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Blackpill Blackcels need to stop pretending they are at the same disadvantage as other deathniks.



Nov 7, 2017
The order of race that woman are most attracted to is
2.black/Latino, they are on the same level I would say.
6.aboriginal, aka the most subhuman race on earth.
No, Arab > Asian.

And in your list some races are missing.
2- Pale-caucasoid ethinik(latino, north african, arab).
3- Black
4- Dark skin latino
5- Pale-skin asian(oriental)
6- Arab
7- Indian/dark skin asian
8- Aboriginal.
Somalis are next level deathniks. On the same level as curries and aboriginals if not worse. Fuck outta here nigga.
No, Arab > Asian.

And in your list some races are missing.
Arabs are way less desirable to other races compared to Asians, asians are much more westernized and have the kpop and anime to elevate their status, plus they are known to be succesful., while Arabs don't have any good steriotypes.
Somalis are next level deathniks. On the same level as curries and aboriginals if not worse. Fuck outta here nigga.
Most blackcels posting here are African American, with a few white ancestors, so I'm not counting somalicels in this.
2- Pale-caucasoid ethinik(latino, north african, arab).
3- Black
4- Dark skin latino
5- Pale-skin asian(oriental)
6- Arab
7- Indian/dark skin asian
8- Aboriginal.
I'm a pale north african, I think I'm somewhere between Indian and Aboriginal.
I'm a pale north african, I think I'm somewhere between Indian and Aboriginal.
Like this guy?
I'm paler than that and my hair is curly, I'm ugly af.
So you would be at the second place.
Good example to discredit ethnic cope, Chad is Chad regardless of race.
Meh. I wouldn't said that. GL pale-skin ethinics could be at Chad level. A Tyrone, Chang or Pajeet couldn't. Racepill is very real.

Dark skin = -1, -2 or -3 points.
2- Pale-caucasoid ethinik(latino, north african, arab).
3- Black
4- Dark skin latino
5- Pale-skin asian(oriental)
6- Arab
7- Indian/dark skin asian
8- Aboriginal.

Only applies to high status American blacks. African immigrants are the lowest on the totem pole
can explain the okcupid dating stats? i know it only online but it somewhat could apply irl
Only the blacks with robust slave genetics should STFU.
6.aboriginal, aka the most subhuman race on earth.
natives get mad pussy in toronto. people want that native card. their kids can live tax exempt. (in ontario, if you're native you're exempt from tax.)
can explain the okcupid dating stats? i know it only online but it somewhat could apply irl
Girls on okcupid are looking for a bf or husband, so obviously blacks would be less chosen since they are less successful and poorer than other races, but if you go on tinder, an app for sex black guys will be chosen way more than asians.
natives get mad pussy in toronto. people want that native card. their kids can live tax exempt. (in ontario, if you're native you're exempt from tax.)
Aboriginals are the natives of Australia, they are completely different from North American natives and look way uglier.
Ethnics are undesirable by default. As an ethnic you can't just be average
I can see blacks who arent hyper masculine struggling like the rest of ethnics.

natives get mad pussy in toronto. people want that native card. their kids can live tax exempt. (in ontario, if you're native you're exempt from tax.)
Tfw born the wrong kind of native (mixtec). Damn.
Still, there's a huge gap between being white and being the next best non white race.
is that why theres mostly black guys ranting on youtube in their cars and house about how hard it is to get a girl.
Girls on okcupid are looking for a bf or husband, so obviously blacks would be less chosen since they are less successful and poorer than other races, but if you go on tinder, an app for sex black guys will be chosen way more than asians.
lol so blacks are only good for hookups, who cares about degenarate ons
is that why theres mostly black guys ranting on youtube in their cars and house about how hard it is to get a girl.
Lol if you think there aren't way more virgin Asian guys then black guys, I think that Asians and indian men in the west lose their virginity the last compared to other races of men.
Plus those black guys are just low inhib and aren't afraid to get mocked.
The okcupid studies are massive cope

It shows only 7% of white women will fuck black males but 7% of white women is more than the whole of the black population in those countries.

lol so blacks are only good for hookups, who cares about degenarate ons
No but they are assumed to not be relationship material because they are typically way poorer, at least they aren't becoming betabux like other races.
Lol if you think there aren't way more virgin Asian guys then black guys, I think that Asians and indian men in the west lose their virginity the last compared to other races of men.
Plus those black guys are just low inhib and aren't afraid to get mocked.
most blacks are low inhib.
How will I know wheres the data?
No but they are assumed to not be relationship material because they are typically way poorer, at least they aren't becoming betabux like other races.
I want to be relationship material though, not everyone want to be in a ons only situation.
I have NO chance. I look more ethnic and ugly than every other blackcel on here, besides maybe genecel, in a western country. Ask FaceandLMS. Its fucking over for me, I never even had a chance.
Arabs are way less desirable to other races compared to Asians, asians are much more westernized and have the kpop and anime to elevate their status, plus they are known to be succesful., while Arabs don't have any good steriotypes.

But noone of this is more valuable than masculinity. And arabs brutally mogs asians on masculinity.
Arabs have hug skulls and wrists
Most Arab guys are fat hairy bodega workers, they do not have the same sexual appeal as other races, on top of that they also come from a sexually repressed and conservative countries so they have no idea how to interact with woman because they rely on arranged marriage.
I have NO chance. I look more ethnic and ugly than every other blackcel on here, besides maybe genecel, in a western country. Ask FaceandLMS. Its fucking over for me, I never even had a chance.
are you actually black or do you just look it
Lol @ this autism, still going on

in 2018 there are only TWO tiers

- Top Tier: white
- Lower Tier: non-white ethnic (any)

simply that
The okcupid studies are massive cope

It shows only 7% of white women will fuck black males but 7% of white women is more than the whole of the black population in those countries.


Not sure what data you're looking at but according to the 2010 census the current black population in the united states is 14 percent.
Arabs are way less desirable to other races compared to Asians, asians are much more westernized and have the kpop and anime to elevate their status, plus they are known to be succesful., while Arabs don't have any good steriotypes.

It depends on your social circle. In a country with a high percentage of arabs/turks there are subcultures where they are more desirable than the native white population.
I talked to a female about this once and she said, that her friends give her shit for liking white men, because they are too pasty.
It depends on your social circle. In a country with a high percentage of arabs/turks there are subcultures where they are more desirable than the native white population.
I talked to a female about this once and she said, that her friends give her shit for liking white men, because they are too pasty.
Sure buddy
Honestly it’s hard for blacks to be incels in a white community. They get free pussy cause white girls have white guilt imbedded into them. You can literally call them racist and they will hop on your dick like nothing. I’ve seen white girls hanging around blacks just cause they are scared of being called racist. No other ethnic has this kind of power, not even other whites can command white girls like blacks can with the guilt card.
"Friends gave her shit for liking white men"

Highest level of cope

What is so hard to belive about some people prefering middle easterners? They are on average more masculine than white guys.
I also talk about uneducated white or middle eastern girls in "diverse" citys in Europe. Your mileage may vary.
What is so hard to belive about some people prefering middle easterners? They are on average more masculine than white guys.
I also talk about uneducated white or middle eastern girls in "diverse" citys in Europe. Your mileage may vary.
More masculine? They are like 5'5", have subhuman noses, back hair, horrible accents and so on. In no way are they more masc than whites... All they have is dark hair good beards. That's it.

Also average dick length in Turkey is 4". ITS OVER.
More masculine? They are like 5'5", have subhuman noses, back hair, horrible accents and so on. In no way are they more masc than whites... All they have is dark hair good beards. That's it.

Also average dick length in Turkey is 4". ITS OVER.

Of course I'm talking about the goodlooking ones. White, masculine Chad is too educated to associate with such people. The only white people they have access to are the equivalent to wiggers and those are pretty boys at best, but all of them are wannabes.

By looking at society as a whole you get a skewed picture, you have to compare demographics in accordance to subcultures.
Of course I'm talking about the goodlooking ones. White, masculine Chad is too educated to associate with such people. The only white people they have access to are the equivalent to wiggers and those are pretty boys at best, but all of them are wannabes.

By looking at society as a whole you get a skewed picture, you have to compare demographics in accordance to subcultures.
Size queens are a myth.
Take a look at the thread talking about how it's over for dickcels.

Look I do not want to get in trouble for bragging. Cock size matters a fuck ton, let's leave it there.

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