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being white is overrated



S.T.A.L.K.E.R discord: gdc47
Feb 20, 2019
i'm all burn of sun here, and no bitches give a damn about JBW bullshit, it should be just not be ugly, i always see some niggs with white foids creating low iq offspring, tired of thinics saying JBW it's fucking bullshit, in SEA most foids there only go for JBW for greencard and money, and nordics and anglos tend to be atractive anyway.
Tbh, jbw is bs. Its a cope.
there is only one theory that isn't cope:
Just be Chad.
JBW doesn't work when you live in an area filled with white foids. It only works with ethnic foids who aren't able to get a variation of Chad.
If you are not so manlet and has actual white features such like blonde and blue eyes,you have no excuse to not run JBW
there is only one theory that isn't cope:
Just be Chad.
If you are not so manlet and has actual white features such like blonde and blue eyes,you have no excuse to not run JBW
all the anglo features skiped me thanks to my shit skin mun
JBW dosent state being white gurantees you a girlfriend. Youre just at an advantage. women wont cross you off the list as a potential dating partner just because of your race. that is an advantage alone. Also whites have the highest status which women seem to really care about
JBW dosent state being white gurantees you a girlfriend. Youre just at an advantage. women wont cross you off the list as a potential dating partner just because of your race. that is an advantage alone. Also whites have the highest status which women seem to really care about
this ^^
JBW is the most forced meme of all time
It only works when a minority is involved.
JBW dosent state being white gurantees you a girlfriend. Youre just at an advantage. women wont cross you off the list as a potential dating partner just because of your race. that is an advantage alone. Also whites have the highest status which women seem to really care about
"JBW" is the biggest cope of them all. Just Be Chad instead.
Just be good looking is the only valid theory tbhtbh.
JBW dosent state being white gurantees you a girlfriend. Youre just at an advantage. women wont cross you off the list as a potential dating partner just because of your race. that is an advantage alone. Also whites have the highest status which women seem to really care about

then it shouldnt be called "just be white" cause that implies this one advantage is all you need to ascend? just fuckin lol
JBW maaaaaybe works in a deathnic shithole, but still they have tyrones and white chad tourists as well. I must say it's nothing
but a cope.
Just be Chad.
Are you Germanic/Nordic-looking though?

Being Mediterranean-looking in Brazil= meh. Tons of people look like that in Southern and Southeastern Brazil. And people like that are mogged by Nordics in general as well.
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Yeah but JBW is law in this town, boyo.
Are you Germanic white though?

Being Mediterranean-looking white in Brazil= meh. Tons of people look like that in Southern and Southeastern Brazil.
Mediterranean looking white here, JBW has some points but imo it's just a meme that people unironically believe. Think about it, if you went abroad to SEA or any other place filled with ethnics sure you'll find pussy, but once you travel back to your original country and try to settle down with your 5/10-7/10 chink/ethnic she'll leave you in a heartbeat once she receives permission to remain in a country i.e residency, and with her looks shes going to find a WAY better off guy both financially and physically. In conclusion you basically rented a whore to prove the JBW theory, good job.
Are you Germanic/Nordic-looking though?

Being Mediterranean-looking in Brazil= meh. Tons of people look like that in Southern and Southeastern Brazil. And people like that are mogged by Nordics in general as well.
i'm anglo looking, but have black hair and eyes, most people find my apperance weird, adn generaly easily spot i'm not brazilian

but's it's true my nordic friends mogged my ass
Are you Germanic/Nordic-looking though?

Being Mediterranean-looking in Brazil= meh. Tons of people look like that in Southern and Southeastern Brazil. And people like that are mogged by Nordics in general as well.
I have blonde hair and blue eyes but it’s done nothing for me. It’s a forced meme tbh.
I have blonde hair and blue eyes but it’s done nothing for me. It’s a forced meme tbh.
what bout SEA maxxing or South America maxxing?

are you poorcel?
what bout SEA maxxing or South America maxxing?

are you poorcel?
I’m not poor but traveling is expensive and my parents wouldn’t trust me to go that far away.
i'm anglo looking
Mogs me.

I look mostly Mediterranean with some (bad) characteristics from a Slav like the roundish skull.

I have blonde hair and blue eyes but it’s done nothing for me. It’s a forced meme tbh.
In what state do you live in the US? It's one of the whitest ones?
I have blonde hair and blue eyes but it’s done nothing for me. It’s a forced meme tbh.
Not necesarry SEA you can go brazil there are relatively good white population.
Not necesarry SEA you can go brazil there are relatively good white population.
i would 40% white, they are mostly mediteranian white
i would 40% white, they are mostly mediteranian white
I even seen nordic brazilians. most of those whites rather to date with someone from europe or US.
i would 40% white, they are mostly mediteranian white
Blonde and blue-eyed people are only significant in numbers in colonial cities from SC and RS.

Throughout Brazil 95%+ of "white" people are Mediterranean-looking.
and I've heard they are moving to europe
Now tell that to women. They worship you. I never worshipped until they did.
jbw is real in the sense that worldwide culture supports you.

If you are an ethnic you really have zero reference for anything beyond what your culture tells you to be. This is kinda hard for me to explain in anything short of an essay, but I'll just point to the big push for ethnics in hollywood. Kinda hard to aspire to be anyhting when there are no role models who look like you. Even when you are successful you are still a bit of an outcast because none of your professional peers share the same background.

I dun no maybe if I am ever sober for longer than 5 min I'll write such an essay on being ethnic and JBW theory. Problem is the probability of me being sober for that long is infinitesimal.
Now tell that to women. They worship you. I never worshipped until they did.

jbw is real in the sense that worldwide culture supports you.

If you are an ethnic you really have zero reference for anything beyond what your culture tells you to be. This is kinda hard for me to explain in anything short of an essay, but I'll just point to the big push for ethnics in hollywood. Kinda hard to aspire to be anyhting when there are no role models who look like you. Even when you are successful you are still a bit of an outcast because none of your professional peers share the same background.

I dun no maybe if I am ever sober for longer than 5 min I'll write such an essay on being ethnic and JBW theory. Problem is the probability of me being sober for that long is infinitesimal.
that would be interesting

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