I am not diganosed with autism but OCD, AAS, ADHD and light depression.
Depression: I agree was much worse a few months and years ago then now. I think its due to my utter boredom and realizing that its futile to even be depressed - I as such am Beyond depression.
Fixations: Makes sense to be high if I am fixated on doing one thing I will do nothing else but complete that task.
Abnormal: Yes, Ive been abnormal since birth.
Noise Sensitivity: I dont give a shit, but sirens and drilling close to my ears obviously is shit.
Social Difficulty: Yeah I mean I am an Incel what did you expect but people to hate me for simply existing.
Anxiety: Should be much higher but I think its because the test didnt specify the social interactions and with who I am interacting. For example theres people that are meaningless to me for example any random person I dont fear. But if a person is a closer part of my life then I start fearing that I mess things up that come back to me.
Abnormal Posture: Not really.
Poor eye contact: Sometimes I stare into peoples soul, sometimes I need to look away.
Tics and Fidges:
Agression: Internally I couldn't be more MAD about existing, especially these days, honestly it should be maxxed out on the chart.