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Venting As time goes on, I just become more and more angry with humanity itself.



rather just neet all day
Jan 31, 2025
Putting aside women, for a second. I don't like how we are all functioned. I don't peripatetic the way this world works, the feel of it. I don't like how carefree everyone seems to be at one moment, but so hesitantly angry at you the next. Especially bosses or normies. These people preach that we are sick in the head and should be locked up, but they don't say the same to depressed people who don't preach it. IncelTears especially. I truly do wonder why they aren't attacking other people, just us. It's easy and a low hanging fruit. To be fair, so is some of the forum discussion here. I often get mentally frustrated with outsiders or lurkers like this. I don't like how getting a "job" is the best way to become a true "man" in their regards. They don't see any layers to us. Not everyone here is the exact same opinion. Often, I see more diversity here then other platforms. Possibly because a lack of censorship, but I feel the need to also say that the atmosphere here can also play a part. It's not JUST an incel forum, not anymore. It's a couple of other types as well. Philosophy, religion, gaming, anime. But normies don't see that. They ONLY see the negative, not any sort of positive. Most likely intentional, to mask what they *think* we should, and be portrayed as. At best, this place is a support forum, or a potential friend-making place. I do find it quite, interesting that there are people over 30-40 here. To me, that is extremely old. I know that probably sounds strange to them, specifically. But, I am like half that age, and I just can't believe someone makes it that long in this hell-spawn.

The hypocrisy filtered through to us, men, is absurd. Why are we told to hit the gym, and the same other Red-Pill bullshit, but women get off the the hook? Go to any Reddit with face ratings, and just see the difference in tone and attitude towards us. Believe it or not, lurkers, men and women are completely different and being a centrist cuck and saying that "we need to unite, guys!1!!" is retarded at worst and baffling at best. We will NEVER be the same, not for a millisecond. The selfishness and lack of any form of decency towards other people, is (In my eyes) just getting worse. Now, you may argue it's always been like that. That's fair, and you'd be right. But back then, the memo of "Your people are you" was recognized and taught. Now, it seems like everyone has FORGOTTEN that we are all in this shit together. The people around you shape you and vice versa. This is what normies forget about us and the blames they shift onto us. They forget that the bullying, harassment, or direct changes to us have physically and mentally changed us. We RELY on others for OUR support, just like YOU relying on your boss to give the cash you need. This is how a society, should, function. It does, to an extent. But of course, evil lurks around every corner. So most of us get fucked by others for their own gain. It's a story as old as time itself. So why bother even repeating it?

Why are certain things "masculine" and some "feminine?" Why did we design shit like this? I was talking to my dad the other day, and he straight up told me being a wage-slave and having NO LIFE is the NORMAL. It's true, but it shouldn't be like that. Life should, and could be so much more. Most people (especially here) are barely getting by, not to mention the dating market. They pay for our houses, computer, video games. We pay them with the cash they need to (hopefully) stuff it back into us. A self fulfilling prophecy where we are the fish, and they are whale shark. A symbiotic relationship. But does it really work like that nowadays? Where are the checks and balance for the countless fraud scams that are propagated to us? At this point, I'm delving more into political nonsense. But, just know that I have a splitting fucking headache right now. If you know, you know. Anyway, why even work? That was a broader point I was alluding to earlier. If everyone treats you, and trust me, they probably have, like shit, why not treat them like shit too? It's just a cause and effect, baby. So no wonder people go ER. Even though I do believe that is a dying trend. It's still IMPORTANT that we even exist, because it proves a massive point of the BP, ironically. Why exactly does IT (Inceltears) exist again? Probably saying, they want to make fun of us and all. But, don't you also see something? They are sort of obsessed with us, in a way. We are mostly negative, and the positivty isn't covered there. That proves the Dark Triad is having an effect. Now, if we showed our faces, expect a massive change. Obviously, none of us are chad's here. (God Forbid...) Speaking of them, Chad's are probably the people I dislike the most. Their stupid bluepilled lies are exactly what leads us here. Better to know you never had a chance then waste time with these chick's. Dime a dozen bitches that aren't any smarter then my nearby neighbor apartment hooker in her mid 20's. She can barely keep her panties on for the next decently-attractive man walking by. She's already soaking wet thinking about her rape fantasties. Most were assaulted in their teens, by nature of men around her. She blames it on them, but who's the one indulging in it, again? You'd be a fool for doubting her, apparently. If it's the trauma, the relishment of the past. Why haven't they spoke or gotten on medication for it? Of course, it makes sense. The medication just inhibits her behaviour, to an extent. It's probably a blur for her. It's nonsenical.
Bump Cause Headache and Pain
I told my mom she needed better working conditions and she said that that's how it is and that when I "get" a job, I'll understand. I think humans willingly do this to themselves, if not by choice then by proxy.

"deep into our animal root that's very clear to see here mice aren't particularly smart but except for one thing their neurological structures aren't fundamentally that different than ours except ours are much much larger mice and us both share the lizard brain which controls for automatic functions like breathing sleeping or fear then we both share the mammal brain which controls for things like love affection jealousy and emotion as humans we have a much much more developed prefrontal cortex that's the region that governs self-discipline and planning what this means is that automatic functions we don't really think about are pretty similar between mice and humans we both feel love horniness hate and stuff like that this creates continuity between us on the instinctual parts of this process when we see this mouse society fall apart it's not a mental choice on the mice's part it's a chemical shift which makes them not want to associate with other mice a feminite or not want to breed"

This is what Whatifalthist says in his How Degeneracy Will Kill Civilization Video. Essentially the point I'm trying to make is that humans willing do this to themselves either by choice or proxy. It doesn't take a fucking idiot to realize that the extinction of the human race would solve all of our problems yet no-one dares mention it out of offending them. Old men are bound to be robbed. Young children are bound to be hurt. Who are we to let this contiue happening under a self-righteous mentality deceiving in nature? Humans would be much better off dead.
The hypocrisy filtered through to us, men, is absurd. Why are we told to hit the gym, and the same other Red-Pill bullshit, but women get off the the hook? Go to any Reddit with face ratings, and just see the difference in tone and attitude towards us. Believe it or not, lurkers, men and women are completely different and being a centrist cuck and saying that "we need to unite, guys!1!!"

It is always baffling to me, that people tell men what to do. You need to do "X" thing and also do "X" thing. And if that does not work out, just do this "X" thing. While females on the other hand are not told to do this. The hypocrisy is so big, that females are absolutely free to do anything. Females are free to fraud themselves. They are free to fraud their appearance. They are free to wear make-up. They are free to fraud their height. And yet nobody is calling them out for it.

Why are certain things "masculine" and some "feminine?" Why did we design shit like this? I was talking to my dad the other day, and he straight up told me being a wage-slave and having NO LIFE is the NORMAL. It's true, but it shouldn't be like that.

On top of that, men back then could actually make some money to buy a house. That is not possible anymore. So, they are saying we should slave away while not having anything at all. This is not sustainable. They want us to accept that.

Then people always tend to use the word "normal". Normal is subjective. The best method to show that "normal" is a word that is devoid of anything substantial, one does only have to see the vast difference in testosterone levels from back then to now. Even now the stats are so different, they are being displayed via span width, ranging from 3 to 9. 3 is"normal" and 9 is "normal", despite the fact that 9 is 3 times more than the lowest number. So both are now "normal" despite the vast difference. How is that scientific? They only do that, so they do not have to give out testosterone to men.

Anyway, why even work?

It is either you work in a sense that you do some job or people will tell you to "work on yourself". It is always work and people always say that there is something wrong with you, so you have to work some way or the other. this garbage is also only being told to men, never to females. It also shows the hypocrisy once again, because those people always give platitudes like "You are good as you are", "everything is fine" - well, obvously it is not fine because on the other hand, they are also saying stuff like, that we are not enough. That we are not entitled to <insert anything here>. This is a clear contradiction within their own logic.
I told my mom she needed better working conditions and she said that that's how it is and that when I "get" a job, I'll understand. I think humans willingly do this to themselves, if not by choice then by proxy.

"deep into our animal root that's very clear to see here mice aren't particularly smart but except for one thing their neurological structures aren't fundamentally that different than ours except ours are much much larger mice and us both share the lizard brain which controls for automatic functions like breathing sleeping or fear then we both share the mammal brain which controls for things like love affection jealousy and emotion as humans we have a much much more developed prefrontal cortex that's the region that governs self-discipline and planning what this means is that automatic functions we don't really think about are pretty similar between mice and humans we both feel love horniness hate and stuff like that this creates continuity between us on the instinctual parts of this process when we see this mouse society fall apart it's not a mental choice on the mice's part it's a chemical shift which makes them not want to associate with other mice a feminite or not want to breed"

This is what Whatifalthist says in his How Degeneracy Will Kill Civilization Video. Essentially the point I'm trying to make is that humans willing do this to themselves either by choice or proxy. It doesn't take a fucking idiot to realize that the extinction of the human race would solve all of our problems yet no-one dares mention it out of offending them. Old men are bound to be robbed. Young children are bound to be hurt. Who are we to let this contiue happening under a self-righteous mentality deceiving in nature? Humans would be much better off dead.
Exactly. Although, I do disagree that we all need to die for this to be fixed. I believe that being born is a curse, admittedly. But I don't think the extinction is the right way. Rather, we need a further push for understanding. People, STILL believe that depression is a concept and completely faked. I've seen, and been through what it has completed. It's not a laughing matter, far from it. It's a genuine issue that I think we all need to have understanding for. But that's just one degradation. There are more global executions of degradation that are far more important. Certain issues are polarized to an unhealthy degree, certain groups have no more checks and balances, resulting in an uneven flow of information outputted and directed towards their groups. So on and so forth. Everyone is going to get hurt, but I believe that's how some of the joys of life are found.
It is always baffling to me, that people tell men what to do. You need to do "X" thing and also do "X" thing. And if that does not work out, just do this "X" thing. While females on the other hand are not told to do this. The hypocrisy is so big, that females are absolutely free to do anything. Females are free to fraud themselves. They are free to fraud their appearance. They are free to wear make-up. They are free to fraud their height. And yet nobody is calling them out for it.

On top of that, men back then could actually make some money to buy a house. That is not possible anymore. So, they are saying we should slave away while not having anything at all. This is not sustainable. They want us to accept that.

Then people always tend to use the word "normal". Normal is subjective. The best method to show that "normal" is a word that is devoid of anything substantial, one does only have to see the vast difference in testosterone levels from back then to now. Even now the stats are so different, they are being displayed via span width, ranging from 3 to 9. 3 is"normal" and 9 is "normal", despite the fact that 9 is 3 times more than the lowest number. So both are now "normal" despite the vast difference. How is that scientific? They only do that, so they do not have to give out testosterone to men.

It is either you work in a sense that you do some job or people will tell you to "work on yourself". It is always work and people always say that there is something wrong with you, so you have to work some way or the other. this garbage is also only being told to men, never to females. It also shows the hypocrisy once again, because those people always give platitudes like "You are good as you are", "everything is fine" - well, obvously it is not fine because on the other hand, they are also saying stuff like, that we are not enough. That we are not entitled to <insert anything here>. This is a clear contradiction within their own logic.
Right. Funny thing is patriarchy according to history, has had the most success in building a foundational society and culture. Look at Rome, for example. The important thing to note with patriarchy, is that uprising's can and most likely would happen nowadays. For the people in power, they may shift their goals and blames onto to the men who are directly working for them. This means that essentially, they are working opposed to whatever directives the higher ups brought. (Assuming they are a lower form of it) I'm not exactly saying all women need to be complete and udder breeding stock, literally chained up and nothing else. Rather, making sure that everyone gets a fair shake and to uphold certain standards and realize that some are more important, or beneficial then others. Men did build this world, after all. Women have historically, only supported it. They shouldn't be able to make such heavy handed claims towards the people who are trying to make us (the people, society, or group) healthier and more relaxed in nature.

Quite. I do think their is a high feminized effect happening that is widespread between the neighboring countries and world on a far bigger scale then we once realized. We have begun to see drastically reduced jawlines, chin's, teeth. Hell, I'm a victim of them. I know how much it hurts and how it can effect one's self, both physically and mentally. Men should be able to get testosterone shots if absolutely needed. The benefits and (some) drawbacks should be applied and given to them. It shouldn't be this vague and often misguided shot that men should "stay" the way they are because their "perfect in there own way" That's just complete bullshit and everyone knows it by now. I think we should devoid the entire term, "normal" anyway. What use is it to us to show that one is having a drastically different time, without realizing any of the situations the other party (in comparison) is having?

Yeah, seen this to. The judgement only applies (context being, women to a man) when the women is in some sort of lower power situation. I've seen it myself. My mom bickers and moans when it has not gone her way, EXACTLY, her way. Women, on average, are more emotional, situational, and overall, less thought provoking then there male counterparts. While I must admit that they do have the job market in a rope right about now, and can most likely continue that, I must say that most of their core ideologies (Feminism, for example.) fall flat. Don't even get me started on Feminism. It could've been a decent proactive, given the original intent. But now has shifted to an otherwise, misty river of begotten lies. It USED to be a genuine women's movement. In order to establish EQUAL rights. Now? The tables have turned. It's now trying to SUPERSEDE the established quota that we have in order to give all women an unfair advantage to men. Baffling, to say the least.
(Assuming they are a lower form of it) I'm not exactly saying all women need to be complete and udder breeding stock, literally chained up and nothing else. Rather, making sure that everyone gets a fair shake and to uphold certain standards and realize that some are more important, or beneficial then others. Men did build this world, after all. Women have historically, only supported it. They shouldn't be able to make such heavy handed claims towards the people who are trying to make us (the people, society, or group) healthier and more relaxed in nature.

I think that men now are too cucked in general. In theory, we still would have the pwoer to do it, it will most likely not happen. Although I have fantasies about it.

Quite. I do think their is a high feminized effect happening that is widespread between the neighboring countries and world on a far bigger scale then we once realized. We have begun to see drastically reduced jawlines, chin's, teeth. Hell, I'm a victim of them. I know how much it hurts and how it can effect one's self, both physically and mentally. Men should be able to get testosterone shots if absolutely needed. The benefits and (some) drawbacks should be applied and given to them. It shouldn't be this vague and often misguided shot that men should "stay" the way they are because their "perfect in there own way" That's just complete bullshit and everyone knows it by now.

And no physician is saying anything. Our faces have become worse, our skull overall. On top of that, our penis also have become smaller. Sometimes I do not even want to look down anymore. I have not fapped in days.

I think we should devoid the entire term, "normal" anyway. What use is it to us to show that one is having a drastically different time, without realizing any of the situations the other party (in comparison) is having?

That term must be removed. It is also only used in order to justify the current state.

Don't even get me started on Feminism. It could've been a decent proactive, given the original intent. But now has shifted to an otherwise, misty river of begotten lies. It USED to be a genuine women's movement. In order to establish EQUAL rights. Now? The tables have turned. It's now trying to SUPERSEDE the established quota that we have in order to give all women an unfair advantage to men. Baffling, to say the least.

@GeckoBus elaborated on this very well. Feminism, even in its core, specifically its core, is and was always a tool in order to destroy men. It is jewish and also feminine. Otto Weininger wrote about that. He basically said jews = communism = female. It is all the same.
I think that men now are too cucked in general. In theory, we still would have the pwoer to do it, it will most likely not happen. Although I have fantasies about it.

And no physician is saying anything. Our faces have become worse, our skull overall. On top of that, our penis also have become smaller. Sometimes I do not even want to look down anymore. I have not fapped in days.

That term must be removed. It is also only used in order to justify the current state.

@GeckoBus elaborated on this very well. Feminism, even in its core, specifically its core, is and was always a tool in order to destroy men. It is jewish and also feminine. Otto Weininger wrote about that. He basically said jews = communism = female. It is all the same.
Yeah. It's so weird how we are quite actually getting worse and worse in terms of skull developments. Wisdom teeth are a good thing, surprisingly. But, Our jaws have shrunk so bad that we now NEED them pulled. Muscle atrophy is a bitch, and it's only going to get worse in this retarded society. Look no further then chin recession, estrogen increase, baby faces...

Thanks for telling me about that dude, I will check out that post. It's a complete fallacy that it even manages to exist in this modern world. The fact is that we have lost a lot of power due to it. Beaten down, betrayed and now changed. It's a sick act, and it's even more sickening that we call this the "norm" now.

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