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Serious [Blackpill] By 2035-50, the elite government and Jews will emasuclate all males with forced estorgen injections

  • Thread starter Deleted member 20811
  • Start date

Deleted member 20811

Sep 2, 2019
I don't know exactly when it will happen, but it will happen... eventually. If masculinity doesnt stop being attacked (by media etc), what I'm going to tell you will happen, or something like it. NO I AM NOT JOKING I AM DEAD SERIOUS. By 2035-50, all males will be forcibly emasculated by the government and Jews. How will they do it? There are many ways, but the main one is forced estrogen injections. My theory is, since the govt and jews hate males so much, what they will do is let males have a little taste of masculinity, then forcibly take it from them. They will let males live normally until around puberty, so 13 or so.

Jew orders -
For teenage males:
They will require all males to have weekly estrogen injections in order to be able to register for high school or middle school, or anything teengers do. If you refuse, you will be forced into a male emasculation center (which will be everywhere) and get forced weekly estrogen injections.
For every other male:
They will invent a new world draft, requiring all males aged 18-80 to give the government personal information so that the govt can send them to doctors/check ups. The government will require all males to wear unbreakable, permanent, ankle monitors and unique ID #. This is so that the males can get their testosterone, bone density, muscle mass, etc, measured. If its too high (which it always will be cause govt hates men), forced injections on the spot. No exceptions. They will prioritize attacking the higher test and average (550 - 1,100 ng/dL) males first, but eventually every male will be attacked.

How the Government and Jews will enforce this:
1. They will make it a serious felony offense to have testosterone levels above 100 ng/dL.
2. They will make steroid possession punishable by death. No exceptions.
3. They will require every male aged 18-80 to send in monthly blood tests to the government. (it would be too difficult to get every minor males)
4. Every adult male will get their monthly estrogen injections mailed to them every month by the government.
5. In cases when there is refusal to submit results or cases when results are too high, the male will get immediately tracked down, arrested, sent to prison, and get forced injections that put his test levels at 0 ng/dL.
6. HighT looking teenagers or suspected future HighT males will be treated like a disease needed to be fixed.

These wont be enforced as highly as the above, but will still happen:
- Gyms and any male sport activity will be banned. NFL, NHL, NBA, etc, would be completely defunded (would be easy to do ngl).
- Selling or possesing any lifting equipment, like barbells, power racks, plates, etc, will be a felony offense
- All males in public schools will be forced to be indoctrinated with feminism, and forced to watch movies with female leads. Then when they reach high school, forced estrogen injections.

For those wondering why I didn't mention soy. Soy itself cannot be consumed enough to have a significant impact on a males testosterone levels. It's mostly just a meme (a funny one, ngl) The only real way to attack men is forced estrogen injections.

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Soy itself cannot be consumed enough to have a significant impact on a males testosterone levels. It's mostly just a meme
I'll sooner splatter my brains over the walls than consume a block of tofu
I'll sooner splatter my brains over the walls than consume a block of tofu
Me too. But still, soy itself is not enough to emasculate a whole male population. Heavy Indoctrination from a young age and forced E injections would be needed for that.
And to think reddit cucks call china an authoritarian dystopia.
And to think reddit cucks call china an authoritarian dystopia.
cucks love authoritarianism if it's their taint of authoritarianism of blacked.com browsing and soy milk consumption enforced
Already happening they just force estrogen on us passively combine that with social-engineering = the soy-boy phenomenon
Soy boys aren't going to rebel against tyrannical governments ever, and that's exactly how they want it.
Glad, I won't be alive by that time.
If you refuse, you will be forced into a male emasculation center (which will be everywhere) and get forced weekly estrogen injections.

The male emasculation center will include female driving. The penis of all men will be destroyed.
Emasculating all Chads would be bad for females
1. They will make it a serious felony offense to have testosterone levels above 100 ng/dL.

By the way, they are doing it by reducing the range for ''normal testosterone''. First it was 3,5 ng/dl - 11 ng/dl and now it is 2 ng/dl - 9 ng/dl. So, this problem is definitely real and something similar to htis might even happen.

For those wondering why I didn't mention soy. Soy itself cannot be consumed enough to have a significant impact on a males testosterone levels. It's mostly just a meme (a funny one, ngl)

It actually contains isoflavone which is an endocrine disruptor. So, I will still try to avoid such stuff.
The male emasculation center will include female driving. The penis of all men will be destroyed.
Brutal... I forgot to add that. The jews would ban all males from taking driving tests or owning cars. Every man would get his license & car taken from him. The jews would want men to rely on buses or females for transportation.

Already happening they just force estrogen on us passively combine that with social-engineering = the soy-boy phenomenon
Soy boys aren't going to rebel against tyrannical governments ever, and that's exactly how they want it.
Right now, its still not enough... There are still plenty of males with above 600 ng/dL of test. Some even get to 800+ ng/dL naturally. The only true way the govt can attack us is forcing us to inject estrogen. You realize injecting would go straight to the blood stream, right? That is also why oral steriods are much less effective than inject able steriods for example.
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Brutal... I forgot to add that. The jews would ban all males from taking driving tests or owning cars. Every man would get his license & car taken from him. The jews would want men to rely on buses or females for transportation.

Right now, its still not enough... There are still plenty of males with above 600 ng/DL of test. Some even get to 800+ ng/dL naturally. The only true way the govt can attack us is forcing us to inject estrogen. You realize injecting would go straight to the blood stream, right? That is also why oral steriods are much less effective than inject able steriods for example.
Yes. Right now they're socially-engineering men to get their balls cut off and injected with femal hormones aka transgenderism. For the same reason i listed above. If they could they would force inject us.
Yes. Right now they're socially-engineering men to get their balls cut off and injected with femal hormones aka transgenderism. For the same reason i listed above. If they could they would force inject us.
This is why the attack on masculinity needs to be stopped before its too late... God help us.
I'll take my alcohol injections instead
This is why the attack on masculinity needs to be stopped before its too late... God help us.
It's already too late for me. I already fail as a man on the basis of being shy, weak, socially awkward, beta, depressed, and emotional.
I don't know exactly when it will happen, but it will happen... eventually. If masculinity doesnt stop being attacked (by media etc), what I'm going to tell you will happen, or something like it. NO I AM NOT JOKING I AM DEAD SERIOUS. By 2035-50, all males will be forcibly emasculated by the government and Jews. How will they do it? There are many ways, but the main one is forced estrogen injections. My theory is, since the govt and jews hate males so much, what they will do is let males have a little taste of masculinity, then forcibly take it from them. They will let males live normally until around puberty, so 13 or so.

Jew orders -
For teenage males:
They will require all males to have weekly estrogen injections in order to be able to register for high school or middle school, or anything teengers do. If you refuse, you will be forced into a male emasculation center (which will be everywhere) and get forced weekly estrogen injections.
For every other male:
They will invent a new world draft, requiring all males aged 18-80 to give the government personal information so that the govt can send them to doctors/check ups. The government will require all males to wear unbreakable, permanent, ankle monitors and unique ID #. This is so that the males can get their testosterone, bone density, muscle mass, etc, measured. If its too high (which it always will be cause govt hates men), forced injections on the spot. No exceptions. They will prioritize attacking the higher test and average (550 - 1,100 ng/dL) males first, but eventually every male will be attacked.

How the Government and Jews will enforce this:
1. They will make it a serious felony offense to have testosterone levels above 100 ng/dL.
2. They will make steroid possession punishable by death. No exceptions.
3. They will require every male aged 18-80 to send in monthly blood tests to the government. (it would be too difficult to get every minor males)
4. Every adult male will get their monthly estrogen injections mailed to them every month by the government.
5. In cases when there is refusal to submit results or cases when results are too high, the male will get immediately tracked down, arrested, sent to prison, and get forced injections that put his test levels at 0 ng/dL.
6. HighT looking teenagers or suspected future HighT males will be treated like a disease needed to be fixed.

These wont be enforced as highly as the above, but will still happen:
- Gyms and any male sport activity will be banned. NFL, NHL, NBA, etc, would be completely defunded (would be easy to do ngl).
- Selling or possesing any lifting equipment, like barbells, power racks, plates, etc, will be a felony offense
- All males in public schools will be forced to be indoctrinated with feminism, and forced to watch movies with female leads. Then when they reach high school, forced estrogen injections.

For those wondering why I didn't mention soy. Soy itself cannot be consumed enough to have a significant impact on a males testosterone levels. It's mostly just a meme (a funny one, ngl) The only real way to attack men is forced estrogen injections.

muh jews lol
non chad males will be emasculated, chad will still slay
beta men will be forced to become faggots so they dont harrass womyns anymore
I'll take my alcohol injections instead
Alcohol has been shown to lower testosterone levels and also inhibit effectiveness of other hormones. Alcohol blood levels even above 0.4% can cause immediate death or coma. Injecting it directly to the blood stream would certainly do that.

Actually injecting high amounts alcohol would result in immediate death.

muh jews lol
non chad males will be emasculated, chad will still slay
beta men will be forced to become faggots so they dont harrass womyns anymore
Cope. They would eventually go after chads as well. The govt and jews want as much power & controll as possible.
Alcohol has been shown to lower testosterone levels and also inhibit effectiveness of other hormones (mainly beer). Alcohol blood levels even above 0.4% can cause immediate death or coma. Injecting it directly to the blood stream would certainly do that.

Actually injecting high amounts alcohol would result in immediate death.
View attachment 178625

Cope. They would eventually go after chads as well. The govt and jews want as much power & controll as possible.
And they'll get it by...injecting men with estrogen?

I don't know if you're just shitposting or if you believe this because this isn't a conspiracy theory I've ever seen, and this one is...pretty out there.
Alcohol has been shown to lower testosterone levels and also inhibit effectiveness of other hormones. Alcohol blood levels even above 0.4% can cause immediate death or coma. Injecting it directly to the blood stream would certainly do that.

Actually injecting high amounts alcohol would result in immediate death.
View attachment 178625

Cope. They would eventually go after chads as well. The govt and jews want as much power & controll as possible.
muh jews couldnt even get BBCs to be the most desired race through all the interracial porn advertising they have done over the years and you think they are just going to somehow be able to inject men with estrogen?
And they'll get it by...injecting men with estrogen?

I don't know if you're just shitposting or if you believe this because this isn't a conspiracy theory I've ever seen, and this one is...pretty out there.
You dont understand. The injections will be a lot like 500mg minimum doses. They want to nuke all men. You know how the US government forces all men ages 18-25 to sign up for the selective service aka draft? They will do the same exact thing for forced estrogen injections but extend the age to 80. Just wait...
muh jews couldnt even get BBCs to be the most desired race through all the interracial porn advertising they have done over the years and you think they are just going to somehow be able to inject men with estrogen?
They care a lot more about controlling and attacking men than promoting BBC. They never actually made it required by law to watch BBC porn.

But for males... They will go full force. They want to attack all of us.
Trump signs executive order.

Synagog of Satan — false prophet

I wonder if there are any Jewish incels on this forum
Must be kinda difficult with all the Jew hate all over
I wonder if there are any Jewish incels on this forum
Must be kinda difficult with all the Jew hate all over
When I say jews, I am referring to the elite jews that are monopolizing everything & controlling the masses, not jewcels or even regular everyday jews.
High IQ. Ill be executed before i allow this to happen to me. But ill be dead way before 2030 tbh
High IQ. Ill be executed before i allow this to happen to me. But ill be dead way before 2030 tbh
Yeah, I would rather die than inject estrogen. It is too emasculating. If the government tried to force me to do that, I would rope ASAP.
Yeah, I would rather die than inject estrogen. It is too emasculating. If the government tried to force me to do that, I would rope ASAP.
Same. Behead me with a dull rusty butter knife instead. That is a more honorable fate than turning into a fuckin tranny
They started pushing veganism and insect diets recently, which you probably can't survive on without some pills or dietary supplements. It's good for them because pills are more profitable than meat, and they can easily be filled with estrogen and other stuff to keep their cattle docile.
I don't know exactly when it will happen, but it will happen... eventually. If masculinity doesnt stop being attacked (by media etc), what I'm going to tell you will happen, or something like it. NO I AM NOT JOKING I AM DEAD SERIOUS. By 2035-50, all males will be forcibly emasculated by the government and Jews. How will they do it? There are many ways, but the main one is forced estrogen injections. My theory is, since the govt and jews hate males so much, what they will do is let males have a little taste of masculinity, then forcibly take it from them. They will let males live normally until around puberty, so 13 or so.

Jew orders -
For teenage males:
They will require all males to have weekly estrogen injections in order to be able to register for high school or middle school, or anything teengers do. If you refuse, you will be forced into a male emasculation center (which will be everywhere) and get forced weekly estrogen injections.
For every other male:
They will invent a new world draft, requiring all males aged 18-80 to give the government personal information so that the govt can send them to doctors/check ups. The government will require all males to wear unbreakable, permanent, ankle monitors and unique ID #. This is so that the males can get their testosterone, bone density, muscle mass, etc, measured. If its too high (which it always will be cause govt hates men), forced injections on the spot. No exceptions. They will prioritize attacking the higher test and average (550 - 1,100 ng/dL) males first, but eventually every male will be attacked.

How the Government and Jews will enforce this:
1. They will make it a serious felony offense to have testosterone levels above 100 ng/dL.
2. They will make steroid possession punishable by death. No exceptions.
3. They will require every male aged 18-80 to send in monthly blood tests to the government. (it would be too difficult to get every minor males)
4. Every adult male will get their monthly estrogen injections mailed to them every month by the government.
5. In cases when there is refusal to submit results or cases when results are too high, the male will get immediately tracked down, arrested, sent to prison, and get forced injections that put his test levels at 0 ng/dL.
6. HighT looking teenagers or suspected future HighT males will be treated like a disease needed to be fixed.

These wont be enforced as highly as the above, but will still happen:
- Gyms and any male sport activity will be banned. NFL, NHL, NBA, etc, would be completely defunded (would be easy to do ngl).
- Selling or possesing any lifting equipment, like barbells, power racks, plates, etc, will be a felony offense
- All males in public schools will be forced to be indoctrinated with feminism, and forced to watch movies with female leads. Then when they reach high school, forced estrogen injections.

For those wondering why I didn't mention soy. Soy itself cannot be consumed enough to have a significant impact on a males testosterone levels. It's mostly just a meme (a funny one, ngl) The only real way to attack men is forced estrogen injections.

Nostradamus IQ.

I"ve been saying for ages that vaccines and especially seasonal vaccines for adults like the yearly flu vaccine will likely be expanded somehow eventually, even if it takes many decades.
All adults will need to accept a yearly "serum mix" of vaccines, or pay a large fine, the "serum mix" is full of vaccines for "dangerous strains", hormone blockers, anti-depressants, fertility reducers, everything but the kitchen sink.
Every year a committee decides what substances need to go into the "serum mix" for adults of each gender, with the women's mix being different and lighter, just like they decide now what flu strains need to go into the yearly flu vaccine.
This, along with enormous political pressure and coverups to hide the health impacts of it on the goy cattle population, obviously.
We already kind of are... the global T levels are drastically down
We already kind of are... the global T levels are drastically down
Is that why I feel so depressed and desperate for someone to comfort me?
by that logic everybody here is an unmanly faggot
Well...not really some high T people here like cuyen aren't really lonely
Nostradamus IQ.

I"ve been saying for ages that vaccines and especially seasonal vaccines for adults like the yearly flu vaccine will likely be expanded somehow eventually, even if it takes many decades.
All adults will need to accept a yearly "serum mix" of vaccines, or pay a large fine, the "serum mix" is full of vaccines for "dangerous strains", hormone blockers, anti-depressants, fertility reducers, everything but the kitchen sink.
Every year a committee decides what substances need to go into the "serum mix" for adults of each gender, with the women's mix being different and lighter, just like they decide now what flu strains need to go into the yearly flu vaccine.
This, along with enormous political pressure and coverups to hide the health impacts of it on the goy cattle population, obviously.

The real blackpill is being obese already essentially castrates you and gives you gyno. Most of the west is overweight and over a third are obese.

No injections needed. It's already been done.
Well...not really some high T people here like cuyen aren't really lonely
I doubt having a lot of testosterone makes you not lonely. Are you saying loneliness is feminine?
C'mon, that's fucking retarded.
I doubt having a lot of testosterone makes you not lonely. Are you saying loneliness is feminine?
C'mon, that's fucking retarded.
I'm saying that a lack of testosterone makes you vulnerable to emotions.Onr of which is loneliness.
I'm saying that a lack of testosterone makes you vulnerable to emotions.Onr of which is loneliness.
lol so you're saying testosterone kills your emotions
They already do it by growing your chicken with estregen like substances and when you eat you get the same hormone and it effects your body just like chicken.
The real blackpill is being obese already essentially castrates you and gives you gyno. Most of the west is overweight and over a third are obese.

No injections needed. It's already been done.
The food aspect is definitely huge, it's amazing how the cheapest most addictive foods just all happen to have estrogenic effects, what a coincidence.
I guess it's more Brave New World where people actually want their enslavement.

But again I move away from this line of thought, because of how militant cuckolds have been about vaccines lately and angry that normies won't take their yearly substance mix, there's been controversy over laws to make vaccination mandatory in several countries lately, which has never been the case unless there was a pandemic of lifethreatening diseases, there's definitely something going on.
lol so you're saying testosterone kills your emotions
I think low E is even more important than high T.
If both are high you are just an angry womanish guy that picks on people.
I think it's already here in the form of the THOT (contraceptive) pills and has been for 45 years or so. It seems the estrogen and synthetics in these pills cannot be filtered out and ends up in our tap-water. Foids really are disgusting over-privileged creatures.
The food aspect is definitely huge, it's amazing how the cheapest most addictive foods just all happen to have estrogenic effects, what a coincidence.
I guess it's more Brave New World where people actually want their enslavement.

But again I move away from this line of thought, because of how militant cuckolds have been about vaccines lately and angry that normies won't take their yearly substance mix, there's been controversy over laws to make vaccination mandatory in several countries lately, which has never been the case unless there was a pandemic of lifethreatening diseases, there's definitely something going on.

I think low E is even more important than high T.
If both are high you are just an angry womanish guy that picks on people.

Because being self-righteous and authoritarian makes you feel smart and successful, so normies eat that shit up.

Incels like the high T injection fantasy because it lets them think if they just inject T they'll be chad, but it will just make them bald + bloated.
Because being self-righteous and authoritarian makes you feel smart and successful, so normies eat that shit up.

Incels like the high T injection fantasy because it lets them think if they just inject T they'll be chad, but it will just make them bald + bloated.
Normies are becoming increasingly insane and unreasonable about becoming cattle asap, ngl. And yeah, the theory has made me curious about E blockers at least.
Normies are becoming increasingly insane and unreasonable about becoming cattle asap, ngl. And yeah, the theory has made me curious about E blockers at least.

I have some relatives who work in healthcare and they say the average diabetic fatass doesn't even take their insulin regularly, doesn't brush their teeth, and are generally just disgusting pieces of shit.

Hardly anyone takes their meds and hormones need be taken regularly. Birth control daily, and women rarely do that.

I dunno, my overall my theory is the government and normies are incompetent as fuck. Way too dumb to pull off shit like in the OP post.
I have some relatives who work in healthcare and they say the average diabetic fatass doesn't even take their insulin regularly, doesn't brush their teeth, and are generally just disgusting pieces of shit.

Hardly anyone takes their meds and hormones need be taken regularly. Birth control daily, and women rarely do that.

I dunno, my overall my theory is the government and normies are incompetent as fuck. Way too dumb to pull off shit like in the OP post.

That doesn't surprise me, there's a reason why the latest male/female birth control solutions that are being tested are all of the "giant dose once per month/year so you can't forget about it" type.
This is why my dumb theory revolves around a single very powerful dose that's administered yearly or every 6 months at best.
lol so you're saying testosterone kills your emotions
It kind of does tho.The only emotion that it makes stronger is rage.

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