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Soy Being Fat Is a Choice!



Incelius Savage is The Godfather of Inceldom
Jul 23, 2021
I’m tired of skinnyfags who have never struggled with obesity say just eat less bro to us fatcels.:soy:

They cherry-pick a few examples or anecdotes of obese men that lost weight when the remaining 99.9% of obese men statistically never lose weight.

People know more about nutrition and go to the gym more now yet the obesity rates in every single developed country has been the same or higher for the past 30 years. :feelsUgh:

It’s not my fault that processed food in America is made by teams of food scientists to be more addictive than cocaine or that my hunger hormones make me forced to eat every hour. :feelsUgh:
Experiments in animals and humans show that, for some people, the same reward and pleasure centers of the brain that are triggered by addictive drugs like cocaine and heroin are also activated by food, especially highly palatable foods. Highly palatable foods are foods rich in:

  • Sugar
  • Fat
  • Salt
Researchers with the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) in the United Kingdom used a decade’s worth of digital health records for 278,982 people — 129,194 men and 149,788 women — and concluded current methods of getting people to lose weight aren’t working.
Researchers said the overall chances of an obese man obtaining a normal body weight were 1 in 210. For women, it was 1 in 124.

Those odds worsen as a person’s weight increases.

Men with a BMI over 40 had a 1 in 1,290 chance of becoming healthy while women in that category had a 1 in 677 chance

View: https://youtu.be/ForjP-B94eM

You don’t say to anorexic people to just eat more or drug addicts to stop using drugs, yet when it comes up to us obese men, people are always cruel and bully us for our weight that we can’t control. :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:
I’m tired of skinnyfags who have never struggled with obesity say just eat less bro to us fatcels.:soy:

They cherry-pick a few examples or anecdotes of obese men that lost weight when the remaining 99.9% of obese men statistically never lose weight.

People know more about nutrition and go to the gym more now yet the obesity rates in every single developed country has been the same or higher for the past 30 years. :feelsUgh:
View attachment 652017

It’s not my fault that processed food in America is made by teams of food scientists to be more addictive than cocaine or that my hunger hormones make me forced to eat every hour. :feelsUgh:

View: https://youtu.be/ForjP-B94eM

You don’t say to anorexic people to just eat more or drug addicts to stop using drugs, yet when it comes up to us obese men, people are always cruel and bully us for our weight that we can’t control. :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:

How did you gain so much weight? I am the same height as you and 130lbs, I wish I was naturally 160s or 170s instead. Most foids of this height are bigger than me.
man, but eating soo good
How did you gain so much weight? I am the same height as you and 130lbs, I wish I was naturally 160s or 170s instead. Most foids of this height are bigger than me.
You don’t say to anorexic people to just eat more or drug addicts to stop using drugs, yet when it comes up to us obese men, people are always cruel and bully us for our weight that we can’t control. :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:

I feel your pain, Brocel.

I weigh 20 stone, I'm literally exercising right now to try to lose weight. When I visited SEA to (unsuccessfully) find a toilet that would love me I noticed that I quickly lost weight, I lost 40 kg in 6 months, this came back immediately when I was back in the NL. The thing is, the moment those societies get our food standards they become just as fat (just look at Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Thailand in particular :feelsokman::ahegao:), while I like chubby toilets, if you're fat you are in particular excluded by them and I've yet to meet a toilet that would accept me, but none reject me as brutally as chubby toilets. For example the toilet from that YouTube thumbnail has the body I desire :ahegao::ahegao::ahegao: but she would reject me way more cruelly than even the skinniest Stacy.

Fat toilets have the worst personalities.

Also notice how there is no movement to actually fight obesity, advertisements for smoking is banned but I'm constantly being bombarded with "eat this delicious snack" and while I rarely buy them, I do eat more than others. Also Tails explains that this is genetic in one of his recent videos and gives us tips on how to lose weight by cheating our hunger.
Keep making excuses for being a fat fuck JFL, literally no different from your typical foid landwhale blaming her obesity on genetics and big bones
Keep making excuses for being a fat fuck JFL, literally no different from your typical foid landwhale blaming her obesity on genetics and big bones
Difference is a foid landwhale smv mogs most of the people on this forum (except curries of course)
They get all of the support
Meanwhile fat men are hated by both men and foids
Still OP is a curry so his weight does not prevent him from having sex

I’m tired of skinnyfags who have never struggled with obesity say just eat less bro to us fatcels.
it literally takes zero effort to not eat. it takes more effort breathing than losing weight
I'm fat since childhood. I have laugh at skinnyfags who say that eating less is non-effort thing, I can say to skinny people that eating more is non-effort thing. JFL at those who says that pre-puberty (before 10) child could be a volcel (if fatcel=volcel). I was gymmaxxing for two years and I lost max 22 lbs (10 kg), I didn't gain muscles or I gained but very little.
You don’t say to anorexic people to just eat more
Nah skinny people get the same treatment, both sides of the spectrum are retarded, no such thing as being “big boned” and no such thing as “fast metabolism”
Diet and exercise or even caloric restriction= band aid solution.

None of it actually solves the underlying problem ie cause of obesity.

Whether it’s that we eat too much, naturally store more fat than others or are naturally prevented by our body’s genetics from losing weight as easy as others or simply not putting it on to begin with or all of the above it’s more than clear that this is and will always remain primarily the medical and scientific community’s problem to solve.

Not ours.

Nor is it a moral failure on our part or a lack of responsibility that we‘re fat fucks. :feelsclown:

I have a cousin for example who should be twice as fat as me considering the amount of food he can eat in a single setting but nope.

He’s your typical skinny fag whom the general public in its retardation will automatically afford more respect to than guys like me simply because he looks in good shape and like he takes good care of himself lmfao. :feelskek:

Seriously with the way I’ve seen him eat his blood pressure and cholesterol levels are probable sky high. :feelsUgh:
Would you rather lose weight, go to the gym, follow a diet for months, and deprive yourself from delicious food, basically change your whole body like a cuck just to please foids, which won't work if you're an inkwell

Or continue to eat what you want bc you're a based boyo?

The dilemma is quickly answered ngl
Would you rather lose weight, go to the gym, follow a diet for months, and deprive yourself from delicious food, basically change your whole body like a cuck just to please foids, which won't work if you're an inkwell

Or continue to eat what you want bc you're a based boyo?

The dilemma is quickly answered ngl
based, bloatmaxxing is the trucel choice of life. :yes:
Brutal truth. I was able to get to 120-130 long term now from 180ish but it was very hard and I had to use alternate day fasting and more extreme methods to make it happen. Normal cuck ones like just eat less are cope
I like eating why should i do anything to change it to attract a foid? If i want to change i will do it for myself.
Just stop eating and start working out, fatso. It's literally that easy.
I used to wight 90kg at 5'4 and now I weight 76. There's no excuse other than "I'm lazy"
Fat people are fucking disgusting, whenever I'm eating at a restaurant and see a blob of lard devouring inhumane ammounts of food I cant help but to feel nauseated. Fat people should be fucking forcefully admitted to weight loss camps.
Just stop eating and start working out, fatso. It's literally that easy.
I used to wight 90kg at 5'4 and now I weight 76. There's no excuse other than "I'm lazy"
working out is not needed but I agree cardio helps. Imo cardio helps more with weightloss than weightlifting. Hard to do weightlifting and weightloss combined in my experience and for most people. Best to just do cardio till he is low weight then swap into lifting
Fat people are fucking disgusting, whenever I'm eating at a restaurant and see a blob of lard devouring inhumane ammounts of food I cant help but to feel nauseated. Fat people should be fucking forcefully admitted to weight loss camps.
I have fat relative and he got some skin infection which was covered up by his fat and only recently is getting it fixed. Very sad and disgusting. Fats also have worse smell due to more sweating from what I noticed. Very brutal
I guess it depends, for me it's largely my fault :feelswhere:
I have fat relative and he got some skin infection which was covered up by his fat and only recently is getting it fixed. Very sad and disgusting. Fats also have worse smell due to more sweating from what I noticed. Very brutal
Researchers said the overall chances of an obese man obtaining a normal body weight were 1 in 210. For women, it was 1 in 124.

Those odds worsen as a person’s weight increases.

Men with a BMI over 40 had a 1 in 1,290 chance of becoming healthy while women in that category had a 1 in 677 chance
That's actually a brutal fucking blackpill holy shit :fuk: 1 in 210 chance to become normal

I feel bad for fatcels, I will be sure to treat fat people better from now on :fuk::fuk:
Would you rather lose weight, go to the gym, follow a diet for months, and deprive yourself from delicious food, basically change your whole body like a cuck just to please foids, which won't work if you're an inkwell

Or continue to eat what you want bc you're a based boyo?

The dilemma is quickly answered ngl

Man Not caring about the opinions of These Rats really Is Something
Its because processed food is addictive. If you eat it like 3 days in a row you only want to eat that type of stuff.

I am talking from experience
More excuses and self-victimization for shit you can change be the biggest bluepilled cuck on this forum.
Eating is probably the single preasure most of incels have in life. Nobody should think less of a man because he's fat, since we face so much pressure and hardshipss trough life.
Keep making excuses for being a fat fuck JFL, literally no different from your typical foid landwhale blaming her obesity on genetics and big bones
Stop eating so many burgers, fatass
Stop eating so many burgers, fatass
Jfl, I’m also a fatass (gave up after accepting the blackpill) but I know it’s a fakecel low iq excuse making trait to claim it can’t be changed.
Jfl, I’m also a fatass (gave up after accepting the blackpill) but I know it’s a fakecel low iq excuse making trait to claim it can’t be changed.
Yeah I also gave up too after fully taking the blackpill.
That video was made by Jews who control the fast food and sugar industries. Of course they want you to know there is no hope so you keep buying their shit food.

If you exercise regularly and eat healthy you won’t get fat. It’s physically impossible
That video was made by Jews who control the fast food and sugar industries. Of course they want you to know there is no hope so you keep buying their shit food.

If you exercise regularly and eat healthy you won’t get fat. It’s physically impossible
Cope, it’s all about hormones. @Incelius Savage
Just eat less, lardass

T. Lost 17kg from dieting

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