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JFL B-b-but muh GMOs, muh processed foods are why I'm incel!!



Original recipe mod from the Serge regime.
Nov 7, 2017
So a lot of lookism.net copers say that your looks and height are determined by your diet, rather than your genetics. I guess that would mean a horse faced high T ogre of Italian, middle eastern, or armenian descent would look like a Korean pretty boy if he was born and raised in Seoul and ate what K-pop stars ate. That experiment was never done so...i guess we'll have to take their word on it.

They always go on an on about muh GMOs, muh processed foods, muh aspartame, muh preservatives making incels ugly, short, etc. While there's no statistics on looks, there are on height, and it's well documented that the average height everywhere is going UP with industrialization, not down. That's solid evidence that these people are full of shit.

But here's an interesting thought experiment. What if there was a tribe that was completely, 100 percent isolated from the rest of the world. A population frozen in time that remained hunter gatherers. A population with absolutely zero external influence, western or otherwise. A population that eats only game animals, fish, and wild fruits and vegetables that were never genetically modified or touched with a single pesticide or herbicide. Surely they would be mogging machines, since as we all know from the basement dwelling zoomers on lookism, it's all about muh diet.

Well, theres bad news for you muh diet theory copers, because there is one tribe that meets every criteria.

The Sentinelese, also known as the Sentineli and the North Sentinel Islanders, are an indigenous people who inhabit North Sentinel Island in the Bay of Bengal in India. They are considered one of the world's last uncontacted peoples

So they are the sole population on the planet that have lived in complete isolation for all this time.....now let's see:

A brutal heightmog if ever there was one. And keep in mind, the guys on the left are Indians, who have an average height of 5'5. Also the indians are further from the shore, meaning they are DEEPER in the water....so the height difference is even more dramatic than this picture would suggest.

Hell, sentinelese men would probably get height mogged by asian women. :feelskek:
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tldr: nothing matters at all aside from genetics. You either get fucked by genetic recombination or you dont.
JFL @ blaming shit like microplastics and phytoestrogens for being a subhuman. Chad eats soy, eats processed food, watches Marvel capeshit, never even heard of Nofap and still slays anyway.
Ryo spitting the hard truths. Based as always
Reminder that male model chad in the 21st century eats GMOs and drinks water laced with xenostrogens and he's still 6'2+ and attractive
It's determined by your diet and habits to a certain extent, I could've been taller if I had a good sleeping schedule because of the hormones, but I would never be 1.90m
Dwarfism is common in species confined to small island living environments. This happens with animals aside from humans too.
Lot of tall fags on this forum. With proper diet and exercise they could be "ugly chads" i guess. Only cant change face
I would have BBC if I consumed more fried chicken.
People will scramble to find any excuse that doesn’t point towards their genetics
true enough, i also like the 'bad airways' theory which is also genetic, your genetics can literally decide whether you'll be a suffocating little cuck with migraines, poor sleep and poor development

lamarckism lol
lamarckism is based
I think this applies to infants mostly until a few years before teens. Babies who suck on that sucking thing get crooked teeth. Maybe kids who eat more fruit and meat develop better facial structure. Then again, Asian food is very soft yet there are plenty of Asian pretty boys
tell me more about the genetic pill bro, I remember having a discussion with a normie once about how genetics decided pretty much how good you will do at life and he kept saying that it's not important and that I was blaming my parents for being the way I am.
I think I'll just study more to shut normies mouths about the importance of your genes in life.
Healthy diet is good for your skin but won’t do shit for height.
JFL @ blaming shit like microplastics and phytoestrogens for being a subhuman. Chad eats soy, eats processed food, watches Marvel capeshit, never even heard of Nofap and still slays anyway.
Chad could live of a diet of McDonald’s and still be 6’3
If only I would have eaten Japchae and Kimchi growing up, I'd look like this:

Instead of this:

Tbf most women into kpop are fob noodles or really young teenagers. After a certain age (mostly around 20) women want a male with more masculine traits, I mean not an ogre but more handsome masculine way.
Goat milk gives me High T soon after consumption. The Dutch were the shortest people in Europe. After dairy was introduced, they became the tallest.
Lot of tall fags on this forum. With proper diet and exercise they could be "ugly chads" i guess. Only cant change face

"Ugly chad" makes as much sense as "tall midget".

Ugly + tall + buff = still incel.

Ive known plenty of tall incels, and some were even fit gymcels.

Nothing can make up for an ugly face. Not muh height, not muh muscles, not muh NT, not muh thugmaxxing. Like I said before, an ugly face is like having horribly rotten, rancid meat. No matter how you cook it, no matter what spices you use, no matter what seasonings you use, no matter what sauces you put on it, no matter how much salt or MSG you use, nothing will ever make it remotely palatable. Sure, some "lucky" wealthier ugly guys can be betabux , but going back to the rancid meat analogy, that's like paying someone a lot of money to eat rotten meat. They're repulsed by the rotten meat (just like women are repulsed by ugly men) and are only doing it for the money.
The Koreans used to be pretty subhuman apparently (frame and height). Generational wealth and the resources it brings seems to have had some sort of effect on the current demographic.

tldr: nothing matters at all aside from genetics. You either get fucked by genetic recombination or you dont.
"Ugly chad" makes as much sense as "tall midget".

Ugly + tall + buff = still incel.

Ive known plenty of tall incels, and some were even fit gymcels.

Nothing can make up for an ugly face. Not muh height, not muh muscles, not muh NT, not muh thugmaxxing. Like I said before, an ugly face is like having horribly rotten, rancid meat. No matter how you cook it, no matter what spices you use, no matter what seasonings you use, no matter what sauces you put on it, no matter how much salt or MSG you use, nothing will ever make it remotely palatable. Sure, some "lucky" wealthier ugly guys can be betabux , but going back to the rancid meat analogy, that's like paying someone a lot of money to eat rotten meat. They're repulsed by the rotten meat (just like women are repulsed by ugly men) and are only doing it for the money.
I think this applies to infants mostly until a few years before teens. Babies who suck on that sucking thing get crooked teeth. Maybe kids who eat more fruit and meat develop better facial structure. Then again, Asian food is very soft yet there are plenty of Asian pretty boys

Just stfu
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Nutrition copers clearly want to go back to a time where most deaths where from disease and lack of sanitation. Because everything was "all natural" back then.
Do you like Korean facial features?
Do you like Korean facial features?


>Compact midface
>Positive canthal tilt
>High, broad cheekbones
>Look younger than their age
>Little body hair
>Very rarely are high T ogres

Of course that's not to say all koreans are good looking, every ethnic group has ugly, average, and good looking members. But the facial flaws koreans often have are solvable via cosmetic surgery.

Unfortunately, I belong to an ethnic group whose facial features are the antithesis of that. Hairy, longmidfaced, high T ogres. And the thing about being a horsefaced high T ogre is that you can get every cosmetic surgery known to man and still be an incel because there is no surgery for your midface. Nothing can shorten the distance between the glabella and subnasal.
JFL @ blaming shit like microplastics and phytoestrogens for being a subhuman. Chad eats soy, eats processed food, watches Marvel capeshit, never even heard of Nofap and still slays anyway.
JFL @ blaming shit like microplastics and phytoestrogens for being a subhuman. Chad eats soy, eats processed food, watches Marvel capeshit, never even heard of Nofap and still slays anyway.
Brutal @truthpill
Do you like Korean facial features?
I find the Koreans faces too soft looking. Sure they look pretty, which is why teenage girls tend to like them as they’re non-threatening and cute. The popular k-pop stars with these features tend to be decent height as well. If a 5’6 had those features foids would just see him as the “cute” asexual gay friend
Never actually heard this one but that's a whole new level of retarded

>Compact midface
>Positive canthal tilt
>High, broad cheekbones
>Look younger than their age
>Little body hair
>Very rarely are high T ogres

Of course that's not to say all koreans are good looking, every ethnic group has ugly, average, and good looking members. But the facial flaws koreans often have are solvable via cosmetic surgery.

Unfortunately, I belong to an ethnic group whose facial features are the antithesis of that. Hairy, longmidfaced, high T ogres. And the thing about being a horsefaced high T ogre is that you can get every cosmetic surgery known to man and still be an incel because there is no surgery for your midface. Nothing can shorten the distance between the glabella and subnasal.
I think the problem of high t ogres is not the length of the middle third (length of the nose), but it is too narrow interpupilary distance and lack of width.



you can notice in all anime characters the same pattern: long middle third (length of the nose) and a good midface ratio that is created by the width and good interpupilary distance.
anime "prettyboys" dont have short pig like middle thirds
Nuanced thought doesn't have a place on this forum, largely because of mods like Ryo. Everything comes down to genetics, nothing else, or else cherrypick (and he'll mod you for it)! Dutch went from the shortest in Europe, 3 inches shorter than the average American, to the tallest people in the world from changing their diet to one heavy in dairy. This is ignored, but an example of an isolated small island people is proof that it only comes down to genetics even though he provided no other context. They're short, they don't have a GMO diet, therefore height is determined 100% by genetics and not affected by diet, or environment, or lifestyle or any other possible factor. Would they grow taller with a dairy heavy diet? Would they grow shorter with a nutrient deprived diet? Irrelevant; genetics.

if two short chinese parents have a tall chinese son, did their genetics change?

malnutrtion will stunt growth. also if you don't eat as a child, you stop growing and die.

yeah no shit. this isn't ground breaking and it's no longer a factor since most people are obese worldwide
I can't tell if you're agreeing with me or trying to gainsay. A lot of those obese people have diets that consist of little more than big macs, chicken nuggets, soda pop and ramen noodles, not particularly nutritious or conducive to good health and development.

You'll reach your max height if you get enough food. That's why the chinese got taller over a few decade. Their genetics did not change.
And another point, when a man ends up like 5'4'' or 5'2'' without dwarfism, born of an area and ethnic group of a decent average height, and no male relatives that short, how the fuck is that purely genetics? Something went wrong besides genetics.

Diet is only one factor, lifestyle, environment, diet during puberty etc surely play a role. If you have high E during puberty your growth plates will close sooner than they should.

Point #1:
Some incels and copers claim they are ugly because they ate modern processed food.

The same modern diet that makes the dutch and chinese reach much taller heights.

OP is saying, if modern diet it so bad, why did nations get taller as height is used to measure success and health of a nation.

Point #2:
Elite athletes eat high calorie junk food because they burn so many calories and they superior to average men in everyway.

They also grew up in the ghetto and beating the shit out of their bodies daily by playing sports.

Incels grew up with helicopter parents who protected them at all times.

tldr; genes.
So a lot of lookism.net copers say that your looks and height are determined by your diet, rather than your genetics. I guess that would mean a horse faced high T ogre of Italian, middle eastern, or armenian descent would look like a Korean pretty boy if he was born and raised in Seoul and ate what K-pop stars ate. That experiment was never done so...i guess we'll have to take their word on it.

They always go on an on about muh GMOs, muh processed foods, muh aspartame, muh preservatives making incels ugly, short, etc. While there's no statistics on looks, there are on height, and it's well documented that the average height everywhere is going UP with industrialization, not down. That's solid evidence that these people are full of shit.

But here's an interesting thought experiment. What if there was a tribe that was completely, 100 percent isolated from the rest of the world. A population frozen in time that remained hunter gatherers. A population with absolutely zero external influence, western or otherwise. A population that eats only game animals, fish, and wild fruits and vegetables that were never genetically modified or touched with a single pesticide or herbicide. Surely they would be mogging machines, since as we all know from the basement dwelling zoomers on lookism, it's all about muh diet.

Well, theres bad news for you muh diet theory copers, because there is one tribe that meets every criteria.

So they are the sole population on the planet that have lived in complete isolation for all this time.....now let's see:

A brutal heightmog if ever there was one. And keep in mind, the guys on the left are Indians, who have an average height of 5'5. Also the indians are further from the shore, meaning they are DEEPER in the water....so the height difference is even more dramatic than this picture would suggest.

Hell, sentinelese men would probably get height mogged by asian women. :feelskek:

Pin this thread. Lookism has become cancer.

Also if I remember correctly, the Sentinelese population has also decreased significantly. Hell, when those scientists went there they were concerned that due to this contact with outer world they may get infected from some disease ( which may be non lethal for us) and die. So much so for brute high t upbringing.
Why would playing sports and being active be worse than being a couch potato playing video games all day?

childhood stress reduces adult height. playing ball constantly fucks up your knees
same for living in a shitty home environment

" Men: parental death and divorce during early childhood was associated with shorter adult height, and later puberty. Later puberty was associated with shorter adult height."

but pro athletes tend to be black guys who grew up under shitty conditions and ate shitty food

seems doubtful anyone average would be much better off growing up under better conditions. chads who grew up under the worst conditions still end up better off than everyone else
JFL at environment copers. genetics is above all.

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