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Venting Being multiracial SUCKS and racemixers should be shot.



Lonely since birth.
Oct 21, 2021
It's fucking suicidefuel every time I take off my mask. I don't pass as either of my races so people always stare :feelsree::feelsree:

Being ugly + looking mixed = deformed = truecel

I'll never forgive (((them))) for normalising this shit :reeeeee:
Also should be illegal to live outside of your native country, i didnt choose to be fucking alien.
I agree, they all should be gassed with Zyklon B
Based bluecel.
Too bad it’s promoted even on here:feelswhat:
cumskin stormfrontcuck "logic"
cumskin foid with a tyrone/ethnic= muhhh race mixing bad
cumskin with a noodlewhore= good
White mothers of white children were compared to white mothers of biracial children with the hypothesis that interracial families would have less social and community support. Results showed that the women were similar in terms of mental health and parenting behaviors. There were no differences in maternal age, employment status, or presence of a partner. However, mothers of biracial children were poorer, had more alcohol use, and decreased social support. They experienced more intimate partner violence and lower neighborhood satisfaction. Findings have implications for intervention programs focused on reducing social isolation within interracial families.

Results. Mixed-race adolescents showed higher risk when compared with single-race adolescents on general health questions, school experience, smoking and drinking, and other risk variables.

Conclusions. Adolescents who self-identify as more than 1 race are at higher health and behavior risks. The findings are compatible with interpreting the elevated risk of mixed race as associated with stress.

The preponderance of our evidence supports the conclusion that adolescents who identify more than 1 race are at higher health and behavior risks when compared with those who identify with 1 race only. This applies in a general way and is not distinctive to any particular race combinations. Further, it is not peculiar to any particular type of risk, but to most risks, both health and behavior.

Because risk among mixed-race adolescents is higher for all race combinations, some across-the-board explanation must be inferred. The most common explanation in the literature is stress associated with identity conflict. We cannot test this hypothesis directly. Many of the school variables tested for mixed-race risk are possible consequences of stress (e.g., most of the general health items, considered suicide, and drinking). Stress, then, is a possible explanation of mixed-race high risk because our risk assessment is based on possible stress symptoms. Whether the stress is associated with identity conflict is beyond our resources to test. Gibbs3 warns against jumping to the conclusion without direct evidence that the stresses of mixed-race adolescents are a consequence of race identity problems

The number of interracial couples in the U.S. is growing, but they often receive little support. Although previous studies have explored the relationship between low social support and decreased relationship satisfaction in interracial couples, there are few studies on intimate partner violence (IPV) in these couples. To better understand IPV in interracial couples compared to monoracial couples, all police-reported IPV events across a municipality were examined.

Odds ratios showed differences between interracial and ethnic minority monoracial couples. Interracial couples were more likely to have a history of prior IPV (OR = 2.60), engage in mutual assault (OR = 2.36), and result in perpetrator arrest (OR = 1.71) than ethnic minority monoracial couples. Victims of IPV in interracial couples were also more likely to be injured (OR = 1.37). There were no significant differences between the couples in terms of substance use or children present during the IPV event.

Differences between IPV in interracial and White couples also emerged. Interracial couples were more likely to have children present (OR = 1.84), to have a prior report (OR = 1.98), to result in victim injury (OR = 1.73), and to result in perpetrator arrest than White couples (OR = 2.18). Interracial couples were more likely to engage in mutual assault than White couples (OR = 2.94). However, interracial couples were about 50% less likely than White couples to use drugs or alcohol before or during the IPV event.

Research is needed to better understand the unique challenges and needs faced by interracial couples to help them sustain healthy partnerships.
It's fucking suicidefuel every time I take off my mask. I don't pass as either of my races so people always stare :feelsree::feelsree:

Being ugly + looking mixed = deformed = truecel

I'll never forgive (((them))) for normalising this shit :reeeeee:

Make [them] pay
I wanna fuck black women
It's fucking suicidefuel every time I take off my mask. I don't pass as either of my races so people always stare :feelsree::feelsree:

Being ugly + looking mixed = deformed = truecel

I'll never forgive (((them))) for normalising this shit :reeeeee:
Sorry boyo. But gotta do best you can in life to overcome, and ascend
cumskin stormfrontcuck "logic"
cumskin foid with a tyrone/ethnic= muhhh race mixing bad
cumskin with a noodlewhore= good
That's a strawman and you know it. Every stormfrontcel here hates racemixing. The only "white" user here who promotes WMAF is britbongcream
cumskin stormfrontcuck "logic"
cumskin foid with a tyrone/ethnic= muhhh race mixing bad
cumskin with a noodlewhore= good
The hell are you on about? Every SFcel here says that ALL racemixing is bad.

The only people here that say whites and noodles together are good are the non-white nationalist whitecels like @IncelCream
That's a strawman and you know it. Every stormfrontcel here hates racemixing. The only "white" user here who promotes WMAF is britbongcream
The hell are you on about? Every SFcel here says that ALL racemixing is bad.

The only people here that say whites and noodles together are good are the non-white nationalist whitecels like @IncelCream
interesting :dafuckfeels::feelssus:
Sure but whites are very mixed as well, especially Germanics, brits and meds. With different variations of whites, slavs and arabs. Nordcucks not as much I think but the merchants are working on it. East Asians are as well including Han Chinese (slaves of Qing). China is based though. Japs are probably the most pure race, no weeb. Tenno heika, BANZAI
An idea I had was to have several isolated breeding programs of mutts. In Muttlands they wouldn't feel different either as everybody would be mixed race in those places.
Agreed. I'm mixed (white and sand nigger) and my dating life is fucking miserable and non-existent. My parents vehemently hate each other, too. I feel like I don't belong around both sides of my family, though I look way more sand nigger than white. I would never wish being mixed upon anyone.
Sure but whites are very mixed as well, especially Germanics, brits and meds. With different variations of whites, slavs and arabs. Nordcucks not as much I think but the merchants are working on it. East Asians are as well including Han Chinese (slaves of Qing). China is based though. Japs are probably the most pure race, no weeb. Tenno heika, BANZAI
The Japs are one of the most muttiest races in all of the world, second only to the turks. We didn't even need modern DNA genomics to determine that. Anthropologists before WW2 long knew that Japan was an Island nation of mutts because it was determined that Japan was a settlement of many different cultures (from the mainland continent) in ancient and even more recent times as evidence by the archaeological sites.

The Japs are roughly 1/3 or slightly over, Jomonic (Native Japanese Ainu abo types), 1/3 Yayoi (North east Asians), and the rest in small amounts, Altaic, East Asians and south east asians.

It was thought earlier that migrations to the Island was mostly ancient involving first the Jomons (Haplogroup D) and later the Yayoi (Haplogroup O3E + O2B). But it was discovered recently that there was a more recent migration from the continent during the Kofun period of Japan (Haplogroup O3C, O3D, and O3). Most likely these were some Han Chinese and non-Han Chinese from the south-central provinces of China. And there are even small amounts of haplogroup C (Altaic-Mongols) and haplogroup N (uralic peoples) detected in Japan. Either these much smaller groups came to Japan in ancient migrations, or were already a part of the Yayoi wave of migrants that went into Japan (basically some Yayoi people that had parents from one of the Altaic or Uralic tribes, or the much more likely scenario, some yayoi foids that got raped by some dudes from the various Altaic tribes further north).

"Our data provide evidence of a tri-ancestry structure for present-day Japanese populations (Fig. 6), refining the established dual-structure model of admixed Jomon and Yayoi origins "

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I’m a mutt and that hasn’t negatively impacted me at all. My rejection and isolation is based on height and being incongruous. That may be because I’m in NY where no one cares
mixed genes tend to inherit the worst parts from both sides.
Agreed. I'm mixed (white and sand nigger) and my dating life is fucking miserable and non-existent. My parents vehemently hate each other, too. I feel like I don't belong around both sides of my family, though I look way more sand nigger than white. I would never wish being mixed upon anyone.
Arabs and Whites look similar, especially southern europeans like Italians, spaniards, porkchops and Greeks.

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