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Ban NTpill Denial



Mar 10, 2024
NTpill is already a very crucial part of the BP. (And No, BP is not only about looks, its also about behaviors, human nature and how the world really works.), the amount of evidence, not only from studies, but also the one thrown right in your face in everyday life means you cant even deny it anymore, you cant deny anymore the crucial role it not only has in love, but in life.

@Friezacel @lazy_gamer_423 @Immolator @Blackpill Monk @ElTruecel @Ron.Belgrade @KillNiggers
>inb4 thread becomes a warzone
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I find it difficult to feel sympathy for those who are average and above looking, but just use autism as an excuse. Outside of that, fine.
NTpill = bluepill
NTpill is already a very crucial part of the BP. (And No, BP is not only about looks, its also about behaviors, human nature and how the world really works.), the amount of evidence, not only from studies, but also the one thrown right in your face in everyday life means you cant even deny it anymore, you cant deny anymore the crucial role it not only has in love, but in life.


The BP is all about looks. It has nothing to do with behavior aka personality. This is basic stuff

Women will date and fuck non-NT Chads but will never give the time of day to a sub5 who is NT.
It plays a role but not enough to make it or break it. If you're good in all except nonNT, eventually you will ascend. Depends also on what kind of non NT, like my social anxiety is crippling, I can't function at all, can't find a job, can't talk to people, but my non NTness is a side effect of other much bigger problems.
Calvert reviewed the literature on social skills and physical attractiveness and concluded that many ratings of social skill may be confounded by the physical attractiveness of the target individual, possibly due to a general perception that physical attractiveness and social competence are positively correlated. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8192645/)



From the graph you can see autism failo is looks as well
Autism Isn't all mental, It's physical It makes you ugly

Look at this guy from .org, Clavicular, Diagnosed aspie
You watch his youtube videos he is a complete sperg You can tell as well

NT Pill is mostly cope unless you act severely autistic like you straight up just don't talk or something
Upvoted. Hate NTpill deniers and I’ve had many heated arguments with them. If you are Chad in looks, it doesnt matter much unless you are giga retarded, but if you are average in looks, it will make or break you. Average men CANNOT get away with having Asperger’s. That’s just common sense. Two average looking men equal in looks are gonna have very different success with women if one is a shy autist who can’t make conversation and one is an NTmaxxed popular guy with an actual social life. For really ugly guys it’s over either way though, NT or not. Acting like it doesn’t make a HUGE difference for average looking guys is a massive cope though
but if you are average in looks, it will make or break you. Average men CANNOT get away with having Asperger’s.
Exactly. That's what they don't understand Chads are always the exception, they're a huge minority you cannot debunked the NTpill because .001% of the population can still slay despite being autistic. like this dude is example


View attachment 1237863
From the graph you can see autism failo is looks as well
Autism Isn't all mental, It's physical It makes you ugly

Look at this guy from .org, Clavicular, Diagnosed aspie
You watch his youtube videos he is a complete sperg You can tell as well

View attachment 1237865

NT Pill is mostly cope unless you act severely autistic like you straight up just don't talk or something
Like sure bro @Clavicular slays, but the vast majority don't look like him at 18, 6'2, frame mogger, heightmogger, white, and arguably HTN.
Exactly. That's what they don't understand Chads are always the exception, they're a huge minority you cannot debunked the NTpill because .001% of the population can still slay despite being autistic. like this dude is example

Like sure bro @Clavicular slays, but the vast majority don't look like him at 18, 6'2, frame mogger, heightmogger, white, and arguably HTN.
Lmao ok

I'm just gonna send this thread because I cba writing shit I'm fucked up and low energy

Even If the NT Pill is true as a normie you ain't slaying shit you are nothing you will be simping If that's good enough for you then go ahead and betabuxx and leave this site
Exactly. That's what they don't understand Chads are always the exception, they're a huge minority you cannot debunked the NTpill because .001% of the population can still slay despite being autistic. like this dude is example
Yep. Feels good to have you defend my point as well since the majority of your struggles are caused solely so to looks, yet even you understand how much being NT can matter. I genuinely respect that you are able to see things from different angles here and not think only looks matter. Looks matter a ton of course, but the important of being NT is heavily underestimated here. Just because a top tier Chad can get away with being a Sperg doesn’t mean an average looking guy like me can. That argument is as dumb as saying the fact an ugly guy got a loving gf and is not a betabuxx disproves looks theory. It obviously does not and this is only an exception to the usual rule.
Like sure bro @Clavicular slays, but the vast majority don't look like him at 18, 6'2, frame mogger, heightmogger, white, and arguably HTN.
Yep. You gotta be well above average in every way to get away with being autistic. No girl is gonna put up with an average looking shy guy when she can easily find an average looking NTmaxxed and popular guy or a better looking guy

The BP is all about looks. It has nothing to do with behavior aka personality. This is basic stuff

Women will date and fuck non-NT Chads but will never give the time of day to a sub5 who is NT.
Swear ntpill deniers always give the same "Muh autistic chad slays" argument and it some of the most retarded shit I've ever heard. Yeah no shit an autistic chad slays but no one here that claims to be affected by the ntpill is even close to chad level. The guys most effected by the ntpill are low tier and mid tier normies that would have the potential to ascend had they been nt.
Lmao ok

I'm just gonna send this thread because I cba writing shit I'm fucked up and low energy

Even If the NT Pill is true as a normie you ain't slaying shit you are nothing you will be simping If that's good enough for you then go ahead and betabuxx and leave this site
@VideoGameCoper :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: Cope thread, DNR a single molecule after nigger start with "social skills are not real." :feelskek:
NT LTN > autistic MTN

@Friezacel @lazy_gamer_423 @Immolator @Blackpill Monk @ElTruecel @Ron.Belgrade @KillNiggers
A NT 4/10 will always ascend over an autistic 6/10
@VideoGameCoper :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: Cope thread, DNR a single molecule after nigger start with "social skills are not real." :feelskek:
Yep. He’s right that looks matter a ton, nobody is denying that. But to act like social skills aren’t real is insane. I remember a level 3 autist boy in 5th grade, and he was so retarded and literally had zero social skills. Motherfucker couldn’t even talk, couldn’t sit still for 30 seconds, and would literally start hitting the old lady who was his helper and was nice to him. I guess a guy like this would have women flocking to him if he looked like a Chad according to their logic :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:. I don’t care what this guy looked like, no woman is gonna choose that over an average guy with good social skills. This retard wouldn’t even know what sex is for fucks sake. NTpill is huge for average men. If you are too much of a sperg to even make friends with other men in your hobbies, you’re fucked when it comes to women. I’m sure we all saw some average looking guys in high school who did great with women. I bet none of us have ever seen a loner outcast Aspie that did well with women though
there is literally no difference between the NTpill and the bluepill

people just caricature bluepillers here, and forget that what bluepillers actually say is... the NTpill

I don't approve of making bluepill beliefs mandatory for a blackpilled forum, this will only lead to decline
there is literally no difference between the NTpill and the bluepill

people just caricature bluepillers here, and forget that what bluepillers actually say is... the NTpill

I don't approve of making bluepill beliefs mandatory for a blackpilled forum, this will only lead to decline
Nobody here is denying looks theory. You need to be at or above a certain looks threshold before being NT even makes much of a difference. Looks first, then NT as a close second IMO. An ugly 2/10 guy is doomed no matter how NT he is. Saying otherwise is bluepilled, and doesn’t belong here. I don’t deny that looks are the most important thing and the first thing people notice. I’m simply saying that acting like being NT is not a huge factor as well is delusional. Here is where it starts mattering. If you are average in looks, say a 5/10, being NT or autistic is gonna make a huge difference. That’s not bluepilled, simply reality. I’m sure all of us knew of average looking guys in high school who got girls. It’s gigacope to think that only chads get girls. Plenty of normie looks level men do too, because they are NT and can tactfully interact with women to get them in bed. An autistic loner outcast of the same looks level is gonna fail miserably with women.
Not even NT. If you're average or below you must be perfect socially to the point of being telepathic.
Nobody here is denying looks theory.
Meh, tons of NTpillers here have denied looks are as important, like that looksfagger JasonVoorhees guy.

many even think that decent looking guys can be incel because of 'NT'.

but it doesn't change that there is no serious difference between what NTpillers think is important and what bluepillers talk abt. bluepillers will often still say stuff abt how 'looks get your foot in the door,' or say that looks play some role. they're barely distinguishable from the NTpill

as a result, I don't think that the NTpill should be a rule here, it's just a trojan horse that will create an opening for bluepillers
it's absurd to deny the role of the brain, but it's worth discussing, there's no need to ban it.
Meh, tons of NTpillers here have denied looks are as important, like that looksfagger JasonVoorhees guy.

many even think that decent looking guys can be incel because of 'NT'.

but it doesn't change that there is no serious difference between what NTpillers think is important and what bluepillers talk abt. bluepillers will often still say stuff abt how 'looks get your foot in the door,' or say that looks play some role. they're barely distinguishable from the NTpill

as a result, I don't think that the NTpill should be a rule here, it's just a trojan horse that will create an opening for bluepillers
Richard Ramirez never had a gf until he was like 40 decaying in prison and it was with an old hag. His non NT behavior creeped women out.
Richard Ramirez never had a gf until he was like 40 decaying in prison and it was with an old hag. His non NT behavior creeped women out.
plenty of psychopaths get foids BECAUSE they are non-NT, tho

but calling ramirez an incel would be fucking weird either way
plenty of psychopaths get foids BECAUSE they are non-NT, tho

but calling ramirez an incel would be fucking weird either way
He was Thugmaxxed + Dark Triad, 99% of non NTs arent even remotely those things.
Meh, tons of NTpillers here have denied looks are as important, like that looksfagger JasonVoorhees guy.
Yeah, I don’t deny looks theory though. In fact, I believe being bad looking during my middle school years is a big reason why I’m such a sperg in the first place. My looks improved some after puberty, but the damage from getting treated like a subhuman piece of shit stays with you.
many even think that decent looking guys can be incel because of 'NT'.
Depend on what you mean by decent looking. I most definitely believe average 5/10 dudes can be incel if they are a shy autist. If you are 8/10+, no way you can be Incel unless you are legit retarded
but it doesn't change that there is no serious difference between what NTpillers think is important and what bluepillers talk abt. bluepillers will often still say stuff abt how 'looks get your foot in the door,' or say that looks play some role. they're barely distinguishable from the NTpill
Here’s my stance on that. If they outright deny how important looks are by saying an ugly guy can get girls if he just is NT enough, that’s bluepilled garbage. Nothing wrong with acknowledging how much being NT can matter for average looking 5/10 guys though. NTpill only matters once you meet the minimum looks threshold first, which seems to be around 5/10. Being NT if you are at least average in looks can make such a massive difference, and that is not bluepilled.
as a result, I don't think that the NTpill should be a rule here, it's just a trojan horse that will create an opening for bluepillers
I agree we should have free speech here, but outright denying the importance of not being a socially awkward sperg is just delusional.
He was Thugmaxxed + Dark Triad, 99% of non NTs arent even remotely those things.
psychopathy and narcissism are non-NT by definition tho
psychopathy and narcissism are non-NT by definition tho
once again, most Non NTs wouldnt even harm a fly, and psychopaths arent even seen the same way a run of the mill high functioning autist does.
once again, most Non NTs wouldnt even harm a fly, and psychopaths arent even seen the same way a run of the mill high functioning autist does.
ok, but NT can't be that important if people can be more attractive by being psychopathic narcissists

besides, actual non-NTs are rare anyway, and most non-NT members here are selfdiagnosed the same way that depressed and non-NT foids selfdiagnose on social media
psychopathy and narcissism are non-NT by definition tho
We are generally referring to autists here. Psychopaths can usually fit in very well with normies and be insanely tactful socially to get their way. They do not have a deficit in social abilities like autistics do. Most autistic men tend to be incels. Most psychopath men are not gonna be incels. Women love dark triad men, not shy autists who wouldn’t harm anyone
To be fair I don't think people should be outright banned for denying it. I just think they're stupid
ok, but NT can't be that important if people can be more attractive by being psychopathic narcissists

besides, actual non-NTs are rare anyway, and most non-NT members here are selfdiagnosed the same way that depressed and non-NT foids selfdiagnose on social media
Most psychopaths are socially high iq, most autists are not, most non NTs are socially retarded and thats why they get fucked over.
Not going to happen bucko
nt pill is only important for careermaxxing. Everything else is cope.

@Friezacel @lazy_gamer_423 @Immolator @Blackpill Monk @ElTruecel @Ron.Belgrade @KillNiggers
NTpill is an extremely aspects of blackpill. Even I personally believe NTpill is the real and true blackpill, that is more important than the heightpill and lookpill.

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