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SuicideFuel Being a Low Energycel = Over

Incel Prime

Incel Prime

Jun 6, 2018
Being a Low Energy incel is probably the worst type of incel there is. In Social situations you don't make any impressions on anyone because you don't say anything or make yourself noticed. So your chances of girls noticing you is even lower than the average Incel that at least is high enough energy to be noticed. Even if its as being a creep or they can at least get girls albeit Negative. Doing any kind of maxxing for Low Energy cels also feels like moving mountains. it is extremely hard for us to get motivated to do the most menial of tasks let alone consistently do something every day for however many months. We are called lazy and failures because we don't have the energy to do anything. A lot of us end up as NEETs cause we can't hold jobs long enough or even get motivated enough to get a job. Trying to Approach women feels next to impossible because the sheer amount of will power and energy it takes to do something the average normie makes look easy. Being a low energy cell essentially is every day is LDAR.
yup, sums me up perfectly

Yeah i feel you lol, i hate being low energy... you just have to massively push yourself to do things (as much of a chore as it is) and get into routine.
if i had a chad face i'd be more high energy, i'm sure of it.

being miserable all the time, because you're ugly, is draining
Yeah i feel you lol, i hate being low energy... you just have to massively push yourself to do things (as much of a chore as it is) and get into routine.
Yeah Low energy cels can be good if we get into a routine. The moment that routine is broken though it's all fucking down hill and a battle to get back up again. I had a routine but I broke it for 6 months. The first 3 months I was ok. The last 3 months I was LDAR without structure.
Story of my life
Ask @idkwattodowithlife how to be energetic and hyper.
im low energy all the time, it does make me give 0 fucks about most things tho which is a positive
Especially even getting up in the mornings knowing there's nothing to look forward to other then going back to bed again that night and sleeping
Being a Low Energy incel is probably the worst type of incel there is. In Social situations you don't make any impressions on anyone because you don't say anything or make yourself noticed. So your chances of girls noticing you is even lower than the average Incel that at least is high enough energy to be noticed. Even if its as being a creep or they can at least get girls albeit Negative. Doing any kind of maxxing for Low Energy cels also feels like moving mountains. it is extremely hard for us to get motivated to do the most menial of tasks let alone consistently do something every day for however many months. We are called lazy and failures because we don't have the energy to do anything. A lot of us end up as NEETs cause we can't hold jobs long enough or even get motivated enough to get a job. Trying to Approach women feels next to impossible because the sheer amount of will power and energy it takes to do something the average normie makes look easy. Being a low energy cell essentially is every day is LDAR.
yes, i identify
Especially even getting up in the mornings knowing there's nothing to look forward to other then going back to bed again that night and sleeping
I find time goes by even faster when LDARing. Cause you literally are just existing. The guilt then comes cause you know you are wasting your life but cant do anything about it
I know exactly how you feel. I've been NEET for the better part of 14 years and can tell you that it only gets harder as you age. I still push myself to be productive by running errands for my mom, doing chores on occasion and doing heavy reading everyday(study math as a hobby).

I pushed myself to be more social by taking customer service jobs and doing career training programs, yet I could never seem to overcome my lack of presence with people. At this point I don't ever care anymore. Fuck em, I'll look for jobs more befitting of an introvert.
how to become high energy?
You are either born high energy or not
I'm getting more like that the more I age and get blackpilled. I don't put much effort into anything social because I know it's useless.

Even though I'm NT and don't have a particular hard time getting a conversation going I seldom do it nowadays. I just let it die, it's pointless.
You are not low energy. You are a contemplative. The fault doesn't lie in you, but western society focusing purely and entirely on action leaving those like us completely in the dirt. Regen Guenon discussed this problem in several of his works, like The Crisis of the Modern World or The Reign of Quantity:

It is not enough however to withhold approval of modern inventions on the grounds of their dangerous side alone; there is more than this to the affair. One hears of the 'benefits' claimed for what men have agreed to call 'progress', and that one might even consent so to call, provided one take care to make it clear that there is no question of any but a purely material progress; but are not these 'benefits', of which people are so proud, very largely illusory? Our contemporaries claim they increase their 'welfare' by this means; in our opinion, the end they set themselves, even if it were really attained, is hardly worth the expenditure of so much effort; but what is more, it seems a very debatable question whether they do attain it. In the first place, the fact should be taken into account that not all men have the same tastes or the same needs, and that there are still some who would wish to avoid modern commotion and the craving ... for speed, but who can no longer do so. Could anyone presume to maintain that it is a 'benefit' to these people to have thrust on them what is most contrary to their nature? It will be said in reply that there are few such men today, and this is considered a justification for treating them as a negligible quantity; in this, as in the field of politics, the majority arrogates to itself the right to crush minorities, which, in its eyes, evidently have no right to exist, since their very existence defies the egalitarian mania for uniformity.

...the modern West cannot tolerate that men should prefer to work less and be content to live on little; as it is only quantity that counts, and as everything that escapes the senses is held to be nonexistent, it is taken for granted that anyone who is not in a state of agitation and who does not produce much in a material way must be 'lazy'. In evidence of this and without speaking of the opinions commonly expressed about Eastern peoples, it is enough to note how the contemplative orders are viewed, even in circles that consider themselves religious. In such a world, there is no longer any place for intelligence, or anything else that is purely inward, for these are things that can neither be seen nor touched, that can neither be counted nor weighed; there is a place only for outward action in all its forms, even those that are the most completely meaningless. For this reason it should not be a matter for surprise that the Anglo-Saxon mania for sport gains ground day by day: the ideal of the modern world is the 'human animal' who has developed his muscular strength to the highest pitch; its heroes are athletes, even though they be mere brutes; it is they who awaken popular enthusiasm, and it is their exploits that ,command the passionate interest of the crowd. A world in which such things are seen has indeed sunk low and seems near its end.

However, let us consider things for a moment from the standpoint of those whose ideal is material 'welfare', and who therefore rejoice at all the improvements to life furnished by modern 'progress'; are they quite sure they are not being duped? Is it true that, because they dispose of swifter means of communication and other things of the kind, and because of their more agitated and complicated manner of life, men are happier today than they were formerly? The very opposite seems to us to be true: disequilibrium cannot be a condition of real happiness. Moreover, the more needs a man has, the greater the likelihood that he will lack something, and thereby be unhappy; modern civilization aims at creating more and more artificial needs, and as we have already said, it will always create more needs than it can satisfy, for once one has started on this path, it is very hard to stop, and, indeed, there is no reason for stopping at any particular point. It was no hardship for men to do without things that did not exist and of which they had never dreamed; now, on the contrary, they are bound to suffer if they lack these things, since they have become accustomed to consider them as necessities, with the result that they have, in fact, really become necessary to them. Therefore men struggle in every possible way to obtain the means of procuring material satisfactions, the only ones that they are capable of appreciating: they are interested only in 'making money', because it is money that enables them to obtain these things, the more of which they have, the more they wish to have, as they go on discovering fresh needs; and this passion becomes for them the sole end in life. Hence the savage competition certain evolutionists have raised to the dignity of a scientific law under the name of 'the struggle for existence', whose logical consequence is that only the strongest, in the narrowly material sense of the word, have a right to exist.
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You are not low energy. You are a contemplative. The fault doesn't lie in you, but western society focusing purely and entirely on action leaving those like us completely in the dirt. Regen Guenon discussed this problem in several of his works, like The Crisis of the Modern World or The Reign of Quantity:
Sounds right. Material shit doesnt motivate me. There are a couple of things I enjoy spending money on recreationally but other than that I dont care much tbh. I dont care about a big house. Dont care about a expensive car.
You are not low energy. You are a contemplative. The fault doesn't lie in you, but western society focusing purely and entirely on action leaving those like us completely in the dirt. Regen Guenon discussed this problem in several of his works, like The Crisis of the Modern World or The Reign of Quantity:
I like Guénon too, but let's be honest: everything he wrote was probably just an elaborate cope to feel better about his own low energy and introversion. (Lol@ his contempt for sports). I fear that Nietzsche's judgment of philosophers as professional copers is valid every single time. Contemplative societies probably never existed in the way Guénon describes them (even monks were expected to work or pray as much as possible in the middle ages), and no one here would want to live for long in a purely contemplative society, especially when it rejects technology as well, as such a society is condemned sooner or later to offer too little material comfort and ultimately be conquered by a more energetic civilization; this is what happened to India at some point.

The West has a tradition of low energy and introverted men as intellectuals and clerics, but thinking intelligence and low energy are necessary linked is the oldest cope in the book.
I remember trying to take advantage of that 'still water runs deep' saying. I didn't say much, but they would pay attention when I did speak. Except they didn't. They talked over me.

Still water is also what bacteria grows in.
I disagree. The west is an anomaly. The proof of this is the conditions were are at. And material progress is also unique of the west, and is the result of the cult of the material, which didn't exist anywhere in the past. Not even the Romans went that far, and they could have easily done it if they wanted to. The progressivist narrative that the march of history has been towards technological progress is a myth. Medieval Europe was in no way more technologically advanced than any other ancient culture. That the scientific revolution occurred in Europe and not anywhere else was due the development of a unique mentality, it was not due to any gradual "advancement" on the part of European society, least of all of a technological kind. Westerners gave up on God and turned themselves on the world exclusively. The result is this nightmare was call modern civilization, where you are supposed to devote your entire existence to maintain a system that produces things human beings never needed.
I know that feel.I have an organism of an 80 year old woman. IT is probably low T.
Being a Low Energy incel is probably the worst type of incel there is. In Social situations you don't make any impressions on anyone because you don't say anything or make yourself noticed. So your chances of girls noticing you is even lower than the average Incel that at least is high enough energy to be noticed. Even if its as being a creep or they can at least get girls albeit Negative. Doing any kind of maxxing for Low Energy cels also feels like moving mountains. it is extremely hard for us to get motivated to do the most menial of tasks let alone consistently do something every day for however many months. We are called lazy and failures because we don't have the energy to do anything. A lot of us end up as NEETs cause we can't hold jobs long enough or even get motivated enough to get a job. Trying to Approach women feels next to impossible because the sheer amount of will power and energy it takes to do something the average normie makes look easy. Being a low energy cell essentially is every day is LDAR.

My life in a nutshell
I have little energy
i had energy as a kid. now i just sit in bed all day until my friend agrees to hang out
Westerners gave up on God and turned themselves on the world exclusively. The result is this nightmare was call modern civilization, where you are supposed to devote your entire existence to maintain a system that produces things human beings never needed.
we are indoctrinated to be sheeps in human clothing , to enjoy being shit and be productive , so you can be rewarded with food , ala
basic needs you work for ( jfl at people not realizing this ) and some material bullshit so you can keep up " with the status quo

its fucking retarded

@Opus132 your very high iq , i like it
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if i had a chad face i'd be more high energy, i'm sure of it.

being miserable all the time, because you're ugly, is draining
This. It's why normals have more energy
ADDcel reporting in. Basically just lying in bed 24/7 jfl
I can relate af, I simply to feel motivated to interact with foids, that's why I never approached one in all my life
Processing social cues and emotions can take a lot of energy, and make you feel overwhelmed and tired if you are emotionally well attuned to people. Normies and chad especially don't have that problem so they don't get tired. From that point onwards it's just a vicious cycle.
True. I'm extremely low energy and passive. I behave like a quiet girl. But unlike them it is impossible for me to ever have sexual relations. I want people to do things to me, I want to observe them. I do not initiate. Death sentence for sub-8 males TBH.

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