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SuicideFuel Average dick size in Congo



Better incel than jestermaxxing for scraps
Aug 7, 2018
Is 7.1”.. they have the biggest dicks I’m the world.. I couldn’t find any info on girth, but if they keep the same proportions as USA guys, that gives them an average girth of 6.3”

1 in 2 Congo guy’s is larger than 7.1x6.3. Fucking unreal it’s an entire country full of BBC’s.. imagine being a dicklet there. our 8x6 is their 10x7.7
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I'd still be happy being a little below average in congo.
Don't care about them you never gonna have their dicks so you gotta learn cope with yours
>Being this obsessed with black men's penises.
This is why women go Travelling™ around Africa (and other third world shitholes).
Dicklets have been eradicated from their genepool
Where is Ebola when you need it?
Dicklets have been eradicated from their genepool
I wonder if maybe it has to do with the heat.. those in hot climates near the equator tend to have bigger dicks. Could be that plus some natural selection.
Where'd you get that from? The statistics I've seen suggest average black guy dick size is only 1/4 a centimeter larger than the average white guy.

And there's a lot of individual variation, so there's plenty of black guys with tiny cocks and white guys with big dicks.


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Don't care about them you never gonna have their dicks so you gotta learn cope with yours

Well said. I have a small dick, but I've never lost any sleep over it.
Where'd you get that from? The statistics I've seen suggest average black guy dick size is only 1/4 a centimeter larger than the average white guy.

And there's a lot of individual variation, so there's plenty of black guys with tiny cocks and white guys with big dicks.
That’s just the average black dick, probabaly in the US.. I’m talking about natives in Congo. Plenty of articles on their gigadicks on google.
Maybe some form of jelqing is a part of their culture, circumcision common there? Just genetics I guess, way back when; the big dick tribe muh dicked all the foids of other tribes they conquered so all the boys born are now bigdick mafia, literal Chad cockington tribe took all the betas down.
normies aren't black pilled about midface,

I was called a "horse face" countless times in high school. They might not know about "facial thirds" "midface ratios" etc. but they know an ugly horse face when they see it.

Being a dicklet < horseface

HAHAHAHA! Nobody sees your dick if you're an incel. That's why I don't even care about my dick, it could fall off for all I care.

EVERYONE sees your midface though and there's NO WAY to hide it.
but they are ugly
All they have to do is run big dick game on tinder in the west..

Think of all the guys that have 8x6’s.. the Congo equivalent of an 8x6 is 10x7.7. They’re out there.. looks/height don’t matter at that point..
I was called a "horse face" countless times in high school. They might not know about "facial thirds" "midface ratios" etc. but they know an ugly horse face when they see it.

HAHAHAHA! Nobody sees your dick if you're an incel. That's why I don't even care about my dick, it could fall off for all I care.

EVERYONE sees your midface though and there's NO WAY to hide it.
What’s your fwhr?
HAHAHAHA! Nobody sees your dick if you're an incel. That's why I don't even care about my dick, it could fall off for all I care.

EVERYONE sees your midface though and there's NO WAY to hide it.

I dont think you realize how competitive the dating market is in 2018, you NEED EVERYTHING, ONE FLAW = DEATH. A girl can revoke her consent at any time, and yes that means even if she sees past your face but cant cope with your small dick and believe me girls will do that, there are so many stories about it
Isn't it the whores that tend to care about dick size? I also read an article that stated only in the United States are people obsessed over dick size. Is that true? Is the east not concerned with size?

It just seems to me like every-time I've heard a woman talk about dick size they were a total harlot who had many notches on her bedpost.
How the fuck is any one going to know you're dicklet if no girls go near your dick in the first place fool
This is why women go Travelling™ around Africa (and other third world shitholes).
And get AIDS and die alone because everyone in their family hates their whore relative who couldn’t keep her shit straight and dignified.
I dont think you realize how competitive the dating market is in 2018, you NEED EVERYTHING, ONE FLAW = DEATH. A girl can revoke her consent at any time, and yes that means even if she sees past your face but cant cope with your small dick and believe me girls will do that, there are so many stories about it

Precisely. Since The USA has become a fornicating, adulterous den of iniquity whoring around is common place. Women have options. Since they can work, provide for them self, and have a vehicle they don't need men. So they are at liberty to choose men, and leave them on a whim. A woman may be giving a nice guy on the rebound a chance until a chad hits her up on tinder. He's better looking, and has a bigger cock. The nice guy doesn't stand a chance. Incels are below the nice beta guys. Since we are ugly, or mentalcel we can't even compete against the mid-teir guys.

The dating game has become a feminist conspiracy.

True our dick size doesn't really matter because we are incel. Though I would argue that dick size doesn't matter because men were designed to rule over women, and women were made to be in subjection to men. So dick size is irrelevant. The feminist sexual liberation, and the porn industry have created this idea that "size matters" This country should have never allowed women to vote, or wear the pants.

It's over now.
Why would it matter. You'd still be stuck in the congo banging very ugly foids. The head rush from busting a nut with such a large dick and able to shoot large loads might feel amazing. Plus they dont circumsize so you get to feel more sensation. Idk if it would be worth it.
Precisely. Since The USA has become a fornicating, adulterous den of iniquity whoring around is common place. Women have options. Since they can work, provide for them self, and have a vehicle they don't need men. So they are at liberty to choose men, and leave them on a whim. A woman may be giving a nice guy on the rebound a chance until a chad hits her up on tinder. He's better looking, and has a bigger cock. The nice guy doesn't stand a chance. Incels are below the nice beta guys. Since we are ugly, or mentalcel we can't even compete against the mid-teir guys.

The dating game has become a feminist conspiracy.

True our dick size doesn't really matter because we are incel. Though I would argue that dick size doesn't matter because men were designed to rule over women, and women were made to be in subjection to men. So dick size is irrelevant. The feminist sexual liberation, and the porn industry have created this idea that "size matters" This country should have never allowed women to vote, or wear the pants.

It's over now.
With that logic, nothing would matter since men are inherently superior and entitled to pussy. But the US sexual marketplace is just textbook natural selection, and foids have no shame admitting what they want.. you see how many guys get cucked cause they have small dicks.. how many bitches tweet about small dicks, etc, etc.. it matters. I see one possible evolutionary reason.. the dick is shaped to scoop out competitors cum out of the vagina (blackpill: gangbangs are the default mating strategy), big dicks would create more of a vacuum and scoop out more cum.. idk just a theory.
With that logic, nothing would matter since men are inherently superior and entitled to pussy. But the US sexual marketplace is just textbook natural selection, and foids have no shame admitting what they want.. you see how many guys get cucked cause they have small dicks.. how many bitches tweet about small dicks, etc, etc.. it matters. I see one possible evolutionary reason.. the dick is shaped to scoop out competitors cum out of the vagina (blackpill: gangbangs are the default mating strategy), big dicks would create more of a vacuum and scoop out more cum.. idk just a theory.

What I am saying is that women should be in total subjection to men. It should be so that a man is the sole provider of income for the household, and women should have no jobs save for mid-wives, or maids. Even an incel should be able to find a wife, and have some poon when he wants to.

The sexual marketplace is in favor of women sadly, and they just want to whore around, and collect carnal experiences. No woman in the USA believes in courtship, or the old time values. As incels it's not even worth trying to even go after pussy because even if we got it we would not be evenly yoked spiritually, or intellectually. A mid-teir normie girl would fuck us over in a heartbeat.

Your scooping out cum theory is not correct. Whomever would spunk in the pussy first is most likely to get her pregnant. The sperm would have already traveled far enough into the pussy to do it's job. Unless he wasn't potent. Anyway I find it nasty that so many dicks have been in a female. Yuck...

I would go for my looks meet. The femcels I would give a chance if they weren't so cucked on ideology. There's no way they would subscribe to my doctrine, so it's not worth it. I want to be a King of my own house. Not an equal. I am not equal to a female. I am the stronger vessel as a man. The woman is the glory of the man. Not the other way around.
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What I am saying is that women should be in total subjection to men. It should be so that a man is the sole provider of income for the household, and women should have no jobs save for mid-wives, or maids. Even an incel should be able to find a wife, and have some poon when he wants to.

The sexual marketplace is in favor of women sadly, and they just want to whore around, and collect carnal experiences. No woman in the USA believes in courtship, or the old time values. As incels it's not even worth trying to even go after pussy because even if we got it we would not be evenly yoked spiritually, or intellectuall. A mid-teir normie girl would fuck us over in a heartbeat.

Your scooping out cum theory is not correct. Whomever would spunk in the pussy first is most likely to get her pregnant. The sperm would have already traveled far enough into the pussy to do it's job. Unless he wasn't potent. Anyway I find it nasty that so many dicks have been in a female. Yuck...
I would go for my looks meet. The femcels I would give a chance if they weren't so cucked on ideology. There's no way they too would subscribe to my doctrine, so it's not worth it. I want to be a King of my own house. Not an equal. I am not equal to a female. I am the stronger vessel as a man. The woman is the glory of the man. Not the other way around.
Agreed. That’s how things should be. Nothing genetic SHOULD matter on a man.. I posted in another thread that money needs to be able to purchase a womb or else everything goes to shit. Bitches have their own money, men no longer have leverage over foids’ survival.. it’s all out mayhem, pre-civilization, textbook natural selection.. it’s brutal and it won’t last long. If you’re looking for a nice virgin girl (Virgin in all holes) to marry where you can be king of your household, looks elsewhere.. they don’t exist in the west.. and other countries aren’t far behind. Even if you did find one, the mere fact that we live in a world where virginity isn’t valued, and where divorce is a thing, voids marriage entirely. She doesn’t lose anything when you deflower her.. In a traditional sane world, she’d be considered another man’s trash if she’s already defiled, and nobody would ever marry or provide for her again, then she’s fucked.. so marriage is completely over, and anyone who’s getting married is doing it cause they think that’s what they have to do, or because they want a fairy tale marriage, or want to be called hubby/wifey.. it’s a circus.

How come dicks have glans though?
I'm pretty sure women from congo would still rather go for a white guy.
A big dick in Congo has no value if you have only monkeys available
And get AIDS and die alone because everyone in their family hates their whore relative who couldn’t keep her shit straight and dignified.

Cope. In the past that might have been true, but in the modern feminist age, these foids are Strong Independent Women™, and can makes their own choices. Her body her choice. And if anyone dares not adore them and respect them for being STD-ridden sluts, they are Toxic Misogynists™.
why do incels care about dick size
come on we will never have a chance to show our dicks to anybody let's think about more important things
BBC master race confirmed.
Doesn't Matter If Whites weren't such CUcks they could just Nuke Africa into Oblivion or just cover it with Neutron Bombs and take all the Resources. Whites are CUcks. The only Non-CUck Leader was Adolf Hitler...but they CUcks killed him.

I'd rather have Power over Life and Death than a Big Cock.

The only thing Foids Respect is Violence and Brutality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is why women go Travelling™ around Africa (and other third world shitholes).

Yep there is a whole unspoken sex tourism industry in places like Jamaica where old white women go for BBC action.
why do incels care about dick size
come on we will never have a chance to show our dicks to anybody let's think about more important things

If we had big dicks then we wouldn't be incel, face isn't everything (to a degree). If you have an average face or a slightly below average face you could get laid a lot if there were rumors going around about how big your dick is. You ever look at a lot of "Tyrones" in porn or even in everyday life, a lot of them have shit tier faces, but women think they have a big dick and they do, so they get laid a lot.

If you also had a big dick you'd move around with a lot more confidence, you'd be a lot more direct in trying to get sex. There's literally been times where I'm talking to a girl and she's going along with the flirt, somewhat interested, waiting for me to "make my move" aaaaaaaand then I hit this mental block and begin to pull back because I get brought back to reality when I remember that I only have 5 inches and she's had better, even if I get her to fuck me what then, I'll be the laughing stock of our "social circle", she won't be satisfied.

If you have a big dick you have a chance because even if she isn't impressed or aroused by your initial looks, when you whip that sucker out she's going to be wet and she's going to brag about fucking you, which is going to make even more women within that social circle want to fuck you. When your dick is average sized or small there's this mental block you can't get past because you know deep down you are wasting your time even trying, especially if you are black, black women's vagina's seem to be gape sized before even being penetrated, they can likely take a lot relative to their male counterparts who can give a lot, its not even worth trying to please one sexually if you have an average or below average sized penis.

The only chance I think I'd take in ever again trying to "court" a female is if she's petite (5ft and under) and of a "lighter race", like indian, asian, etc. Anything else is just plain stupid, I'd be setting myself up for failure.

Also here's the key part, when you have an average/below average sized penis it is possible to still please a woman, but you have to know techniques and you have to have stamina. I've spoken to a few women who say their boyfriends aren't really "packing heat" but they "know what to do". They'd probably still cheat on those guys, but those guys can still get them to orgasm. In other words you need EXPERIENCE, none of which we have, and were too late in our lives to even get. If we had big dicks we wouldn't need experience, you don't need technique when you have a big dick, you just thrust, that's all you need to do and you can make a bitch cum, you are hitting every crevice of her walls without even trying, no need to angle yourself so your dick glides along her g spot, that shit happens whether you try or not.

If I could trade a few points in all my other parts of looks (e.g. face) for a few more inches in length and girth for my penis, I'd do it in a heartbeat, and within a month I'd be getting laid and often.
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If we had big dicks then we wouldn't be incel, face isn't everything (to a degree). If you have an average face or a slightly below average face you could get laid a lot if there were rumors going around about how big your dick is. You ever look at a lot of "Tyrones" in porn or even in everyday life, a lot of them have shit tier faces, but women think they have a big dick and they do, so they get laid a lot.

If you also had a big dick you'd move around with a lot more confidence, you'd be a lot more direct in trying to get sex. There's literally been times where I'm talking to a girl and she's going along with the flirt, somewhat interested, waiting for me to "make my move" aaaaaaaand then I hit this mental block and begin to pull back because I get brought back to reality when I remember that I only have 5 inches and she's had better, even if I get her to fuck me what then, I'll be the laughing stock of our "social circle", she won't be satisfied.

If you have a big dick you have a chance because even if she isn't impressed or aroused by your initial looks, when you whip that sucker out she's going to be wet and she's going to brag about fucking you, which is going to make even more women within that social circle want to fuck you. When your dick is average sized or small there's this mental block you can't get past because you know deep down you are wasting your time even trying, especially if you are black, black women's vagina's seem to be gape sized before even being penetrated, they can likely take a lot relative to their male counterparts who can give a lot, its not even worth trying to please one sexually if you have an average or below average sized penis.

The only chance I think I'd take in ever again trying to "court" a female is if she's petite (5ft and under) and of a "lighter race", like indian, asian, etc. Anything else is just plain stupid, I'd be setting myself up for failure.

Also here's the key part, when you have an average/below average sized penis it is possible to still please a woman, but you have to know techniques and you have to have stamina. I've spoken to a few women who say their boyfriends aren't really "packing heat" but they "know what to do". They'd probably still cheat on those guys, but those guys can still get them to orgasm. In other words you need EXPERIENCE, none of which we have, and were too late in our lives to even get. If we had big dicks we wouldn't need experience, you don't need technique when you have a big dick, you just thrust, that's all you need to do and you can make a bitch cum, you are hitting every crevice of her walls without even trying, no need to angle yourself so your dick glides along her g spot, that shit happens whether you try or not.

If I could trade a few points in all my other parts of looks (e.g. face) for a few more inches in length and girth for my penis, I'd do it in a heartbeat, and within a month I'd be getting laid and often.
i have slightly above average size dick but i'm ugly i'm invisible to foids the only one who knows how my dick looks like is myself i don't think it helps me seeing that i can't even say hi to a female

Congocel = fakecel
Holy shit it's over for me in terms of girth. I'm only 5.1". I legit read that the average girth is 4.8" but apparently it isn't.
I dont think you realize how competitive the dating market is in 2018, you NEED EVERYTHING, ONE FLAW = DEATH. A girl can revoke her consent at any time, and yes that means even if she sees past your face but cant cope with your small dick and believe me girls will do that, there are so many stories about it
That such bullshit, it just enables fucking teases.
What's the average IQ
Doesn't Matter If Whites weren't such CUcks they could just Nuke Africa into Oblivion or just cover it with Neutron Bombs and take all the Resources. Whites are CUcks. The only Non-CUck Leader was Adolf Hitler...but they CUcks killed him.

I'd rather have Power over Life and Death than a Big Cock.

The only thing Foids Respect is Violence and Brutality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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That such bullshit, it just enables fucking teases.
It does, its a legal loophole

Imagine youre fucking a girl and youre about to come and the moment you start coming shes like "I do not consent anymore" but you cant stop yourself from coming because thats an involuntary reflex/action and so you get 20 years for something you had no control over. This is why women should not be taken seriously when they talk about sexual assault, legit sexual assault is rare

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