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SuicideFuel Being aware of my inceldom has basically killed my incentive to work hard.

  • Thread starter Incel_Because_Short
  • Start date


Nov 11, 2017
Before being made aware of how much being 5'4" negatively affected my ability to get a relationship with a woman, I was a very motivated person.

In my first year of University I was very studious, and I actually earned a 3.8 GPA. This was back when I was 17 and I wasn't aware of the blackpill. I also did this while I was working a part-time job, mind you, and I was also volunteering at a center to help people file their taxes while swimming and having general fitness goals. I was also learning French at that time, to be able to speak three languages in total (fluent in it right now).

Subconsciously, I got a lot of my motivation from the idea that one day, a girl would see how much of a catch I was and want to date me.

Then, I got blackpilled. It was always a splinter in my mind, but eventually I realized that everything I was trying to do to get a woman's attention was effortless. I reached a denial and anger phase, in which I responded by trying to be more assertive and lifting weights all the time. For most of University I still had hopes that I would land a girlfriend before I graduated.

Now I'm 23, I graduated from University two years ago, and I frankly don't care anymore. I lost all hope that a girl will ever be attracted to me, and with that all of my motivation to learn new things or lift weights religiously or do much of anything. I took the easy way out and enlisted in the military, doing what is essentially a paper pushing role. There are opportunities to get promoted, but I just don't give a fuck. I just do the bare minimum required to keep my job so that I can get paid. Five years of failed socialization made me not want to go outside much anymore. I go home, play video games, maybe drink, and that's it. I do the bare minimum required for fitness (counting calories and doing some bodyweight exercises), and if I get too horny I just spend money on escorts.

Men who are able to get women's attention and have girlfriends don't suffer from a lack of motivation. They have a glow about them that allows them to strive for better positions in life, to put more effort in at work and to socialize. All of this is granted by women, they are the ones that motivate you to work hard. Without any female attention in your life, it just seems pointless to do any more than the bare minimum required to keep you alive.
I know. The same happened to me. The blackpill crushes your soul.
The reason human tribes have long rewarded beta males like you with wives is because beta males like you are useful. Look at all the good you were doing for youself and the people around you. Did chad do that? No. Alpha males are useless outside of hunter-gather societies, it is the """unworthy""" beta males that keep the water running and lights on.

Yet, in the modern west, when a beta male like you puts his all into becoming a genuinly good and useful member of society, he ends up with jack shit. Meanwhile, the alpha male who is broke is drowning in 16 year old pussy night and day.

It's no wonder men don't give a fuck anymore.
Even if you do still work it's all about connections now no matter what area you go into. I've seen normies bragging about this. They know of this too now and it's common to hear guys talking about how grades and GPA don't matter that much anymore and that's it's who you know.
That and seeing how easily women can get opportunities from all the connections they naturally have is enough to kill a lot of motivation tbh
same except I dropped the fuck out and I'm a ldaring neetcel now :feelzez:
I'm on the same train, I am now in a super high paying field. I will never be a beta buck cuck
Now I'm 23, I graduated from University two years ago, and I frankly don't care anymore.
If you go through university and remain incel, you know its truly over.

I believe many men do not reach their full potentials due to their inceldom.
same tbh even before i was fired and became NEET i didnt give a fuck about work, only cared about working enough to cover the rent then who gives a fuck after that
Before being made aware of how much being 5'4" negatively affected my ability to get a relationship with a woman, I was a very motivated person.

In my first year of University I was very studious, and I actually earned a 3.8 GPA. This was back when I was 17 and I wasn't aware of the blackpill. I also did this while I was working a part-time job, mind you, and I was also volunteering at a center to help people file their taxes while swimming and having general fitness goals. I was also learning French at that time, to be able to speak three languages in total (fluent in it right now).

Subconsciously, I got a lot of my motivation from the idea that one day, a girl would see how much of a catch I was and want to date me.

Then, I got blackpilled. It was always a splinter in my mind, but eventually I realized that everything I was trying to do to get a woman's attention was effortless. I reached a denial and anger phase, in which I responded by trying to be more assertive and lifting weights all the time. For most of University I still had hopes that I would land a girlfriend before I graduated.

Now I'm 23, I graduated from University two years ago, and I frankly don't care anymore. I lost all hope that a girl will ever be attracted to me, and with that all of my motivation to learn new things or lift weights religiously or do much of anything. I took the easy way out and enlisted in the military, doing what is essentially a paper pushing role. There are opportunities to get promoted, but I just don't give a fuck. I just do the bare minimum required to keep my job so that I can get paid. Five years of failed socialization made me not want to go outside much anymore. I go home, play video games, maybe drink, and that's it. I do the bare minimum required for fitness (counting calories and doing some bodyweight exercises), and if I get too horny I just spend money on escorts.

Men who are able to get women's attention and have girlfriends don't suffer from a lack of motivation. They have a glow about them that allows them to strive for better positions in life, to put more effort in at work and to socialize. All of this is granted by women, they are the ones that motivate you to work hard. Without any female attention in your life, it just seems pointless to do any more than the bare minimum required to keep you alive.

There are many reasons that motivate people in their lives:

-Impressing women
-Providing for their family
-Fame or prestige
-Proving to themselves/others that they are talented, smart, or "have value" based on some arbitrary standard that they've decided on
-Striving towards some abstract ideal or higher meaning, like "virtue," "selflessness," "helping the world," etc.
-Countless other reasons I haven't included

It's in human nature to want some higher meaning/purpose to motivate all of our actions, some unifying principle or principles that guide our path in life. You've removed the possibility for the first option on the above list (unless you lie to yourself, which I wouldn't recommend). So, you have two options. You can find another source of meaning that will motivate you to accomplish something with your life. Or, you can accept that there is no meaning, and try to be happy in spite of that fact. The second option is much harder (but doable), and I would recommend you try to get the first option to work if at all possible (from my own experience, I've accepted the second option, after having spent years trying the first option).
same except I dropped the fuck out and I'm a ldaring neetcel now :feelzez:
I envy you. I seriously considered dropping out after the 1st year. Now I'm on my last year and I've accomplished nothing. I have zero connections and if i want to do anything high-paying I'll have to go back to school again to do so. My motivation to work (in all aspects of my life) is at an all-time low. I just don't care anymore
This makes me wants to kill every fucking chad in this planet. But that still wouldn't solve anything since foids are petulants bastards who won't lower their standards.
Accepting the fact that foids don't want you it's hard to swallow but a necesity, and side effects results on lack of inspiration to suicide.
Next time when a kid asks you about the cycle of life tell them this shit so they get prepared:
1.-Be born
2.-Grow up
3(If you are ugly and a man skip to #4).-Reproduce
The hopelessness of my situation has crushed my desire to do anything requiring any sort of effort, including writing the type of high-effort posts that you see from other users on this forum. Working hard, working out, reading more than a few paragraphs at a time, creating music/art/games, and even playing time-intensive video games is out for me. I am a completely different person than I was 15, 20, 25 years ago. My spark is gone. My flame is extinguished. I am just passing time while waiting to die.
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The hopelessness of my situation has crushed my desire to do anything requiring any sort of effort, including writing the type of high-effort posts you see from some other users on this forum.

ngl Brutal LowEffortPill
Although I have been blackpilled for quite sometime and can hardly remember ever being bluepilled I do see that I have become more apathetic. I no longer have the desire to do anything productive in terms of studies or anything else that requires effort. In the past I used to get mostly A’s but now I just get B’s and C’s. The only things I do now are play video games, watch anime/hentai, and post here
The hopelessness of my situation has crushed my desire to do anything requiring any sort of effort, including writing the type of high-effort posts that you see from other users on this forum. Working hard, reading more than a few paragraphs at a time, creating music/art/games, and even playing time-intensive video games is out for me. I am a completely different person than I was 15, 20, 25 years ago. My spark is gone. My flame is extinguished. I am just passing time while waiting to die.
It's part of the agepill ngl
The amount of energy you have to even do anything becomes essentially zero without trying to find some way to motivate yourself or from discomfort.
I envy you. I seriously considered dropping out after the 1st year. Now I'm on my last year and I've accomplished nothing. I have zero connections and if i want to do anything high-paying I'll have to go back to school again to do so. My motivation to work (in all aspects of my life) is at an all-time low. I just don't care anymore
lol it took me until the end to drop out. I was giga depressed by then. it's useless tbh. the only way to learn something is to do it, not rot in a room suffering through garbage low quality books for weeks on end. I mean I like learning stuff I really do but ain't no actual learning at a university that's for sure. I can count the useful classes I've had in four years on one hand. I mean it's a good idea to finish I guess if you've still got it in you but I just didn't
It's part of the agepill ngl
The amount of energy you have to even do anything becomes essentially zero without trying to find some way to motivate yourself or from discomfort.

Age may be part of it, but the biggest factor is the blackpill's effect of creating an irreversible feeling of hopelessness. I'd be willing to bet that I'd be similarly unmotivated about everything if I were a decade or two younger and was exposed to the blackpill in its entirety. Pussy is the most powerful motivator for most men. Remove any hope of ever attaining that and your drive to do anything productive diminishes quickly (for most people anyway).
Yup there it is, all that effort, pointless, all they see is a short man or an ugly face.

Drop out doing fuck all Chad gets all the attention.

Just keep fucking whores but you'll never get intimacy.
The reason human tribes have long rewarded beta males like you with wives is because beta males like you are useful. Look at all the good you were doing for youself and the people around you. Did chad do that? No. Alpha males are useless outside of hunter-gather societies, it is the """unworthy""" beta males that keep the water running and lights on.

Yet, in the modern west, when a beta male like you puts his all into becoming a genuinly good and useful member of society, he ends up with jack shit. Meanwhile, the alpha male who is broke is drowning in 16 year old pussy night and day.

It's no wonder men don't give a fuck anymore.
We've all been there bud. I am on the same boat as you. Trying to rekindle my motivation but nothing works.
The hopelessness of my situation has crushed my desire to do anything requiring any sort of effort, including writing the type of high-effort posts that you see from other users on this forum. Working hard, working out, reading more than a few paragraphs at a time, creating music/art/games, and even playing time-intensive video games is out for me. I am a completely different person than I was 15, 20, 25 years ago. My spark is gone. My flame is extinguished. I am just passing time while waiting to die.

This exact same thing is happening to me.
lol it took me until the end to drop out. I was giga depressed by then. it's useless tbh. the only way to learn something is to do it, not rot in a room suffering through garbage low quality books for weeks on end. I mean I like learning stuff I really do but ain't no actual learning at a university that's for sure. I can count the useful classes I've had in four years on one hand. I mean it's a good idea to finish I guess if you've still got it in you but I just didn't
University started as a way to guarantee the elites children had access to an education to keep them in the upper echelons of society & the boss of the proletariat while also enabling great minds to test theories for the benefit of society.

University now is a cash grab scheme to keep the youth of tomorrow permanently in a cycle of debt with a false sense of intelligence, an agenda to make a degree necessary for even the most mundane of jobs, keep them in the mindset of a child for longer & make money from any discoveries their student body has to keep the investors happy. They want as many fuckers enrolling as possible, if everyone has a degree who's special now?

The degree you hold matters less than the prestigious title of the facility you attended.

Many morons fluent at one thing assuming they're genius in all areas surrounded by pompous professors that hate anyone thinking for themselves or daring to challenge their intellectual perfection.
Before being made aware of how much being 5'4" negatively affected my ability to get a relationship with a woman, I was a very motivated person.

In my first year of University I was very studious, and I actually earned a 3.8 GPA. This was back when I was 17 and I wasn't aware of the blackpill. I also did this while I was working a part-time job, mind you, and I was also volunteering at a center to help people file their taxes while swimming and having general fitness goals. I was also learning French at that time, to be able to speak three languages in total (fluent in it right now).

Subconsciously, I got a lot of my motivation from the idea that one day, a girl would see how much of a catch I was and want to date me.

Then, I got blackpilled. It was always a splinter in my mind, but eventually I realized that everything I was trying to do to get a woman's attention was effortless. I reached a denial and anger phase, in which I responded by trying to be more assertive and lifting weights all the time. For most of University I still had hopes that I would land a girlfriend before I graduated.

Now I'm 23, I graduated from University two years ago, and I frankly don't care anymore. I lost all hope that a girl will ever be attracted to me, and with that all of my motivation to learn new things or lift weights religiously or do much of anything. I took the easy way out and enlisted in the military, doing what is essentially a paper pushing role. There are opportunities to get promoted, but I just don't give a fuck. I just do the bare minimum required to keep my job so that I can get paid. Five years of failed socialization made me not want to go outside much anymore. I go home, play video games, maybe drink, and that's it. I do the bare minimum required for fitness (counting calories and doing some bodyweight exercises), and if I get too horny I just spend money on escorts.

Men who are able to get women's attention and have girlfriends don't suffer from a lack of motivation. They have a glow about them that allows them to strive for better positions in life, to put more effort in at work and to socialize. All of this is granted by women, they are the ones that motivate you to work hard. Without any female attention in your life, it just seems pointless to do any more than the bare minimum required to keep you alive.
Preaching to the choir
Lol Im the same

I had a 4.0 my freshman, sophmore nad junior years and then just kid of gave up and almost failed my senior year

I quit my job cause I couldnt perform well and then went back to gradschool because I have more free time than working full time

I just dont see why even try anymore if youre just going to live and die alone
the blackpill has to be taken once you are in a steady job/career. This ensures you have some cash for some nice tech toys/tools to distract from the nonsense of the world.
Age may be part of it, but the biggest factor is the blackpill's effect of creating an irreversible feeling of hopelessness. I'd be willing to bet that I'd be similarly unmotivated about everything if I were a decade or two younger and was exposed to the blackpill in its entirety. Pussy is the most powerful motivator for most men. Remove any hope of ever attaining that and your drive to do anything productive diminishes quickly (for most people anyway).
Yeah probably but to the extent you don't even have the energy to type out a lot of paragraphs as much anymore seems age related too. It's not easy after you get the irreversible feeling of hopelessness from blackpill to do that but it's easier than doing most other things. Which is why I think a lot of guys here that don't have much motivation to do anything else still do fine with making high effort posts.
Life is extremely grim and depressing without women tbh
We are going to see mass unemployment because women refuse to treat sub 8 men as human beings
I know. The same happened to me. The blackpill crushes your soul.
Life is extremely grim and depressing without women tbh
Men who experienced teen love and have women's attention and have girlfriends don't suffer from a lack of motivation. They have a glow about them that allows them to strive for better positions in life, to put more effort in at work and to socialize. All of this is granted by women, they are the ones that motivate you to work hard. Without any female attention in your life, it just seems pointless to do any more than the bare minimum required to keep you alive.
Been saying this for a long time, also corrected your post slightly
Anyways great post bro
This sounds like cope but lots of people, even Chads are really lazy. Its just in Chad's case he never needs to put effort in with women and even finds it easier to get jobs, but he's still playing fifa, irl sports which he enjoys or plays a guitar - nothing of which is beyond the average incel either.
With all the problems inceldom brought, I became more interested in preparing for the afterlife as a way to cope
Neo-liberalism is reliant on the "Protestant Work-Ethic" and with it's death will come the death of western society.
OP, you have all of the ingredients for success (work ethic, determination, ambition). All you need to do now is to channel that into some purpose greater than pussy.

What did you graduate in?

The reason human tribes have long rewarded beta males like you with wives is because beta males like you are useful. Look at all the good you were doing for youself and the people around you. Did chad do that? No. Alpha males are useless outside of hunter-gather societies, it is the """unworthy""" beta males that keep the water running and lights on.

Yet, in the modern west, when a beta male like you puts his all into becoming a genuinly good and useful member of society, he ends up with jack shit. Meanwhile, the alpha male who is broke is drowning in 16 year old pussy night and day.

It's no wonder men don't give a fuck anymore.


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