Framecel222 said:
So many copes in this thread and it's only been 10 minutes. You guys REFUSE to let go of the notion that if you're not a top 1% male you may as well not live. Frankly I find it pathetic.
That's like saying "most guys are poorfags. If you aren't making 400k a year then just kill yourself."
This is how it's like if you're NT, imo:
sub 3: Will probably be incel because of face no matter how hard he tries. Can get a relationship if lucky.
3 PSL: Will be able to get a relationship, but it will be after a ton of rejection of years of trying, unless he gets lucky. @FaceandLMS is a great example. He is super NT, has had a girlfriend, but now has issues getting into another relationship.
4 PSL: Will have to put in an effort and will certainly not be approached by females, unless in a social circle. Probably has to run social circle game unless location is on point (white guy in Asia). Will have had a few sexual partners and relationships by his early 30s.
5 PSL: Will do alright with women. Will have to put in some effort, but it can go both ways. Will have had several sexual partners and has been in some relationships by his early 30s.
6 PSL: This guy is doing really well with women. They won't approach him during the day, but they will approach him at a bar and send him several blatant IOIs. He could have a lot of sexual partners by his early 30s, all depends on what he chooses.
7 PSL: God mode. Gets approached sometimes during the day (depends on location). Girls chase him down.
8+ PSL: Transcends life itself. He can do no wrong and women approach him constantly.