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Experiment BDSM Test Results.



Swallowed into the Abyss
Nov 7, 2018
Feel free to post your results using this website below

== My Results from bdsmtest.org ==
100% Submissive
100% Brat
95% Boy/Girl
94% Slave
63% Ageplayer
61% Primal (Prey)
57% Rope bunny
48% Exhibitionist
44% Pet
33% Masochist
26% Degradee
25% Non-monogamist
16% Voyeur
10% Experimentalist
1% Brat tamer
0% Primal (Hunter)
0% Rigger
0% Daddy/Mommy
0% Dominant
0% Vanilla
0% Degrader
0% Owner
0% Master/Mistress
0% Sadist
0% Switch
Not gonna do that shit, I'm not getting laid anyway kek
tbh tbh, I aint getting laid either so I kinda wasted my miserable time
The thing I see useful about it is that after seeing the results you can look for porn based on it :feelskek:
100% Degrader
100% Degradee
100% Rigger
100% Sadist
100% Rope bunny
100% Experimentalist
90% Owner
89% Dominant
79% Submissive
71% Exhibitionist
65% Primal (Hunter)
62% Switch
47% Non-monogamist
45% Voyeur
43% Brat tamer
43% Daddy/Mommy
39% Master/Mistress
38% Pet
33% Masochist
31% Slave
13% Brat
4% Boy/Girl
1% Primal (Prey)
1% Vanilla
0% Ageplayer
== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
93% Daddy/Mommy
83% Owner
79% Master/Mistress
79% Dominant
66% Primal (Hunter)
59% Switch
59% Brat tamer
55% Experimentalist
53% Vanilla
46% Ageplayer
41% Sadist
39% Submissive
36% Masochist
14% Brat
4% Boy/Girl
3% Primal (Prey)
3% Rigger
2% Slave
1% Degrader
1% Degradee
1% Pet
0% Rope bunny
0% Exhibitionist
0% Voyeur
0% Non-monogamist
100% Dominant
100% Master/Mistress
98% Daddy/Mommy
97% Owner
89% Degrader
73% Primal (Hunter)
68% Sadist
52% Exhibitionist
50% Voyeur
47% Vanilla
46% Ageplayer
43% Brat tamer
40% Rigger
40% Non-monogamist
36% Experimentalist
4% Boy/Girl
1% Brat
1% Degradee
1% Primal (Prey)
1% Slave
1% Switch
1% Pet
0% Rope bunny
0% Submissive
0% Masochist
100% Dominant
100% Master/Mistress
98% Daddy/Mommy
97% Owner
89% Degrader
73% Primal (Hunter)
68% Sadist
52% Exhibitionist
50% Voyeur
47% Vanilla
46% Ageplayer
43% Brat tamer
40% Rigger
40% Non-monogamist
36% Experimentalist
4% Boy/Girl
1% Brat
1% Degradee
1% Primal (Prey)
1% Slave
1% Switch
1% Pet
0% Rope bunny
0% Submissive
0% Masochist
Based and high T
100% Switch
100% Rigger
63% Rope bunny
63% Primal (Hunter)
56% Dominant
56% Submissive
53% Vanilla
51% Brat tamer
49% Primal (Prey)
43% Daddy/Mommy
42% Slave
39% Ageplayer
30% Masochist
1% Pet
1% Brat
0% Degradee
0% Exhibitionist
0% Boy/Girl
0% Experimentalist
0% Voyeur
0% Degrader
0% Owner
0% Master/Mistress
0% Sadist
0% Non-monogamist

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I enjoy people seeing me being naked or having sex, even (or especially) when they didn't intend to do so.

This is the kinda bullshit... see the thing about websites and stuff that are about being sexually deviant is, they try to word things in a way that makes them sound normal and acceptable, because God help you if you "kink shame" them. "I enjoy people seeing me being naked or having sex, even (or especially) when they didn't intend to do so." What they meant to say is "I like exposing myself to people illegally. I wanna show people my dick, knowing that they don't want to see my dick." But because you can't tell anybody they're wrong nowadays, I gotta be tolerant of this.

Anyway, absolutely agree.


== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
61% Exhibitionist
51% Vanilla
45% Voyeur
7% Ageplayer
6% Daddy/Mommy
5% Non-monogamist
3% Primal (Hunter)
2% Primal (Prey)
1% Experimentalist
1% Brat
1% Brat tamer
1% Submissive
0% Rope bunny
0% Slave
0% Degradee
0% Boy/Girl
0% Rigger
0% Masochist
0% Dominant
0% Degrader
0% Pet
0% Owner
0% Master/Mistress
0% Sadist
0% Switch

You watch one Busty Loads video and it ruins your shit for life.
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== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
98% Slave
95% Rope bunny
83% Boy/Girl
75% Voyeur
75% Degradee
75% Submissive
66% Dominant
62% Masochist
61% Master/Mistress
60% Primal (Hunter)
59% Switch
58% Sadist
55% Vanilla
55% Experimentalist
54% Exhibitionist
51% Ageplayer
49% Brat
46% Brat tamer
43% Daddy/Mommy
42% Pet
41% Owner
38% Primal (Prey)
38% Rigger
14% Degrader
3% Non-monogamist
I checked some questions randomly, though. I'm too lazy to do tests properly.
== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
100% Dominant
100% Master/Mistress
99% Vanilla
97% Primal (Hunter)
93% Daddy/Mommy
43% Brat tamer
43% Owner
18% Experimentalist
6% Ageplayer
4% Rigger
1% Primal (Prey)
1% Brat
1% Boy/Girl
0% Rope bunny
0% Slave
0% Degradee
0% Exhibitionist
0% Voyeur
0% Submissive
0% Masochist
0% Degrader
0% Pet
0% Sadist
0% Non-monogamist
0% Switch

= Results from bdsmtest.org ==
99% Pet
98% Submissive
95% Masochist
94% Slave
89% Degradee
80% Primal (Prey)
70% Boy/Girl
63% Rope bunny
41% Vanilla
40% Brat
9% Experimentalist
2% Ageplayer
1% Exhibitionist
1% Voyeur
0% Non-monogamist
0% Switch
Here are my results.


100% Switch
100% Master/Mistress
97% Brat
97% Brat tamer
92% Degrader
86% Dominant
86% Daddy/Mommy
84% Ageplayer
79% Boy/Girl
76% Voyeur
74% Vanilla
71% Submissive
63% Primal (Hunter)
57% Sadist
50% Primal (Prey)
50% Exhibitionist
48% Experimentalist
43% Pet
43% Slave
43% Owner
7% Non-monogamist
4% Rigger
4% Degradee
2% Rope bunny
1% Masochist
== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
81% Degrader
76% Dominant
74% Switch
63% Submissive
63% Master/Mistress
58% Sadist
54% Primal (Hunter)
49% Brat tamer
49% Brat
49% Primal (Prey)
43% Vanilla
43% Daddy/Mommy
36% Slave
36% Owner
33% Masochist
33% Rigger
31% Ageplayer
29% Experimentalist
25% Rope bunny
20% Degradee
13% Pet
10% Boy/Girl
0% Exhibitionist
0% Voyeur
0% Non-monogamist
== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
93% Master/Mistress
90% Owner
85% Dominant
81% Degrader
78% Primal (Hunter)
75% Voyeur
55% Sadist
54% Exhibitionist
45% Boy/Girl
45% Degradee
== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
90% Degradee
59% Switch
55% Slave
54% Submissive
53% Vanilla
50% Primal (Prey)
44% Pet
42% Daddy/Mommy
41% Owner
39% Boy/Girl
38% Brat
34% Master/Mistress
29% Voyeur
29% Experimentalist
24% Non-monogamist
23% Degrader
13% Masochist
11% Dominant
7% Exhibitionist
5% Rope bunny
5% Primal (Hunter)
4% Sadist
3% Brat tamer
1% Ageplayer
1% Rigger
NGL that test was way too long. I did half of it and then got bored.
im gonna do it
79%DegraderMore info
68%DegradeeMore info
66%DominantMore info
63%Non-monogamistMore info
60%Primal (Hunter)More info
58%ExperimentalistMore info
58%SwitchMore info
56%VanillaMore info
56%Brat tamerMore info
52%Master/MistressMore info
52%VoyeurMore info
42%Daddy/MommyMore info
37%ExhibitionistMore info
35%SadistMore info
31%SlaveMore info
6%RiggerMore info
5%OwnerMore info
4%MasochistMore info
3%SubmissiveMore info
2%BratMore info
1%PetMore info
0%Rope bunnyMore info
0%AgeplayerMore info
0%Boy/GirlMore info
0%Primal (Prey)More info
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