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News BLMtards attack 17 year old and he btfo’s them



卐 卍࿕࿖࿗࿘ꖦ
Oct 12, 2018

View: https://twitter.com/MDfreedombooms/status/1298519895051653121?s=20

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EbZwL8OrwU

BLM nigtards fucked around and found out. This isn’t the first time either (garret foster). Lolfuel ngl. I remember when this whole thing started and a mob of BLM blacks were scared of an old white lady on a wheelchair blocking target so they couldn’t loot it.
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BRUTAL noreplypill for a forum legend

death to all commie faggots
Turns out that guy is a BLM protester, but he's part of a group that ironically wanted to reduce violence. He wanted to go and stop the violence and looting by other BLM members but only added to it. Commendable, but his group didn't have the best tactics and now he might have ruined his life for a silly cause. Maybe they should have fortified a chokepoint somewhere to redirect traffic.

Pics of fortifications from the Paris Commune days.
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Fuck around and find out.
This is why guns should be legal and easily available to everyone.
If multiple people attack you, you have a chance
Declare a State of Emergency, and give The National Guard full authority to shoot-to-kill "protesters" who disobey orders to cease-and-desist. This shit has gone on long enough :feelsbaton: :feelsbaton:
Declare a State of Emergency, and give The National Guard full authority to shoot-to-kill "protesters" who disobey orders to cease-and-desist. This shit has gone on long enough :feelsbaton: :feelsbaton:
Why are you awake at 6am my nigga?
Why are you awake at 6am my nigga?
Ain't slept, will probably crash about 8am and sleep until 4pm. As I'm a decrepit Oldcel on NEETbux, who no longer goes anywhere or does anything anymore, day and night is pretty meaningless to me these days tbh.
Ain't slept, will probably crash about 8am and sleep until 4pm. As I'm a decrepit Oldcel on NEETbux, who no longer goes anywhere or does anything anymore, day and night is pretty meaningless to me these days tbh.
Fairs g. I'm doing an all nighter tonight too. I fucking hate going to sleep. I can only go to sleep when I fall asleep instantly meaning I have to be really tired. I can't just lay in my bed for hours alone with my thoughts in the dark.
Fucking whatever, wake me up when America goes into civil war
Fairs g. I'm doing an all nighter tonight too. I fucking hate going to sleep. I can only go to sleep when I fall asleep instantly meaning I have to be really tired. I can't just lay in my bed for hours alone with my thoughts in the dark.
I'm lucky I'm on medication that basically puts me to sleep as a side-effect, though I skipped a couple of tabs tonight as just fancied staying awake. Hours alone with my thoughts in the dark, yeah that shit sucks ass ngl. Reminds me of a portion of my teenage years between the ages of 15-18, get back from school (well I very rarely attended, bunked off in the arcade constantly. Was made to repeat two different secondary school years due to virtual non-attendance lol.) and would spend from 4pm onwards in my little bedroom with no tv or radio and just lie there going silently insane. Spent summer holidays, when schools were off, during those years 24/7 for 3 months just laid in that room with nothing but my thoughts.

You fired a gun to save your life? How dare you, you should get life in prison
Declare a State of Emergency, and give The National Guard full authority to shoot-to-kill "protesters" who disobey orders to cease-and-desist. This shit has gone on long enough :feelsbaton: :feelsbaton:
is that what you think is gonna happen?
Good riddance.
@KilluminoidBR It seems your people are not doing that well.
Suicidal types should go to these things & just open fire on all the fucks looking to attack them when they feel they have the advantage on you, fuck these vermin, mow 'em down.

That dude would of got his skull jumped on if unarmed.
Niggas playing GTA irl
Suicidal types should go to these things & just open fire on all the fucks looking to attack them when they feel they have the advantage on you, fuck these vermin, mow 'em down.

That dude would of got his skull jumped on if unarmed.
Most high IQ post in this thread. Anyone who wants to go ER should go to these protests and wait until someone fucks with them.
Niggas playing GTA irl

Most high IQ post in this thread. Anyone who wants to go ER should go to these protests and wait until someone fucks with them.
You can satisfy your rage against this existence, get suicide by cop or yourself & remove awful ppl from the world that, well based off their behaviour come across as bullies & the type that will hurt others later down the line so good fucking riddance. I can't feel bad for ppl that given a change in circumstances would quite happily gang up on & beat a guy into a coma, repeatedly hitting him while he's down & rendered incapable of protecting himself.

Rabid dogs.
You can satisfy your rage against this existence, get suicide by cop or yourself & remove awful ppl from the world that, well based off their behaviour come across as bullies & the type that will hurt others later down the line so good fucking riddance. I can't feel bad for ppl that given a change in circumstances would quite happily gang up on & beat a guy into a coma, repeatedly hitting him while he's down & rendered incapable of protecting himself.

Rabid dogs.
These people are evil and they do bully people like us. Reminder that they would literally kill us if they saw us irl and knew we were incels.
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These people are evil and they do bully people like us. Reminder that they would literally kill us if they saw us irl and knew we were incels.
These dogs are rabid, run 'em down run 'em down!
In the streets they destroy they think you're weak & seek to destroy, gun 'em down gun 'em down!
You can't breath? My gun you shall receive.
Video already gone.
What's wrong Susan? Are you sad you three bolshevik got smoked?
Better luck next time.
Video already gone.
What's wrong Susan? Are you sad you three bolshevik got smoked?
Better luck next time.
Brutal jewtube censorijg
KKKyle is based.
Fairs g. I'm doing an all nighter tonight too. I fucking hate going to sleep. I can only go to sleep when I fall asleep instantly meaning I have to be really tired. I can't just lay in my bed for hours alone with my thoughts in the dark.
For real lol.
Apparently one of the guys he shot was a gay jew sex offender or something. Not sure how this story will play out in the media. They cant really focus much on it because it could backfire.
Apparently one of the guys he shot was a gay jew sex offender or something. Not sure how this story will play out in the media. They cant really focus much on it because it could backfire.

Brutal he was also a 5'3" manlet

Apparently one of the guys he shot was a gay jew sex offender or something. Not sure how this story will play out in the media. They cant really focus much on it because it could backfire.
All three of them are jew
One was a convicted child molester
One couldn't have the right to carrying a firearm

Kyle didn't nothing wrong.
Over 3000 'protests/riots' of at least 100+ mob in hundreds of towns and cities.
I put a $1000 wager on zombie apolypse last year and won 10bucks. Apparently millions knew about it too.
Fucked around and found out.

I heard he jestermaxxed for some discord holes

Over for him
:soy: Keep spreading false rumors for me after I provided proof and user testimonials that you’re wrong you utter lossus. It’s kind of funny people will complain about false sexual assault allegations and lack of fact checking from Norman’s but do the exact same thing here.
This honestly fills me with joy.
This is why guns should be legal and easily available to everyone.
If multiple people attack you, you have a chance
That's why we have the second amendment, and it needs to be defended.

In regard to OP, I think the first time he shot someone, there are two stories going around, one that he had a molotov cocktail thrown at him and he opened fire, the other that a plastic bag full of groceries (canned goods and shit) was lobbed at him and he opened fire. Decide for yourself, I guess, the details are currently murky.
CoD zombies cosplay
Fucking whatever, wake me up when America goes into civil war

It is already happening, but in this day and age even civil wars are boring and uneventful. Nobody cares about anything anymore.
It is already happening, but in this day and age even civil wars are boring and uneventful. Nobody cares about anything anymore.

They would, if you put it on youtube, worldstar, and twitch stream. That's the generation we're living in and we all deserve to be nuked straight to the next galactic cycle and let new conscious, sentient, intelligent life evolve somewhere and take our place.
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