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Serious Based off the insanity that has been 2020, what do you think will happen throughout the decade?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 24160
  • Start date
Deleted member 24160

Deleted member 24160

Jan 21, 2020
Elaborate on it.
More government control, less freedom, lower job standards, more mental illness.

Ww3 hopefully.
This is just the beginning.
Big economic recession, more feminism, rise of China.
People will exterminate other people.
What do you mean by lower standards?
Ok so you know how there's like a limit on how far you can shit on your workers before they say fuck it & quit or the gov department in charge of job safety or rights steps in, well I'm saying ppl will get pushed around harder than ever due to 100 ppl applying per job listing, a race to the bottom as it were with mega corps owning everything there's less connection between staff & employer with multiple layers of managers that have no stake in the company besides a pay check that behave like sociopathic assholes lowering the tone at work & ppl putting up with more shit out of desperation to keep their job.
Ok so you know how there's like a limit on how far you can shit on your workers before they say fuck it & quit or the gov department in charge of job safety or rights steps in, well I'm saying ppl will get pushed around harder than ever due to 100 ppl applying per job listing, a race to the bottom as it were with mega corps owning everything there's less connection between staff & employer with multiple layers of managers that have no stake in the company besides a pay check that behave like sociopathic assholes lowering the tone at work & ppl putting up with more shit out of desperation to keep their job.
Maybe. I've seen 2 videos in the last few days of employees flipping out and trashing their workplace because their boss is forcing them to work without pay.
I unironically fantasize about WW3. I want to die.
More government control, less freedom, lower job standards, more mental illness.
All of this and
The decline of white birth rates and whites becoming a minority in most western countries

Mind control or substance injection (they already do it now but more so) that will make you into a soyboy who can’t fight back.
Here's some of what I think will happen via this great excerpt from The Turner Diaries:

I've highlighted and colorized some of the most pertinent parts.

I believe Pierce wrote this novel in the 70's and yet doesn't much of this excerpt below remind you guys whats going on now especially the "BlackLivesMatter" group?

The Turner Diaries said:
"After that, the skilled agitators of the Human Relations Council worked various sections of the crowd up into a real brotherhood frenzy.
These swarthy, kinky-haired little Jewboys with transistorized megaphones really knew their business. They had the mob screaming
with real blood lust for any “White racist” who might be unfortunate enough to fall into their hands.

Chanting “Kill the racists” and other expressions of brotherly love, the mob began a march through downtown Chicago. Shoppers,
workers, and businessmen on the sidewalks were ordered by the Black “deputies” to join the march. Anyone who refused was beaten
without mercy.

Then gangs of Blacks began going into the stores and office buildings along the march route, using bullhorns to order everyone out into
the street. Usually it was only necessary to kick one or two stubborn Whites into a senseless, bloody pulp before the rest of the
occupants of a department store or building lobby got the idea and enthusiastically joined the demonstration.

As the crowd swelled, approaching a half-million persons toward the end, the Blacks with the armbands became more and more
belligerent. Any White in the crowd who looked as if he wasn’t chanting loudly enough was likely to be attacked.
And there were several particularly vicious incidents which the TV cameras gloatingly zoomed in on. Someone in the crowd started the
rumor that a book store they were approaching sold “racist” books. Within a minute or two a group of several hundred demonstrators—
mostly young Whites this time—had split off from the main crowd and converged on the book store. Windows were smashed, and teams
of demonstrators inside the store began hurling armloads of books to others outside.
After an initial flurry of rage was dissipated by wildly tearing handfuls of pages from the books and throwing them into the air, a bonfire
was started on the sidewalk for the rest of the books. Then they dragged out a White salesclerk and began beating him. He fell to the
pavement, and the mob surged over him, stomping and kicking. The television screen showed a close-up of the scene. The faces of the
White demonstrators were contorted with hatred—for their own race!
Another incident in which the TV viewers were treated to close-up coverage was the killing of a cat. A large, white alley cat was spotted
by someone in the crowd, who started the cry, “Get the honky cat!” About a dozen demonstrators took off down an alley after the
unfortunate cat. When they reappeared a few moments later, holding up the bloody carcass of the cat, an exultant cheer went up from
those in the crowd near enough to see what had happened. Sheer insanity!

It is impossible to put into words how depressed we all are by the spectacle in Chicago. That, of course, was the aim of the organizers of
the rally. They are expert psychologists, and they thoroughly understand the use of mass terror for intimidation. They know that millions
of people who still oppose them inwardly will now be too frightened to open their mouths.
But how could our people—how could White Americans—be so spineless, so crawling, so eager to please their oppressors? How can we
recruit a revolutionary army from such a rabble?
Is this really the same race that walked on the moon and was reaching for the stars 20 years ago? How low we have been brought!
It is frighteningly clear now that there is no way to win the struggle in which we are engaged without shedding torrents—veritable
rivers—of blood.
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All of this and
The Turner Diaries:

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I'm really hoping ww3 doesn't happen. With the state of society we see today, even if there is a shortage of men from drafts, the women would still refuse to date incels, instead opting to be in Chad's pump and dump harem.
Here's some of what I think will happen via this great excerpt from The Turner Diaries:

I've highlighted and colorized some of the most pertinent parts.

I believe Pierce wrote this novel in the 70's and yet doesn't much of this excerpt below remind you guys whats going on now especially the "BlackLivesMatter" group?
Asian women have nothing on how bad white women are.
I'm really hoping ww3 doesn't happen. With the state of society we see today, even if there is a shortage of men from drafts, the women would still refuse to date incels, instead opting to be in Chad's pump and dump harem.
Yeah I really don't get why guys here think forcing women to get with them would make them happy.
I'm really hoping ww3 doesn't happen. With the state of society we see today, even if there is a shortage of men from drafts, the women would still refuse to date incels, instead opting to be in Chad's pump and dump harem.

Here's Thomas Chittum's 36 point Civil War II checklist and remember bro (and everyone else) Thomas Chittum in his book "Civil War II" says things will go this way ie 1. First mega economic collapse 2. Civil War II 3. World War III

Item 1: Every time you see a blank for your ethnic group on a form, think Civil War II.

Item 2: If the millions of illegal aliens in America are granted amnesty and get to vote, it will mean open immigration and a giant step towards Civil War II.

Item 3: The abolition of the right to bear arms.

Item 4: Watch for racially split juries.

Item 5: Watch for the military to assume police duties.

Item 6: Watch for the establishment of an elite military force outside the chain of command of the regular military to serve as an internal counterinsurgency force.

Item 7: Watch for Washington D.C. to increasingly resemble the capital of some banana republic under siege by revolutionaries and mobs.

Item 8: Re segregation: Watch for Africans and other minorities demanding, and often getting, separate facilities for themselves, another clear sign that they’re continuing to reject co-option.

Item 9: Watch for further replacement of individual rights by group rights, group rights based on ethnic group.

Item 10: Watch for non-governmental organizations acquiring military power.

Item 11: Watch for real political power to continue to shift from our elected officials to the courts, and thus away from the American people.

Item 12: Watch for more instances of real political power flowing from American institutions to international bodies, thus again flowing away from American citizens.

Item 13: Watch for minorities and radical whites to continue to seize control of American institutions.

Item 14: Watch for secessionist movements and other movements seeking autonomy on American soil.

Item 15: Watch for race-based political parties, a sure sign of racial polarization.

Item 16: Watch for the emergence of “no-go” areas for the police in our cities, areas abandoned by the police and left to the control of street gangs.

Item 17: Watch for a so-called slave tax refund or some similar vehicle that will automatically subsidize all blacks for life

Item 18: Watch for court orders and other schemes mandating more voting districts in which blacks are intentionally a majority.

Item 19: Watch other multi ethnic empires for ethnic violence, a general loss of democracy, increasing poverty, waves of refugees, and their actual breakup in ethnic warfare.

Item 20: Watch for the spread of walled suburbs, euphemistically labeled as gated communities.

Item 21: Watch for more mind control hoaxes by the establishment media.

Item 22: Watch for an increasing percentage of minorities in our military, the use of foreigners in our military, the use of UN troops on our soil, or even the establishment of an American Foreign Legion.

Item 23: Watch for more out of court settlements in cases of alleged racial discrimination.

Item 24: Watch for more restrictions on freedom of speech by the government and the establishment media.

Item 25: Watch for police to increasingly abandon their traditional uniforms for ones that resemble military and secret police uniforms in their dark color or camouflage, military helmets, opaque face shields, and absence of name tags.

Item 26: Watch for clandestine groups of white officers to form within our federal, state and local police – groups similar to the Resistors in the Green Berets.

Item 27: Watch for an arm of the federal government charged with promoting racist affirmative action, such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, to acquire agents that carry guns and have the power to make arrests.

Item 28: Watch for the collapse of the US dollar as the world’s premier currency. This will be the signal that will confirm our status as a third-world nation.

Item 29: Watch for growing geographic segregation and its increasing mention in the establishment press.

Item 30: Watch for signs that the global military equation and American dominance in it are being challenged.

Item 31: Watch for the breakup of Canada. If Canada does break up along ethnic and linguistic lines, it will bode ill for its neighbor which is an even worse multi ethnic and multilingual mishmash.

Item 32: Watch for an increased flow of Americans immigrating to Canada.

Item 33: Watch for political and legal organizations formed along ethnic lines that will parallel, and ultimately displace their official rivals.

Item 34: Watch for more help wanted ads stating that job applicants must be bilingual.

Item 35: Watch for indications that the UN is assuming the role of a world government, and that the US is losing even more of its national sovereignty to the UN.

Item 36: Watch for a certain picture. We’ve all seen this picture countless times before, a picture from Beirut, Budapest, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Sir Lanka, Yugoslavia, Somalia – a burnt-out tank, perhaps the charred corpse of a crewman protruding through a hatch, and jubilant rebels posing atop the tank waving assault rifles and a flag. Someday we shall see this picture in our newspapers yet again, and this time taken on American soil. The tank, the dead crewman, and rebels will all be Americans, All will be American except the flag, which will be a Mexican, Aztlan, New Africa, or Confederate flag. When we see this picture, it will be too late. Civil War II will be upon us.
I believe widespread slaughtering of whites by blacks and Arabs is highly likely
I believe widespread slaughtering of whites by blacks and Arabs is highly likely
The majority of whiteys at least 70% of them live in a town /city less that than 1/2 million people and are armed to the teeth. In big cities it will be a bloodbath.
Elaborate on it.
the 2020s will basically be the later half of the 2010s again, but worse.
social media will keep on chugging, and so will online dating and normies being normies.
We're almost done with superhero films and soy wars, but i feel that it will just be revived during this decade.
game consoles are completely worthless, the exclusives are just a bunch of cinematic movies with occasional quick time events
gaming for PC will stay the same and keep getting nicer
music will mostly be like 2010s, but i'm guessing around 2024 or 25 the popular music will start to change drastically, and the normies will jump on the bandwagon and follow suit
although shitty pop music will ALWAYS be popular on the top charts
politics will only get dumber, and laws will become more strict and low iq
no major wars, like ww3, but i feel there will be some minor ones in 2020s
percentage of adult male virgins will rise, women will start demanding even higher tier Chads
science and technology will keep moving forward as usual
our understanding of the universe will keep expanding
Jewish control of the world still stay the same
there will never be a revolution, or throwing away of government
the whole situation of corona virus and george floyd will be forgotten by the end of the decade
memes will only become more strange and abstract, comedy will no longer be defineable
zoomers will have fully become adults by now, or at least late teens
generation alpha (born 2010 or later) will be in teens and acting like complete retards as per usual with teens
nothing of note will ever really occur
the only thing i look forward to is our new music that hopefully is good, and a new aesthetic for the decade to be remembered by
people will keep making roaring 20's jokes
I will be 30 years old on January 6th 2030
Mega Corporations will keep on thriving and buying up their rivals and competition, much like Disney
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I am hoping I can at least live long enough to watch the world end. What funny and wacky zany pose should I have when the nukes vaporize me, only leaving my shadow on the ground? I was thinking the Egyptian dance pose with the straight arm and the bent elbow going up and down

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