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SuicideFuel Blackcel tries to date 4/10 shaniqua, she brutally puts him on blast for his betabuxxing

  • Thread starter Deleted member 16423
  • Start date
Deleted member 16423

Deleted member 16423

Dec 28, 2018

this is her SMVmatch in 2019
Who cares about these idiots?
From the pic she looks to be below 4/10,her looksmatch would replace St.Blackops2cel as our saint
black foids are so delusional, are they not aware that they consistently rate among the worst for women on dating apps?
are they not aware that they consistently rate among the worst for women on dating apps?
So they only get 80 matches an hour instead of 200. Must be tough.
The blackcel got rejected right there just because he looked ugly and was beta, most black men usually act like a bunch of niggers and live in shitty ghetto neighbourhoods. One part of me expects me to see him post here. just because he is different from the typical black man.
This is what will happen to you if you approach foids, they're evil
That black dude has a kind face, I'd like to be friends with him.
Sad really. Both of them are oblivious to the situation of the Black Community in America, and the situation of the West in general.

Blacks have a high birth rate, but they have very few families. They have "ghetto mentality" and "gang mentality", but they don't have any real close relationship with each other, friendship, respect, loyalty etc.

A gang is not a clan. A house without a father or a mother is a broken family. The black males need to lose the group/gang mentality and have a family/clan mentality. Put their personal wants below their family/clan needs. The black females need to lose the vanity, the shallowness, the material greed. The black female need to respect and support the black men.

Betas, paying pizza for a female that have no interest in them. Betas are wallets, ATM's, the females have no respect and no interest in them other than money.

If a female is interested in you she will be with you even if you don't have a single dollar in your pocket. Don't pay for them, they only want to use you.
No offense if you're black but most blacks simply are too low-IQ to have families. Raising children and having a stable marriage requires you to be mentally capable of making responsible descisions which they aren't. Afro-Americans would be better of if they were mass-sterilised, there's literally zero point to their existence and they only make life in the US worse for everyone else. Based on lots of newsstories I've read from the US, they're like walking timebombs who can just randomly start killing or raping because someone made them a bit angry.
The black females need to lose the vanity, the shallowness, the material greed. The black female need to respect and support the black men.

Lmao good luck with that
If a female is interested in you she will be with you even if you don't have a single dollar in your pocket. Don't pay for them, they only want to use you.

Lol cope, initial attraction carries weight for sure, but even Chad who cant pay for diapers gets kicked to the curb. Desperate landwhales and postwall career cunts are the only foids willing to pay everything for Chad.
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black ghetto whores are the worst
But that is because they are not being educated/trained properly
Education can only do so much. The west has already provided blacks with enough education, sometimes even more education than white children because they feel they need to compensate for them supposedly having less chances. Universities in the US even have quotas which means that if you're black and apply to a college in a >90% white town, you're pretty much guaranteed to enroll. But even with all of that help and free shit, Afro-Americans are not getting anywhere and indulging in criminal behaviour. Why? Because you cannot make a retard intelligent through education.

You talk about muh slaves and muh masters, look at the Chinese; most low-class Chinese used to practically live as slaves to the ruling elite prior to the 20th century. When these low-class Chinese were given equal chance and good education, they did succeed unlike Afro-Americans. Why? Because they're not dumb. There's only so much that education can do for a person. If education could magically fix people then we'd be having people with down syndrome turn into doctors and lawyers overnight.
You Afro-Americans were given every fucking opportunity by the system to succeed and become respectable members of society and yet you still complain about muh racist whitey putting you down. It's only you who's putting yourself down but it's easier to blame outsiders, of course. If you didn't have muh evil crackers to use a boogeyman, you'd have to come face to face with the fact that you're incapable of accomplishing the same things as white people.

They need a leadership that builds their labor into something useful. Someone that commands them. Someone that tells them what to do and what not to do. Someone to hold them accountable.
How did that go in Africa? How well did black nationalists do in countries like South-Africa? They destroyed what the white people had gifted them and just went back to doing what they did before they came into contact with foreigners; rape, murder, cannibalism etc.
Leaders are for people who already have the motivation and capacity to do great things but just need a helping hand. Blacks need a master because you don't have those things and will only work hard if you are forced to with an iron fist.
I actually appreciate her brutal honesty.
Sad really. Both of them are oblivious to the situation of the Black Community in America, and the situation of the West in general.

Blacks have a high birth rate, but they have very few families. They have "ghetto mentality" and "gang mentality", but they don't have any real close relationship with each other, friendship, respect, loyalty etc.

A gang is not a clan. A house without a father or a mother is a broken family. The black males need to lose the group/gang mentality and have a family/clan mentality. Put their personal wants below their family/clan needs. The black females need to lose the vanity, the shallowness, the material greed. The black female need to respect and support the black men.

Betas, paying pizza for a female that have no interest in them. Betas are wallets, ATM's, the females have no respect and no interest in them other than money.

If a female is interested in you she will be with you even if you don't have a single dollar in your pocket. Don't pay for them, they only want to use you.
Surprisingly high IQ analysis, shame to say that guys get played like this everyday.
they're like walking timebombs who can just randomly start killing or raping because someone made them a bit angry.
She’s a 2/10 at best

Still has an SMV higher than any male
so much for the BBC theory
Sad really. Both of them are oblivious to the situation of the Black Community in America, and the situation of the West in general.

Blacks have a high birth rate, but they have very few families. They have "ghetto mentality" and "gang mentality", but they don't have any real close relationship with each other, friendship, respect, loyalty etc.

A gang is not a clan. A house without a father or a mother is a broken family. The black males need to lose the group/gang mentality and have a family/clan mentality. Put their personal wants below their family/clan needs. The black females need to lose the vanity, the shallowness, the material greed. The black female need to respect and support the black men.

Betas, paying pizza for a female that have no interest in them. Betas are wallets, ATM's, the females have no respect and no interest in them other than money.

If a female is interested in you she will be with you even if you don't have a single dollar in your pocket. Don't pay for them, they only want to use you.
Well said
Typical, another thread having anything to do with blacks turning into another argument between low IQ irrelevant whites who think they have any actual knowledge on black history and the situations of blacks
Forgive me, but I disagree. Yes, blacks have shameful low IQ's. But that is because they are not being educated/trained properly.

If you take a child or a dog and never teach them how to behave, letting them do whatever they want, giving them human adult like freedom, they will just become a problem later on.

Freedom came too fast and too much for them. They had no time to organize properly to the new reality.
They went from a day where Master would tell them what to do and teach them each step on how to do it. To the next day where, you are free now negro, do whatever your heart desires.

What they do? Indulge themselves in drinking, smoking, drugs, sexual depravity, criminality. Just like the women, they received too much too fast, and didn't had time to develop responsibility. Females now are cum toilets for Chads.

Even worse than that, no one held them accountable for their acts and lack of responsibility. Because that would be deemed racist/misogynist.

They need a rigid structure. They need guidance, guidance is the opposite of freedom. They have to hold themselves accountable, they have to shackle themselves. That is very hard. Whites learned to do that around 10.000 years ago, but blacks don't have the natural IQ to reach, by themselves, the same results. They need a "Master", not like a slave master mind you, they need a Leader, someone to go there and say.

"You right there, yes you, stop smoking weed and stand up, now you are going to do this."
"Yo man, I don't wanna..."
"Silence! Do it." "You start cleaning this up, now." "You there, start cooking, make the supper."
"Yo man, c'mon whatchadoin?" "We don wanna build any civilization that will last a thousand years and maybe contribute for Humanity to explore the Galaxy and maybe even conquer the Universe" "Yeah man, we jus wanna smuke or weeed. Shieeet."
"Shut it! Both of you, do as you are told!"
"Now we are going to pool our (welfare) money to build/buy a small shop. We will do like the Jews, we buy cheap stuff and sell it to the whites or the latinos for double the price."

They need a leadership that builds their labor into something useful. Someone that commands them. Someone that tells them what to do and when to do it. Someone to hold them accountable.

And I don't mean a white Master. They need a strong, black male Leader. A Leader.
"You there stop smoking weed"
" Nigga don't tell me what to do"
5 gunshots rang out down the block
So what is, in your opinion, the IQ of blacks and their situation today in the West?
I've written this out alot of times but,

I dont understand why blacks continually get the blame for their situation right now in America while these white fucking cunts sit back and pretend like they had no influence on anything. After the civil war who was making the decisions on what would happen to blacks? The white man, and what did the white man do?

He refused to integrate blacks into white culture and treat them with respect. Blacks were shoved into poor shitty neighborhoods, shit living conditions, shit jobs and shit pay, shit education and knowledge and the schools and education they received were absolute trash because from the white man himself "Blacks are inferior and therefore deserve an inferior education" Real strong fucking logic right there. What the fuck would anyone think would come of this especially if this is how you treat a group of people with "lesser IQs"? Real low IQ decision from a puppet race that's suppose to be so intelligent.

Successful black business that whites wanted would be forcibly taken back then. Literally it was either sell the business to the snow monkey or get lynched and have it taken. What happened when their was a sucessful line of black businesses? Well it was called the black wall street and whites bombed and destroyed it. Hell, for a good while in the south you could accuse any innocent black man of a crime and he'd lose the trial and get lynched while Mr snow monkey dosent have to provide any evidence whatsoever and gets off Scott free.

Whites also injected syphilis into either hundreds or housands of blacks as an "experiment" and didnt give them the cure. They also fueled the drug epidemic into black neighborhoods in the 80s and 90s.

So fuck these stupid white motherfuckers on here who pretend that American blacks brought everything on themselves when they didnt even get true equal rights until the 1970s, hell arguably even later than that.
this hurts my soul and disappointing to view
also more disappointing is i thin he is of average looks
if he is ugly then holy shit how much lower than ugly am i?

I agree with you in many things. Slavery in the Americas was horrible, and the subsequent racism, that exists even today, was also bad.
But I believe that the Black Community can still build something great for themselves.

For how long does the slavery argument works? Forever? One of your ancestors became a slave in ancient Rome 2000 years ago and that's it. End of the game. You can't get anything done never again in your life. Not only that, but all of your children and grand children and their descendants too, forever, none of them will ever achieve anything. Ridiculous

And racism? At what point does Blacks go back to holding responsibility over their own fate? Never again? The Asians suffer racism today, the Latinos too. Heck I am white in a majorly Black country, I suffer racism everyday. What you gonna say? "Well Asians count as a sub type of white, and Latinos are just tanned whites, so the racism they suffer is less than the Black's."? That makes no sense.

People can build things despite racism. I stand for what I have said, they need a strong Black leader that commands them on what to do.

Jesus fucking christ man I dont even think i mentioned single thing about slavery so quit talking about that. I said the way blacks in America are today is due to the events AFTER the civil war directly caused by white scum. I didnt say anything about slavery.

What the fuck is this bullshit man? Asians and Latinos havent been through the same shit blacks went through in America, JFL at comparing the two. No matter what, the Irish, Latinos and asians could all relish in the fact that "atleast we aren't black". They were never at the the bottom of the totem pole or suffered as much as blacks. Also Jap Americans got reprerations after the internment camps from WW2, fucking "holocaust" survivors even got and still get reprerations. Blacks didnt even get any after the civil war from all the free labor they provided and torture they went through. Go back and re read all that stuff I typed out in my last post.

There is no possible change, the black community is fucking done for. All the damage has been done and this is exactly how the White mans Jew superiors want it.


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