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JFL at BetaFathers who think they can stop their JB daughters from getting ravaged by older men...

Sparrow's Song

Sparrow's Song

Violent Convicted Chomo
Dec 14, 2017
Whenever an Age of Consent argument happens online, there is always some neocon cuck who's like "I'd fucking kill a man if he ever tried to fuck my daughter before she's 18"... No the fucking idiots wouldn't! JBs are fucking 21, 28, 32 year old chads and tyrones every fucking day despite what the cucked law says and their fathers can't do shit to stop it. They aren't going to kill anyone, when their 14 year old roastie daughter goes to the nearest low income housing project to get a trainwrecked by BBCs, their fathers are just sitting at home on facebook arguing with leftists about Donald Trump. If they knew what was happening to their daughters, they wouldn't be able to do shit. What can he do? Go to the hood where his daughter was getting passed around and yell "whoever just fucked my daughter better come out right now and face me like a real man you pedo scum!"... If he did that he's get shot and he knows it. The same goes with white chads except a white chad would just beat the father's ass instead of shooting him. "I'll call the cops then." Okay retard, you don't even know the chad;s name and your daughter isn't going to snitch. The cops will be like "can you describe the man?" ... "Y-yeah, he was tall, white and good looking." I'm sure the cops are going to find him buddy ;)...

What's worse is when they don't have daughters they are trying to prevent from becoming roastie carousel riders. When these bootlickers argue about the Age of Consent, they are doing out of pure virtue signalling and good goy posturing. "If I agree with authority and consensus, that makes me the good guy,"... I've had people threaten to find where I live and kill me for simply stating that foids should be sold off at 14 for arranged marriages. Theses same hypocrites will talk about the constitution all day long and how the liberals are destroying it but as soon as I come along and say 14 year old foids are old enough to get the D and are getting the D from older chads and tyrones every fucking day... They say I SHOULD BE KILLED, CASTRATED, PUT ON A SEX OFFENDER LIST, OR SENT TO PRISON for simply having an OPINION. So much for the 1st Amendment. By that logic, America should go to war with Italy and Germany and all the other countries where the AoC is 14. I guess Elvis Presley should be removed from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame because he was 25 when he married a foid who was 14. I guess the Americans who fought in The Revolutionary War should be disgraced if they married 14 year old foids when they where over 18.

The only reason the AoC in most of America is 16-18 is because of feminism infecting the government. The main reason why the AoC is 18 is because that makes it easier for used up whores to find rich betabux, because most foids already have a huge body count by 18 but some foids are still useful at 14, so it the AoC is 14 most rich betabuxers and chads would only want fresh foids and tainted foids would lose SMV. The second reason is because of the school system. America is cucked and low IQ for even allowing foids to have an education above the forth grade level. Foid finish school around 18 so they don't want 14 yr old foids getting prego and becoming stay at home mothers like their ancestors did instead of getting a professional man hating degree and man hating career at Shekelburg University. The third reason is simply because they can. The government can make whatever laws they want and people will just bow down and accept it. If the law said all men who make less than $50,000 a year are forbidden to have sex or sexual thoughts, and if they did they were sexual deviants and perverts who should be imprisoned and labeled sex offenders, the conservatives would agree. As long as a majority of the population accept something and there is a gun being pointed at people who don't accept it, people just assume it's right.

I'm so proud to be Sicilian. If I ever surgerymaxx, I'll go to Sicily and fuck some 14 yr old virgins and take pictures of us in the bed together and show it to all the MAGAtard virtue signalling Americucks online so they can rage. I'll just be sipping my wine on the balcony of my hotel room in Syracusa, looking at the sea and laughing.
ABSOLUTELY FUCKING BASED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where could you possibly post it? Nudes of minors are very illegal to possess in America. So illegal, even if you fuck a teenager through some local age of consent loophole, if you have pictures of her you can be arrested and sentenced for having them. A guy on To Catch A Predator got the same treatment.

Therefore, if they're illegal to possess, most websites will forbid you to even post them. Including this one. Doug got hardbanned with a vengeance for posting stuff like that.
Where could you possibly post it? Nudes of minors are very illegal to possess in America. So illegal, even if you fuck a teenager through some local age of consent loophole, if you have pictures of her you can be arrested and sentenced for having them. A guy on To Catch A Predator got the same treatment.

Therefore, if they're illegal to possess, most websites will forbid you to even post them. Including this one. Doug got hardbanned with a vengeance for posting stuff like that.
Not nudes lol, just us under the covers in bed taking a selfie.
I am pretty sure these betas would be proud if their daughter got cumdumpstered by chads.
Tesla IQ
I hope you clap JB cheeks brah
Any guy who says “I’d kill the guy who bangs my daughter” is just trying to sound badass online to impress people jfl
Tesla IQ
I hope you clap JB cheeks brah
I will brother, after surgerymaxxing, I will.... And when I overthrow America, I'll have a JB virgin bride for you as well. I'll never forget my brothers when I become Sultan.
Any guy who says “I’d kill the guy who bangs my daughter” is just trying to sound badass online to impress people jfl
Indeed and their are so many coping virtue signaling cucks who do this without realizing it. Chad can see though their bullshit and so can we.
I will brother, after surgerymaxxing, I will.... And when I overthrow America, I'll have a JB virgin bride for you as well. I'll never forget my brothers when I become Sultan.

Indeed and their are so many coping virtue signaling cucks who do this without realizing it. Chad can see though their bullshit and so can we.
Damn bro I wish I had Moor pussy at my disposal
Damn bro I wish I had Moor pussy at my disposal
Which kind? The black kind, brown kind, olive kind, or white kind? I'll be able to arrange any kind.
Olive gf with big tiddy
Good taste, I'll provide that to you in exchange for you working a paid position as my driver and @LastGerman's driving instructor.
Good taste, I'll provide that to you in exchange for you working a paid position as my driver and @LastGerman's driving instructor.
Lold at the last bit
I would need to get a license first. Would probably be easy to do if you awarded me with beef curtains for it
Lold at the last bit
I would need to get a license first. Would probably be easy to do if you awarded me with beef curtains for it
I would, and you would have gold plated weapons and a tux like Jason Statham too.
Apparently, there are certain ways around AOC in America. A minority of states are trying to change age of marriage to 18 but not all of them have done it. I might make a post.

Leftists know that when holes get an education they'll becoming indoctrinated leftists. Conservatards- think of the childrun!
What you think those foids do when they leave their homes?
Play chess and ponder about the mysteries of Quantum Mechanics? Write a better and more simple United States Constitution? Try to find better ways for planetary colonization?

No, they just become somebody's toilet. As simple as that.
Welcome to Incels.co!

The way around AOC is called "being a Chad".
AOC can make some child abusers think twice before doing it, but they will do it anyway.
And what is the percentage? Child rape is like 1% of the crime in the USA? Maybe less than 1%?

Meanwhile that Chads gets to fuck teens and jailbaits by the thousands, every weekend.
And no one says anything. Chads get to fuck as many underage girls as he wants, and AOC laws/police don't even touch him.
You never see a chad get arrested or sent to jail for it really, only ugly men attempting to talk to JBs online.
The average Chad smartphone has more underage porn than any criminal computer out there.
And it was him that created it, in a single weekend. I am sure that Chads are the ones that create most of the underage material of the Internet.

When thinking about abusers of underage girls, people often picture in their minds the fat, ugly and creepy guys.
When in truth, 99% of the men having sex with underage girls are the tall, handsome, Chads.
But hey, women seems to be completely fine with being abused if he is a hot Chad. Funny thing eh?
That's why you never see foids acting tough online saying they would kill men who fuck JBs, because that would also include chads and tyrones and foids don't care if late 20's chads and tyrones fuck their daughters. In fact they give their daughters a pat on the back and tell them good job.
Nah, you wouldn’t be able to fuck a 14 y/o in Syracusa either
I'm so proud to be Sicilian
Imagine being greekoid
That's why you never see foids acting tough online saying they would kill men who fuck JBs, because that would also include chads and tyrones and foids don't care if late 20's chads and tyrones fuck their daughters. In fact they give their daughters a pat on the back and tell them good job.
Imagine being greekoid
AoC in Greece is 15... almost as based as Italy.

Greeks are Meds and Meds are the Master Race.

Med-Slav-Arab-Turk-Persian-Curry Alliance NOW
AoC in Greece is 15... almost as based as Italy.
Tbh both nations occupy each other for centuries at some point,and Sicily is just Magna Graecia.
Thats why Italy is more based than its Northern G*rm neighbours,because of strong mediterranean genes
I hate shotgun daddies. These little “nymphets” are invariably the aggressors, hungry for experience and to have sexual control over a man. The older men they pursue usually try to resist, pleading morality or common sense, but inevitably fall prey to the intensity of their own desire for these fresh young girls.
Tbh both nations occupy each other for centuries at some point,and Sicily is just Magna Graecia.
Thats why Italy is more based than its Northern G*rm neighbours,because of strong mediterranean genes
We were Phoenician before the Greeks, Romans, and Moors came... We're more based because we have sand genes. Unlike almost everyone else, we had three Beta Uprisings where Sicily was just Rome's slave island.
I hate shotgun daddies. These little “nymphets” are invariably the aggressors, hungry for experience and to have sexual control over a man. The older men they pursue usually try to resist, pleading morality or common sense, but inevitably fall prey to the intensity of their own desire for these fresh young girls.
You write about it like it's an erotica novel... Fifty Shades of JB...
Jbs are fresh meat, 30yr old roasties are rotten flesh from MineCraft.
So you're telling me I can fk JB's in Sicily? Is that actually possible? (If I surgerymaxx successfully)
Now that I think about it logically, there really isn't. JFL at having a daughter, just go China one child policy
I'm so proud to be Sicilian. If I ever surgerymaxx, I'll go to Sicily and fuck some 14 yr old virgins and take pictures of us in the bed together and show it to all the MAGAtard virtue signalling Americucks online so they can rage. I'll just be sipping my wine on the balcony of my hotel room in Syracusa, looking at the sea and laughing.
so fucking based bro
Damn I didn't know my shithole was so based on this subject. Actual life fuel tbh.
The financial collapse of Greece is being caused by Greek JBs only fucking Greco-Chads.

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