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It's Over Balkanian self-hatred

Would you consider to move into a more tradition place like Balkans for example.

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 37.8%
  • No

    Votes: 14 37.8%
  • I'd ratther die

    Votes: 9 24.3%

  • Total voters


Dec 31, 2019
The willing and desire to be nordic/aryan is so big in this place that mostly of video made are concentrated how to change the western perception of us in order to look more white, at least in the social media.

Imagine if 99% of balkanian are willing to quite they country in order to have an better life the foids in other hand have an incredible desire to get it with an westerner by any meaning possible as the eurostat showed in an article that 92% of total sex workers in UE come from Romania and Bulgaria. My home country have an decline of population of 5M to 7M, no migrants comming in this shit-hole, fertility rate dropped (more abortions than births), meanwhile the foids are fucking their way into life.

Fuck this life even slavs/turks/middle easterns are moging the shit out of us in therms of whiteness and cultural values. Mostly of foids here have slut faces but will do anything in order to get with an westener/turk/chines by any means possible. A region of Europe full of beggars, pick-pokers, gypsies, prostitutes and corruption were everyone is willing to migrate to west.

This video (ling bellow) is an good example of how we looked 3000 years ago before being raped by romans, mongols, slavs, ottomans, arabs and finally mixing our gen pool with gypsies slaves. The worst decision we made it was to join the EU and NATO, we should have remain an isolated communist country. The only cope is to pretend you're greek or to rope, being born in Balkans is death sentence literally the Punjabi of Europe.

Average balkanian men 7.5/10!

Thumbnail 3

Average balkanian Becky 7/10! At least the slavs have the girls.

Wc ul locul perfect pentru poze 1

Did you said? the west sucks and u'd want to get into an eastern europe country with traditional values? I invite you in my middle-class neighborhood.

Romanias drug addicted roma are being left to rot 456 body image 1437250882 size 1000

Only 2/3 balkanians are born, natural selection at it's best.


Great post, now I will be considering balkanmaxxing for ascension :feelshmm:
Romanian foids are all prostitutes.
The willing and desire to be nordic/aryan is so big in this place that mostly of video made are concentrated how to change the western perception of us in order to look more white, at least in the social media.

Imagine if 99% of balkanian are willing to quite they country in order to have an better life the foids in other hand have an incredible desire to get it with an westerner by any meaning possible as the eurostat showed in an article that 92% of total sex workers in UE come from Romania and Bulgaria. My home country have an decline of population of 5M to 7M, no migrants comming in this shit-hole, fertility rate dropped (more abortions than births), meanwhile the foids are fucking their way into life.

Fuck this life even slavs/turks/middle easterns are moging the shit out of us in therms of whiteness and cultural values. Mostly of foids here have slut faces but will do anything in order to get with an westener/turk/chines by any means possible. A region of Europe full of beggars, pick-pokers, gypsies, prostitutes and corruption were everyone is willing to migrate to west.

This video (ling bellow) is an good example of how we looked 3000 years ago before being raped by romans, mongols, slavs, ottomans, arabs and finally mixing our gen pool with gypsies slaves. The worst decision we made it was to join the EU and NATO, we should have remain an isolated communist country. The only cope is to pretend you're greek or to rope, being born in Balkans is death sentence literally the Punjabi of Europe.

Average balkanian men 7.5/10!

View attachment 184218

Average balkanian Becky 7/10! At least the slavs have the girls.

View attachment 184223

Did you said? the west sucks and u'd want to get into an eastern europe country with traditional values? I invite you in my middle-class neighborhood.

View attachment 184227

Only 2/3 balkanians are born, natural selection at it's best.

View attachment 184210

romanian holes love gaypop, might try gaypopmaxxing there some day
Im too low IQ to learn another language it would make loving there so hard but I would prefer to be born there now at least they arent fags
I already live here :feels:
Im too low IQ to learn another language it would make loving there so hard but I would prefer to be born there now at least they arent fags

Most ppl here speak another language like english or french and are very interested in learning another language. It's just a question of cultural values, take this trick for exemple if you're 4/10, turk/east asian or aryan, you don't drink and you have an income over 500€ you're in the top 2% of men in Balkans. Make a friendship with an balkanian girl and then bring her into your country, she will take any opportunity to get out of here.
A foid will make it easy if she is willing to breed with you.

Romania is an easy language a mix of russian, turk and latin.
Most ppl here speak another language like english or french and are very interested in learning another language. It's just a question of cultural values, take this trick for exemple if you're 4/10, turk/east asian or aryan, you don't drink and you have an income over 500€ you're in the top 2% of men in Balkans. Make a friendship with an balkanian girl and then bring her into your country, she will take any opportunity to get out of here.
A foid will make it easy if she is willing to breed with you.

Romania is an easy language a mix of russian, turk and latin.
this is probably true but as soon as u bring her to the west, u can expect cuckoldry pasty 2 years as past 2 years the girl will get green card and ditch u.
this is probably true but as soon as u bring her to the west, u can expect cuckoldry pasty 2 years as past 2 years the girl will get green card and ditch u.

Indeed, once she gets the nationality (in EU) or green card (US) she will join Chad's harem. Make sure she has an poor family home or a bastard child from prostitution in order to force her to stay with you.

Slav foids are very manipulative but not balkanian ones. Balkanians are traditional ppl and verry familly orientated, her family will put pressure to her to obey you. If you'd ever consider to mix with one of our foids then make sure you have a good relation with her parents, show that you're family orientated and be as conservative as you can.

Be any race except black and curry and all will be fine.

Romania is an easy language a mix of russian, turk and latin.

Buna seara, Ce faci? Nu vorbesc romana. This should be a piece of cake :feelsautistic:
Welcome to the forum. That place is a shit hole, man. I didn't think an Eastern European country would look that bad.
Welcome to the forum. That place is a shit hole, man. I didn't think an Eastern European country would look that bad.

I'm glad I was accepted into forum. I was born in Romania but moved in Wallonie/Belgium when I was 14.

It may be something going on with those places Japain and EE are the fronlines of inceldrom maybe the solution of inceldrom will came from those places through technological reform (JAPAIN) or civil movements (EE).
I live in Romania and let me tell you, this place is shit. The traditional values have all gone, Hypergamy is running wild here
no man members here say they are all 6'5 and taller giants

Low IQ coping post, I know a Romanian foid by the name Teodora who fucked a curry I know. I know another Romanian foid who fucked a nigger. Her name was Giorgia. Romanian foids hate ricecels. I can PM U their social media if u want for proof lmfao. I know literally 0 Romanian foids over a 2/10 who even take ricecels seriously.

Also another cope; Romanian foids in Romania are part of the EU and are no longer as easy as they were a decade ago, they can all get up and move to the UK or wherever ASAP. Also Balkan foids generally prefer Balkan men EXCEPT Romanians, this is due to height. Look up avg height in Serbia or Herzegovina, it is literally a region of fucking gigachads. Romanians are short and share same YDNA as north africans and MENA.
>When your female population leave the country to make porn and prostitution. And they abort 2/3 of the baby's. This modern world is shit.
No the baltics sounds much better, @Weeb25 @Napoleon de Geso
I live in Romania and let me tell you, this place is shit. The traditional values have all gone, Hypergamy is running wild here
are u 30?what do u do in life, are u neet?
are u 30?what do u do in life, are u neet?

actually no, i got a job, i work for 12-15 hours a day, i do engineering and design. I try to keep myself busy as possible to get my mind off my miserable life

actually no, i got a job, i work for 12-15 hours a day, i do engineering and design. I try to keep myself busy as possible to get my mind off my miserable life
what have u tried for getting gf? how tall are u?
Doesnt seem so based
I'm Romanian myself.
I've been there almost every year for vacation and close to all males are gutter tier subhumans. I'm also a subhuman, probably have a chance there...
Scuze, dar situația e la fel de grava în România precum e în America și restul tarilor din care tipii ăștia provin. Nu doar bărbații pleacă, și femeile pleacă o groază. La noi e chiar și mai rău pentru ca în vest măcar aia au un trai de viata bun. Noi nici atât nu avem, iar femeile sunt la fel de jegoase ca la ei
Isnt italy balkan though, I always dreamed of moving there, sounds so romantic and my first crush was italian
I've seen Romanians who look Arabs, ngl. One got horribly pissed when I said he looks Arab.
Scuze, dar situația e la fel de grava în România precum e în America și restul tarilor din care tipii ăștia provin. Nu doar bărbații pleacă, și femeile pleacă o groază. La noi e chiar și mai rău pentru ca în vest măcar aia au un trai de viata bun. Noi nici atât nu avem, iar femeile sunt la fel de jegoase ca la ei

Declinul demografic prin migratie sau fertalitate depinde de la o tara la alta, majoritatea statelelor importa mana de lucru calificata urmand sa se stabileasca in tara adoptiva. Tarile din estul Europei si Balcani nu-si pot inloi declinul demografic.

Si totuti un nr mai mic de barbati inseamna mai multe oportunitati pe marchetul sexual, cerere mica si oferta mare, cumparatorul (barbatul) fiind favorizat! Ceea ce nu e cazul, ultima oara cand m-am reintors in RO a fost prin 2014 am vazut ff multi involuntari.

Aproape toti fostii prieteni planuiau sa plece! nivelul scazut de trai, hypergamia si materialismul sumt in general valori importate din vest. Femeile nici nu se gamdesc sa-si intemeieze o familie cu un nativ atata timp cat au iluzia ca valoreaza mai mult si un italian 8/10 din clasa medie sta la un click distanta (ceea ce e o iluzie). In conceperea umana iluziile (copes) sunt un progres evolutiv al unanitatii, dar nici in halul asta.

Marea majoritate a romanilor sunt persoane oneste, muncitoare insa modesti. Pentru femei e o CRIMA SA FII SARAC INTR-O TARA SARACA.
I've seen Romanians who look Arabs, ngl. One got horribly pissed when I said he looks Arab.

It also pisses them off when you think they’re Turkish
I live in Romania and let me tell you, this place is shit. The traditional values have all gone, Hypergamy is running wild here

I'm Romanian myself.
I've been there almost every year for vacation and close to all males are gutter tier subhumans. I'm also a subhuman, probably have a chance there...

Is it true that I can ascend through kpopmaxxinng in Romania?
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Frankly no, I hail from another shitty Eastern Euro country (Poland) but there's a certain level of civilization I grown to be accustomed to, that I'm unwilling to part with, and I have a feeling Romania is somehow even bellow Poland when it comes to standards of living. I hope your country turns out ok one day, but I don't think miracles happen in Eastern Europe.
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I've seen Romanians who look Arabs, ngl. One got horribly pissed when I said he looks Arab.

Telling balkanians that they aren't aryans will get them nervous. Imagine how he would react if you told him the G word. If he identifie as a 9/10 gigachad let him be, buy him a mirror ngl
At least romanians and bulgarians are white not like spanish kek
At least romanians and bulgarians are white not like spanish kek
It's based but catalans are white decends, I mogged 90% of iberian peninsula in terms of heigh 6'2 (arround 1,8m) in my last trip to Barcelona.

Spanish have the same history of mixing as we balkans with arabs and gypsies (also you inhereted their cultural values as the dance and music) EVEN YOUR ASCENSORS THE VIZIGOTS were blue eyes balkanians 300BC.

Just catalanmax tbh, at least you mog the hispanics
It's not a more traditional place.

KEK at calling him a 7.5/10, that's clearly below average in the balkans.

Indeed, I mogged him. Gonna honestmax and englishmax next time.
balkan femoids ugly, so no
Damn that sounds like a nightmare.
I'm from Albania so I know how bad the Balkan self hate can be, but atleast Albanians have the mainstream muslim sexist attitude that keeps females under control. I think it's the only European country where females commit more suicide than men
balkan femoids ugly, so no

Volcel detected! Tell me if you see a 3/10 skinny brownfoid with slutface who does a lapdace you will bang her on the spot or no? Ngl

Look at that ass, just cover her slutty face that's all.
Wc ul locul perfect pentru poze 1
Why would you ever want to move to these shitholes we ourself are trying to get out of?:feelstastyman:
balkan femoids ugly, so no

Volcel detected! Tell me if you see an 3/10 skinny brownfoid with slutface who does a lapdace you will bang her on the spot or no? Ngl

Look at that ass, just cover her slutty face that's all.
View attachment 184463
Frankly no, I hail from another shitty Eastern Euro country (Poland) but there's a certain level of civilization I grown to be accustomed to, that I'm unwilling to part with, and I have a feeling Romania is somehow even bellow Poland when it comes to standards of living. I hope your country turns out ok one day, but I don't think miracles happen in Eastern Europe.

Central europeans have a better income and also a better geopolitical location, next to the west, meanwhile the Balkan were the gate of Europe through history as we know.

There were no meaning to rebuild villages anyway the romans, mongols, ottomas will purge them to the grown. A NATION CAN'T CULTURAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL PROGRESS IF HER OWN PEOPLE ARE STARVING.
Volcel detected! Tell me if you see an 3/10 skinny brownfoid with slutface who does a lapdace you will bang her on the spot or no? Ngl

Look at that ass, just cover her slutty face that's all.
View attachment 184463

Central europeans have a better income and also a better geopolitical location, next to the west, meanwhile the Balkan were the gate of Europe through history as we know.

There were no meaning to rebuild villages anyway the romans, mongols, ottomas will purge them to the grown. A NATION CAN'T CULTURAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL PROGRESS IF HER OWN PEOPLE ARE STARVING.
Yeah, Balkan nations were isolated for hundreds of years, even though they were still in Europe. First, it was the religious differences; Roman Catholics vs. Greek Orthodoxy. Later on the Turks came and occupied the Balkans, cutting it off from the rest of Europe. Plus, the hordes of screaming Avars, Mongols and Pechenegs didn't help either.

Moreover, even if you fuck up, you can still turn out ok if you border an actual prosperous nation (like Germoney) or if said nation helps you out along the way (kind of like US did to South Korea and Japan). The Balkans first had to deal with the corrupt and decaying Byzantine Empire and later on with screaming nomad hordes and Turkish invasion. Neither the Byzantines nor the Ottomans were good role models to emulate.
Damn that sounds like a nightmare.
I'm from Albania so I know how bad the Balkan self hate can be, but atleast Albanians have the mainstream muslim sexist attitude that keeps females under control. I think it's the only European country where females commit more suicide than men

Making the foids take the rope is legit. Hungary is the 1st country in Milkyway where female suicides outnumbers the males one by 1.25 to 1. I'd like to hear a magyarcel how they succed this performance and also if could lean us.

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