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Discussion Being pro abortion is not contradictory to being far right



Mar 3, 2021
Let me explain.

The only reason why being against abortion has become a right wing or far right talking point and position, was because the femminist and leftist movement first adopted being pro abortion as one of their goals. There really is nothing but "scent" of leftism stuck on that giving it its "leftist" outlook. It simply was time and usage by these people that made it femminist and leftist.

To be fair politics is mostly that today. Nobody really cares what the conclusion from your believes is and what sort of world you should build, its just a match.

As such, in order to just further combat the leftist and femminist movement and to score wins, the rightist movement adopted the opposite. Its nothing more then another category to fight in, in order to shrink the influence and sucess of the hostile to you political option, otherwise if left unchecked, it would try to endleslly re-enter other topics from their, by that time, "native" nest.

What does abortion prove ultimetly? What does a foid sign when she commits abortion?

1. The man she got pregnant with is by her view not good enough to have a child with. He is to distant from the chad archetype. He is composed of phenotypes that should not be carried further into the future; if he was born in the future, then its something that shouldn't have happened; he should have not been born in near past most likely as well.
2. The fetus is of incelic value to the foid or her life and health are under threat.
2. It limits her time she can spend on hedonistic pleasure.
3. The man she got herself pregnant with is a ok match, but she sees a chance or hope to get a slightly better one. (Also why foids commit abortion for the purpose of self realization - the more they climb the ladder the greater standard they'll impose. Its better to be a single mom of a chad's child and be finacially independent then to have to have a family with a normie)
4. Its lookism, truly a foid can recognize attractivness and as much as we can try to doubt it the pregnancy has an effect on her body
5. Genuine appreciation of power over herself at the cost of life. Such foids exists by virtue of genetics who are just psychopaths and are abusive as hell. Nothing to help about it, its a dice roll. No difference with a man who sees other men as a currency to buy an achievement for his own account.

However what are the practical consequences of abortion that have an impact on politics?


And you may think now "The fuck you mean Iceland???"

You see, in Iceland the fetuses diagnosed with Down syndrome are aborted majority of the times.


Which lead to an interesting occurance where close to 100% of foids terminated the downsyndromcell.


However Iceland is a really nice propaganda example. Thier low population and birth rate really does allow to manipulate ppl with numbers that are true to the material they're built upon in order to construct a fitting narrative. Lets use a few better examples with greater population and similar liberal societies.


You read this title and think "Liberal society is not fascist! Phew!"

But then you go to the text...


Huh. Now I wonder what demophraphic does decide to give birth to such downsydnromcells. Maybe they're religious? What about family pressuring the foid into doing it even if she herself doesn't want it? Religious affiliation and beliefs surely do drag their two cents into the decision, and if the family is like that whilst the foid not, family pressure exists, hence why when underage foids don't have an abortion its because the parents didn't consent.



Even the femminist itself admits many foids are pressured to carry out a pregnancy based on the factors such as religion or the enviroment (family, partner, culture) and want to abolish it by protesting it or at the very least changing/substituting or replacing it. It is only a free decision, when the foid has nothing to use or stumble upon that can change her mind from the default, which is abortion in every case.


As we can see in the case of Downsyndromcells, foids as well as men terminate them. For men its a matter of honor and pride, as they are insulted that a subhuman spawn came from their seed whilst in the case of women its, as we know thanks to the blackpill, a matter of looks and aesthethic.

Despite all that, abortion when allowed leads us to a society which would be indistinguishable from a Nazi one. The biggest difference is that in a nazi state you'd be forced to do it, and right now foids are doing this from their own will, showcasing that they think in national socialist ways. However its only a matter of time, as the general fear in people is always the same, and was the same all those years ago in a very famous movie created by the NS government during the execution of the T4 programm called "Das Erbe".

The question then is, why limit foids on abortion absolutly? Why not support that policy, when beneficial? Why be against it in every case, why support christians? Only because it can score you a win against the femminist movement?

Shouldn't abortion be celebrated as a well passed test when a foid commits it to get herself cleaned from having to release and burden society and herself with such a creature? (creature according to true fascists, to me downsyndromcells are normal people and I have nothing against them, I am a staunch beloiever that the disabledcell is the most opressed incel)

And please, lets not be dishonest. If not for the nazis, people would wholeheartly express such ableist opinions, only because of history and the bad social stigma people generally care and express their fear of such a child getting bullied or having a worse quality of life as reasons, when they're excuses. The're just afraid of social outrage. Maybe high IQ people deceived themselves enough to convince themselves with their copes they really care about the potential pain, but regualr people do not.

Abortion's consequences on society is just a route, a channel to act upon inate ableist thoughts that women have and that their hypergamous nature is based on. Abortion is a guarantee of elimination of every disabled person and those deemed in the eyes of the foid to be less, its discriminatory and bigoted. Its a shortcut to get rid of the problem before it evolves enough that eliminating would be harder because of the new conditions present after a given time.

There's like milions of you mfs who wish all blacks would die or that all whites would die.

You hate to see your medium tier becky that because of your love starvation appears a fucking stacy if she's thin, with a mixed kid and seethe thinking another one was stolen from you. Where is the sense of limiting that foid from not performing her abortion to get rid of the fetus? You wouldn't get into a relantioship with her in order not to take care of that kid, and if she didn't have in the first place, maybe you could get her to give birth to one of your own? Same schematic applies to anyone thinking in terms of ethnicity and increasing the number of "your people"

Like how can you not see the bigger picture?

Abortion makes women able to have their cake and eat it too.

If men have to step up, women have to as well.

That means if they hop on a dick and pregnancy is the outcome, they will "woman up" and deal with it.

Abortion is just cunts get out of womanhood/motherhood responsibility card.

In old days women having kids was seen as a rite of passage and what made her go from girl to responsible "woman figure" more.

By letting anyone, be it the state or women themselves, handle Abortion it is cucked.

Imagine if men had such a thing where they can easily fuck around and be immune to child payments even in the absence of condoms or birth control (both are cucked as well in nature when you think about it), there would be no system supporting this.

The system supports abortion because it allows women to fuck and enjoy it and have no obligation afterwards meaning it keeps women child free and pushes work on both and women so they can further end up taxing men. If women have kids there needs to be more state payments but if women murder the little shits before they are born the hamster wheel keeps spinning and women can keep working and wageslaving like men, furthering taxation and their cucked Jewish agenda. And if she takes upon motherhood she can still cuck the man by forcing him to pay. So either way it is about benefiting women and screwing men.

Abortion being illegal makes women have to suck it up and face life.

So nobody should do abortion unless it's life or death situation at best.

If you support abortion kys and remove your balls you cuck.
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