You could looksmax, lose weight, gain muscle and get a job right now if you wanted and with your claimed looks you wouldn't be incel.
Right, I am, I don't plan on being Incel forever, also I shouldn't have to work twice as hard as if not 4x as hard as some people in order to achieve this goal where I live. You see most of my problems stem from where I live specifically, L.A. I have been Volcel before, when I was younger, fatter, and poorer even, but this was because I travelled to a completely different state with a more traditional sexual market.
You see, most Incels that aren't mentalcels or 100% abominationcels are only generally only Incels because of the sexual market around them has likely been corrupted by Leftism, which has in turn made women shallow whores, because of things like the sexual revolution and marxism. Women aren't shallow whores everywhere, especially the more right wing, and traditional the area is. I've witnessed this myself.
The only alternative I can think of is that you're mentalcel in which case any society like that would probably neuter you and forbid you from ever reproducing.
Yeah i'm not, I just in a leftist hellhole, see above.
Also becoming traditionalist and denying women basically any rights is a good way to get cut off from the global community, (unless you have oil, which US and most of Europe don't have) so good luck trading.
Yeah because the Europe cutting off their connections to America, the number 1 source of their defense would totally be a good idea, this is a ridiculous concept, Europe wouldn't cut us off if we took away modern womens rights even if they didn't, they would be forced to work with us whether they like it or not, and in a hypothetical world where America actually reforms and becomes more traditional, Europe will probably be doing the same sooner or later, America has such a stranglehold on many resources it would be suicide for them to not trade with us.
Also, when people like me say, remove the rights for women, we don't mean turn them into sex slaves or any nonsense low IQ cells might say to get featured on cucktears, we mean something like this:
Limits on Womens rights:
Women will no longer be allowed to vote unless they are over the age of 25, married for over 10 years, were natively born to the country they reside, are ethnically 70% similar to their husband/and their host nation, and have at least 3 kids with said husband.
Age of Consent and Marriage:
Increasing the age of consent to 25 EXCEPT in cases of marriage (meaning you can have sexual contact under the age of 25 as long as you get married) and making the ramifications of premarital sex before the age of 25 aswell as divorce/cheating very harsh (Meaning you can't just get married to have sex and then get divorced willy nilly, divorce will be a gruelling and punishing process for both parties meaning you better have selected the correct partner the first time). Also the defintion of sex includes, handjobs, blowjobs, mutual masturbation irl, anal, etc.
I'm in a private Identitarian/Alt Right group and this is currently the agreed upon law in this department, there are other elements, and clarifications, but those aren't necessary to spell out here as you get the gist of it, and I already added more to it for clarification purposes aswell. These two laws right there would be enough to solve a lot of problems.
Also if you want less corrupt corporations and bankers you vote left wing. Right wing policies increase income inequality between poor and rich even more.
Yes, vote for the party that is supported most by corporations, nothing to see there huh? I'm in no way supporting most modern day conservative parties either, as I said i'm more alt right, in fact specifically, I'm a National Socialist, and the word socialist already triggers cuckservative boomers who don't know how to delineate between Marxist Socialists, and a system designed to be 100% anti marxist and tradtionalist, because we share a word sometimes.
In the 50s America was benefiting from basically being the only developed country not fucked up by war, so we got to take in tons of cash to rebuild. The Cold War also benefited the US economy a ton by basically forcing Europe and Japan to be generous to us since they needed us to protect from Russia and China. So if you want to go back to the 50s you better hope the rest of the world goes to war again.
You could take plenty of examples other than the 50s, and not just with America, plenty of other 1900s and 1800s pre leftist countries and economies that worked out relatively, where traditionalism was rampant, and birthrates between men and women were equalized at an 80/80 rule instead of an 80/20 rule, but sure, i'm totally fine with another World War if a good side actually wins this time.
If you want to solve incel problems, you want to vote left wing so we can enable a socialist society
Ah Marxist Socialism you mean, the thing that disempowers whites, empowers women, destroys the family, lets degeneracy run rampant, the very thing that created Incels in the first place. No thank you.
and then work on steering the gender equality discussion towards sexual market statistics
Gender Equality discussion will never be on mens side, ever, this cultural form of Marxism we have will not allow out, it will always encourage women to not be traditional, to be slutty, to be empowered, to things they shouldn't do because throughout history we've told them they shouldn't, and for good reason.
and hijack the body positivitiy movement to make it for ugly guys instead of fat women.
We don't need this, ugly guys did just fine before leftism and marxism, the only reason only guys have such a problem nowadays, is because ugly girls expect more because, better looking guys have no standards and will fuck literally anything, thus giving these highly emotional, childlike women the delusion that chad is interested in them, thus they will never settle for anything less. This is a result of the breakdown of traditionalism, as in a traditional society, chad would statistically never have fucked them, to create these delusions in the first place, and result in the breakdown of the sexual market.
At this point going back is basically impossible because if we want to progress with the world, reverting to a shithole country is just gonna get us taken over at some point.
If we're talking about America, taken over by who? We're the most powerful country in the world? Who will take us over? Also how would we turning it into shithole? Rampant drug users, degenerate whores everywhere, marxist socialism, the breakdown of happy families, how is any of that good?
Since the ideal would be a society with equal genders
No, it really fucking wouldn't, because genetically speaking Men and Women are not equal, they never will be, they have extreme biological differences, that striving for equality is insane, and makes everything worse. Men and Women are not equal, and should never be treated equal, and this equal treatment has given delusions of grandeur to women and given them so much power that men and especially Incels are suffering because of it.
They do not think the same, it's why they're worse at puzzles, video games, science, philosophy, etc. They are not physically the same, it's why they're worse police officers, soldiers, body builders, athletes, etc.
Why the fuck would we talk about equality with something that is so inherently unequal and inferior to men in so many ways, i'm not saying that we treat them like slaves or they don't have a purpose, womens abilities are social in nature, they hold society together by acting maternal, making men happy, raising children, making other people happy, being the social glue to the world. They are the support class of the world, it's that simple.
it's easy to discuss this sort of stuff with feminists if you're careful about how you word it. Plus if you position yourself as progressive, the "you're just a misogynistic asshole" rejection has no merit.
Discussing things with these brainwashed people who are mostly female will change nothing, arguing with other men and boys, mostly under the age of 25, who can actually influence, and understand things is how you really change the world.