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It's Over Blood in stool for a week now



May 12, 2019
Dont know if I should be sad or happy. Sad that its another thing I have to deal with, or happy this pointless life might be over soon.

All that not smoking, not drinking, not doing drugs and exercising daily really paid off!
Over for coloncancercels. :feelsrope:
@NEETAndTidy @MarriedAndLookin4Fun the curse has been passed on
Theres no history of cancer in my family at all, grandparents all died at 90-100 from old age and i get fucked at 31

Like it has been said, it might just be hemorrhoids. Try to drink a lot of water and eat lots of vegetables. Is there much blood in your stools? Anyway, a visit to the doctor is a good idea.
shouldn’t this be in off topic?
Like it has been said, it might just be hemorrhoids. Try to drink a lot of water and eat lots of vegetables. Is there much blood in your stools? Anyway, a visit to the doctor is a good idea.

It started a week ago when I pushed a bit too much to rush a shit, and I heard a "pop" (which I just thought was a pop of shit) and blood came out.

Everyday since then when I've taken a shit theres been streaks of blood on the sides of the shit, and when I wipe it's just 1 wipe with bright blood on the toilet paper. I thought it was becoming less but yesterday I took a giant shit and there was a lot more blood when I wiped my ass.

I have no pain or anything, no bloating, no excessive gas, no diarrhea, it's just big normal poops with some streaks of bright blood on the side.

I haven't lost any strength on my lifts, and I haven't lost any cardiovascular capacity, so I don't have weakness or tiredness.
Don't fuck up with your health and go give a visit to a doctor ASAP.
Suicide or death may be good things to end our pathetic lives, but suffering before that shouldn't happen.
As I said, don't fuck up with your health. You don't want to suffer even more.

Even if you don't suffer NOW, it might get way worse soon. So be careful and take care of your health.
Hey this happened to me. You likely have IBS or Chrones or colitis. Otherwise it may just be hemeroids

I would highly reccomend going to the emergency room to get checked out. It sucks man
@NEETAndTidy @MarriedAndLookin4Fun the curse has been passed on
Poor guy
Go to a doctor. It sounds like hemorrhoids.
Theres no history of cancer in my family at all, grandparents all died at 90-100 from old age and i get fucked at 31

Just go to the doctor to have it checked out and it will be off your mind or at least you will have clarity. Not knowing what it is is the most fucked up thing. I was also scared of having cancer recently. Went to the doctor and feeling much better now.
Colostomy bag incoming.
It started a week ago when I pushed a bit too much to rush a shit, and I heard a "pop" (which I just thought was a pop of shit) and blood came out.

Everyday since then when I've taken a shit theres been streaks of blood on the sides of the shit, and when I wipe it's just 1 wipe with bright blood on the toilet paper. I thought it was becoming less but yesterday I took a giant shit and there was a lot more blood when I wiped my ass.

I have no pain or anything, no bloating, no excessive gas, no diarrhea, it's just big normal poops with some streaks of bright blood on the side.

I haven't lost any strength on my lifts, and I haven't lost any cardiovascular capacity, so I don't have weakness or tiredness.

From what you say, the pop you heard might have been an hemorrhoid popping and the release of intestinal gas. The blood streak on one side could be also interpreted as a confirmation of this.

I imagined such a scenario, I think it's clearly from overexertion. The giant shit has put even more pressure, thereby impairing the healing of the lesion to the hemorrhoid. As a rule of thumb, presence of blood in the stools should be always reported to the doctor if it lasts more than a few days and/or is a repeated occurrence.
Go to a doctor. It sounds like hemorrhoids.
That’s what it sounds like to me. He will have to go to a doctorcel to make sure.
Lay off the chipotle, seriously though go see an ass doctor proctor or whoever deals with this shit.
A guy I knew died at age 37 from colon cancer. Gigastacy wife, two little kids.
Dont know if I should be sad or happy. Sad that its another thing I have to deal with, or happy this pointless life might be over soon.

All that not smoking, not drinking, not doing drugs and exercising daily really paid off!
My guess is aspirin or ibuprofen! Ibuprofen can do this even many days later than the dose! It will stop eventually. Try undercooked oatmeal. Or a teaspoon of cayenne in water. It stops bleeding. Avoid using garlic, aspirin, or any other type of blood thinner. Eat foods high in vitamin k.

Avoid any doctors since they are murderers. That Rob you first via "bills". Last resort only.
Dont know if I should be sad or happy. Sad that its another thing I have to deal with, or happy this pointless life might be over soon.

All that not smoking, not drinking, not doing drugs and exercising daily really paid off!
what do u eat tho
You may just be holding in your shits for too long so when it comes out it stretches asshole and makes blood come out
Update: I did a big shit just now, I tried to avoid pushing at all. There’s was much less blood this time, and only feint amount of blood when I wiped.
if cancer u will be weak and lost kilos you can be NEET then and have opioid fix you can have otheeerrr options
if cancer u will be weak and lost kilos you can be NEET then and have opioid fix you can have otheeerrr options

I’m already neet on autismbux, I gain nothing from being sick
I’m sure it’s perfectly fine, don’t worry, I checked with WebMD.

(Has it ever been a bad idea to listen to people online, hell, even those virtual docs are going by only symptoms you list)

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