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Serious Blackpill me on the jews

  • Thread starter Deleted member 5861
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Deleted member 5861

Deleted member 5861

Blackpill Scientist
Apr 18, 2018
I get that the jews are overrepresented in the media and banking. But what difference would it make if it were whites? Why does everyone here think only jews are evil and everyone else are flawless angels? I believe all races are trying to screw me over, not just jews. Social media would have definitely come around if not invented by jews. Same as feminism, it was inevitable anyway. Or at least that is what i believe.
I understand Israel got a stranglehold on the us as in every president needs to be freakishly pro israel. Wars in middle east largely thanks to israel. But does that me every jew attends monthly meetings to destroy west civilization? Why is it to their benefit? It sounds like a massive cope.

Inb4 "sjw / virtue signal" i just legit want to know this logic. I don't buy into conspiracy theories and this sounds like it.
Ofc there are evil rich jews and lots of them, they’re elitist globalists seeking to establish a NWO totalitarian state in which they control everything. Jews have monopolized almost every entertainment platform possible, Media, television, journalism, porn industry, banks. I believe its not strictly jews doing this they work together with other wealthy influential people, like an unironic Illuminati group. Israel means dogshit, real powerful jews couldnt give a shit if israel was nuked tomorrow. Keep in mind they dont work alone and lots of other non jews stand beside them in fulfilling their overall goal. Bilderberg group, think tanks, military intelligence, three letter goverment agencies they’ve successfully infiltrated all play a part in this goal. Brainlets tend to think its ONLY jews that are the problem because they have a blatant agenda they are pushing publicly through media/entertainment, but in reality this is a co opted effort among many elites of different races and ethnicities to destroy the world through promotion of degeneracy and establish a one ruling goverment where everyone alive is mere cattle.
Tbh It's not only the jews, but they are massively representing the society elite, that's why they are the ones to be blamed the most for all the evil that elite has done.
There's two jew factions: the right-wing Zionists and the left-wing Communists.

They have a small feud going. The Zionists are the ones who brought Trump into power, but the Communists hate it.
Gas all Jews tbh
Honestly I don't know man, we're the stereotype of inceldom yet everybody seems to think we're this NWO conspiracy shit.
For dick's sake man.
Antisemitism is a low IQ gigacope.
(((The War Party)))

“I know the struggle against evil is going to go on forever.”

“Yes, many of us are Jewish, there is no need to apologise for that.”

(((The War Party)))

“I know the struggle against evil is going to go on forever.”

“Yes, many of us are Jewish, there is no need to apologise for that.”

I don't see how those videos really negates what I said.
The Jewish outsiders are responsible for the sexual revolution which ultimately caused femoids to abandon traditional marriage and fuck as many Chads as possible in their prime.
The Jewish outsiders are responsible for the sexual revolution which ultimately caused femoids to abandon traditional marriage and fuck as many Chads as possible in their prime.
I think it was just the dominoes falling through, starting with when women got the vote. naturally the women were gonna ask for more, especially since they obtained more political power.
I think it was just the dominoes falling through, starting with when women got the vote. naturally the women were gonna ask for more, especially since they obtained more political power.
But the Judeo Marxists influenced them to "ask for more."
Honestly I don't know man, we're the stereotype of inceldom yet everybody seems to think we're this NWO conspiracy shit.
For dick's sake man.
Antisemitism in a nut shell- People are mad at a few rich Jews so they take it out on a bunch of poor jews.
But the Judeo Marxists influenced them to "ask for more."
So if it weren't for the Jews women wouldn't vote liberal? You don't think it fits their natural biological imperative to vote more leftist? The irrational "nurture" gender? The gender who in reality wanted Chad, not the betabuxes they were forced to marry.
So if it weren't for the Jews women wouldn't vote liberal? You don't think it fits their natural biological imperative to vote more leftist? The irrational "nurture" gender? The gender who in reality wanted Chad, not the betabuxes they were forced to marry.
If men weren't cucked by the kikes, no. The Jews were the masterminds behind the sexual uprising. In the 1950s men forced women to be loyal and submissive. Evertning changed within 10 years.
If men weren't cucked by the kikes, no. The Jews were the masterminds behind the sexual uprising. In the 1950s men forced women to be loyal and submissive. Evertning changed within 10 years.
I think the sexual revolution was mostly fueled by Alfred Kinseys findings, just a scientist. And a christian one at that, according to my quick search.
I think the sexual revolution was mostly fueled by Alfred Kinseys findings, just a scientist. And a christian one at that, according to my quick search.
Communo kikes like Betty Friedan led it.
Communo kikes like Betty Friedan led it.
Just some femoid. Jews over represented historical figures anyways, what was significant about her being Jewish? Jews have high verbal IQ so they naturally succeed more in becoming media figures. For both sides. Just like how blacks are overrepresented in sports because they have longer legs and faster muscles. It also goes back to my first point "I get that the jews are overrepresented in the media and banking. But what difference would it make if it were whites? Why does everyone here think only jews are evil and everyone else are flawless angels?"

Plus many countries have had their "sexual revolution" after a long time of being a dominant empire. It just seems to be a natural transgression, first explore, then conquer, market domination, then the country loosen their morals since life is easy, it becomes very degenerate, then it implodes from the inside.
Just some femoid. Jews over represented historical figures anyways, what was significant about her being Jewish? Jews have high verbal IQ so they naturally succeed more in becoming media figures. For both sides. Just like how blacks are overrepresented in sports because they have longer legs and faster muscles. It also goes back to my first point "I get that the jews are overrepresented in the media and banking. But what difference would it make if it were whites? Why does everyone here think only jews are evil and everyone else are flawless angels?"

Plus many countries have had their "sexual revolution" after a long time of being a dominant empire. It just seems to be a natural transgression, first explore, then conquer, market domination, then the country loosen their morals since life is easy, it becomes very degenerate, then it implodes from the inside.
Jews naturally want to strike back against Christian patriarchal morals. It is in their blood.
Jews naturally want to strike back against Christian patriarchal morals. It is in their blood.
There are Jews fighting for christian patriarchal morals. Or are they controlled opposition? Why is it in their blood?
There are Jews fighting for christian patriarchal morals. Or are they controlled opposition? Why is it in their blood?
Name them. If you want to talk about right wing Jews, they are nothing but shills for Israel using poor Christians to accomplish their sick goals.
Name them. If you want to talk about right wing Jews, they are nothing but shills for Israel using poor Christians to accomplish their sick goals.
I am hardpressed on finding anyone who is anti-Israel in america that isn't totally obscure. Dennis Prager and his PragerU are probably the most mainstream media that is at least somewhat pro patriarchy. Ben Shapiro and Milo Yiannapolous is at least anti 4th wave feminism. I also personally knew a few jews who believed in bringing back patriarchy. Although all of them are pro Israel.
REad Kevin MacDonald's Culture of Critique.

Also, non of the post ww2 shit (immigration, feminsm, etc) was inevtiable.
I am hardpressed on finding anyone who is anti-Israel in america that isn't totally obscure. Dennis Prager and his PragerU are probably the most mainstream media that is at least somewhat pro patriarchy. Ben Shapiro and Milo Yiannapolous is at least anti 4th wave feminism. I also personally knew a few jews who believed in bringing back patriarchy. Although all of them are pro Israel.
These people are nothing but shills for Israel and support second wave feminism, as well as multiracial policies. They hate the incel cause.
These people are nothing but shills for Israel and support second wave feminism, as well as multiracial policies. They hate the incel cause.
Well I mean gotta take into account that being against 2nd wave and 1st wave feminism is a death sentence if you want to have an influence politically. You may as well campaign to legalize murder.
Thats why I think when Women got the vote we were already on the road of no return.
I get that the jews are overrepresented in the media and banking. But what difference would it make if it were whites?
They're a minority (2 percent of the population) and display a wildly disproportionate amount of influence. This is bad because their interests are often in opposition to the interests of the majority population. Their religious texts tell them that if they keep their end of the bargain that they made with their tribal god then they get to keep 40,000 nonjewish slaves. The jews are repugnant
But does that me every jew attends monthly meetings to destroy west civilization?
Every jew doesn't have to be in on it for it to be a problem. There is no movement among jews to curb their own influence and their is also no antizionist movement among jews. ALL jews are silently complicit
These people are nothing but shills for Israel and support second wave feminism, as well as multiracial policies. They hate the incel cause.
Literally this. Ben shapiro is one of the most weasely kikes ive ever seen, hes a mega zionist that thinks israel can do no wrong. Fuck this guy
Also, non of the post ww2 shit (immigration, feminsm, etc) was inevtiable.
This. the jews pushed all that cultural poison onto us because they knew it would destroy our countries so that they could more easily suck our blood
Name them. If you want to talk about right wing Jews, they are nothing but shills for Israel using poor Christians to accomplish their sick goals.
right wing jews are actually just neocons who want nonstop war
There are Jews fighting for christian patriarchal morals. Or are they controlled opposition? Why is it in their blood?
Jews have always hated christians because christianity is a universal religion, it asserts that all men are equal under god. This is a slap in the face to jews who believe their god endowed them with "chosenness" and thus they are the supreme race who should rule over all others
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i am not american but I find it funny how every president/hopeful american president has to go suck off the wailing wall, let's be real if you want to be president of america then saying anything critical about jews = game over for your career

it's not a conspiracy to see jewish influence on american foreign policy particularly in regards to the middle east.


every recent president has gone there, obama, bush snr, trump etc.
every recent president has gone there, obama, bush snr, trump etc.
The last anti-israel president was killed publicly as an example of what happens when you defy the international clique
people are reading culture of critique

Just like there are different sects of Christianism there are different sects of Judaism, one being the most fucked and most practiced by bankers is Sabbatean-Frankism and essentially they're the original satanist they believe that causing as much evil as possible to the world brings balance to the universe or some shit Alyster Crowley was greatly influenced by these people that have been known to eat children and practice pedophilia.

They don't even try to hide their rituals anymore, where as before people had morals we are becoming a society that follows the creeds of satanism. The end times are neigh, I just hope that we aren't already living in a post-apocalyptic hell on earth and god has already taken his chosen faithful, I don't know what I have done to deserve this please forgive me god
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Just like there are different sects of Christianism there are different sects of Judaism, one being the most fucked and most practiced by bankers is Sabbatean-Frankism and essentially they're the original satanist they believe that causing as much evil as possible to the world brings balance to the universe or some shit Alyster Crowley was greatly influenced by these people that have been known to eat children and practice pedophilia.

They don't even try to hide their rituals anymore, where as before people had morals we are becoming a society that follows the creeds of satanism. The end times are neigh, I just hope that we aren't already living in a post-apocalyptic hell on earth and god has already taken his chosen faithful, I don't know what I have done to deserve this please forgive me god

That video scared the shit out of me. Also they're purposely trying to bring about the apocalypse by fulfilling their end time prophecies
That video scared the shit out of me. Also they're purposely trying to bring about the apocalypse by fulfilling their end time prophecies

The following film was the first ever white house screening and pays tribute to moloch, some believe Birth of a Nation was but the reality was that it was only viewed to see if it would be inappropriate for the general public when it came out.
public foid GasTheKikes()
    return null;
When certain methods don't work, don't blame the programmer - blame the software architect!
Jews are ex-incels who were constantly bullied by the Chads of the world, but they decided to moneymaxx, statusmaxx and holocaustmaxx, and now they run literally everything.
Jews are ex-incels who were constantly bullied by the Chads of the world, but they decided to moneymaxx, statusmaxx and holocaustmaxx, and now they run literally everything.
IQmaxx, you forgot to mention.
The Jews are notoriously nepotistic and largely supportive of left-wing politics. They have an average IQ a full standard deviation above the average non-Jewish whites' and a highly intellectual and materialistic ethnic culture. As far as ancestry goes, there are three types: Sephardim, the native Palestinians who make up the plebs of Israel; Ashkenazim, the ones with German and Slavic admixture who run everything; and Mizrahim, who are hybrids of Sephardi and Ashkenazi Jews.
The middle east would be in full war scale even without israel’s existence,the zombie muslims especially the shia-sunni rivalry would still slaughter each other,and kicking out religious minorities just as happened to @LebaneseCel
Nice try jew, the middle east was comparatively very peaceful prior to the Balfour declaration when you heebs flooded the middle east from eastern europe. In fact, the native jews in palestine resented you zionist fucks because they knew yall were there to stir up trouble
Ye because the wars in yemen and iraq/syria is totaly jewish fault,give me a break
Are you pretending like Israel doesn't sponsor all radical movements in the middle east? Do you deny the paper trail that connects ISIS to israel? They want all their neighbors weak so they can't resist israeli expansion
stupid goy go to be my slave
lol its always the same responses with you. I prove you wrong and then you start oy veying

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