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JFL Asian sexpats in my country

To koniec

To koniec

Apr 14, 2020
Asian "masculinity" is an oxymoron. We are a race of low T manlets.

The only thing that ricecels have to offer in Eastern Europe is money. And Eastern Europe does need money, after half a century of Soviet rule. So, win-win.

But there is nothing about ricecels that EE girls find physically attractive.
Asian masculinity cope didn't read ngl
Asian "masculinity" is an oxymoron. We are a race of low T manlets.

The only thing that ricecels have to offer in Eastern Europe is money. And Eastern Europe does need money, after half a century of Soviet rule. So, win-win.

But there is nothing about ricecels that EE girls find physically attractive.
It’s kinda pathetic that asian masculinity sees it as a win betabuxxing in poor countries
Her eyes, her maxilla, her palate, she's gonna make one hella of an ugly kid.
She screams of Lyudmilla to be honest. Typical 30 yo slav woman face in my location.

As to her preference for ricecels or something, I don't care. I only lament that we slavs are not white looking enough to most foids, be them white or asian.
ccan curries run kpop game
Kpopmaxxing is legit for some East Asians.
Apparently South America maxing has potential bcos most of the guys there are short
I don't wanna get hacked to death by a bunch of low inhib favela dwellers
Fuuuuuuck I want to travel around like chad does and fuck everything I see :cryfeels: :cryfeels: :cryfeels:
Her eyes, her maxilla, her palate, she's gonna make one hella of an ugly kid.
She would be incel if she would be man. And probably looks worse without makeup. This just concludes theory that ugly foids are most of kpop fans
Her eyes, her maxilla, her palate, she's gonna make one hella of an ugly kid.
Polish foids are really that ugly. This is considered 6/10 in our country but TBH this looks like a 4/10 at best (IMO, she's 3/10). It's a joke of a country, "men" here are too high T to put foids in their place and treat them like princesses and claim they are the prettiest in the world (which is a total lie). So with that chivarly bullshit we still have that western freedom for foids, it's a deadly mix.
Polish foids are really that ugly. This is considered 6/10 in our country but TBH this looks like a 4/10 at best (IMO, she's 3/10). It's a joke of a country, "men" here are too high T to put foids in their place and treat them like princesses and claim they are the prettiest in the world (which is a total lie). So with that chivarly bullshit we still have that western freedom for foids, it's a deadly mix.
Don't think they are really that ugly. No way she is here a 6/10.
But yeah....they re bit overrated by westerners. No clue if you're one of polish incels who hates polish women and worshipp other white foids or foids of other races.

EDIT this foid is really unappetizing
Don't think they are really that ugly. No way she is here a 6/10.
But yeah....they re bit overrated by westerners. No clue if you're one of polish incels who hates polish women and worshipp other white foids or foids of other races.

EDIT this foid is really unappetizing
How old or rather how young you are that you are not seeing all the foid worship polish women are getting from polish """"""""men""""""""" here? Maybe it's different for zoomers. No, I don't worship foids of any race but I will give ukrainians that they are on average much better looking than polish foids. Polish ones are really one of the ugliest of white foids by country. I had a link but I lost it somewhere that was rating countries by how people in them look like, and polish women were very far behind. Even polish men did better compared to other white men than polish women compared to other women.
It looks like you are one of the typical polacks who gets triggered whenever someone (especially other pole) talks shit about their women TBH.
You're polish ? i thought you were white.
Hehehe kek good one. I am a non slavic person born and raised in Poland. My great grandfather came here from Austria, I have germanic-italian genes. There are less than 20 people with my last name in Poland. So yes, I am white and I wish I wasn't born in this 3rd world country. I feel like Italy is my real home. I have too high IQ to live here and be happy.
How old or rather how young you are that you are not seeing all the foid worship polish women are getting from polish """"""""men""""""""" here? Maybe it's different for zoomers. No, I don't worship foids of any race but I will give ukrainians that they are on average much better looking than polish foids. Polish ones are really one of the ugliest of white foids by country. I had a link but I lost it somewhere that was rating countries by how people in them look like, and polish women were very far behind. Even polish men did better compared to other white men than polish women compared to other women.
It looks like you are one of the typical polacks who gets triggered whenever someone (especially other pole) talks shit about their women TBH.
Grass is greener on other side i guess. British men think that british women are ugly and women in other countries are better. If they were chads they would easily score with top tier british women. Same as us
You're polish ? i thought you were white.
Hehehe kek good one. I am a non slavic person born and raised in Poland. My great grandfather came here from Austria, I have germanic-italian genes. There are less than 20 people with my last name in Poland. So yes, I am white and I wish I wasn't born in this 3rd world country. I feel like Italy is my real home. I have too high IQ to live here and be happy.
Brutal slavpill. When PoC score with slavic foid we are white to them ( even browncels on that thread said that poles are white to them ), and in next we aren't. We are schrodinger whites.

...And 'italian' doesn't mean anything, actually italian aren't white like slavs. 'White' means just anglo saxon. Not even germanic, med, slavic.
Slavs, Irish, Italians were all discriminated by WASPs
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Did you feel insulted ?
I clearly laughed at your comment so why did you think I felt insulted. Then I just explained my case. Oh and I unblocked you. I still haven't changed my sig.
You don't know shit what you are talking about. White means proto European. Not Indo European. I know I am white because of my blood type alone and my facial features (typical cro magnon), eyes and hair color. And when I said Italy, I meant the mountainy northern part, not the nigger south. But where would my genes take me further back in history IDK, I'm just talking about the closest geohistory of my ancestors.
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I clearly laughed at your comment so why did you think I felt insulted. Then I just explained my case. Oh and I unblocked you. I still haven't changed my sig.

You don't know shit what you are talking about. White means proto European. Not Indo European. I know I am white because of my blood type alone and my facial features (typical cro magnon), eyes and hair color. And when I said Italy, I meant the mountainy northern part, not the nigger south. But where would my genes take me further back in history IDK, I'm just talking about the closest geohistory of my ancestors.
Przestań z larpowaniem. Zachowujesz się jak amerykanie którzy są dumni że prapraprapradziadek był z niemiec. Jesteś Polakiem czy chcesz tego czy nie. Sam mam blond włosy i niebieskie oczy i nie muszę larpować. Plus włosi z północy wciąż mają głównie ciemne włosy i oczy.
Literalnie 100 lat temu żaden amerykanin brytyjskiego pochodzenia nie myślał że włosi są jednymi z nich ( nawet północy )
Race doesn't really matter when you're under 5/10 and a manlet.
Chad of every race will still score. Doesn't matter: Arab, Med, Anglo, Slav, Asian, Black, Curry.
And honestly most of nationalist of every ethnicity are just coping incels in denial.
Przestań z larpowaniem. Zachowujesz się jak amerykanie którzy są dumni że prapraprapradziadek był z niemiec. Jesteś Polakiem czy chcesz tego czy nie. Sam mam blond włosy i niebieskie oczy i nie muszę larpować. Plus włosi z północy wciąż mają głównie ciemne włosy i oczy.
Literalnie 100 lat temu żaden amerykanin brytyjskiego pochodzenia nie myślał że włosi są jednymi z nich ( nawet północy )
If you do not have RH- blood you are not white. I do and thus I am white. There are <20 people with my last name in Poland. Yeah, I am Polish technically, but still white and not slavic. If you think your genes change based on your localization, then you have IQ lower than BMI.
sounds like you're coping.
Whatever you actual nigger. I think you are going back on the list then.
Chad of every race will still score. Doesn't matter: Arab, Med, Anglo, Slav, Asian, Black, Curry.
And honestly most of nationalist of every ethnicity are just coping incels in denial.
True, however some incels are more subhuman than others.
Asian "masculinity" is an oxymoron. We are a race of low T manlets.

The only thing that ricecels have to offer in Eastern Europe is money. And Eastern Europe does need money, after half a century of Soviet rule. So, win-win.

But there is nothing about ricecels that EE girls find physically attractive.
Utterly brutal
Kill yourself if you think I’m going to read that
huge cope slavs are white and very european. Unless you mean gopnics
If you do not have RH- blood you are not white. I do and thus I am white. There are <20 people with my last name in Poland. Yeah, I am Polish technically, but still white and not slavic. If you think your genes change based on your localization, then you have IQ lower than BMI.

Whatever you actual nigger. I think you are going back on the list then.

True, however some incels are more subhuman than others.
Are your parents not polish ?
Which language do you speak at home with them ?
Lol no they are not.
ethnic cope, I've been to moscow it's pretty much a white utopia other than the womem being really ugly.
Why are you hating on my bro Diocel? smh
He has been aiming to piss me off for weeks now and tbh the things he says dont annoy me, its the fact that he tries to be annoying contrarian retard is what is actually pissing me off.
Are your parents not polish ?
Which language do you speak at home with them ?
You really are fucking retarded since you clearly didnt understand what I said there.
By that logic im white too lol, pale skin doesn't mean white, it's all about the skull shape.

Slavs aren't white, just ask slavcels and they would tell you they aren't white.

Lol i don't even know who you are bluecel and i personally don't bother, you're just too emotional, check your T level bro.
how's their skull different. It's all about white features such as nose lips hair eyes
they don't have nordic noses, this is the typical slavic nose.


This guy doesn't look white to me.
lol wth I guess since moscow is pretty close they have mixed with europeans
they don't have nordic noses, this is the typical slavic nose.


This guy doesn't look white to me.

We aren't germanic...but slav is not race. I don't think that incels or ( /pol/tards ) seems to understand that we aren't ethnic group.
Just lingustic. Austrians and Icelanders technically are germanic...do you that they look similiar to each other ?
What are you thought is just phenotype.
And honestly i think biggest reason for ur being white or not is that we are poor in comparison to westerners. I would be fine if we would be ethnic, but if would be true ethnics...but when some blonde slav foid appears no one calls here ethnic.
It's always men on such photos...and slav men are stereotyped as ugly while foids are stereotyped as good looking. Maybe it's just incel fantasy that there's land with good looking women and ugly men.
Honestly slavs and meds are really schrodinger whites. Both other groups ( WASPs, Germanics ) and browns, asians, blacks, indians see both groups like one of themselvs or not.
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I read it all and it's honestly amazing that white foids think that watching kpop will bring them korean chad when in reality they get discount asian who just try to use a game and just use them. Interesting what if that foid saw what he said behind her back.
Women are souless.
i can't handle slavlands anymore
Tenor 1
Asian "masculinity" is an oxymoron. We are a race of low T manlets.

The only thing that ricecels have to offer in Eastern Europe is money. And Eastern Europe does need money, after half a century of Soviet rule. So, win-win.

But there is nothing about ricecels that EE girls find physically attractive.
STFU chang.

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