a person with a vagina sharing the same bathroom is bad because of privacy issues, safety issues, etc. an adult with a penis shouldn't use the same bathroom with a 11 year old girl with a vagina all by herself. what's next? make all bathrooms shared by men and women and make all locker rooms, etc shared by men and women? it is our business because if a man walks into the women's room, women will feel uncomfortable. i'm sure many will feel uncomfortable if a trans woman walked in (but many women wouldn't admit that).


"we don't care about you incels, sweety" then why do you post about us? and this faggot thinks IT means pennywise jfl.
Site looks good on mobile, wish the forum looked like that too.
Site looks good on mobile, wish the forum looked like that too.
jfl at this post-wall roastie

"Swede? Is he talking about me?

Well, I’ve said a lot of things here, so I might have commented on him as well. I doubt that I’m “bluepilled” though, and I’m clearly not a fag. I’m more of a fag-hag…

I accept homosexuals and transgender people because they exist, and are not harmful to anyone else. I’d never write like that with every other letter a vowel, I’d get a cramp in my 50-year-old fingers.

As I call myself SWEDE, whatever AMERICANS approve of or not is clearly not my business. Of course, I care, and I can protest, but I can’t vote on it.

I probably said I WANTED to resist Kim Jong-un, but I don’t know if I would dare. I don’t want to end up like Sophie Scholl in the Weiße Rose.

Ancient Greece didn’t just have teen boys fucking adult men, it had long-term relationships between men of the same age in the army, and in other parts of society.

Ordinary men in history have very seldom married “jb” (jailbait, I guess) girls, as ordinary men needed a house-keeper; someone to organize the home and delegate to the servants what to do. A 12-14-year-old girl can’t do that! As second or third wife; yes, perhaps. Royalty, who needed heirs rather than life-partners, sure, but they were often BOTH small children when they were betrothed to each other.

I KNOW teens, I know that the brain is not fully mature until somewhere around 25 to 30. If anything, people grow up faster now, with better nutrition. Children are ALLOWED to stay children longer now, than before 1900, but that doesn’t mean they were ready and able for it then. After all, it took around a million years to reach the first billion people, but it took only two centuries, after that, to get to 7,7 billion people."

This foid claims to be 50 years old LOL. what 50 year old woman posts on a forum making fun of other people? she's probably saying that to appear "mature" and "wise". she's probably 20. and then she says she accepts lgbt people because they deserve respect, when she probably would've thought of them as "freaks" back in the 50s. and then she says it was rare for jb foids to marry in history when that's BS. if you look up marriage in ancient greece, girls DID marry 14/15 to men twice their age. just because homosexuality/pederasty existed back then doesn't mean men marrying jb foids never happened. also, sex between 2 males back then doesn't mean men married each other back in ancient greece. in ancient egypt, girls usually married at age 12-15 and boys married at usually 15-20. in ancient israel, girls typically married at age 12-13. in the early meiji period, women in japan usually married at 16. in 1371, most 16 year old girls were married and many 15 year olds were too. in the early 1900s, the average age for indian girls married was 13 and it was 20 for boys. before the industrial revolution, in regions like india, china and east europe, many teen girls married to older men.

and then swedes says "jB fOiDs CaN't hAnDLe bEiNg wiVeS". teenagers today maybe that's the case but teens back then grew up a lot faster. this teen brain thing is a MYTH. i've read about how the teen brain is NOT the cause of immature/reckless behavior and that the behavior causes the immature brain and that teens actually act immature because we infantilize them and treat them like kids. laws restrict teens' adult rights didn't appear until the 20th/21st centuries. teens used to be much more mature back in the day.

check out these urls about the teen brain myth: https://drrobertepstein.com/pdf/Epstein-THE_MYTH_OF_THE_TEEN_BRAIN-Scientific_American_Mind-4-07.pdf The Danger of Treating Teens Like Children Are the Brains of Reckless Teens More Mature Than Those of Their Prudent Peers?

now anyways, she once said that people in the 50s were more "live and let live" than i think. ok go back to the 50s and date a black person in public. go ahead. see how it ends.

here's the link: 3$QD8PZ6JVM46
Let’s be honest. The only reason why people approve of trannies with cocks using the women’s room is because we’re gonna be labeled “bigots” and get hassled if we don’t approve of it. 10 years ago nobody would’ve approved of it because they were allowed to disapprove
I agree.

Just fuck woke culture. Its a fucking cancer. But i think there's a reason why woke culture exist
I agree.

Just fuck woke culture. Its a fucking cancer. But i think there's a reason why woke culture exist
Society was still normal 10 years ago. Then in the mid 2010s that all changed
they are a less popular version of inceltears
they are a less popular version of inceltears
Fstdt is a dumb website at first they were about mocking Christian fundamentalists now they mock secular people who say “offensive” stuff
Society was still normal 10 years ago. Then in the mid 2010s that all changed
Yeah I miss the 2000s. There was no soy feminist lgbt anti-male shit
Yeah I miss the 2000s. There was no soy feminist lgbt anti-male shit
IKR. Everything was normal back then. No SJWs no political correctness so annoying tranny extremists, etc
This bluepilled faggot named Swede reads that I said most people like him only agree with what everyone else believes and how if he lives in a society where society had different values his values would be different

then he says “i aCcEpT hOmOs aNd TrAnNiEs BeCaUsE iT’S rIgHt” no you don’t. And then he says in the 50s people were still pretty live and let live yeah go back to that era and kiss another man in public or kiss a black person and you’d get beaten up or yelled at. If he seriously thinks he would’ve accept homos back then he’s wrong. He would’ve hated them back then. And only 4% of Americans approved to interracial marriage back then. This retard cuck thinks he’d be part of that 4%. He thinks he’d resist Kim jong un if he lived in North Korea or would’ve resisted Hitler if he lived in nazi Germany when only a tiny percent of Germans did that. Then he says marrying jb foids wasn’t common back in Ancient Greece because pederasty happened back then. Just because teen boys fucked adult men back then doesn’t mean adult men didn’t marry jb foids. Several sources say girls usually married in their mid-teens to a man twice their age and then he says they were prolly bad wives back then because they were young teens even though teens grew up faster back then. And the teen brain thing is a myth (look it up)

keep an eye on this bluepilled website
here’s the link
Swede deserves to get gang raped
She claims to be a 50 year old woman jfl
She certainly doesn't have much of a life if she only checks up what incels are posting everyday on here
She certainly doesn't have much of a life if she only checks up what incels are posting everyday on here
100% true. I bet she isn’t 50. She’s probably 20
No point in arguing with bluepillers

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