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Venting Being ethnic is like playing life with every handicap on



Fesikhcel From Zabbaleen
Nov 10, 2017
So many disadvantages come with being ethnic. Looks are the most important thing in the world, and ethnics are repulsively hideous by definition. Height/Frame is also really important and most ethnics are small and short. Money and status? Very few ethnics are successful and we come from dirt poor nations where the currency isn't even worth the paper it's printed on, and being ethnic is like -10 status. Our cultures are shit, all our people do is waste time praying to their invisible man in the sky, or sometimes cows. Hard to even blame females for hating us, I hate me too.

The existence of an ethnic is a cruel joke, the only thing that keeps me going is knowing that one day I'll be in heaven with Blackops2cel.
Harsh blackpill. Imagine being a white woman in the West - it's not even tutorial mode, it's playing the game with all the cheats
Its brutal man
Being ethnic is an automatic minus to your SMV.
Strike 1 and 2, any other imperfections and you're out - Incels TV
Being ethnic is the ultimate flaw, it's not something you can recover from or compensate for.
Being ethnic is the ultimate flaw, it's not something you can recover from or compensate for.

With a lot of fame, money and success it's possible, like Aziz Ansari, but that is too rare to be taken seriously
With a lot of fame, money and success it's possible, like Aziz Ansari, but that is too rare to be taken seriously
Remember that if you ever ascend, make sure you never have your picture taken near a white man.
So true. I can’t imagine living my life as an oldricecel
The existence of an ethnic is a cruel joke, the only thing that keeps me going is knowing that one day I'll be in heaven with Blackops2cel.

Ameen brother, St.Blackops2cel-hu-akbar!!
also were on average low iq, vs whites
ethnics shouldnt breed
Remember that if you ever ascend, make sure you never have your picture taken near a white man.
I wouldn't call careermaxxing and betabuxxing ascension. Although... I guess it kind of is.
Ameen brother, St.Blackops2cel-hu-akbar!!
Blackops2cel Bless!

So true. I can’t imagine living my life as an oldricecel
The agepilled racepill is actually brutal. As ethnic we are ugly enough while young with a full head of hair, imagine growing old...

I wouldn't call careermaxxing and betabuxxing ascension. Although... I guess it kind of is.
This is one of the most bitter racepills, ethnics can not ascend in the traditional sense. Females cannot be attracted to us unless we successfully Micheal Jackson maxx, therefore betabux is the best we can do.
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This is one of the most bitter racepills, ethnics can not ascend in the traditional sense. Females cannot be attracted to us unless we successfully Micheal Jackson maxx, therefore betabux is the best we can do.
Ok well I don't agree that this applies especially to ethnics but obviously I do agree with the overarching principle. Also Michael Jackson was considered a stud to young girls in his youth. He was basically the Justin Beiber of the 80s.
Ok well I don't agree that this applies especially to ethnics but obviously I do agree with the overarching principle. Also Michael Jackson was considered a stud to young girls in his youth. He was basically the Justin Beiber of the 80s.

Wacko-Jacko was a pretty-boy tyrone also had an extremely high status because of pop-singermaxxing. That's an extremely rare and exceptional case. Happens one in a million.

But still he fell for the JBW-pill, faggot-pill and pedo-pill. He hated himself so much that he started to question about his race, gender and sexual orientation. A typical repercussion of being an ethnic.
Wacko-Jacko was a pretty-boy tyrone also had an extremely high status because of pop-singermaxxing. That's an extremely rare and exceptional case. Happens one in a million.

But still he fell for the JBW-pill, faggot-pill and pedo-pill. He hated himself so much that he started to question about his race, gender and sexual orientation. A typical repercussion of being an ethnic.
Idk man the running theory is that he fucked up because of his father's abuse when he was a youngster. You don't see Aziz Ansari going that route for example. He may be a subhuman looking betabuxxer but he's seems content enough with his ethnicness.
Idk man the running theory is that he fucked up because of his father's abuse when he was a youngster. You don't see Aziz Ansari going that route for example. He may be a subhuman looking betabuxxer but he's seems content enough with his ethnicness.

self-hate is part of an ethnics life regardless of the decisions made
Can you imagine how bad it is for a manlet ethnic with actual disabilities. Just fucking lol. I am lower in status than vermin.
What is your disability?
You said you have pale skin, why don't you run JBW game in SEA?
But some ethnics are chads though
Straighten your hair and then do nosejob.
Nose jobs for wide nigger noses are never successful. A nose job is only an option if you have a hooked jew nose.
Nose jobs for wide nigger noses are never successful. A nose job is only an option if you have a hooked jew nose.
There are a few doctors who know how to successfully change nigger noses, you have to leave America for it though JFL
There are a few doctors who know how to successfully change nigger noses, you have to leave America for it though JFL
Still seems risky, and also I'm poor.
Then why don't you just stay in your own damn country? I wish my parents stayed in the slavlands that's where we fucking belong, not the degenerate west..
The OP is totally on point. Being ethnic as an incel is a death sentence, in most cases the average ethnic male is an incel. Also ethnic females are ugly on average(except East Asian foids IMO!) Why do you think arranged marriage is pushed so hard for many ethnics? Let's face it ethnics aren't attracted to other ethnics. Really sad man.
Then why don't you just stay in your own damn country? I wish my parents stayed in the slavlands that's where we fucking belong, not the degenerate west..
Because Egypt is a dump, if I were to find myself back there the first thing I'd do is drown myself in the Nile.
Also ethnic females are ugly
They still belong to white men.
Ethnic + Non-chad = YOU ARE FUCKED
You said you have pale skin, why don't you run JBW game in SEA?
in do have pale skin, but if you think SEA foids don't differentiate between whites and fake white you would be super wrong. I have been then, man they can differentiate between eastern and western Europeans too. They became experts in whiteness.
Do you think ethnic races would be extinct now if not for arranged marriage?
we never got a chance

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