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Soy Bluepilled Bullshit



Sep 28, 2018
Why are most incels closet cucks?

"I wish I had a gf"

"If only I had someone to cuddle with"

"How do I become normie?"

You're not blackpilled if these are the thoughts you're having.

Not even close. You're part of the problem, really.

Men like you have been empowering foids for centuries.
Biology is hard to fight no matter how blackpilled you are.
Oh i see, it's low T when an incel does it but chad could be playing with barbie dolls and it would still be seen as high T huh?
But chads don't make posts on social media about "just here cuddling with stacy".
But chads don't make posts on social media about "just here cuddling with stacy"
Hypothetically speaking let's say they do, what happens?
Given the opportunity, you'll simp for foids.
you could apply the same logic to just talking about how you're horny and want to have sex tbh

trying to seem "alpha" or whatever in regards to your basic biological desires is normie ape behavior, it's completely normal to want sensual affection as an incel
All men desire a woman to fuck, spend time with, cuddle etc. As human beings we need these things to function normally, both physically and mentally. Failure to gain access to such things leads to depression and abnormality.
Hypothetically speaking let's say they do, what happens?
The foids would reply with "I wish you can cuddle with me", but since we know we won't get that response from them there's no good reason to keep talking about it. Threads like that on here don't interest me but you can make them if you want.
Wishing, wanting, hoping, etc are all emotional manifestations of our most primal instinct: the survival instinct. No matter how blackpilled you are, you may still be susceptible to these emotions. Happens to me all the time.
you could apply the same logic to just talking about how you're horny and want to have sex tbh

Nope. Porn takes care of that.

Catering to women in real life is a completely different thing.

trying to seem "alpha" or whatever in regards to your basic biological desires is normie ape behavior, it's completely normal to want sensual affection as an incel

Claiming refusing to simp is alpha is like claiming refusing to eat McDonalds is vegan.
All men desire a woman to fuck, spend time with, cuddle etc. As human beings we need these things to function normally, both physically and mentally. Failure to gain access to such things leads to depression and abnormality.

That's what the Whitepill is for, though.

If you're not going to take it, you might as well just admit you're a cuck.
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Nope. Porn takes care of that.

Catering to women in real life is a completely different thing.

Claiming refusing to simp is alpha is like claiming refusing to eat McDonalds is vegan.
wanting to touch foids sensually /=/ catering to women and simping. there is literally no correlation
wanting to touch foids sensually /=/ catering to women and simping. there is literally no correlation

If you can't take a principled stand against simping, you're part of the problem.

You're effectively just saying, "If I was a moneymaxed and statusmaxed high-tier normie, I'd give women unlimited power in return for some touch."
If you can't take a principled stand against simping, you're part of the problem.

You're effectively just saying, "If I was a moneymaxed and statusmaxed high-tier normie, I'd give women unlimited power in return for some touch."
what? that is a non sequitur

you could literally take your entire argument here word for word and apply it to saying you want to have sex. "if you post about how you wish you could have sex, you're effectively saying you'd give women unlimited power in return for some pussy". it makes no sense either way
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All men desire a woman to fuck, spend time with, cuddle etc. As human beings we need these things to function normally, both physically and mentally. Failure to gain access to such things leads to depression and abnormality.
what? that is a non sequitur

you could literally take your entire argument here word for word and apply it to saying you want to have sex. "if you post about how you wish you could have sex, you're effectively saying you'd give women unlimited power in return for some pussy". it makes no sense either way

The difference is that porn is free and escortceling is cheap. Both give you "sex".

But simping is expensive and doesn't necessarily give you sex. And empowers women.
The difference is that porn is free and escortceling is cheap. Both give you "sex".

But simping is expensive and doesn't necessarily give you sex. And empowers women.
so saying "I wish I could have intimate physical touch with a woman" on an online forum is simping, but literally giving a woman money for sexual gratification isn't? :waitwhat:

whatever, if it's that cheap you could also just pay an escort to cuddle with you in addition to sex, so it's a moot point. either way expressing a desire for sensual touch is natural and high T, the very opposite of simping. only insecure normfags think expressing your sexual desires is a bad thing
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I wish I had Merula to cuddle. :feelsbadman:
Feelings dont care about your facts.
so saying "I wish I could have intimate physical touch with a woman" on an online forum is simping, but literally giving a woman money for sexual gratification isn't? :waitwhat:


The former implies women have unlimited value. The latter doesn't.

whatever, if it's that cheap you could also just pay an escort to cuddle with you in addition to sex, so it's a moot point. either way expressing a desire for sensual touch is natural and high T, the very opposite of simping. only insecure normfags think expressing your sexual desires is a bad thing

Simping is not "expressing your sexual desires". It's far worse than that.

The former implies women have unlimited value.
no it doesn't

actually the latter implies that to a far greater extent than the former, since in that case you're literally giving women material value and empowering them. I don't care about the whole escortcel debate but this isn't logically consistent. wanting to do sexual activities with women and expressing it verbally is undeniably less cucked than wanting to do sexual activities with women and actively paying them for it. either both are cucked or the former isn't.
Simping is not "expressing your sexual desires". It's far worse than that.
simply having sexual urges and saying you want to touch women isn't simping. this is an insane low T cope, literally something I would expect to hear from a redditor.

having the exact same biological desires as every other man but not verbally expressing them doesn't make you more virtuous in any way. it just means you're conforming to the societal notion that ugly men should suppress their desire for intimacy. and if you verbally express that you want to have sex with women, let alone actually pay them for it, you have no moral high ground here either way
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