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Cope Bad diet caused my manletdom

  • Thread starter DepravedAndDeprived
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And then one day, for no reason at all...
Jun 27, 2020
My diet as a kid was absolutely shit. It started out as a baby, as I only received synthetic milk. Later, I'd eat candy as breakfast, I didn't eat at all during school. At best I'd have a simple meal in the evening where I often skipped te meat. Often had more candy at night. I grew to become a manlet, shorter than both my parents.

When I moved away from hellhole home to get my own place, I started eating like a God. Cooked my own food from scratch, ate three warm meals a day. Supplemented it with regular workouts. Gained about 10kg and my body flourished.

But none of that could fix my height. It's over, completely over. I fucking hate that I didn't get proper nutrition as a kid. I'm convinced that it took several inches from my potential height. It sucks.

I'm fucking balding, too. It's over for me.
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Kind of anecdotal but I’m 5’5 and balding and from a young age I ate healthy. What’s your height?
Chad eats like shit during his childhood and grows to be 6’5. Your genes are everything
Unless you were literally starving, whatever you ate influenced your height for at most 1 or 2 cm than what it would've been if you ate properly(and that's one of the worst case scenarios). That's likely your authentic height and you are really unlucky to be shorter than both parents. I may be wrong though I don't have studies for this topic.
Chad eats like shit during his childhood and grows to be 6’5. Your genes are everything
Unless you were literally starving, whatever you ate influenced your height for at most 1 or 2 cm than what it would've been if you ate properly(and that's one of the worst case scenarios). That's likely your authentic height and you are really unlucky to be shorter than both parents. I may be wrong though I don't have studies for this topic.
Not true at all, environment DOES affect height and development to a substantial degree IF you don't receive the proper nutrients (Calories AND nutrients, minerals, etc). You can't surpass your genetic limit of course (i.e. if you keep eating good food you will still only grow to a specific amount).

OP you're 100% right, your shit diet and abusive parents definitely had an effect on your height. You probably lost out on at least a few inches
I spent 2 years going to nightclubs when I was in my early 20's. Of course I didn't dance or talk to any women, so I just watched and had drinks with my friend I went with.

Every night I went I saw manlets and they were always single, and never once did I see a manlet dancing with a girl.
Same thing probably happened to me because I had shitty vegetarian parents who forced me to not eat meat or eggs. And I barely got any dairy, I didn't even take a multi-vitamin to supplement for 18 years. Otherwise I might have been 6'0''+ instead of 5'9-5'10''.
Unless you were literally starving, whatever you ate influenced your height for at most 1 or 2 cm than what it would've been if you ate properly(and that's one of the worst case scenarios). That's likely your authentic height and you are really unlucky to be shorter than both parents. I may be wrong though I don't have studies for this topic.

It's not 1 or 2 cm dude. Haven't you heard that ancient agricultural societies were shorter than now and very ancient humans because they had shittier nutrition. It can effect height by many inches, and probably more depending on how bad the nutrition was.
Same thing probably happened to me because I had shitty vegetarian parents who forced me to not eat meat or eggs. And I barely got any dairy, I didn't even take a multi-vitamin to supplement for 18 years. Otherwise I might have been 6'0''+ instead of 5'9-5'10''.

Cope, my brother is vegetarian his whole life and is over 6'8". Might be nutrition but vegetarianism doesn't make you shorter, it's shit genetics and nutrition. Maybe you were missing nutrients from your diet, but probably not cause of vegetarianism (depending what you ate).
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I ate healthy as a kid and I’m still short
Kind of anecdotal but I’m 5’5 and balding and from a young age I ate healthy. What’s your height?
5'9 but Dutch so that basically dwarfism-tier.

Unless you were literally starving, whatever you ate influenced your height for at most 1 or 2 cm than what it would've been if you ate properly(and that's one of the worst case scenarios).
Many people attribute the large differences of average height between cultures to dietary differences.

Same thing probably happened to me because I had shitty vegetarian parents who forced me to not eat meat or eggs.
To me, feeding one's kids vegetarian is borderline abusive.
My diet was pretty bad as a kid as well. I was an incredibly fussy eater. Wouldn't eat much except toast and sweets/chocolate. Was thin af. At one point I measured my waist and it was smaller than the circumference of my head. I got lucky though, grew to 5'8 when my parents are 5'5 and 5'2. The males in my Dad's family are short af but in my Mum's they're pretty tall. If your parents have a lot of brothers you get a good estimate of your height will be.
My diet was pretty bad as a kid as well. I was an incredibly fussy eater. Wouldn't eat much except toast and sweets/chocolate. Was thin af. At one point I measured my waist and it was smaller than the circumference of my head. I got lucky though, grew to 5'8 when my parents are 5'5 and 5'2. The males in my Dad's family are short af but in my Mum's they're pretty tall. If your parents have a lot of brothers you get a good estimate of your height will be.
My father, uncles, grandfathers were all taller than me. :feelsrope:
Brutal tbh. My diet was pretty good and I still ended up as a manlet.
My mum gave me formula since 3 months :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
My younger brother got breastmilk for 1 1/2 fucking years and hes so fucking tall.
It's so fucking brutal.

The only period we could have prevented it ourselves is when we were too young to have any knowledge or power to fix our problems.
Chad eats like shit during his childhood and grows to be 6’5. Your genes are everything
This. Me and my brothers and cousins mostly ate the same shit. Hell, my cousins were constantly drinking cola and my brother is a slob. Yet, they're all taller and stronger than me with better hair/beard and better jaws. Diet is beyond cope

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