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Discussion Blaming liberalism on the Jews is a low iq trait



Apr 19, 2020
I don't care if you're an antisemite, but I do maintain that if you believe that liberalism was created by (((them))) to erode homogeneity in white christian nations, uproot traditions, destroy civilizations, cause ED ...you will be embarrassing yourself anywhere outside stormfront echo chambers.

Liberalism emerges in Europe as a consequence of a 30 year bloody turf war between Catholics and Protestants that lasts from 1618 to 1648 and during which they keep knocking each other out like mafia rackets, pilling up 8 million dead. This happened after the unsucessful Peace of Augsburg (1555) treaty was signed, which was the 'alt-right' way of solving things by dividing regions into religiously monolithic cantons ('ethno' states) and in which territories controlled by the Dutch Republic would expel all catholics, while the Spanish Habsburgs would cleanse them of protestants. This didn't work since the two kept ganging on each other -- protestant niche denominations multiplying like rabbits, with the catholic Habsburgs planning a second inquisition on them.

After the decades of ongoing war which ravaged Europe, caused famines and a devastating economic crisis, HIGH IQ heads of state asked themselves a question that would ultimately save Europe from perpetual self destruction; "What if people from different creeds coexisted together peacefully?" and thus the Peace of Westphalia (1648) came into being, and it was this treaty that became the OG of "diversity can be a good thing" ideological imperative. This in turn has opened the door to globalism, as the Westphalia agreement was born out of the mutual necessity to give the economy, that kept being disrupted by religious wars, a boost and this could only be done with avoiding a ethno-religous conflict by tolerating ones particularities in favor of a open cooperation a expanding free market.

So how did we come from Ninety-five Theses to multiculturalism, you might ask? The fatal crack in European religious homogeneity was done by protestant schismatics, it was Henry VIII who renounced the Pope and established the Church of England so he could divorce his wife and fuck sluts on the side -- but this doesn't even matter as there was no end in sight to these bloody religious quarrels, and in the end, the conflict could only be resolved by allowing both of these denominations to co-exist, making Europe a place that would allow ethno-religious diversity. The Westphalia agreement was a turning point in this. First it was the protestants, then the jews, muslims, then it evolved into civil rights, suffragettes, plea for sexual tolerance, now it's gamers and even wanting to incels wanting to reap this tradition.
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please stop using the american term "liberalism" to refer to "social democratic" and "christian democratic" parties and ideas

in europe Liberalism is the opposite of socialism
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Modern liberalism IS a Jewish creation and has no relation to actual genuine liberalism though soy cucks have been manipulated to believe it is the genuine article.
please stop using the american term "liberalism" to refer to "social democratic" and "christian democratic" parties and ideas

in europe Liberalism is the opposite of socialism
Correct use of political ideas and terminology is dead, people just use words that they think make the opposing side sound bad
Modern liberalism IS a Jewish creation and has no relation to actual genuine liberalism though soy cucks have been manipulated to believe it is the genuine article.
Are you telling me that 'true liberalism' hasn't been tried yet? Lol.
There has been a social decline since the middle ages, jews made it much worse and made it satanic.
Are you telling me that 'true liberalism' hasn't been tried yet? Lol.
Not in modern times it hasn’t been.

What I’m also saying is what is being called liberalism today is not actually liberalism of the type John Locke possibly invented/spoke about but simply just another bullshit Orwellian Jew trick of referring to cultural Marxism/Communism by a non threatening even nice sounding label.

Its like putting a “sugar” label on a jar of poison basically.

SJW’s are the same thing ie communist shitheads and shabbos goyim tools of the Jew but because they use a pleasant sounding label ie “social justice warrior” to describe themselves by dumb fucks and dumb cunts alike out there have mistaken them to be a “good” thing rather than the actual rancid and thus “bad” thing that they really are ie just another subversive element tearing down/away at the true American value of freedom as opposed to censorship and communist political correctness.
Feels like @MENSA_IQcel opened another account
Islam is the only way. Man made religions will always fail
Not in modern times it hasn’t been.

What I’m also saying is what is being called liberalism today is not actually liberalism of the type John Locke possibly invented/spoke about but simply just another bullshit Orwellian Jew trick of referring to cultural Marxism/Communism by a non threatening even nice sounding label.

Its like putting a “sugar” label on a jar of poison basically.

SJW’s are the same thing ie communist shitheads and shabbos goyim tools of the Jew but because they use a pleasant sounding label ie “social justice warrior” to describe themselves by dumb fucks and dumb cunts alike out there have mistaken them to be a “good” thing rather than the actual rancid and thus “bad” thing that they really are ie just another subversive element tearing down/away at the true American value of freedom as opposed to censorship and communist political correctness.

How is that marxist indoctrination going on down there? Americans couldn't even get a social democrat nominated. The college kids are into memes and niche ideologies no one outside academia gives a fuck. Are the cultural marxists betting on obese bull-dykes with blue hair to carry out the revolution?
Henry was a hero. Where is @ShySaxon? He freed England from shameful foreign subservience.
Globalism and multiculturalism are intrinsic to empires
please stop using the american term "liberalism" to refer to "social democratic" and "christian democratic" parties and ideas

in europe Liberalism is the opposite of socialism
in europe Liberalism is the opposite of socialism
Liberalism has nothing to do with economic factors.

Also: Roman Catholicism is the only true form of Christianity.
How is that marxist indoctrination going on down there? Americans couldn't even get a social democrat nominated. The college kids are into memes and niche ideologies no one outside academia gives a fuck. Are the cultural marxists betting on obese bull-dykes with blue hair to carry out the revolution?
The "revolution" has already largely been carried out via the Jew's "long march through the institutions".

"Voting" never mattered in the equation either.

Jews very nature as a highly cohesive, parasitic, psychopathic race of nation destroying, racist haters of white people everywhere + their control of global finance enabled them to propagandize entire generations of American youth with their Soviet era communist demoralization propaganda.

The purple haired weirdos ie SJW's, sexual perverts, trannies, LGBTQ freaks and niggers/non whites in general everywhere is the very product of the revolution's "success".

That said whites are not yet completely "check mated" but honestly its not looking good at all for us to ever be able to turn this around.

Too many cucks, morons and cowards out there and even those that can see through a lot of the bullshit still fall short of being on the highest level of awareness by either believing in Donald Trump (the latest Jew puppet) as "their guy" or an obvious shabbos goyim shill/agent/plant like Andrew Anglin/Daily Stormer and his/their bullshit over someone that actually is on the level and tells the actual truth about Jewish rule and what to do about it ie Scott Roberts so we may really and truly be fucked.

This problem exists because there's far too many people out there that while intelligent simply lack the ability to see through a person to their true character underneath the facade they put on outwardly ie its why so many beta males believed in Feminem as a tough "rap god" for so many years when I knew immediately he was a fucking faggot nerd that never should of had even a single whiff of fame unless it was "fame" for being made a fool of by someone on national television for example.

My only solace in knowing that (ie about the Jew's probable total victory that is) and quite possibly white's grim future is that Hitler's prophecy is sure to come true and that is if the Jew's do end up "ultimately winning" it will lead to them causing the death of all life on this planet including themselves since anyone with any common sense knows that these bastards will eventually "eat eachother" when they have no more goyim to pick apart like a psychopathic child plucking the wings off of a fly.

No, I'm not happy about the Jews victory leading to the death of ALL life on the planet as the animals are largely/mostly innocent but just somewhat contented that if no one else can defeat them the Jews will ultimately end up defeating themselves.
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The world lost ww2
please stop using the american term "liberalism" to refer to "social democratic" and "christian democratic" parties and ideas

in europe Liberalism is the opposite of socialism
Americans think that John Locke founded the first whole foods and that is why he is known as the father of liberalism.
Modern liberalism IS a Jewish creation and has no relation to actual genuine liberalism though soy cucks have been manipulated to believe it is the genuine article.
Not in modern times it hasn’t been.

What I’m also saying is what is being called liberalism today is not actually liberalism of the type John Locke possibly invented/spoke about but simply just another bullshit Orwellian Jew trick of referring to cultural Marxism/Communism by a non threatening even nice sounding label.

Its like putting a “sugar” label on a jar of poison basically.

SJW’s are the same thing ie communist shitheads and shabbos goyim tools of the Jew but because they use a pleasant sounding label ie “social justice warrior” to describe themselves by dumb fucks and dumb cunts alike out there have mistaken them to be a “good” thing rather than the actual rancid and thus “bad” thing that they really are ie just another subversive element tearing down/away at the true American value of freedom as opposed to censorship and communist political correctness.
Feels like @MENSA_IQcel opened another account
Modern liberalism IS a Jewish creation and has no relation to actual genuine liberalism though soy cucks have been manipulated to believe it is the genuine article.

Correct. Its a high IQ trait to know about the jews and a trait of integrity to name them.
Islam is the only way. Man made religions will always fail
So Chaddam can have a harem with dozens of ”wives”? I don’t think so, pal.
Liberalism has nothing to do with economic factors.
Isn’t that a bit of a stretch? Liberalism is closely associated, if not synonymous with private property and market economy.
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The "revolution" has already largely been carried out via the Jew's "long march through the institutions".

"Voting" never mattered in the equation either.

These marching "jews" were led by a protestant kraut Rudi Dutschke who worked his ass off to collaborate with the U.S. movement for free speech in a effort to stop goys from being drafted to die in (((Kissingers))) wars in Nam.
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Modern liberalism IS a Jewish creation and has no relation to actual genuine liberalism though soy cucks have been manipulated to believe it is the genuine article.
I don't care if you're an antisemite, but I do maintain that if you believe that liberalism was created by (((them))) to erode homogeneity in white christian nations, uproot traditions, destroy civilizations, cause ED ...you will be embarrassing yourself anywhere outside stormfront echo chambers.

Liberalism emerges in Europe as a consequence of a 30 year bloody turf war between Catholics and Protestants that lasts from 1618 to 1648 and during which they keep knocking each other out like mafia rackets, pilling up 8 million dead. This happened after the unsucessful Peace of Augsburg (1555) treaty was signed, which was the 'alt-right' way of solving things by dividing regions into religiously monolithic cantons ('ethno' states) and in which territories controlled by the Dutch Republic would expel all catholics, while the Spanish Habsburgs would cleanse them of protestants. This didn't work since the two kept ganging on each other -- protestant niche denominations multiplying like rabbits, with the catholic Habsburgs planning a second inquisition on them.

After the decades of ongoing war which ravaged Europe, caused famines and a devastating economic crisis, HIGH IQ heads of state asked themselves a question that would ultimately save Europe from perpetual self destruction; "What if people from different creeds coexisted together peacefully?" and thus the Peace of Westphalia (1648) came into being, and it was this treaty that became the OG of "diversity can be a good thing" ideological imperative. This in turn has opened the door to globalism, as the Westphalia agreement was born out of the mutual necessity to give the economy, that kept being disrupted by religious wars, a boost and this could only be done with avoiding a ethno-religous conflict by tolerating ones particularities in favor of a open cooperation a expanding free market.

So how did we come from Ninety-five Theses to multiculturalism, you might ask? The fatal crack in European religious homogeneity was done by protestant schismatics, it was Henry VIII who renounced the Pope and established the Church of England so he could divorce his wife and fuck sluts on the side -- but this doesn't even matter as there was no end in sight to these bloody religious quarrels, and in the end, the conflict could only be resolved by allowing both of these denominations to co-exist, making Europe a place that would allow ethno-religious diversity. The Westphalia agreement was a turning point in this. First it was the protestants, then the jews, muslims, then it evolved into civil rights, suffragettes, plea for sexual tolerance, now it's gamers and even wanting to incels wanting to reap this tradition.

Absolutely based thread, HIGH IQ
brutal truth. Even without Jews societies turn degenerate if they give women an inch, the whores will take a mile. anything less than full Taliban type shit will lead to eventual cuckoldry and male submission
brutal truth. Even without Jews societies turn degenerate if they give women an inch, the whores will take a mile. anything less than full Taliban type shit will lead to eventual cuckoldry and male submission
Taliban is absolutely based.

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