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Blackpill BBC News article from 2006: Human species 'may split in two'



Defeated by Fate | Contra Mundi Enemy of the World
Sep 11, 2022

Humanity may split into two sub-species in 100,000 years' time as predicted by HG Wells, an expert has said.

Evolutionary theorist Oliver Curry of the London School of Economics expects a genetic upper class and a dim-witted underclass to emerge.

The human race would peak in the year 3000, he said - before a decline due to dependence on technology.

People would become choosier about their sexual partners, causing humanity to divide into sub-species, he added. (happening right now)

The descendants of the genetic upper class would be tall, slim, healthy, attractive, intelligent, and creative and a far cry from the "underclass" humans who would have evolved into dim-witted, ugly, squat goblin-like creatures. (Basically whites vs. ethnics)

Race 'ironed out'

But in the nearer future, humans will evolve in 1,000 years into giants between 6ft and 7ft tall, he predicts, while life-spans will have extended to 120 years, Dr Curry claims.

Physical appearance, driven by indicators of health, youth and fertility, will improve, he says, while men will exhibit symmetrical facial features, look athletic, and have squarer jaws, deeper voices and bigger penises.

Women, on the other hand, will develop lighter, smooth, hairless skin, large clear eyes, pert breasts, glossy hair, and even features, he adds.
Racial differences will be ironed out by interbreeding, producing a uniform race of coffee-coloured people.

However, Dr Curry warns, in 10,000 years time humans may have paid a genetic price for relying on technology.

Spoiled by gadgets designed to meet their every need, they could come to resemble domesticated animals.

Receding chins

Social skills, such as communicating and interacting with others, could be lost, along with emotions such as love, sympathy, trust and respect. People would become less able to care for others, or perform in teams. (happening right now)

Physically, they would start to appear more juvenile. Chins would recede, as a result of having to chew less on processed food.

There could also be health problems caused by reliance on medicine, resulting in weak immune systems. Preventing deaths would also help to preserve the genetic defects that cause cancer.

Further into the future, sexual selection - being choosy about one's partner - was likely to create more and more genetic inequality, said Dr Curry.

The logical outcome would be two sub-species, "gracile" and "robust" humans similar to the Eloi and Morlocks foretold by HG Wells in his 1895 novel The Time Machine.

"While science and technology have the potential to create an ideal habitat for humanity over the next millennium, there is a possibility of a monumental genetic hangover over the subsequent millennia due to an over-reliance on technology reducing our natural capacity to resist disease, or our evolved ability to get along with each other, said Dr Curry.

He carried out the report for men's satellite TV channel Bravo.

We can't predict what will happen even in 100 years, let alone 100k.

This will, however, happen if goblinas stop breeding (which they probably won't):
giants between 6ft and 7ft tall
there is no good future ahead, the brown and low iq people will "rule" the world, the white and yellow race will be absorbed by hispanics, blacks, indians and sand people, when that happens we will stagnate as the ones responsible for all innovations wont exist anymore, if humans are not extincted by a nuclear war caused by the mexicans who will rule USA, we will be extincted in 5 billion years when our Sun dies, the future mixed-race people wont leave this galaxy to colonize others
there is no good future ahead, the brown and low iq people will "rule" the world, the white and yellow race will be absorbed by hispanics, blacks, indians and sand people, when that happens we will stagnate as the ones responsible for all innovations wont exist anymore, if humans are not extincted by a nuclear war caused by the mexicans who will rule USA, we will be extincted in 5 billion years when our Sun dies, the future mixed-race people wont leave this galaxy to colonize others
In 5 billion years I am the only human turned wizard to travel the cosmos to earn the aliens in our galaxy about the sins of hypergamy. I will add you all to my footnote
Gene editing will come first
This is exactly what the (((Elites))) want- they want a race of dumb, low-IQ, frail mutts who they can manipulate & control.
This is exactly what the (((Elites))) want- they want a race of dumb, low-IQ, frail mutts who they can manipulate & control.
You're acting like they can easily achieve it when even they are clueless.
Natural selection doing its job is what was just proved.
Toilets aren’t going to pick up low-tier men to be nice lol
Nope. They control the world GrAYtard.
They don't have full control of everything, even if they think they are above most races they are still humans prone to contingencies. There are a lot of variables they cannot control.
Natural selection doing its job is what was just proved.
Toilets aren’t going to pick up low-tier men to be nice lol
This is not natural selection, it's eugenics to breed chad soldiers, natural selection simply means that the organism most well adapted to its environment survives

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