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Black women claim that black incels can't exist. They claim blackcels are all volcels and mentalcels

Teutonic Knight

Teutonic Knight

Mar 2, 2019
Black feminists over at Chad's dick alley forum...

Look at their comments:

Black Men have to truly be mentally ill or just beyond unattractive and just off to be an Incel.


It's so easy for all types of Black Men to get vagina. That's why Black Incels might really really have serious mental issues. White and Asians INCELS are just throughly unattractive, with no confidence, and damned near asexual and adding in mental illness.


Only black incels that exist are probably obese

etc. etc.

How do you explain this blackcels? These sistas are straight up calling you volcels and mentalcels...

Just be black theory is real?

Also this one cracked me up lol:

Only thing I know about black incel culture is that they call black men who have sex "Tyrone" for some fucking reason.
Mods: Is this BBC spam?
Are you a wanna be bbc?

Black Men are taught Social Skills and Personality Skills by Black Women and are usually inclined to understand women more than other races of men.
I don't give a shit about BBC stereotype, I just found the discussion about incels on that forum interesting.

It looks like perception inside the black community is that they admit that inceldom exists in white and Asian males, but ignore that black men are incels.

I have no clue how things are in USA so I'd like to see some insight from black people on this.
This is a common misconception among black women. I've run into it in real life conversations myself; they have a very "let them eat cake" mentality about men who want to get laid, and aren't brought up to believe that there are men who have any problem finding sex.

Maybe it's partially because the nerdy black man is actually a relatively rare media phenomenon in modern times compared to the white gamer geek or awkward asian foreigner. Virtue signal TV 2019 usually portrays black men as inspirational role models, tough guys, or charmers.

You're reminded that the white incel exists all the time, he's basically a meme. The black incel died out with Steve Urkel in the 90s... as far as TV is concerned.
That's why Black Incels might really really have serious mental issues.

Translation: He's not a thug or an athlete.
I don't blame black men for not wanting to deal with sheboons. They say this kind of thing of muh black man superhero, but their behavior tells it otherwise:


Those sheboons are delusional and are just saying that black incels don't exist because of some foolish race pride. They definitely exist and they are incels because they are ugly and their women are garbage.
OP obsessed with black sistas today.

We get it, we all have different fetishes on different days.
@BrendioEEE thoughts?
Apex fallacy applies heavily to black men because the stereotype (which has some ground in truth) is that you must be a swole thug or something like that and this is what black men are. So a black guy who doesn't fit the (((rap))) or (((nba))) stereotype is seen as especailly corny because....well..you're black....how can a black guy be so lame and nerdy?
To a black woman, an "average" black man basically means NBA superstar.
Holy fucking shit they are delusional and oblivious as all fuck! Black foids write off alot of black men who don't act or look a certain way. And no those men who are rejected are not "off", "weird", or "mentally ill/have mental issues". Black ratchet disgusting ghetto trash whores are usually more blunt so they should be honest and just say they think blackcels are ugly and that's it. BLACKCELS HAVE NO LEVERAGE PERIOD! WE ARE UGLY TO ALL USED CUNTS AND TREATED ACCORDINGLY FOR JUST THAT LIKE EVERY OTHER TYPE OF INCELS! NOTHING ELSE! All females are shallow toilets. Black women are meaner shallow toilets. Typical that the meme gender is fucking lying about how things REALLY are. Every cunt on that site deserves to be acid faced/beaten brutally by their partner.
Let's keep in mind black men on average don't do so great in dating statistics. I think it's the worst. A white male model will do better than a black male model if the Chadfishing data is accurate.

The problem is apex fallacy. The only black men that are visible are Tyrones.

When women think of "black men" they think of their favorite rappers or athletes or Tyson Bedford etc. Not the countless Steve Urkels and so on.
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I'm at a loss for words, this is beyond retarded ngl
Well it is true that blacks are raised to be thugs, players and huslers. Even if they come from a respectable family the media still influences them by portraying this way. Blackcels are rare to go into the path of the incel, because it is overcoming the odds.
Holy fucking shit they are delusional and oblivious as all fuck! Black foids write off alot of black men who don't act or look a certain way. Black ratchet disgusting ghetto trash whores are usually more blunt so they should be honest and just say they think blackcels are ugly and that's it. BLACKCELS HAVE NO LEVERAGE PERIOD! WE ARE UGLY TO ALL USED CUNTS AND TREATED ACCORDINGLY FOR JUST THAT LIKE EVERY OTHER TYPE OF INCELS! NOTHING ELSE!
Blackcels exist. They make up 13% of America collectively (men and women). It’s not that rare.Can’t just be an average black/Hispanic/Latino dude I seen this with my own eyes. They cut each other down at any angle . @BlkPillPres talked about this before.
Somalis count as black right?
Blackcels exist. They make up 13% of America collectively (men and women). It’s not that rare.Can’t just be an average black/Hispanic/Latino dude I seen this with my own eyes. They cut each other down at any angle . @BlkPillPres talked about this before.
Of course. I agree completely. I've been preaching this shit consistently that blackcels are struggling hard and there are no LEGIT "pills" that can disprove that.
To a black woman only athletes, thugs and soy boys matter.
Let's keep in mind black men on average don't do so great in dating statistics. I think it's the worst. A white male model will do better than a black male model if the Chadfishing data is accurate.

The problem is apex fallacy. The only black men that are visible are Tyrones.

When women think of "black men" they think of their favorite rappers or athletes or Tyson Bedford etc. Not the countless Steve Urkels and so on.
Women behaving as though all men share Chad's life is actually a rhetorical strategy. Her only concern is getting Chad and keeping him, so she spreads the idea that the issue with men is that they're too superficial, they won't commit, they cheat in "relationships", etc. This, in reality, is intended to encourage a standard of behavior for men that will allow her to have and keep Chad, and it will be obvious to anyone reading that these are issues the female has with only Chad's behavior. This is why when women talk about men it sounds so foreign to an incel's ear: they are not talking about you, or even normal men, when they say "men", and they only refer to Chad(s) as "men." It is not that they don't see other men exist, but their act is supposed to engender mass social change to make it easier for them to skim off the top. Pacification of men is two-fold: it allows women to possess Chad, and it stops non-Chads from challenging women and their choices.
Blackcels exist. They make up 13% of America collectively (men and women). It’s not that rare.Can’t just be an average black/Hispanic/Latino dude I seen this with my own eyes. They cut each other down at any angle . @BlkPillPres talked about this before.




We need to stop with this lie that blacks slay, its a lie, what you guys don't realize is the huge cultural difference between blacks and other races, in order to be "truly considered black" there are certain physical and behavioral traits one must exhibit, blacks as a collective for the most part only celebrate and push to the forefront, black males who have these traits, and that is what paints the illusion of black men being for the most part well endowed athletic men, black society only acknowledges these men AS MEN, the rest of us are "lames, losers, scrubs, etc"

The black race is the only race that pretty much hides its low tier males in the background and pretends we don't exist, so when you turn on the TV or you look in a porn video, all you see are high tier black males, think about it, in porn you can easily find white men with average size penises in many videos, EASILY, some even with small penises.

Tell me how easy it is to find a black guy with an average sized or small sized penis in a porn video, Its near impossible, and that's because being black is about FITTING A MOLD, guys like that get screened out, if you aren't well endowed you likely won't be hired, because black porn is about being ABOVE AVERAGE


If you don't make the cut, then as far as society is concerned, ESPECIALLY BLACK SOCIETY, you aren't a man and you aren't a black man, you are just a thing, something in the background everyone pretends doesn't exist

So please stop with this "black men slay" fuckery that shit is annoying and its very ironic coming from an incel forum where everyone talks about being "black pilled", so I expect people to be aware of obvious shit like this

Being white is just about having white skin and white physical features

Being black is about being tall, having a big penis, being athletic and fit, having "swag", being talented (dancing, singing, etc), etc

As a black man you can't just exist as a man and be good enough, you have to be an above average man (IN SOME FACET) for your own people to acknowledge you as one of them
Women behaving as though all men share Chad's life is actually a rhetorical strategy. Her only concern is getting Chad and keeping him, so she spreads the idea that the issue with men is that they're too superficial, they won't commit, they cheat in "relationships", etc. This, in reality, is intended to encourage a standard of behavior for men that will allow her to have and keep Chad, and it will be obvious to anyone reading that these are issues the female has with only Chad's behavior. This is why when women talk about men it sounds so foreign to an incel's ear: they are not talking about you, or even normal men, when they say "men", and they only refer to Chad(s) as "men." It is not that they don't see other men exist, but their act is supposed to engender mass social change to make it easier for them to skim off the top. Pacification of men is two-fold: it allows women to possess Chad, and it stops non-Chads from challenging women and their choices.

High iq

It's the same thing about white incels really.

I think the main reason is that both of these groups are well integrated in the West (excluding African blacks) that they have lost any type of unique culture and their current 'culture' exists only to fullfil a very specific role in the current globohomo establishment.

They're trying to do the same thing with Arabs and Asians in the West. Making certain stereotypes about them and pushing them to fullfil some role.

Basically it goes like this. Whites are the hard working law abiding "boring" men who have to sustain the society (because of their supposed historical guilt), blakcs are there to entertain (sports, music, films, swag, porn...), ethnics like Latinos or Eastern Euros are there to do hard working class jobs (tough guys who like to fight), Arabs and Turks are there to sell kebabs, Asians are the high IQ low T geeks who are good with computers and maths and so on. Once you don't fit that stereotype and want to act differently and do something else, people get very aggressive. Middle Easterners seem to be the least conforming so far, possibly because they still have their own cultures and retained some dignity. Whites and blacks have conformed the most to this.

This is almost like some perverted version of medieval idea of organic society where society is divided into different parts just like a human body has different limbs, each one of them doing a very specific function. You're then born into your caste (peasant, merchant, noble, whatever) and you have to stick to your trade. It's a very Western thing that never went away.
Being a blackcel is the fucking worst. Literal bottom of society.
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Ah yes. Glad to see that you agree with this also.
It’s true, i rarely see a beta nigger. What I do see is a lot of BBCs with white women and mulatto children.

Almost without fail, when I see a BBC with children, they’re much lighter than the father. Niggers always want their kids to be lighter than they are. To have a dark child is to be a massive failure as a nigger. They must dilute their garbage low IQ genes at all costs.
even in this blackpill “sanctuary”, you have heaps of morons agreeing with her
Black Men have to truly be mentally ill or just beyond unattractive and just off to be an Incel.
I'm beyond unattractive.

Mentally ill? Unconfirmed.

It's so easy for all types of Black Men to get vagina. That's why Black Incels might really really have serious mental issues. White and Asians INCELS are just throughly unattractive, with no confidence, and damned near asexual and adding in mental illness.
I'm still waiting for the foid to fall out of the sky.

My only requirements are:

-Don't be fat.
-Love me

Only black incels that exist are probably obese
Oh please, I've been bulking for the past 10 months and I still have a lower bodyfat than the average American/British man AND woman.

Translation: He's not a thug or an athlete.
This is basically it.

I'm not trying to turn this into a brag thread, but If I'd to start listing my curricular/extracurricular achievements I'm the furthest thing from your average black guy.
Even when I tell enter a conversation with a stranger (Doctor or something) and I tell them what I'm doing, I can see a look of disbelief on their face that I haven't dropped out of school at 15 and I'm just staying at home smoking weed.

People call me an Oreo because I'm not listening to Rap songs about "big booty hoes" and playing Basketball.
I don't join gangs, smoke or drink and I'm VERYYYYYYY low inhib.

I don't fit the stereotype for a black man which is a small contributor as to why I'm incel, the main one being my face.

It's the same thing about white incels really.

I think the main reason is that both of these groups are well integrated in the West (excluding African blacks) that they have lost any type of unique culture and their current 'culture' exists only to fullfil a very specific role in the current globohomo establishment.

They're trying to do the same thing with Arabs and Asians in the West. Making certain stereotypes about them and pushing them to fullfil some role.

Basically it goes like this. Whites are the hard working law abiding "boring" men who have to sustain the society (because of their supposed historical guilt), blakcs are there to entertain (sports, music, films, swag, porn...), ethnics like Latinos or Eastern Euros are there to do hard working class jobs (tough guys who like to fight), Arabs and Turks are there to sell kebabs, Asians are the high IQ low T geeks who are good with computers and maths and so on. Once you don't fit that stereotype and want to act differently and do something else, people get very aggressive. Middle Easterners seem to be the least conforming so far, possibly because they still have their own cultures and retained some dignity. Whites and blacks have conformed the most to this.

This is almost like some perverted version of medieval idea of organic society where society is divided into different parts just like a human body has different limbs, each one of them doing a very specific function. You're then born into your caste (peasant, merchant, noble, whatever) and you have to stick to your trade. It's a very Western thing that never went away.
This 1000x

Also with the never ending brainwhasing that race realism and iq stadistics that the useful idiots of the jews provide to the masses help cimenting that monolitic stereotype , if you think about it iq racialism is being bombarded and used with the same intentions that childrens in Brave new world were bombarded , to accept your paper in the game as something natural and even benefitial.
Hmmm, in all seriousness, this is my take on this matter.





"These must be black men, that have not been introduced to fat white women yet....."

She's right you know.
Only if the black guy has a small dick can they be incels
Black feminists over at Chad's dick alley forum...

Look at their comments:

Black Men have to truly be mentally ill or just beyond unattractive and just off to be an Incel.


It's so easy for all types of Black Men to get vagina. That's why Black Incels might really really have serious mental issues. White and Asians INCELS are just throughly unattractive, with no confidence, and damned near asexual and adding in mental illness.


Only black incels that exist are probably obese

etc. etc.

How do you explain this blackcels? These sistas are straight up calling you volcels and mentalcels...

Just be black theory is real?

Also this one cracked me up lol:

Only thing I know about black incel culture is that they call black men who have sex "Tyrone" for some fucking reason.
feel as if most niggercels, black normies, or just the entire group of defective blacks in general are those guys like me that are into anime, video games,and other nerdy shit like yugioh and old Nintendo games, were terrible at sports, wear ugly glasses, have some sort of lisp or irritating non masculine voice, short and weak childish frames, and most importantly are considered unattractive in every aspect. These are the kinds of blacks that are considered rejects in the eyes of society which is why they resort to things like card games, anime, and video games because these are incel friendly spaces where they dont have to be reminder of how they are genetic trash and how ugly foids think they are. I hopefully my fellow niggercels can understand where I am coming from not all of us are 6 feet plus talented athletic super stars, there are a lot of ugly losers that will be rejects forever.
To a black woman only athletes, thugs and soy boys matter.
JFL would you think these guys are successful in the dating market.


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I suspect black incels are the ones with (relatively) high iqs and the resulting higher inhibition. it certainly ain't a looks issue because most blacks are highly unattractive and still have 3 children by 3 different mothers.
I wonder why this thread didnt get deleted now hmm
It's the same thing about white incels really.

No it literally isn't, you are going off on an irrelevant tangent revolving around societal roles, my points revolve around what makes a man attractive and what makes him be acknowledged as a man by his people, for black men that includes a lot, for white men, you just have to be a white man, and even women of other races will see you as attractive just for that

Its not the same thing, to argue that its the same for whites is ridiculous, if it was there wouldn't be so many "pro-white" white incels on this site, they'd hate their race just as much as ethnic incels hate theirs
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To a black woman, an "average" black man basically means NBA superstar.
I suspect black incels are the ones with (relatively) high iqs and the resulting higher inhibition. it certainly ain't a looks issue because most blacks are highly unattractive and still have 3 children by 3 different mothers.
I agree with this as well. They tend to be very whitewashed
Black men have to rely on a shitty culture. Otherwise they are outcasts. Treated like crap by both whites and blacks.
Almost without fail, when I see a BBC with children, they’re much lighter than the father. Niggers always want their kids to be lighter than they are. To have a dark child is to be a massive failure as a nigger. They must dilute their garbage low IQ genes at all costs.
Well. They don't exactly control how the children looks.... And as going for white foids. All races see it as some magical life fullfiling achievement to marry a white trash.
No it literally isn't, you are going off on an irrelevant tangent revolving around societal roles, my points revolve around what makes a man attractive and what makes him be acknowledged as a man by his people, for black men that includes a lot, for white men, you just have to be a white man, and even women of other races will see you as attractive just for that

Its not the same thing, to argue that its the same for whites is ridiculous, if it was there wouldn't be so many "pro-white" white incels on this site, they'd hate their race just as much as ethnic incels hate theirs

The social expectations for white men in the West are that you have to not just abide the laws but worship them, you need to worship the state and its institutions, you have to be hard working and not expect anything, you have to be in love with LGBT ideology and the rest of this cult of Tolerance, you need to constantly be stoic and never complain, everything that goes wrong is your fault etc. Other races aren't expected to follow this Western ideological cult religiously, but whites are.

If you are white and go NEET you will get much more crap from society than an ethnic who lives this lifestyle. You also get much more pressure and censorship from the globohomo regime, you can't get away with saying anything resembling wrongthink etc. If you are white you are implicitely considered "civilized" which means you have no excuse not to be liberal law abiding hard working citizen slaving away. If you don't do that you will get shamed from all directions, both from left and from right. You can be black and be oblivious to these things and the regime won't give you much crap, but if a white guy doesn't absolutely worship feminism and liberalism he is seen as terrorist.

Maybe this isn't totally relevant to women but it is relevant socially and politically.

Also women actually expect normie white men to be fully socialized in the Western society and that means these men have to accept its ideological and cultural norms. They need to love globohomo, ecology, act concerned about certain issues, show this fake Western empathy etc.

If you are white normie you can't be anti-LGBT anti-EU, you can't have "unpopular" opinions because women won't like you. Only Chad would get a pass for that. He's the only one who can just be white man and that's it.

The pressure for white men is mostly ideological, while for blacks it's social and behavioral. Both have it bad.

Believe me, for a "white" Christian like me who has had unpopular opinions life is hell and I don't even live in the proper West.

Also I "hate" the concept of white race, I don't even want to identify as white, I'm Slavic if anything. It's the West that put this label on us.

Most white people wouldn't like to be called like this since we have/had our own national ethnic cultures like being German, Slavic, Italian, French etc. before this globohomo destroyed this and lumped us all together into Euro-Atlantic globalistic culture.

Maybe some whites in USA are fine with being white but that's because they have nothing else. All this white race talk is actually cope because we already lost our real ethnic cultures. Like Michael E. Jones said, the worst thing for Irish and Italians in USA was that they accepted to be white.
This is two shit opinions so far from Lipstick Alley. Are they a respected... what are they, a publication? Maybe we shouldn't listen to them. How much power do they have?
It looks like a pretty active forum for black feminists. They should be called Chad's dick alley. Look at here where most of them openly admit they care about looks much more than personality:

That's the other shit opinion. I don't think Lipstick Alley lauds itself as a place for nuanced social discourse. It's women being shamelessly selfish. I don't think they claim to actually care about other people.
Black incels do exist.

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