sheboons and us ricecels have no place in white anglo society. we're very ugly and disgusting to them and when compared to them.
black men are given a pass by many foids in america and noodlewhores are the most self hating group by far. in my life's observations I know that men view white, latina, and black foids as "hotter" than noodlewhores but noodlewhores are considered good enough and are easier to get.
all of that means that sheboons and ricecels lose big time in america. especially in the liberal democratic coastal areas where the phony whites live. virtue signal for blacks and give massive pass to foids with feminism = ultimate disaster scenario for sheboons and ricecels. namely SF and Seattle.
the more humane way to make things less harsh for sheboons and us ricecels would be to have a very conservative society and let racemixing occur at a slower more natural pace.
but thats not gonna happen as sheboons and ricecels are ugly as fuck and we aren't given any thought or priority. if anything, all i see is that sheboons continue to have the lowest purchasing power and continue to get priced out 30-50+ miles away from the desirable areas, and that the racemixing between white men and noodlewhores continues to get worst.
you'd think a great country would look out for their most disadvantaged groups and be mindful of them and set reasonable policies with genuine good-will specifically to make things less harsh for the already disadvantaged groups but its actually the exact opposite.
when people make personal life decisions or set policies they should think about how it might affect others. instead people make decisions on based on how it will benefit them personally or only certain groups at the expense of others.
america is a young country and it has the federal reserve to print money and fix social issues. but the social problems continue to fester. one day its gonna be a low trust disillusioned mess. and it will be because it took generations upon generations of selfish people looking out for themselves and not for the group's well being and contentment.